Mayor Sam's Hotsheet for Tuesday

Mayor V wants to raise your trash fees and he supports raising your electricity and water rates too. If you want to protest the trash tax, KFI's John and Ken are encouraging you to mail your trash to Tony Villar.
Our friend Jon Regardie at the LA Downtown News has a great piece - the Tony Villar re-election announcement press conference that wasn't. But we can dream right?
Rick Orlov is right that it won't go anywhere but a group of "progressive" Democrats held an event to issue a "no-endorsement" for Democrats Henry Waxman and Howard Berman. I guess Waxman and Berman are not liberal enough for this group. (Okay I'll stop laughing.)
And finally Mayor Villaraigosa won an award from a Filipino group and told attendees gathered "Filipinos are not invisible to me." By the way the event was held at the Autry National Center, another faultline on our list of The Coming City Superstorm.
Labels: dwp rate hike, greig smith, henry waxman, howard berman, john and ken show, jon regardie, la downtown news, las lomas, mayor antonio villaraigosa, Richard Alarcon, trash tax
People should know that Antonio once again is going to lie and say the trash fee hike is for more cops. WRONG WRONG FALSE FALSE FALSE. The trash fee hike will go into the general fund. Its illegal for it to go for "one" particular dept.
Shut up, Obama is speaking.
It's not news to say that Villaraigosa's career has beeen built on hype and threats. He accomplished very little in the assembly (and should thank Bob Hertzberg for anthing he did). He was truly useless representing CD14, spending much time campaigning for Kerry and then campaigning for mayor (after assuring his constituents in CD14 during the campaign that he wouldn't run). Once mayor he flew all over the world (what were the results by the way?), then he screwed fellow democrat Phil Angelides. And then he began campaigning for Clinton and left the city again.
Is any half decent politician going to take this guy on? Or do we angelenos deserve the mayor we have?
The Mayor and the Mexicans know that the trash fee only hits homeowners and landlords of small, under 4 unit, apartment buildings. The Mexicans aren't affected, they're always on the take, so they'll vote for it. The same with any of the black that fall for this -- maybe the middle class blacks will vote out of guilt.
It's true that neither the trash tax fee nor Prop S are specified taxes, which is why Bernie Parks so openly tried to steal it a few months ago and will again.
Some NC's are aware of it, but most homeowners don't pay attention to this stuff. The westside is mentally a separate city but its taxes and policies are being made by the Mexicans openly hostile to them.
Today in Council Reyes blasted Zev, for having most of the parks in his district while the Mexicans have few so that's why their kids are in gangs. Reyes wants to move his illegals to where the parks are and v.v.
Right -- their gangbangers use the parks to deal drugs wherever they can. They drive out normal kids.
This city is a socialist mini-state where the Hispanics and allies are intent on redistributing taxes and benefits -- the victims are waking up and Zev is speaking out for them. I may have issues with Zev, but fact that Reyes openly hates him makes me like him more.
PLUN voted no on Gregs motion. On to city council tomorrow.
Council voted 15 yeas on Alarcons motion to get involved with projects like the 21,000 homes in Landmark Village.
Right -- their gangbangers use the parks to deal drugs wherever they can. They drive out normal kids.
You xenophobe why are you bad mouthing hard working mexicans?
No Drugs or Fake ID's have ever been sold in or around McArthur Park.
"Or do we angelenos deserve the mayor we have?"
You do! You voted for him twice; once in CD14, then for Mayor, then you elected his puppy Huizar, who will be the next Mayor when Antonio goes to Sacramento or Washington
I didn't vote for Villaraigosa or Huizar. But maybe somebody who voted for both Villaraigosa and Huizar wil tell us what their candidates have done to deserve their support!
Aaahh, I promised I would go speak against Las Lomas tomorrow on behalf of my neighborhood council. I forgot it was tomorrow! Thank you for this post. Now I have to go dig up our motion so I can read it.
Who said they voted for Huizar and Villaraigosa? Huizar and Walter Moore is the winning ticket.
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