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Thursday, September 06, 2007

A Guy in LA

Hawaiian Chicken steals the show...

I thought I might head down to City Hall today to talk to a few people, including a fabled MayorSam reader who wants to remain anonymous, about our beloved pueblo, and also to examine the nascent Thursday Farmer's Market on the south lawn.

Steve Hymon may have spent valuable fishwrap-of-record column inches this morning telling you that the market didn't have adequate seating---but it looked to me like it did today...

Empty seats---City Hall South lawn---at high noon! But maybe they added some tables today on the---ahem---strength of Steve's column, assuring that the hour-lunchers at the Times were well tended to? With Fishwrap Central right across the street, the rant couldn't have been another case of a Times scribe using his squawkbox for his own purposes, could it? After all---what's good for the Times is good for the City, right?

This farmer's market is already happening, and looks like a good place to plot a Departmental coup or two. And good live jazz is provided by the world's second most dangerous band...

So hot they need an orange cone...

I had Hawaiian Chicken, myself, featured above---a quarter chicken for $3 might be the biggest cheap eats steal downtown. When they're not at the market, they're parket...elsewhere. Call 'em up if you're curious. And come down to the market sometime. It's a lot of fun.

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Anonymous Anonymous said:

Good evening Master Mailander (removes hat and bows low with flourish):

Yes, the Market is a good place to plot a coup for plot we do, savvy?

September 06, 2007 6:39 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Video of Mayor on ABC7 here

September 06, 2007 7:34 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Something less pleasant from City Hall: tonight's Daily News reports that some two hundred Hispanics held a rally at City Hall to announce they were all filing suit against the cops for the May 1st Melee -- that they blame on the cops' singling out "people of color" to beat up on.

More like, anti-illegals have been given way to many special breaks, like that too-long demonstration in the first place. They're at it again on Sept. 12th, the start of Jewish High Holy Days, stretching the already stretched cops thinner.

September 06, 2007 8:51 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Joseph how do they decide which vendors to use for the food? Hope their not illegal. Do you know if they have to PAY to be there like most places charge.

September 07, 2007 6:41 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

'Morning, 6:41. The food vendors are from legitimate bricks-and-mortar establishments. They have to pay for the booths they occupy from the committee operating the Farmer's Market, as does anyone else who offers non-consumables at said Market.

This Farmer's Market was, until recently, using space in Little Tokyo. As they outgrew the space assigned to them in Little Tokyo, Council Member Jan Perry offered them the space on the south lawn of City Hall, which was (IMHO), a stroke of genius.

September 07, 2007 10:20 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Now, Joel, did you say that you had the Hawaiian Chicken?

And was it delicious?

Now, that Hawaiian Chicken was how much?

Three bucks?

Only three dollars for a quarter of a chicken?

Gosh, that sounds like a great buy!

Only three bucks!


You really enjoy a good Hawaiian chicken, don't you?

Is the chicken itself from Hawaii? Or do they import the sauce from Hawaii?

Have you ever had Hawaiian Chicken in Hawaii?

What's that like?

September 07, 2007 10:37 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

I dun gotta get me dat chicken fom Hawaeeee. I so do like it, an da' las' time I got me some, it was in dat place in da hood, da chicken and pancake and wafle place, so is good.

But don't dem Haweeeeans eat no mash tatos, cuz dos so is gooooood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

September 08, 2007 4:55 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

10:37 & 4:55 - If either of you lugnuts had taken the time to read the September 3, 2007 edition of the Downtown News, on page 12 of that issue is a quite informative article on the Hawaiian chicken offered at the Farmers Market.

The headline for that particular page is: Big Chickens Keep On Turning.

I've eaten the chicken - it's delicious, but it's got a bit of a salty taste. You will need to buy a beverage.

(Confidential to 4:55: Your spelling and grammar sounds like our current mayor trying to disguise himself as an ignorant individual from New Orleans. "Ah reckon ah kin write much bettah den y'all - y'all ain't got much else ta offah."), but why should either you or I go through all the trouble of affected speech on this blog? Writing in a normal way makes more sense... unless you're trying to prove that for you, evolution sometimes operates in reverse.)

September 08, 2007 8:17 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Ahoy thar Captain Sparrow! Aye, methinks we have much in common!

Hast thou been to the marketplace anon? If thou hath visited yonder marketplace, thinkest thou it be a good place for a privateer such as I to lay in for provisions?

Thine opinion of the marketplace doth matter greatly to me.

September 08, 2007 8:28 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

So, Mickey, you said you had the Hawaiian Chicken?

Was it salty?

Did you need a beverage?

Now, that beverage was how much?

You really enjoy a good beverage with salty Hawaiian chicken, don't you?

Was the beverage Hawaiian Punch?

