Neighborhood Council Shakedown?
The Councilmember is requesting this as well as other Neighborhood Councils to contribute towards the purchase of several $7000 video cameras, ostensibly to observe areas of high crime and graffiti.
The cameras under consideration are manufactured by Q-Star Technologies a Chatsworth based company (at least they're local!).
The jury is out - even a local police officer stated disappointment on how similar cameras did not result in the number of prosecutions expected in one high crime area - on how effective cameras are but its a feel good proposition. Everyone wants to fight crime and if we can contribute to this - lets do it right?
But the thought process here is what's lacking. And we've discussed the often mis-prioritized spending of the Councils and the taxpayer funded slush funds they're provided.
Click read more for the rest of the story!
The primary role of the Councils are to empower citizens and serve as a liaison or communication link to Los Angeles City Government. That doesn't include planting flowers, giving money to basketball leagues, wasting money on website hosting outside of LA (when the City has sufficient facilities for this), etc., etc., etc.
Several of our readers made the case quite clearly - that the primary purpose of Council spending should be for outreach and encouraging participation. Still projects that should be funded by the Chamber of Commerce, Rotary Club, Jaycees, block clubs, local business, property owners who benefit from the projects, etc. are attractive activities for Neighborhood Council leaders and the politicians who really don't want the Councils being effective.
And kudos goes to the lone individuals who are brave enough to stand up and say that planting flowers and funding Boy Scouts is not the mission of the Councils. They're going to get a lot of slings and arrows but they're standing up for what's right.
Labels: neighborhood councils
Yes, there is a lot lacking in this thought process.
Actually, there is a lot lacking in most of ZD's posts.
He just reads and posts, kind of like point and click.
There is no real substance here, just a fool finding stuff and copying it down most of the time, for which I suppose we ought to be grateful, grateful that we don't have to endure his third grade grammar and spelling, and his second grade thinking.
hey 2:30am smart-guy. did you check to see who wrote this thread? at least you didn't just reveal yourself as having an agenda. do you read the posts you criticize, or just copy and paste the empty propoganda you laughable loser?
Instead of Greuesome and the bafoons on city council trying to figure out how to stop wasting millions and put our tax money to good use again its easier to go to the hard working people. Cameras are an excellent crime deterent. Go to Hollywood where business owners praise the use of cameras in many areas where prostitution, drug dealing and gang members loitering use to occur. Cameras are the way of the future. Crime is down considerably in countries like London where cameras are all over the place. They put cameras up recently in Nickerson Gardens one of the most high crime projects in LA. Residents are thrilled because they feel a sense of security knowing the criminals will be caught on tape
Let's see...
$1.5MM / $7,000 = 214 cameras.
CM Greuel, was your name on Big Dog's retirement check?
What I think that was funny is Glassel Park NC installed two camera's AND THEY WERE STOLEN BEFORE THEY BECAME OPERATIONAL!
Another case of bad planning.Or, maybe Bradley got tired of being on TV and couldnt stand to look at them.
Good point AW.
And don't forget that two cameras from CM Garcetti's district were apparently stolen before they were installed.
It would be more effective if you made property owners responsible for their own cameras and gave them some kind of tax credit if they agree to plug into the LAPD network.
But the bigger issue is why are Council Members coming to the Neighborhood Councils asking for money to fund basic city services? And why is DONE trying to shake down the councils for funding for the Congress of Neighborhoods which historically has been an orgy of overspending.
6:45 cameras are great when used properly.
neighborhood councils are a joke, Venice just had elections and a 16 yr old high school kid just got elected.
that's not the joke though.
the joke is he GOT THE MOST VOTES!!!
The grand total of 66 no less.
9 votes more than long time incumbent Stan Mohammed.
now that's funny. somehow.
but I'll tell you why NC's are a joke in this City Council : here's the Venice NC's 2004 COMMUNITY IMPACT STATEMENT warning about the cost of litigation after introducing this beach vending restriction we've been raving about. see the section titled "First Amendment Isuues"
Do I make my point?
Competitive bids or friends of a Councilman?
and please let's not get advice from people who think London is a country...... 6.45 a.m.
This is great blog, we have the three stooges who run the blog commenting to each other!!
