Fiscally Irresponsible LA City Mayor Now Has To Declare A Budget Emergency And Grovel Before NC Congress To Try And Make THEM Accomplisses...
City Watch Has All The Press Releases Posted Hey Mayor, declaring a fiscal "EMERGENCY" should do wonders for the confidence of investors and the bond rating. Way to go, chump!
AND: That pompous A-hole Bradley/E.B.E. (the developer, Proh-LA activist, NC boardmember, community outrager) is making ZD's cell phone ring with complaints from folks over his involvement at Dirt Burnell. That is the shadiest developement in the 15 disticts. And since someone woke me up about it...I am going to take out my crankiness on all elected officials involved. And we all know which three those are. And if you don't, you will be finding out here, later today. (Yeah, I think it takes 3 CMs to pull off this level of corruption.)
PLUS, BRADLEY/E.B.E. YouTube FILM-FESTIVAL coming up so everyone can see what a swell guy this A-hole is. Hey Bradley/E.B.E. F-YOU!
The Mayor needs to get rid of the pirates. Once they start doing the job they're getting paid for, that should make up for any budget shortfall.
Fire the pirates!
It's after 9:00 a.m. Is Captain Jack Sparrow late for work again? It's not a city holiday, is it?
The City's own top street manager has a powerpoint presentation he presents to community groups. over 40% of our streets are at risk of crumbling due to lack of money for repairs, and resurfacing. This is a fact. Another fact is that many of the DWP pipes, are 70+ years old and similiar to streets are not being repaired at the rate they are projected by the DWP to fail.
Time to put these issues on the table now, and open a dialogue to limit new development.
The pothole thing is a cheap, dishonest photo op for Mr.V.
I agree, fire the pirates. They are the ones who are supposed to be productive and help fix the problems just like our Mayor but instead they take a city paycheck and blog each other about dinner plans. I don't want my taxes going to city pirates.
if they knew who the pirates were, i'm sure they would be fired. (for whatever reason they feel like making up.) that's the problem...they don't know who they are.
Zuma gets used by the pirates. The pirates get paid by the city.
Zuma doesn't.
And still Zuma spins for the pirates, all the while living in his van.
Really makes sense, doesn't it, Zuma? Man, are you gullible.
946 you wouldnt know a pirate if he sliced your nuts off. oh sorry bad example.
Hard to tell if Zuma is part of the problem to the city or part of the solution. Either way, he's not getting paid for it. What time will Captain Jack Sparrow be checking in to steal our tax dollars?
And what's up with Mt. Washington?
operative advisor said...
(213) 485-1360
Call and see who is at work.
If you think Zuma spins for pirates, that's only becasue they must be aligned on the issues. do you think zuma would be following their leads if he didn't agree with the premise. (That city hall elected officals are doing unlawful things that are hurting the community and society.)
Yes, I'm bitter as hell that i am caught up in all of this, and spend round-the-clock amount of time on this -- all unpaid.
But the pirates are the ones who truly deserve a tip of the ski cap...cause they are the ones who are swimming with the sharks and they can be fired and be messed with.
But luckily City Hall corrupt sharks who are getting slayed by pirates are kinda all bitter and fear-based and general nincumpoops -- so it's kinda easy to operate right under their noses.
maybe if they set up a big chart in a room on the third floor, and try to figure out who said what to whom -- and cross check it against all my threads, they can figure out who is sending me blackberry messages while shady strategy meetings are in session. (LOL!) I don't need I.T. hackers to try and figure this stuff out. People just hand it to me on a silver platter...then I just have to spend all my effort "re-writing" (launder) the info, the way they launder campaing contributions, those losers. Meanwhile, talk about bitter...that one little post about Bradley/E.B.E. just sent a few emails into my inbox.
Oh least i got free wi-fi this weekend. it's gonna be a long one because of you Bradley/E.B.E. YOU MADE ME HAVE TO READ!
Speaking of Mt. Washington....
Letter about:
Southwest Museum
The following is text of Councilmember Huizar's letter to the Friends of the Southwest Museum Coalition:
September 27, 2007
Dear Friends of the Southwest Museum Coalition Member:
I am excited to share an update on the future of the Southwest Museum and Casa de Adobe, two of the cultural cornerstones in our community.
As I wrote to you last month, I am committed to ensuring that the Museum's historic buildings and priceless collection are protected and restored at the current Mount Washington site. Further, the Museum must reopen at the Mount Washington site as a stronger, more vital institution than ever before, with expanded educational and cultural experiences for all Angelinos. In my previous letter, I also outlined a list of specific requests concerns I planned to communicate, on behalf of the community, to the Autry National Center.
I am delighted to report that my conversations with the Autry have been very fruitful. The Autry has made a number of written commitments to the community and to me as your elected representative. (Please see attached memorandum.)
