Southwest Museum Update, Shady Mayor Wants "Aging" Non-Profit & ZD Gets A Call From War Veteran in Knoxville, TN!)
***** UPDATE ******
Shady Mayor Needs to start another city non-profit. By now, hopefully you are aware of the concerns the people have over these non-accountable, non-transparent, non-profits. [More under "comments"]
WARNING: Only click here if you want to read a ZD "warm and fuzzy" story about a call today from an Iraq War Veteran in Knoxville, TN (injured in line of duty) who is home watching ZD on YouTube. (Not for the haters.)
ZD has expressed concerns over non-profit shadiness in Charters and Affordable non-profit housing and now the Dept. of Aging (elderly).
So first the mayor announces he is starting an education non-profit for his LAUSD cluster, and now this! And ZD is working on a big CRA (profitable) affordable housing story I'm sure is right up Antonio's alley.
Southwest Museum is up for a new public vetting here. A few concerns have been brought to my attention again, with this press release and an overall concern that the Autry/Griffith Park people are "using" the SW Museum as an excuse to expand Griffith Park and the pueblos aren't real happy with the way things are shaping up at the SW Museum location in Mt. Washington/Arroyo-Seco area. The Museum has been a community asset since 1914 and people are concerned the Autry's and the City are moving ahead in violation of the merger agreement.
I know the DeLeon's constituents are really, really happy that the SW Museum's identity and independence is being erased and instead all marketed under the "Autry National Center" name, even though that is in violation of the Merger Agreement promises of Mrs. Autry and her Board to pay respect to the Southwest's integrity and separate identity.
More to come, blog away. Here's a starting point of some conerns and some quotes from the press release that has some wondering how De Leon would support this, as he is telling the pueblos he supports them?
Plans call for the infrastructure improvements to the
Southwest Museum to be completed by 2010, when the building will be open for a new cultural use.
Has the new cultural use been decided upon, yet? Does “a” new cultural use mean it can be a completely separate and unrelated cultural use? For example, could it be turned into a cultural charter school like the Semilla Charter in the distrtict. A casino could also be a new cultural use under the Native American theme. Or, just call it an “education and cultural center”, basically pulling the plug on the whole SW Museum, beyond a minor display to show what was once a great cultural and historic institution in the community. After all, since all those expensive museum artifacts had to be transfered over to the Autry’s/Griffith Park people for safe storage, and the museum will not be upgraded to keep them safe from the harsh elements that cause them to decay), why do anything with the museum? Can’t close it, cause you said you will keep it open, so turn it into a historic rest stop. Meanwhile, since the Autry’s now have the SW Museum artifacts under their control for safe keeping, we better expand the Griffith Park area and spend a lot of money over there in the name of the project. Then they can call it the Autry Cowboys and Indians Museum.
AND NOW, what’s the first thing they want to do at the SW Museum? Upgrade the elevator so as to facilitate the movement of artifacts. Yeah, movement out of community. Thank you Kevin De Leon and John Gray.
LOS ANGELES— With great support from Assistant Majority Leader Kevin de León (D-Los Angeles), the Autry National Center of the American West received a $160,000 grant last Thursday from the California Culture and Historical Endowment (CCHE) Fund for a rehabilitation project at the Southwest Museum.
The CCHE grant received will fund the extension of the museum's elevator, enabling its expanded service to all floors of the historic building.
"This new award will allow for the safer and more efficient movement of Southwest collections as we continue our multi-year project to save and conserve this priceless cultural resource," said John L. Gray, President and CEO of the Autry National Center.
Shady Mayor Needs to start another city non-profit. By now, hopefully you are aware of the concerns the people have over these non-accountable, non-transparent, non-profits. [More under "comments"]
WARNING: Only click here if you want to read a ZD "warm and fuzzy" story about a call today from an Iraq War Veteran in Knoxville, TN (injured in line of duty) who is home watching ZD on YouTube. (Not for the haters.)
ZD has expressed concerns over non-profit shadiness in Charters and Affordable non-profit housing and now the Dept. of Aging (elderly).