Do you think the Neighborhood Councils could establish this type of democracy? It has too start some where?
"In 2001, Denmark elected the most conservative government in some 70 years - one that had some decidedly non-generous ideas about liberal unfettered immigration. Today Denmark has the strictest immigration policies in Europe. ( Its effort to protect itself has been met with accusations of "racism" by liberal media across Europe - even as other governments struggle to right the social problems wrought by years of too-lax immigration.) If you wish to become Danish, you must attend three years of language classes. You must pass a test on Denmark's history, culture, and a Danish language test. You must live in Denmark for 7 years before applying for citizenship. You must demonstrate an intent to work, and have a job waiting. If you wish to bring a spouse into Denmark, you must both be over 24 years of age, and you won't find it so easy anymore to move your friends and family to Denmark with you. You will not be allowed to build a mosque in Copenhagen. Although your children have a choice of some 30 Arabic culture and language schools in Denmark, they will be strongly encouraged to assimilate to Danish society in ways that past immigrants weren't."
"Many believe that what happens in the next decade will determine whether Denmark survives as a bastion of good living, humane thinking and social responsibility, or whether it becomes a nation at civil war with supporters of Sharia law. And meanwhile, Americans clamor for stricter immigration policies, and demand an end to state welfare programs that allow many immigrants to live on the public dole. As we in America look at the enclaves of Muslims amongst us, and see those who enter our shores too easily, dare live on our taxes, yet refuse to embrace our culture, respect our traditions, participate in our legal system, obey our laws, speak our language, appreciate our history . . we would do well to look to Denmark, and say a prayer for her future and for our own."
Incorrect. I think we have at least four stooges.
"matt dowd said...
and please let's not get advice from people who think London is a country...... 6.45 a.m."
You could have been constructive and said it is a "City".
Before they lived in Iowa, my ancestors were from Denmark (at least on one side of the family). Maybe I should have been thinking farther back to the OLD homeland, not just Iowa.
But I don't go for the part about not being able to build a mosque or Arabic schools. Otherwise sounds good.
Not sure what this has to do with NCs though.
city/country is not the point. poster is spouting on about 'cameras all over the place' but he does't even know what the place is.
the point is when you make such a glaring non typo mistake like that, it casts severe doubt on your credibility with all your purported facts.
stay anonymous. thats my advice.
be constructive? hell no. that's way too warm and fuzzy, especially when Mayor Sam is trying to clean up the blog (even to the point now of editing Zuma Dogg)
I was getting his sensationalism of the mecha mayor being nationalist.
its making a point, not meant to be taken completely literally.
many people may actually agree with his description.
sanitizing this blog seems to be not only a subversion of free speech, but also smacks a little of nannying your own contributors now. Mr anti-nanny state mayor sam.
ZD is a big lad, if that's what went through his head at that point, then why can't I be able to read it.
and now the constructive part:
have you never heard of 'hyperbole'.
its a figure of speech used in English to deliver a point. Its the use of DELIBERATE EXCESS .
something ZD uses rather more frequently than the language intended, but that's just him.
(that's's intentional and deliberate excess)
(btw, to anyone who wants even more constructive...use google search BEFORE YOU POST to check your facts.) like I do... :)
Did Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council chip-in $20,000 for a street camera? Oh no..or was it two for $40,000? What's up wit it, dough. Anyone gots the 4-1-1, holla at ya boy. (post comment here, or email
especially when Mayor Sam is trying to clean up the blog (even to the point now of editing Zuma Dogg)
Matt...mayor sam has never edited me. he did however send me an email aksing me if i minded chanigng the headline of a story.
if i didn't want to, he would have let me keep it, cause he aksed me if i minded...he didn't make the edit. However, I did feel more comfortable with the post, myself, by making the change. (Which wasn't much of a change.)
(matt you know how i get when i wake up cranky, with no chronic. if i blazed up and waited ten minutes i wouldn't have called him that, anyway. so mayor time call me right away, instead of only sending an email.)
9:35 AM (On city time),
DONE with that comment.
I remember a certain, ex NC "CZAR" who wanted to give NC money to a "DO IT CENTER".
Dowd must be off his meds today.
At the risk of encouraging perception of a further stooge exhange, I reluctantly post BUT ZD, I have a question for you...