Among other commitments, the Autry has agreed to:
• Save the Southwest Collection by cleaning,repairing, and cataloging more than 250,000 artifacts and storing them in museum-standard conditions;
• Preserve, rehabilitate, and maintain the original historic Southwest Museum building and the Casa de Adobe, with more than $5 million already allocated and a commitment to finish the job;
• Create and publicly disseminate a phased plan to systematically maintain and improve the Mt. Washington campus over the next decade;
• Commit to keeping the Southwest Collection on view, on a rotating basis, at the Mt. Washington Campus;
• Commit to reopening four out of five Museum galleries for public display of the collection, rotating art exhibits, and other educational, cultural, community, and museum activities;
• Commit to storing a portion of the Southwest Collection at the Mt. Washington Campus;
• Make available for public review at the Southwest Museum and on-line a photographic inventory of the Southwest collection;
• Continue public activities for weekend programming, beginning now and expanding with the reopening of the Museum;
• Beginning with the reopening of the Mt. Washington campus, establish regular public hours for the Museum's public spaces;
• Reestablish educational programs for elementary school students, including fourth graders;
• Maintain American association of Museums accreditation for the Southwest Museum;
• Include in the Autry's published materials—such as What's Next and Convergence Magazine—all programming at the Mt. Washington campus.
• Keep community members and stakeholders well-informed on plans and programming at the Mt. Washington site by attending community meetings and providing monthly email updates through the site.
I can't thank you enough for your continued dedication to these community treasures. This victory truly is your victory.
With thanks and congratulations,
Councilmember, 14th District
cc: City News Service,
NortheastLA Moderator,
Adolfo Guzman-Lopez,
Christopher Reynolds,
Zuma, wake up. All you do is seek out "fraud, waste and abuse" and then spin for the frauds, wasters and abusers (City Pirates). They need to be productive and spin you on their OWN personal time -- not the city's. Doesn't that make more sense?
Dear Mayor Sam,
Has a blog hack attempt recently been made against you?
Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen (removes hat and bows low with flourish):
And good morning to Mr. Hoff, or, if you will, Master Hoff for the sot sports not only a Bachelor of Science degree from UCLA but also a Master of Science degree from the California Institute of Technology. (Whispers confidentially) The bloody sot is an egghead! (Clears throat and continues) Such an accomplishment for one so young, only 27 years old according to his MySpace page.
Oh, did I say Master Hoff? I’m so sorry. I meant to say Master Sanchez, whose consultancy fee of $11,000 paid by campaign ID# 1250526 in June of 2003 must be quite a bargain especially when you can persuade your web designer, or, if you will, “campaign consultant” to make a Staples run for office supplies at the same time, savvy?
But let’s not talk about that. Let’s talk about something else, shall we? Yes, lets. For someone who runs with such a toney crowd, why does one live in the second house down from New Jersey and Savannah in Boyle Heights? Straight shot to the cemetery at Evergreen it is. An apartment such as #3 has no garage to drywall unless, if you will, you happen to be the property manager, savvy? (Navigator motions to Captain Jack; Captain Jack Sparrow nods) Right, then. Perhaps if the cans of spackle were sent to the address of 2928 New Jersey Street, #3, Los Angeles, CA 90033 they would probably get to the right person. Or you could always ring the doorbell and ask for Master Sanchez yourself.
Oh, and Mr. Sanchez? I’ve been known to donate large sums of money to causes I support, your CLYLP being one of them. Your behaviour these last few days along with the amount of time upon the Establishment’s dime moves me to withdraw my financial support from what you most fervently believe is a worthwhile organization. Everything has a cost, Mr. Sanchez. (Looks at fingernails and looks at Ulisses) Unfortunately for you, sirrah, the cost will come from your pocket for I am not, never have, and never will be a City employee. However there is someone friendly to the pirate cause who works in the IT Department who at this very moment is recommending to his supervisor that your internet usage be monitored if not cut off completely, savvy?
(Whispers to Mayor Sam) My lord Mayor, rest assured that all of this information can be found quite easily upon the internet. If a pirate can find it, anyone can find it. Savvy?
Captain Mt. Washington, blogging on Mayor Sam at city expense --
Easier to find 13 wicked L.A. City employees, than just one...
OH SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!
Accomplices, not accomplisses, dummy
Hey Captain Jack Douchebag, get off the internet! We pay your salary and you're wasting our money! GET TO WORK, you lazy, self important gasbag!
Uli come down from that tree. Its over. Captain Jack nailed you!
You are DONE. Next time don't screw with Pirates savvy?
(Ooooooooo that;s gotta hurt bad.)
this is one for the history books
Uli, on behalf of the people of Los Angeles, please turn in these city pirates so L.A. can start being productive again.
Karma really is a bitch, eh Sanchez?
10:35 = Yet another City paid time waster
Get back to work, you corrupt, lazy person!
Mr. Sanchez, PLEASE turn in these time wasters! They are just as much to blame as our electeds for the lack of productivity in this city!
Did stupid Captain Jack Fathead just "out" his political enemies?
operative advisor said...
know what the hunt can cost before you proceed.
October 11, 2007 1:08 PM
Try to warn you.
Captain Jack Fathead outing his enemies is the stupidest political move anyone can make. This guy is an idiot.
Did you seek that Captain Jackoff used the phrase "IF YOU WILL" at least twice???
Uli stop spinning. Its over. I hope you learned a lesson today.
Basic Pirate Hunting Rule #1:
Find out who THEIR enemies are.
JACK HOFF = ULI???????
Make no mistake about it. If my staff is jacking hoff on the internet something will be done. Hoy le decimos a los Estados Unidos: Hemos venido aquí a trabajar: limpiar su lavabos!
Last login today??? Uli please tell us you arent using Myspace on city time!!!
lol, 10:53, hate to tell ya -- there's always a first time for everything.
