Someone Wanted Zuma Dogg To Post Another Thread About Richard Alatorre
Perhaps someone thinks they can squelch the squeeky wheels of Zuma Dogg with intimidating comment posts like these...
Anonymous said...Speaking of burning, Alatorre is doing a slow burn about the guy who outed him. He's been asking people about who "Zuma Dogg" is and how to find him. Is the van rigged with a car alarm? Go back and find out about his first campaign against a guy named Bill Brophy whose house was raked by drive-by shooters just before the special election. November 03, 2007 6:02 AM
Much to my dismay, it doesn't work that way...check my patterns. Comments like those, tend to cause me to post new threads like these:
RICHARD ALATORRE: Comments by Mayor Sam readers
First of all, to read more about Richard Alatorre -- Puppetonio Viagraosa's "brain" and affordable housing think tank (how to profit off of non-profit affordable housing) click here for Mayor Sam's Blog "Alatorre Edition"
* Why didn't the LAzy Times dig deeper and see his ties with Estrada Courts and Housing Authority corruption?? It was reported Alatorre has spoken to hundreds of developers and wasn't registered as a lobbyist. Victor Griego has close ties to Huizar and is working the demolotion of Wyvenwood Apts.
* Victor Griego has close ties to Huizar and is working the demolotion of Wyvenwood Apts. acting like a PR consultant.
* Huizar had to select someone who had Villa and Alatorre and Miami connections. Remember Wyvenwood Apts will make a LOT OF MONEY FOR A LOT OF PEOPLE, but the poor peple will get screwed. Huizar never cared where the tenants have to go and Griego doesnt care either.
* Alatorre is registered as having only one client, yet he has been representing maybe a dozen or more others? So, what does the Ethics Commission do now?????
* Alatorre is clearly trying to diffuse the controversy by registering an innocuous client. He still has a bunch that he hasn't registered yet.
If he makes calls on their behalf, he'll have to register them, so everyone should just look out for him in any deal and report it here.
* As a registered lobbyist he can no longer give donations to city elections.
* Griego was Alatorre's hand-picked candidate to succeed him at City Council. They brought him in (carpetbagged) from South Pasadena and got him a lot of money and a lot of endorsements. Griego then lost to Nick Pacheco and went back to So. Pas., to his political consulting business. Now, when Alatorre gets a client, it would appear that Griego also often gets a "gig" out of it as well.
* I wonder if Alatorre is getting a cut from his sister's salary who works for Antonio. What is her job anyway?
Zuma watch your back and be very careful. Criminals like Alatorre and Antonio hate when people are out there reporting what they want to hide. You are on the right track. We all know it yet reporters are protecting them. They will get thugs to intimindate and scare you like they do during campaigns. Antonio was known to have told all the businesses in CD14 if they put his opponent's sign in their windows he would make sure if he won they would lose their business licenses. Good for you posting that Alatorre is asking about who Zuma is. Should anything happen it will be known Alatorre was mad enough to go after you. Take care
one of Nuñez's charitable organizations had been suspended from receiving donations for not filing tax returns.
You have to wonder when the Times will scrutinize Mayor Villaraigosa's methods of raising non-political money from political and civic interests.
"Cut and Paste WWG" the horror!!
just another loser probably about to go to jail.
I hope Eric, Antonio, Rocky, Ed, Jose, ET AL take note of the federal indictments in the next county.
the feds are coming....when you least expect, I expect.
don't worry Zuma, they seem to ferget, the van has wheels.
Victor Griego South Pasadena
Don Jones South Pasadena
November 01, 2007 9:00 AM
Add this guy to your list
Zuma, have you thought about video taping a good threat against Alatorre?
I wonder if Zuma still has those spies from the Mayor's office following him in Cleveland. Watch your back Zuma those shady Mexican politicians have spies and gangsters working for them.
Who the Fk is DON JONES
Thank you Zuma Dog and all ethical citizens of LA. Keep up the great work by demanding independent investigations by law enforcement and other media...the cover up is on going by the feds and LA Times. The Times knows that the mayor's boy at HOUSING AUTHORITY has lied about his resume by covering up his past secret real estate comapnies...they have the evidence but wont report it. They also know that the HOUSING AUTHORITY has two secret real estate dealings in the works swapping real estate for sweetheart deals--but wont report it---And lastly the LA Times knows that the HOUSING AUTHORITY has fired more of their investigatory staff and will abolish this dept with the blessings of the mayor.