Now, I've had Hawaiian Punch and it's pretty much the same everywhere. Have you ever had Hawaiian Punch in Hawaii?

What's that like?

September 08, 2007 12:03 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

The three-dollar spiced meat and noddle bowls at Wat Thai in NoHO used to be the best, but they got shut down for attracting too many people close to a residential neighborhood. Anyway so I heard because I never managed to drive all that way and battle parking for a three-dollar bowl of food.

I guess this is our own LAist version of cool street food. Does it come with sides? With Hawaiian punch?

September 08, 2007 2:15 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Where did you say the Hawaiian Chicken people were parket...when they're not downtown? Looks good.

September 08, 2007 2:22 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Based on your report, Joe, I've decided to sue the Hawaiian Chicken for trademark infringement.

September 08, 2007 2:38 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Hey, San Diego: But can you roast one thousand chickens in three hours with a minimum of hands-on, making your product ideal for fundraisers and Clinton family barbecues?

September 08, 2007 3:06 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Yeah, but we prefer Republican fundraisers.

They take less time/less chicken because there are so few of them left!

September 08, 2007 4:37 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

San diego, the latter may be true, but not a profit-oriented way to run a chicken business. And them dems sho doo eats a lot of chicken. But I don't think Obama and Oprah are eatin Hawaeeean chicken and grits today.

September 08, 2007 7:42 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

12:03, I've had the hawaiian chicken (actually the menu item is called "huli huli chicken" which in Hawaiian means "turn turn"); it did have a rather pronounced spicy taste which I attribute to the dry rub they use on the chicken. It left me feeling rather dehydrated.

As for how much the beverage I drank cost me at the time I bought the chicken, I can honestly tell you it didn't cost me a dime... I brought mine from home... and it wasn't hawaiian punch.

As for hawaiian punch in Hawaii, I've never been there, but it appears to me that you have.

So tell me, what kind of hawaiian punch did you get in Hawaii?

Was it a Hawaiian sucker punch, a Hawaiian boxer's punch, or did a Hawaiian chicken punch you?

You do appear to have a bit of a concussion, and perhaps a Hawaiian percussion concussion.

12:03, may I make a suggestion? If you happen to buy a Hawaiian chicken dinner and get thirsty, don't go to a bar and ask for the drink that has the same name as I... you'll regret it!

Let's wrap this up. If you don't want the chicken, there's always ice cream available, greek food, fajitas, etc. I haven't tried them yet; I'll get around to it.

September 08, 2007 7:51 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

'Evening 2:22. The establishment in question is called "Hawaiian Chicken." It's bricks-and-mortar location is 686 North Spring St.

September 08, 2007 8:03 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Honestly, that chicken looks good and I'll try it. But I'd like a full report on the greek food and fajitas.

September 08, 2007 11:53 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

11:53 - I've seen some mighty long lines at those particular booths (Greek, fajitas, etc.); I imagine long lines are a testament to how good the food is.

September 09, 2007 12:27 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

The guys in the jazz band look hiliarious. Wonder how much they pulled in in tips? The guitar guy in shorts, baseball cap and the bush beard definitely fell out of a pickup truck.

But then, Fred Thompson drives his limo to a red pickup truck and then drives that around pretending to be a "regular guy." You just don't know who IS a regular guy anymore. Can this hillbilly play good jazz?

September 09, 2007 12:57 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

12:57, What, you've never heard of ZZ JazzTop?

September 09, 2007 1:55 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Jack, I'm more familiar with rock and blues, but hey, if Dinosaur Jr. can play into middle age with long hair that totally covers the lead's face, I'll buy anything is possible. But if they're so successful, why are they collecting dimes in that guitar case?

September 09, 2007 5:17 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

I think Mr. M. said they were "dangerous," not "successful."

I did take a closer look at the band pic, and sure enough, you can see a couple daggers, a .45 and a switchblade in that guitar case. So he wasn't off the mark there.

Maybe the band had some safety concerns playing downtown and all.

September 09, 2007 6:18 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Right Mr. Hoff. Downtown with all those Mexicans. Help!

September 09, 2007 8:18 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Well, we have now arrived at an interesting nexus...

If, as Mr. M. states, this was only the "second most dangerous band," perhaps there WAS a rogue group of Mariachis in the area trying to take away the higher paying jazz jobs from the white musicians?

Just thinking out loud here.

September 09, 2007 9:15 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Jack, that orange cone meant danger for a reason - it was concealing a couple of tear gas launchers just in case illegals decided to create another melee.

I swear I spotted an old Thompson at the bottom of that guitar case. These guys were ready!

September 09, 2007 10:19 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

I nominate this thread as "Most Entertaining, 2007."

September 11, 2007 9:31 PM  

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