Mitchell Englander can make that chart for you Zuma.
I LOVE happy endings. This was better than Pirates of the Caribbean.
Forget Uli - what about Mitchell Englander. In order to run for Greig Smith's seat:
moved to the district
became a reserve policeman
started a jaycee chapter as a sort of campaign committee
wanders the streets planting rosebushes
THEN they slam Jim Alger over Sunland Tujunga? What is up with that! Hey at least they did something there.
please stop blogging on the city dime.
what happy ending???
An amazing number of city jackoffs blogging today!
This calls for a song from the Bard
mayor sam,
how are the mayor and mirthala doing?
So, let me get this straight. City-paid Pirates are attacking a fellow city employee or employees on the Mayor Sam blog for trying to track them down in the hope that he or she will leave or be defeated so they can waste more of the city's time and money? Wrong headline, Zuma.
What happened, Red Spot? Did you just find your ass?
about the 10:19 text of Huizar letter: That's HIS presentation- NOW what did he NOT say?
He is rying to cover all bases, trying to keep everyone satisfied, but what is UNSAID may be the really significant matter for what else is going on in CD-14.
Developers and big business campaign contributors still are in the driver's seat city-wide.
And WHERE does Huizar stand on spending disclosures in light of the ally Fabian Nunez' revelations?
HERE is where the city council should make DECLARATIONS and PROCLAMATIONS- something relevant and within their realm, as opposed to establishing federal policy; but that would be unlikely. It's too much of a commitment.
Just an Opinion from the CD.
I don't think the pirates are City paid, because they made that rather clear. If they were, they would have been outed by now. I do think you have a city employee with obvious political aspirations doing something other than their job and wasting time. That's the headline.
Please, for all of us, tell the Bard to just get back to work and write songs on his own time.
A majority of the 13 pirates are city employees.
Nice insertion of Englander into the thread with so many added eyeballs reading. Thanks for reminding me.
Someone not having a good day ?
Captain Jack Sparrow went to war
Captain Jack Sparrow did not score
Captain Jack's enemies...
Are now greater than before.
Crack up and diversion coming in to play.
Letter deserves its own thread away from this "BLOGBANG".
Now he's sorry he is quoted as saying he's the target of a racist conspiracy. Fabian is really thinking of us- first. Watch him tap dance for KNBC---
Throw the bums out.
Donate and Vote
Donate to CLYLP since the Captain pulled his donations. Thanks Uli!
Viva Captain Jack Sparrow!
"Pride goeth before a fall..."
Savvy, 13 Wicked?
By declaring a state of emergency- A.V. reduces the required 66% vote to raise taxes to 50%.(prop 245) Correcto?
Scott Johnson should sue Uli's pants off for this crap.
Captain Jack Sparrow, if you ARE a political operative, then you are the STUPIDEST ONE of all time. What an amateur mistake you just made!
Good luck selling a fiscal emergency after giving all the city employees a +20% raise and taking all those overseas taxpayer paid trips. This city is run by hacks and crooks.
Great, a 20% raise for 13 Wicked City Pirates...
You clowns are SO STUPID! If you go back and read all the Captain's stuff, you would know that there are SEVEN pirates, none of which work for the City.
Stop the goosechase and get back to work!!!!
12:07 (Uli) when is that meeting with your supervisor? We are sure going to miss you around here. I suppose you can still blog after work right?
Jack once claimed there are 7 pirates and several are Ivy League graduates. I also have 7 grandmothers and three of them are former heads of state. Only one of them gets seasick, and five are darn good sailors. And they can drink like them, too.
If anybody knows Scott Johnson, call him now!! Don't let the little smart-ass get away with this!!!
What 20% raise? You guys can't be City employees or you would know it is 28%. Somebody is out of the loop. Don't you read ZD? How can he know and you don't?
Captain Jack, you forgot to mention the $5,000 that Lisa Sarno was paid during the same campaign that Uli worked on, also as a "campaign consultant." Bummer for Lisa Sarno, she lives in Palmdale.
Anybody smell the stench of collusion between Ully and a certain council office ? Was this a planned smear ? What will be the cost to the office holder ?
Absolutely 12:44
There is more than meets the eye on this one.
Smells bad......
We know all about baseless smears.
Ulilsyses or however you spell is name Sanchez is nothing more then a paid operative for Antonio and Huizar in the community. For being the person from city hall and neighborhood councils Sanchez is an ass and refuses to do what the NC needs or move forward with. He's become a hindrance on purpose cause Huizar and Antonio know the Eastside NC's can't stand either one. Everyone in the city knows both are not liked or supported by Latinos on the Eastside, El Sereno, Lincoln Heights. Huizar has his youngsters demanding his name and face be put on flyers and e-mails. Antonio is another failure story. Antonio making Los Angeles the laughing stock of the nation. Katrina was a "state of emergency you moron not you dumb ass politicians spending all our money then wanting more. If they make this city a state of emergency you can kiss all the tourists who come for Xmas, and Thanksgiving goodbye. They are all dipshits....
If Jason Jackson ISN'T one of the 13 pirates, then why is Captain Jackass in such an uproar?
Oops, I said Jason, didn't I?
Anonymous said...
Ulisses you ahole. Karma's a bitch. Your past negative deeds will come back and bite you. You're neck deep in illegal errands. AV trained you well.
wait till shit hits the fan. it will be your fault mayor gets screwed.