And lastly why has the mayor intentionally allowed the housing authority board (his appointees)to have vacancies except for people with real estate and banking interests? Community (religious and labor union leaders)appointees have jumped ship after the cover up at the authority started.
Ask Cooley's office why he had to drop their investigation of Taracena and cover up at HOUSING AUTHORITY! The LA Times has known about this since Aug and not reported it.
Like the past frauds of the 90s and 2003 the FEDS dont want this to come out because they are embarrassed this happened again on their watch!
All of you are on the right track--keep it up--demand accountability
Rudy Montiel
Nunez, Villar, Altatorre, and Huizar typify Mexican politics. They take positions in government to rip their citizens. They become very wealthy when they govern. It is all about favors between compadres. Newspapermen know that if they report the dirty deals they put their lives at risk. In Mexico many reporters have lost their lives for reporting the truth. This is the kind of mentality we are facing now. These blogs are a great communication tool to spread the truth until they find a way to nail us.
2:56 PM,
Remeber this is America, not Mexico.
Therefore, I have to disagree with " Newspapermen know that if they report the dirty deals they put their lives at risk. In Mexico many reporters have lost their lives for reporting the truth. This is the kind of mentality we are facing now." Let us know of an instance where what you said is true here in America?
The mentality we Armericans are facing now: It used to be we had reporters who reported the FACTS. Now it’s all about CONTROL, which the newspaper owners decide what they want to convey. This is truly sad when taking the First Amendment into consideration.
was there anything on Montiel?? it gives an error when you click his name.
It’s great to have this way of communication. If we relied on the L.A. Times we would not know anything of worth. We have to find out the truth from other sources. In reading all these post and for what I know, we have a complete dysfunctional City Hall, but we must be dysfunctional too because we are allowing it to happen. The Mayor, the Councilmen are in those positions to serve the people. They are not in those positions to grant favors to friends or family members. They were not elected so they can give questionable permits to their supporters or to become wealthy in the process with shady deals. Our job is to stop treating them as Hollywood Stars or royalty and make them accountable. THEY ARE SERVANTS OF THE PEOPLE AND WE MUST HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE.
Everyone knows that the ethic commission staff are like neutered dogs. They are too afraid to investigate anyone. See in the Times article that they have only investigated ONE person for violating ethics rules.
Watch they will just take Alatorre's word for it that he just represents one company despite everyone knowing that is false. Pendejos.
How do you hold them accountable? we are actually seeing them in blatant corruption and no one does anything!!!! If you ask me, this is bigger than Carona, it is not just some watches or tickets or boats, there is to much money involved here!!!
The fact that Taracina is no longer being investigated is ridiculous. That is because he was the fall guy. Other employees in the housing authority knew of this corruption and sent anonymous letters to Montiel. When the letters met deaf ears, anonymous letters were sent to LA Times. It is well known that Paez, Montiel, Del Angel and Taracina met at Estrada Courts on a regular basis. It is completely unethical for the executive director to meet with a commissioner like he did. Do you think they talked about servicing the poor people of LA?? Then it was decided that Taracina would be the fall guy, where is he? he is in Costa Rica!!! The Times just touched on a part of the corruption. It goes deeper than what anyone thinks! then Del Angel and Alatorre go back to the days when the then HUD secretary Andrew Cuomo was in office. Ever since she has had ties to CD 14!!! Meanwhile Taracina is on a beach sucking on his bloody mary!! I'd say, next mayor's election we oust the present corrupt administration!!!!!
7:12: Pretty deranged, how you try to tie Corona from the OC into some convoluded theory making the Mayor of L A responsible for him, too. Just shows the laughable extremes you people go to to try to tie him into everything and everyone wrong in all of California. Even outside L A County.
Why stop there? Aren't there Italian politicians in Boston or New York you could blame him for?
8:12pm, I am not 7:12pm but I want to respond...It is you and the others like you in this community who allow the corrupt politicians and officials a free reign on stealing money and punishing whistleblowers and ethic advocates. Quit drinking the Kool-Aid and try to use any open mind you may have...The OC/Carona situation is similar in that the local "drive by media" in LA and OC ignored the blogs for years and alternative press. So far I see the same here in LA --where is the LA WEAKLY and Daily SNOOZE? Never heard KFI say a thing about Housing Corruption for the past year...they now only report what they see in the Times...I guess Clear Channel got to them...