Are you serious that SONC spent $20 to $40K on only TWO cameras? That's 40% to 80% of the City funding - though I suspect SONC probably does fundraising on its own.
We need to hear from Alleged LA CityNerd, LAist and In The Oaks blogger Zach Behrens. He chairs the SONC Public Safety Committee. I am sure he would have the answer. Someone shout him up if you can.
Someone sent me an email that they heard that is the case, and i should ask around. usually, i would make calls myself (and i will), but to be lazy, i posted the comment (rather than on a main thread) to see if anyone has soild confirmation. but the email was sent to me from a "no joke" constituent.
ok, thanks for all the clarifications.......
and if anything, the meds are BETTER than usual.
its a chronic condition that I suffer from.....
H.I. (hypocrisy intolerance)
and you don't want to read Matt Dowd if he's 'off the meds'. trust me.
I'm moving to the "country" of London because they have cameras to keep me safe, I was going to move the "state" of Waterloo, but there are too many rapists in Waterloo and not enough cameras.
9.36 said..
"....dare live on our taxes, yet refuse to embrace our culture, respect our traditions, participate in our legal system, obey our laws, speak our language, appreciate our history . ."
that does draw into question the notion of 'freedom'. what was the intent of the founding fathers? was it to make everyone conform into some kind of redneck? or every man to be free to pursue his own happiness.
I would think obey our laws is the only one that really should count.
obviously culture tradition and history all spell freedom, so I'm sure everyone appreciates that or they wouldn't be here.
so legalize these people, make them contribute, give those with clean record a driver's licence for God's sake, because I'm damn sure 90% of all 'illegal' Mexicans that many berate on this blog, would love to be legal and obey laws and contribute to the tax system. if they jumped a queue, then it was obviously there to be jumped. unjumping them is a procedure now that is too expensive. these are simply the facts of life. fix the hole in the queue. but embrace those who dare to seek their 'freedom' against the odds.
as far as making people speak English, I'm sure if they need to, they will. if they don't, that's their business. but stop picking on Mexico or the Muslims even. do all the Koreans speak English in Koreatown? what about Chinatown. the Armenians and Arabs? the French, German and Italians, do we chastise them? no.
so enough already about conforming everyone to a stereotype.
there's really just law.
if only we could all just stick to that.
(especially laws about vacancy rates!!!!!)
Matt Dowd you're a moron. You know what I meant and at 6am in the morning some of us work for a living and I was very tired when I woke up. Point is London has a great trend in solving crimes with cameras all over.
Matt has the nerve to criticize when he doesn't work, doesn't shower, hasn't come out of the closet, begs for money, doesn't pay taxes and I think someone posted is an illegal.
Matt Dowd,
Are you crazy we do not defend Koreans, Japanese, Chinese, Armenians, Iranians or any other foreign race on this blog. This is a blog to insult everything Mexican, especially the midget Mexican mayor and Mexican City Councilmen Reyes and Huizar.
There may be other races who have illegally immigrated here into the United States but this blog specializes in bashing Mexicans. Mayor Sam's blog is a one-stop shop for all things anti-Mexican, a few KKK members even found there way into this blog. The KKK guys must have googled "dirty Mexican" or “illegal alien Mexican” and found this wonderful site.
Mr. Matt Dowd, we will be checking you immigration status to see if you are here legally. And if you're not here legally you can rest assured we will add you to our hit list, we might just add you to the hit list for even writing your comments.
sorry bro, deleted your post cause you included a lie/libel.
Anon said..."...Venice N C meetings include Matt and Hunt screaming at Rosendahl's Deputy and turning the whole thing into the sort of low-class farce they and zuma mutt treat us to at City Hall..."
Sorry, I do not behave that way at city hall, because they have seargant at arms/lapd and that style of public forum is not allowed. (I've never come close to ANYTHING like that at City Hall or NC. So if you'd like, repost whatever you want without the lie.
"There may be other races who have illegally immigrated here into the United States but this blog specializes in bashing Mexicans.'