December 29, 2006 4:23 PM
October 11, 2007 11:12 AM
1:23 Uli, if you must climb the tree again, please avoid the limb you went out on last time OK?
Boys! Honestly, you're worse than my Army of Wenches at a PTA meeting.
I swear to god we'd (said wenches) get more done for this city than all you douchebag drama queens playing "What's My Line" put together. Our tax dollars at work, my ass.
By the way, Pirates are hot ;)
Anonymous said...
"yay! you have a pirate name!"
January 02, 2007 2:20 AM
That would be a very wise grasshopper since the dude supposedly has a masters from Cal Tech. Wait a minute, I didn't know Cal Tech offers a masters in BLOGGING! Well, that makes sense. Uli the master blogger with the rocket science masters. Now that's RICH!
It amazes me how these so called MEN act like a bunch of kiss butt wana bees just to get the attention of Antonio and Huizar. They do corrupt stuff, lie, cheat, and everything else just because Huizar and Antonio want information and dont' have the balls to get it from the community themselves. They have lapdogs like Sanchez doing their dirty work all the time. Don't forget Sanchez and Lisa Sarno area in the same boat having stuff on AV and Huizar. Both should have been fired a long time ago.
A man upset over his wife's request for a divorce held his two young daughters hostage in an apartment near MacArthur Park for about six hours this morning before police rammed through the front door and arrested him, authorities said.
Jonathan Yi, 43, was taken into custody about 7 a.m., said Lt. Roger Mora of the Los Angeles Police Department.
Valley Doll = Jack Hoff
What NC is Jason from?
Ladies, Valley Dolls and Gentlemen: it is truly a great day for the city of Los Aneles. Captain Jack Sparrow captured the "Caltech Troll" and ordered him to walk the plank.
Captain Jack Sparrow said:
Bugger. I forgot Dan Paisley. My hat goes off to him too. My sincerest apologies. Dan Paisley, you're automatically added to the pirate crew. Bloody hell, I might as well add Jason and Jeff too.
Last call for Steve Sion, are you willing to sail with a pirate crew?
September 01, 2006 10:38 AM
Captain Jack Sparrow said:
The sots in City Hall would like to think that nobody knows or cares about their local neighborhood councils but that everyone (emphasis on everyone) knows who their clowncil person is. I would point out once again that there are playground bullies in City Hall. Everyone knows who bullies are.
I say bugger the bullies. At the end of the day, it's the litle guys who win the respect of their peers. And those sots who are quick to decry them, piss off!
Samantha Allen-Newman, are you willing to sail with a pirate crew?
September 01, 2006 3:16 PM
^ uli still grasping at straws?
Are those friends of yours, Captain Jack Sparrow?
Tomorrow between 9am -10am most likely later because if there's not too many people Antonio won't come out to talk about his budget. Word is not too many NC's rsvp'd so Antonio is busing again his people not to look badly. I say all the Neighborhood Council reps and community members should BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO ANTONIO when he starts to speak about raising taxes. ALL THE MEDIA WILL BE THERE.
Captain Jack has quite the boner for DONE! LOL!
Too bad he's armed with such a short sword!
Anonymous said...
Hey Zuma, you wanna know who gets paid to do dirty work?
1. Ulisses Sanchez
Last Visited: 9/12/2006
Ulisses Sanchez Project Coordinator
A native of Boyle Heights and graduate of Bravo Medical Magnet High School, Ulisses received his Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Science at the University of California Los Angeles and his Masters Degree in Computer Science and Engineering at the California Institute of Technology (Cal Tech). Before joining DONE, Ulisses worked as a Council Aide and later on as Field Deputy for Councilmember Antonio Villaraigosa out of the Eagle Rock field office handling the Council District's website and technology for the office, along with working with community residents on neighborhood issues.Outside of the office, he continues to be involved in the Eastside providing technical support for numerous non-profit organizations and local area artists.
Ully, been to any BHNC meetings lately ?
Anonymous said...
January 02, 2007 4:06 PM
Anonymous said...
"handling the Council District's website and technology for the office"
January 02, 2007 4:08 PM
Anonymous said...
8:48 is Correct! Ulisses was Doc "whatever" mut and Trujillo was Meat.
January 02, 2007 8:52 PM
Guess Who
3) Was your prom a night to remember?
Prom was funny, crazy, and definitely memorable. Having had a large group, the limo took forever to make the turns by my house to pick us all up. We partied it up, went to the beach after prom, got drunk, dropped everybody off, got some grub at al Gallo Giro, and then ended the night with Stuart, Victor and I taking a group pic at the Dorothy Chandler like at 6 am. And to think, I just got back from partying with them at Moose's. Hermanos por vida...
January 02, 2007 8:05 PM
Anonymous said...
What kind of people did you hang out with?
Damn, it all started with Stuart, Victor, Omar, Robert, Dan, Walter, and a few other peeps. As the years passed, it began to include Luis (aka - Krusty), Jose, Tino, Mario, Arnold, Jerry, and a few other heads. Senior year, it was Gilbert, Jose, Stuart, and the gals (while still keeping it real with "La Pandilla" during nutrition). During Junior and Senior years, I would walk with Maria to and from school because she lived on the way to school. Ahhhhh, best of times, worst of times...
