This is the city: Los Angeles, California. I work here. I'm an ex-mayor. Los Angeles is a magnet for people from all over the world. Some of them run for public office. Inevitably some of them stray from the golden rule and rule for those that have the gold. That's when I go to work. My name is Yorty. I'm a dead pol.
Sparky is half black, half white. This could get complicated.
Any relation to Obama?
What do you call a dog with no hind legs, and an erection?
Suspect bites police dog; dog bites back
Edge the Alsatian is unfazed; man in custody
WELLINGTON, New Zealand - Man bites dog; dog bites back.
An Alsatian police dog named Edge cornered two suspects on a cliff side after a grocery store robbery in Napier, police said Tuesday.
One of the suspects leapt down the slope and landed almost directly into the hands of police officers waiting at the bottom. The other suspect, who was armed with a knife, took on Edge and bit the dog in the struggle.
“He bit the dog first,” Detective Sergeant John McGregor told The Associated Press
Edge was unfazed, sinking his teeth into his attacker.
“The dog did win the fight, the offender ended up with one or two lacerations,” McGregor said. “I think he knew he was going to get bitten — so he bit the dog first.”
Two men were arrested and appeared in Napier District Court Wednesday, charged with aggravated robbery for the attack on the grocery store on Monday, during which the owner was stabbed. They were ordered to remain in police custody until March 10.
Drinking, you're missing lay-ups here while 10:08 and 10:22 are hitting three pointers from way beyond the arc.
One more try.
Look at the picture, think of the issue, then take a shot.
Okay, here's the ball...
Thank you very much JO for the liberty. I'll just take the ball home (-;
Hey why not brown or brown and white fire dogs?
Another example of the marginalization of Latinos and blatant exclusion when it comes to litigation and monetary rewards!
DQ makes the free throw!
Where is Prof. Irwin Corey when we need some funny lines from the Prof. of comedy?
Prof Corey come save Don Q. aka Santiago, because SV-VBS no longer comes to his defense.
By the way I sat next to Jack Nicholson and a spotted dog, courtside at a Lakers game.
Okay, so the JackHoff Points are in...
10:08; Nailed it. Made me laugh out loud -- 3 pts.
10:22; A topper! Phyllis Diller would have been proud! -- 2.5 pts.
Drinking; 0 for 2, but stole the game ball, living to play another day -- .5 for the effort
DQ; Nice attempt in a Paul Rodriguez-y way. Free throw is good. -- 1 pt.
Conchita; DNF (Did not finish)
Seriously, DWT, DQ and Con, you guys are pros, but you need to up your game. You got outplayed by Anonymous(es) in the first 22 minutes. We expect better.
See you next time!
mr. jack off, please do not refer to me as a guy!
conchita is a very feminine name and doesn't lend itself to "guy".
10:43, please, no whining.
All we ask is that you keep up with the rest of the class.
If you want to write about yourself, start your own blog.
Right now, you're 0 for 2 on this thread.
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