MOST illegals from other countries ACCLIMATE to the mores of this Country. MOST ILLIGALS who come here FROM OTHER COUNTRIES, learn to speak the language, dont DEMAND ANYTHING. Unlike Mexicans they dont push that 'MY COUNTRY WAS HERE FIRST"; Iceland, Russia, Portugese, Irish, French, English were; MEXICO,SAN SALVADOR,etc. WERE NOT.
Only the AMERICAN INDIANS were here first and they are just learing how to make us give them what they deserve.
Any American Indians who emmigrated to South of the Border gave up their rights to any claims about that the UNITED STATES property is theirs.
Everyone "started" somewhere.
here's an acceptable edit of the person who keeps trying to make a point, but keeps adding so much lie/libel/irresponsible content, I deleted it. here's all the substance, without the propoganda b.s.:
here's an acceptable edit that makes the point without the lies/libel/crybaby non-sense:
Anonymous said..."Yeah, I said the fact that Venice N C voted for a 16-year old as Board member with 66 votes, is a huge show of no-confidence in those who are supposed to be grownup but act like the biggest fools anywhere.
The Venice N C supports laws for peddling your garbage on the boardwalk, but your mates sue the city and us the taxpayers because you won't obey the laws."
LA Downtown News Article on Gloria Jeff
A typical Mayor Sam's reader scribbles ..
MOST illegals from other countries ACCLIMATE to the mores
of this Country.
And some people from other countries even assimilate into our culture after they acclimate to our climate.
In an incumbent member of the Venice NC board got only 6 votes, I'd guess that he didn't do squat to campaign for himself. He didn't even get the votes of his own board members. He most certainly thought that he could just put his name on the ballot and watch himself get elected. He gambled and lost.
Guys you'll just have to stomach Matt Dowd he really doesn't have anything to do but get pedantic on Mayor Sam.
But he can play one hell of a guitar though!!!
to accustom or become accustomed to a new climate or environment; adapt
1. to take in and incorporate as one's own; absorb: He assimilated many new experiences on his European trip.
2. to bring into conformity with the customs, attitudes, etc., of a group, nation, or the like; adapt or adjust: to assimilate the new immigrants.
Guess you havent done either according to this blog.
I'm over pedantic, there's too many opportunities, I can't be bothered at them all.
London is a country just happened to be totally irresistible.
I mean, please.
ANY neighborhood council who uses money to purchase something from their councilmember is beyond stupid.
They are being used and laughed at.
Stay away from the councilmembers. Use the money for your own outreach.
Cameras my ass. That is ludicrous.
I meant councilmembers request.
Venice NC elected a 16-year old, with 66 votes?
Sorry, they don't "win." A 14-yr old will "rep" area full of, duh, adults, in Silver Lake. Total: 18 'votes.' Hm, both grandmas, daddy, mommy, aunts, cousins...
yup, staggering vote count. Last one who ran: one vote.
She will help decide SLNC agenda --if mommy or daddy feel like driving her to the meetings --IF book report/studying/homework all done.... Though if she hitches a ride with a pal: esteemed rep for Region #3 could get arrested --for violating curfew. Sure hope nobody calls her after 9 PM, on school nights....
Oh well. It's in the SL bi-laws, so it Must Be a Good Idea....
SLNC be waaay cool, they not having
done Thing One about Outreach, at least nothing: that shows. A Bored member told me: they commissioned a survey and they are
"pleased with the results; 90% know
what SLNC is, does."
I asked him where the survey was conducted: "Sunset Junction." --Only one of the most popular areas in all of LA. Survey-takers didn't
get over to: South of Sunset, any part, where the Rest of the stakeholders live. Oh well. Guess standing on a residential sidewalk:
would have 'hurt' the results, with all the "No" answers.
Those who live NORTH of Sunset, with direct phone numbers, well-know what NC is/does cuz they Fund them, and: musta used those phone numbers when power went out in Silver Lake, two week-ends ago.
Electricity: restored within two hours. Next door in Echo Park: not so much. When I called, DWP said: that area had been dark for 14 hours. Oh well.
Maybe: if the Fraud Squad gets enough money, that they Gave to NCs, RETURNED to them, Everybody could get Outreach... electricity
...decent/real representation....
But then: I happen to Believe in Tooth Fairy...Santa...wishing on a star.... It doesn't seem to help, though.
Ah well, it is the City of the Angles [sic]....
Silver Lake daVine
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