January 02, 2007 8:06 PM
Anonymous said...
What kind of people did you hang out with?
Damn, it all started with Stuart, Victor, Omar, Robert, Dan, Walter, and a few other peeps. As the years passed, it began to include Luis (aka - Krusty), Jose, Tino, Mario, Arnold, Jerry, and a few other heads. Senior year, it was Gilbert, Jose, Stuart, and the gals (while still keeping it real with "La Pandilla" during nutrition). During Junior and Senior years, I would walk with Maria to and from school because she lived on the way to school. Ahhhhh, best of times, worst of times...
Your BEST memories:
I'd have to say that it was the day we had the Senior Picnic afterschool, and right before Grad Night when La Pandilla took a group pic (yes, I still have it). It's an extension of high school, but last year at Ms Berges' retirement party (yeah, she left), I bought a round of beers for Chacon, Caceres, and myself. That was truly memorable.
Where did you graduate from and what year?
The Francisco Bravo Medical Magnet Senior High School. Don't playa hate, it was all about '98!
January 02, 2007 8:09 PM
I bet Krusty was very popular with the girls.
Captain Jack Douchebag. Man, what a fool. Advertises his friends, reveals his enemies...
Good afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen (removes hat and bows low with flourish, fishes a certain sot out of the sea and hands him a warm towel):
Sots, since there seems to be a cut and paste crew in the house, I'll remind them of something I said in the not too distant past which was, if you will, never underestimate the power of imagination.
Judging from the imaginations of a few sots, this blog appears to be a rather fertile field, savvy?
(Hands a certain sot a bottle of pink bismuth) Here lad, you've had a rough day on my account. But it has been a rather productive one for you have succeeded to run yourself around in circles within circles within circles. (Grips railing to keep from getting dizzy) Tell you what. (Hands sot a few quid) Take this and go down to the Redwood and have one on me. (Smiles) That's the least I can do to acknowledge that you gave it a good fight and still lived to fight another day, savvy?
(Motions to crew) Leave this one alone for a while and let him catch his breath. Poor chap, he's taken a few too many on the chin. (Whispers) Where pirates lack balls at least they have hearts, savvy?
Did Ully have a date fot the Prom ?
Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen (removes hat and bows low with flourish):
(Carefully reads blog comments and once again removes hat, to barf in the hat).
The blog comments would make any intelligent soul Barf In The Hat.
Captain Jackass, the reason why he lives to fight another day is because you targeted the wrong guy.
But at least now we know who the "powerful two" are.
Man, are you a douchebag.
Stay tuned folks, this only gets better.
3:24 Valley Doll = Jack Hoff
::rolls eyes::
Gawd. What-ever! (Sorry for the lapse into Val-Speak)
Seriously, I'm mobilizing my Army of Wenches and we will do whatever it takes to get those responsible for mis-managing our city and our school district OUT on their trifling, lazy, good-for-nothing asses. You've been warned.
hugs and kisses,
valley doll
ps. I asked my Number One Wench what the scoop was on Jim Alger. I recognized the name, but don't know him. She filled me in on how he hit up our school for a PTA membership, when he has absolutely NO affiliation with our school at all. We suspect he did this for NWNC purposes. He told my Wench that he lived in the area. LIAR. He told my wench that he had one child already past elementary school, but another one ready to start "any day". LIAR. His second child is barely a toddler. And when asked if that child would be coming to our school, he nearly laughed in our faces. Why would he come here when he was already living in a better school area. Not only is that condescending ... it's downright SNEAKY, not to mention SHADY. He picked up his PTA card, blew off my wench, and that's the last we've seen of Ol' Shady Jim Alger. And that's all I have to say about that.
What is classic is that Captain Jack Sparrow is just another DNCD... Disaffected Neighborhood Council Douchebag. Make that "The Wicked 13 DNCD's"...
The trail is easy now.
Oh, and thanks Valley Girl for the axe-grind! It helps!
Valley Girl, thanks for the warning.
Next time we see you, we'll make sure to hold our noses from the stench you leave behind.
btw, that wench army you're leading doesn't look too happy to be following you either.
7:44 Oh, and thanks Valley Girl for the axe-grind! It helps!
I'd hardly call relaying a conversation over at the produce section in the PRTC Ralph's "axe-grinding". The only beef I have is with people using my neighborhood for their own political agenda, that has nothing whatsoever to do with my 'hood.
hugs and kisses,
Valley DOLL (geez, I'm no moon-unit)
I don't know about Captain Jack. I always thought they were the group of gay neighborhood council guys who hang out. I realize that the person who started naming names is just grasping at straws and guessing. I must have been wrong because the group of gay guys don't hate Sanchez. That is what you are all forgetting or don't know.
And the Valley "Doll" is not completely right about the Alger sitch. She/he has bits and pieces. Therefore, the doll must be Englander's wife or the new girl Meagan or maybe it's Nicole. Or John, Matt. One of the new short guys? Or it is just that funky looking new NHWNC chair, Dennis. Good god he is scary. I don't like anyone over there myself. NC run by chamber members always suck. Maybe Alger is right and that council office really is scared of him.
Hm, what an interesting day it was.
One more thing. Tomorrow is not the Congress of Neighborhood Councils. It's the Mayor's Budget Day. Two separate events. Congress (where he buses in kids) is later this month.
Please get all the facts before you start your gossip.