Dont Forget Nick Pacheco was the attorney for three of the businesses that defrauded the HOUSING AUTHORITY..Hint look at interesting public divorce records for all parties!! It is time for HOUSING AUTHORITY employees to begin reporting all fraud or all of you will lose your agency--like the Miami Housing Authority..Hold the Board accountable. Tell them too so they become legally liable too!! They cant claim "I know nothing". Can't wait for Taracena to cut his deal by implicating higher ups ---he already told this to other employees!
For ONCE all of you city hall Kool Aid drinkers need to remember your cover ups only hurt the poor ( US Citizens to boot) served by the housing authority..
Hey there Zuma, watch your six.
Your nose is taking you ion a direction that may very well turn out to be a real story, instead of your usual wild goose chases.
Stay on Alatorre; he and Roos have a game going that you can out if you stay focused.
Check out Frank Hill and Wally Karabian and John Karnes, too. Also John Burton.
The game widens.
But you don't have the huevos to take it to the end of the line.
It is located on Mount Washington in the Northeast area.
IT IS LOS ANGELES FIRST MUSEUM, it houses a collection worth more than a billion dollars. The Autry National Center has created a web of deception to take over the collection and abandon the building. Jackie Autry’s life is about ambition, she is going to have that collection of the Southwest Museum no matter who she hurts or what lies she has to fabricate. She can buy the best lawyers and politicians to do her dirty work. She’s done it before in l985 when she bought five councilmen to give her the permit to build the Gene Autry Museum on public land for one dollar a year. Now Jackie Autry wants to expand the Autry Museum. Who are the councilmen that will give her the permit against the will of the people?
Huizar, Reyes, Garcetti, LaBonge, Villariagosa, Allatorre.
Who is a bigger dummy? Reyes or LaBonge? I say LaBonge!
Who is a bigger dummy? Reyes or LaBonge? I say LaBonge!'
Who is the bigger thief?
Allatorre,Villariagosa,Huizar, Garcetti, Reyes, LaBonge
You have to be smart to be a thief.
What is the difference between the criminals in the streets and the criminals City Hall?
You go man! Zuma ROCKS.
Alatorre is hurting now; he's taking the operation underground and he blames just one person. you.
So, be careful where you poke your nose, Zuma, these guys play rough.
Go check out that first election of his, the one he lost!
Drive by shootings with little kids in the house, ugly.
Hide the van. Stay out of dark places. get a new disguise.
change your patterns if you are going to talk like that.
mmmmmmmmmmmm........... this is interesting! 8:58 PM mentions Roos and Wally Karabian. Weren't they involved with that scheme with URS at the airport? Taracena got this company into the housing authority with no bids to repair a damaged building. It went from a few thousand dollars to 1/4 of a mill for the job!
Good morning Zuma lad (tips hat):
Zuma, We have a question for you. If something is underground, what is one way of bringing it to the surface? Digging, yes. But what about flooding it with water? Will it bring up the quarry you seek? Or will it also bring up all the other bodies that are buried? And who, if you will, holds the turn-key to the floodgates? You do, lad. And where there is water, there are surely pirates, savvy?
(Hands Zuma a leather strap and holds open the bosun's chair) Don't open the floodgates just yet. Wait until tonight and then open them for tomorrow is such a special day, savvy?
(Signals to crew to lower bosun's chair) Godspeed, lad. We're to your left and right should you need us.
Who's this Capt Jack Sparrow Dude? Is it true like someone said, that he sits on some N C and wishes he had real insider info, so just pretends to and sends poor zuma dogg digging for stuff beyond his head? But zuma doesn't seem to know he is either, so just goes on tilting at windmills and hopes it's the direction Capt. Jack intended. But since Captain is just guessing and sending zuma in as the canary, it's the blind pushing the blind to jump in head first and see if there's any methane down there.
I don't know who he is, but he somehow manages to hit the nail on the head more often than not.
What nail? There never is any nail, that's the point. He just races all over the floor verbally, urging the perro to do so on foot, hoping that they'll eventually accidentally step on something that sticks up and bites them in the foot.
keep in mind with all the previous troubles, Alla is being watched closely, especially now, and especially if he only partially registered. Nobody wants to be brought down by him, he's like OJ, everyone will turn on him is he starts up.
Okay, is the retarded one the only pirate left? lol
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