Mayor Sam, Mitch CAN hack into your site though. He honed those skills when he was working with Uncle Harvey. Why he would do such a thing baffles me. Especially if the poster is right who claims he is running for the council seat.
Is that true? Someone needs to nail that rumor down.
Of course he's a fake cop. He's short. They have esteem problems. Of course he moved into the district because __________. Okay I have no idea why anyone would move there. And the Jaycee thing was kind of weird.
But the doll from the Valley would not be vehemently calling Alger a LIAR if she/he weren't a tad more involved than they let on. That is some strong language from a stranger. Savvy?
Right on Valley Doll - you are no Moon Unit. People who look like Moon Zappa don't move to Northridge. You surely are packing a big behind and some flab on your thighs.
Nor is there NC discussions taking place in supermarkets. That would be really nice though.
See you at Budget Day tomorrow, right? No good NC person would miss it.
Hey Valley Girl, I overheard your conversation with that school mom today about Jim Alger. As soon as you walked away, that mom also commented on how big your ass had gotten.
8:28 Valley Girl, thanks for the warning. Next time we see you, we'll make sure to hold our noses from the stench you leave behind. btw, that wench army you're leading doesn't look too happy to be following you either.
Heh. You boys are funny. And it's Valley DOLL you illiterate twat.
I'll let the other Valley Moms (West Valley Girl Scout Council, PTA 31ST District, Bitches! Represent!) I hang out with know that the current climate downtown is to consider anyone "smelly" who would want to fight waste and mismanagement within the local government and school district.
You sound like my 6 year old when she argues with her 14 year old brother: "You're a smelly fart bag".
Congrats! You've mastered the artistry of the Six Year Old Put-Down.
Exactly what I'd expect from the scared and the small-minded.
hugs and kisses,
valley doll,
PTA California State Unit of the Year Vice-President (which means we were the BEST unit in the entire STATE, not that that matters to you Big Important Men)
LAUSD Parent VOLUNTEER of the Year (which means I work harder than any of you PAID city asshats).
smelly indeed!
6:07 Big Man Ulisses
"you targeted the wrong guy"
No douchebag YOU targeted the wrong guy and got served like Wimbledon. Strike that. You got spiked like the CBVA and still managed to pull your fat head out of the sand for more.
Give it up Big Man you fucking lost. Go get a job and EARN some fucking respect.
Anonymous said...
Hey Valley Girl, I overheard your conversation with that school mom today about Jim Alger. As soon as you walked away, that mom also commented on how big your ass had gotten.
Yeah, yeah, yeah ...
my ass is fat.
i don't shave my legs.
i'm hideously, tragically facially deformed.
i have bad breath.
what next? i'm homeless and live in a van?
yada yada yada.
c'mon boys, step it up a notch. i heard better on the schoolyard this morning!
and as for the JA issue, the only axe I have to grind is that he was a patronizing asswipe about getting into our good graces. and usually, if I have bits and pieces right, well you know, where there's smoke and all ... and even if i only got ONE fact right, which part of what I DID get right isn't shady?
'Splain that one, Lucy.
hugs and kisses,
valley doll
First of all, I hope Valley Doll isn't a Valley CM Chief of Staff. Cause that's what the Batcomputer seems to think. (Even though computers don't think.) And Milton Erickson emailed me to say he thinks it is someone who runs an "alternative" Jaycees -- that is nothing but a shill to create a database and campaign for his CM run that he is planning. I hope he doesn't arrest me in his "reserve" uniform when ZD is at community events that he i hope he isn't wearing, while campaigning for his CM gig.
Valley Doll says..."The only beef I have is with people using my neighborhood for their own political agenda,..."
YOU, VOODOO DOLL...AND EVERYONE IS READY TO STICK YOU WITH THEIR VOODOO PINS. (OUCH! And it looks like he hasn't learned the lesson that just unfolded this past week. And he's not only not as smart -- he's flat out dumb, as far as I can tell, and based on what people who know him have told me. He's just good at one thing...acting like Napoleon.
Man, for someone with so much to lose -- you sure like challenging people with NOTHING to lose. See Sun Tzu/Ries & Trout/ZD...that's a bad strategy...but like I're kinda dumb...just driven by fear and anger...and that's a hilariously-fun combination for your opposition/everyone I've ever met from your area.
Did some "CAL-BITCH" get slap again ?
Valley Dollface - you best get on Beckford Elementary's website and fix that calendar of events from 2006. What kind of award winning freaking #1 PTA Volunteer - Yeah - Go Team Go are you? You're so AWESOME that you can't even update a calendar.
You are so lame. Now go make Dennis his dinner babycakes.
Valleyhood Again!!
Anyone notice the irony of a bum who who lives in a van blogging on fiscal responsibility??
Speaking of paid city asshats that fuck around on Mayorsam all day, who paid for your college education Big Man???
Shut up already. Nobody uses the word bum, you asswipe. Leave Zuma alone. What does he have that you want? State it.
Valley Cityhood. What a great idea.
Cut us loose. We'll even take the fat ass PTA moms from Northridge.
You on the other side hate us, so let us go!
Valley Doll, did you say Girl Scouts? WooHoo! 95 years of TCB (Taking Care of Biz) and STILL going strong! You've got my support, especially since I was a Girl Scout First Class as a kid and now am a leader with Angeles Council. And as any Girl Scout knows, it doesn't matter how wide your ass is....that's what sit-upons are for!
Make us proud, Valley Doll. We on the other side of the hill have your back!
I give up.
You boys are so freakin' paranoid.
::picks up ball and goes home::
enjoy the rain everybody.
hugs and kisses,
valley doll
Judie Levin, you need to lay off Alger. You aren't a valley doll, you have a fat ass and everyone knows how you feel about him. mean valley doll WASN'T bitch dicklander? my bad. at least i didn't put my employee up to perjury over it. or all those other things i mentioned.
Et tu, Zuma?
You know, I come to this blog every day because I think you have the best interest of this city at heart. I don't know why you're suddenly attacking ME for agreeing with you.
Is it the Jim Alger thing? Is he a friend of yours? Because really, that thread was borne of this blog. This morning's very blog. I read the name in the comment section and I KNEW I had heard it before somewheres else. And, sorry to disappoint the commenter who opined that Fat Moms From The Valley don't talk NC business in the market, au contraire, mon frere, we rely HEAVILY on the kindness of our NC to help fund the things LAUSD can't, and to help bridge the gap between what we PTA moms can do, fundraising wise. So I ask my friend, I read the name "Jim Alger" today on a blog, why is that so familiar to me? and she says, yeah Doll, remember last year, that whole thing with that guy who came around wanting to join our PTA and he told me he lived locally and I understand that isn't true and not only that, but when I asked him if his kid was coming here, he wrinkled his nose like he smelled something bad (musta been me) and said, (in a rather condescending voice) Oh ho ho ho ho, no no no no. My kid's going to go to Blah Blah Blah school.
Zuma, I try to teach my kids to respect everyone. So I find it somewhat off-putting for someone to come to us for a favor, only then to be treated as if we aren't good enough, or too provincial. Does that just mean our stupid little school isn't good enough, or does that mean our stupid little neighborhood isn't good enough either?
In any event, I've never met the man, and only had my dander up because reliving it again this morning pissed off my friend, and in turn, got me worked up, too. But it's a true story. I only harbor bad feeling towards him because I think he showed a lack of basic manners, and that's always a no-no. He could be a total saint who spends 11 months out of the year de-worming orphans in Somalia for all I know. If he really does some good for my provincial little valley suburb, more power to him.
Actually, I was going to ask you to address the Army of Wenches yourself. We need some guidance on Charter issues that are coming down the pike (I already told you that once), and I know that personally, I don't know if that's a good thing for us, or a bad thing. You keep warning about the shadiness of the Charters, and I'm just trying to protect me kids. All 600 of 'em. I'm trying really hard (for a stupid little fat smelly Valley mom) to keep up with the constantly changing tide of the LAUSD, and I feel clueless on this issue.
I'm not trying to pull the wool over anyone's eyes. I just looked to this blog and your words for clarity. If posting my recollection of activities going on in my neighborhood makes me smelly and bad, then I guess I'm smelly and bad.
Voodoo Doll! Heh heh. I'm changin' my username right now! :)
It's okay. I ain't mad at ya.
I'll be in touch with you soon. I'd still like you to explain the State of the Charters to us dum dum Wenches in the Valley. We'll even cook lunch for you for your trouble. We're good cooks.
We have the fat asses to prove it.
hugs and kisses,
voodoo doll
a.k.a. the poster formally known as valley doll
what a bunch of crap
If the Valley becomes a city I would like my community to be a separate city not part of the Valley or LA.
you can change your monikers, but you can't seem to change your patterns.
didn't we take a picture together once in council chambers? i never did see it.
meanwhile, i don't really follow all that other stuff. i don't get caught up in politics...only issues.
Oh Mayor Sam please. Why on Earth would you say that? What are your specific reasons?
You would play such a major role. You're a Republican. It was the Democrats who took a stand against it because the Republicans did. Not because they had a good reason. Someone probably asked them to.
So I would really like to hear your anti reasons.
This is a first !!!
There was a bunch of comments posted with out a mention of illegal aliens being the cause of all problems ever encountered in Los Angeles.
Wasn't it refreshing? Immigrants not being the biggest (or even top 5) problems that the city has makes the racists just sound stupid. It gets boring. The comparison between our Mayor and Mexicans is mind boggling.
Those of you who call them aliens are just politically incorrect, uncaring, worthless human beings who don't deserve to live here.
Jack Hoff said:
I am pretty sure from this and things I have seen at City Hall that Zuma's silence has been paid by the Mayor. All the brain addled dope smoking wigger needed to shut up is to get a little mayoral love. Not the same kind of love as Mirthala but you get my drift. And I am sure this will be deleted in 15 minutes.
July 12, 2007 8:13 AM
Jack Hoff said:
Higby you've been clowned by the Mayor's people. Never thought it would happen. You did remove that story Jimmy Blackman requested you to. Thought that was a one time thing. City Hall has won.
July 12, 2007 8:15 AM
The noose gets tighter around the pirate douchebag's neck, eh?
Apparent lack of oxygen to the brain!
Jack Hoff referring to Mayor Sam as "Higby"? Uh, no.
Jack Hoff calling somebody a "wigger"? Uh, no. Never.
Now, "Pirate Douchebag," yes, that would be a JackHoffian phrase.
Captain Jackass Sparrow, where now headest thy Good Ship Lollipop?
Will you be picking up the "Powerful Two" along the way?
My dear gentlemen and gentlewomen:
Your dueling choruses have roused me from my peaceful slumber of some years more than two centuries. You have clamoured and shouted so loudly as to awaken the dead.
You should instead perceive that this city government is rotten from the head to the toe. They have seen fit to burden you all with taxes of dubious legality.
I spoke with great candour before the House of Commons in Virginia regarding the burdensome taxation upon the colonists by the government of King George III. I believe it would be well for your city taxpayers to revisit the time before the founding of our nation so that once again the spirit of liberty may be brought forth in our land, and the chains of illegal taxation by your city government may indeed be broken.
"Our petitions have been slighted, our remonstrances have produced irrational violence and insult; our supplications have been disregarded; and we have been spurned."
Yes, and, given the behavior as evidenced by the Pirate Douchebags, if they actually did get any power, it would be:
(Roger Daltrey sings)
"Meet the new boss, same as the old boss..."
They are just as corrupt as anyone else.
Mayor Sam = Michael Higby
Meat, Chief Parker = Trujillo
Dockweiler Mutt, Jack Hoff = Uly
Zuma Dogg = Dave Eliot
Matt Dowd = Herman Cadbury
Councilman John = Jim Alger
Mayor Frank = Brian Hay
Tofu Girl = Bonnie Harmon
Captain Jack = Kevin Roderick
Red Spot = Alvin Parra
Antonio Watch = Nick Pacheco
Valley Doll = Kim Thomson
and who might I be??
Jack Hoff = Brad Pitt
Captain Jack = douchebag
Pirate Hunter = unemployed
Ully didn't do it, It was some ex. councilman.
I'm pretty sure Pirate Hunter is employed by Jack Hoff Enterprises.
Word has it that the Powerful Two will be revealed on Monday.
Unless, of course, the Captain surrenders.
It won't happen.
Douchebags never surrender, they just empty out.
powerful two revealed on monday.
o.k. if u say so!
because it's not like you could just throw any two names out there. i've seen some pretty bad guesses lately.
(not that i wouldn't mind knowing where all this top level info is coming from.)
Fathead Johnson was gold. Definitely a Captain Jackass crew member. Hard to believe these neighborhood council people act like such children all the time.
...btw, today, some of the Captain Jackass Douchebag Crew are having second thoughts.
People talk too loudly sometimes.
October 12, 2007 9:19 AM
You forgot to mention the February 22, 2007 L.A. Times article “DWP paid out 97 Million in overtime, internal audit finds.”
MOST disturbing was the audit found that some employees submitted overtime who did not show up for work. Was there an outcry from the Politicos or a press conference from the Mayor?
If the Councilmembers and Mayor can't reform DWP, how can Angelinos trust them with additional tax money?
Make NO mistake! The Only reason LA receives AAA rating is because LA has LAX, Harbor, and DWP that generate revenue for this city. The City Council and Mayor are NOT good stewards of Angelinos money. Yet they take credit for it.
9:39 shows how much of an outsider he truly is. He has no hint of how the city government is given a AAA rating (I do, but I never reveal my sources).
September 20, 2007
Total Annual Cost of Illegals on Taxpayers Exceeds $1 Billion
LOS ANGELES COUNTY -- A new report shows illegal aliens and their families in Los Angeles County collected over $35 million in welfare and food stamp allocations in July, announced Los Angeles County Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich.
Illegals collected nearly $20 million in welfare assistance for July, 2007 and an additional $15 million in monthly food stamp allocations for an estimated annual cost of $420 million.
“Illegal immigration continues to have a devastating impact on Los Angeles County taxpayers,” said Antonovich. “In addition to $220 million for public safety and $400 million for healthcare, the $420 million in welfare allocations bring the total cost to County taxpayers that exceeds $1 billion a year -- this does not include the skyrocketing cost of education.”
Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen (removes hat and bows low):
Sots, what will you do if your female aspirating syringe is found to be full of holes? While we can either take or leave Mr. Roderick, he is not, if you will, a pirate.
(Rolls eyes and holds up aspirating syringe) Oh bugger, it sprung a leak. (Hands syringe bag back to pirate hunter) You might want to try again, savvy?
By Patrick McGreevy, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
October 14, 2007
“The governor's veto of SB 1, dubbed the California Dream Act, marked the second time in two years that he had rejected a proposal by Sen. Gil Cedillo (D-Los Angeles) to extend college financial aid to illegal immigrants.”,1,3575703.story?coll=la-headlines-california&ctrack=4&cset=true
California DREAM Act - SB 1 (veto)
INTRODUCED BY Senator Cedillo
(Principal coauthor: Assembly Member Nunez)
(Coauthors: Senators Calderon, Ducheny, Oropeza, Padilla, Romero,
Wiggins, and Yee)
(Coauthors: Assembly Members Arambula, Brownley, Caballero, Coto,
De Leon, Eng, Hernandez, Jones, Leno, Mendoza, Parra,
Saldana, Soto, and Torrico)
Did Captain Jackass just say his douchebag sprung a leak? Eeeewwwww!
LOL, Captain Douchebag hiding out on three day old threads! I hope Rec Leader kicks his ass.
you ARE Rec Leader. stop referring to yourself in the third person. who do you think you are...ZD?
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