So first the mayor announces he is starting an education non-profit for his LAUSD cluster, and now this! And ZD is working on a big CRA (profitable) affordable housing story I'm sure is right up Antonio's alley.
Southwest Museum is up for a new public vetting here. A few concerns have been brought to my attention again, with this press release and an overall concern that the Autry/Griffith Park people are "using" the SW Museum as an excuse to expand Griffith Park and the pueblos aren't real happy with the way things are shaping up at the SW Museum location in Mt. Washington/Arroyo-Seco area. The Museum has been a community asset since 1914 and people are concerned the Autry's and the City are moving ahead in violation of the merger agreement.
I know the DeLeon's constituents are really, really happy that the SW Museum's identity and independence is being erased and instead all marketed under the "Autry National Center" name, even though that is in violation of the Merger Agreement promises of Mrs. Autry and her Board to pay respect to the Southwest's integrity and separate identity.
More to come, blog away. Here's a starting point of some conerns and some quotes from the press release that has some wondering how De Leon would support this, as he is telling the pueblos he supports them?
Plans call for the infrastructure improvements to the
Southwest Museum to be completed by 2010, when the building will be open for a new cultural use.
Has the new cultural use been decided upon, yet? Does “a” new cultural use mean it can be a completely separate and unrelated cultural use? For example, could it be turned into a cultural charter school like the Semilla Charter in the distrtict. A casino could also be a new cultural use under the Native American theme. Or, just call it an “education and cultural center”, basically pulling the plug on the whole SW Museum, beyond a minor display to show what was once a great cultural and historic institution in the community. After all, since all those expensive museum artifacts had to be transfered over to the Autry’s/Griffith Park people for safe storage, and the museum will not be upgraded to keep them safe from the harsh elements that cause them to decay), why do anything with the museum? Can’t close it, cause you said you will keep it open, so turn it into a historic rest stop. Meanwhile, since the Autry’s now have the SW Museum artifacts under their control for safe keeping, we better expand the Griffith Park area and spend a lot of money over there in the name of the project. Then they can call it the Autry Cowboys and Indians Museum.
AND NOW, what’s the first thing they want to do at the SW Museum? Upgrade the elevator so as to facilitate the movement of artifacts. Yeah, movement out of community. Thank you Kevin De Leon and John Gray.
LOS ANGELES— With great support from Assistant Majority Leader Kevin de León (D-Los Angeles), the Autry National Center of the American West received a $160,000 grant last Thursday from the California Culture and Historical Endowment (CCHE) Fund for a rehabilitation project at the Southwest Museum.
The CCHE grant received will fund the extension of the museum's elevator, enabling its expanded service to all floors of the historic building.
"This new award will allow for the safer and more efficient movement of Southwest collections as we continue our multi-year project to save and conserve this priceless cultural resource," said John L. Gray, President and CEO of the Autry National Center.
I am glad someone has it on the radar, and this should be a bigger story. Personal contacts with Southwest related folks at the time definitely confirm worries about how the merger agreement would stand the test of time. Sure, lots of good reasons for such a merge, but many concerns - including the abandonment of the SW Museum property. Let's not add this to the list of scandals which has brought such a great property and a great historical resource in the city towards another untimely end. For all the monies diverted by the city and the county for "multicultural" events, how about putting the money into something which truly has historical significance to the citizens of los angeles....
Huizar sold out the Southwest Museum for a political endorsement. Same with DeLeon only he sold out for Indian money. Yet we seem to have the finest representation that money can buy. Or do we?
The veteran needs to get a life.
Bad enough he's wasting his life watching the court jester on TV, he even decides to call him!!
What's wrong with this picture?
Maybe the guy got shell shocked in the Iraq conflict...
But you must admit that all of these machinations of Huizar will result in Autry getting want it wants; regardless of the agreements. Huizar will treat Elephant Hill, the Southwest, the toxic dump, the same. It will appear that he tried,asked for reviews,etc., but no matter what, the developers will win. Huizar and Villa owe the developers too much.
The Veteran was impressed. The man has fought through a war. He can watch or call whatever he wants. Dont disrespect the Veteran. He was willing to put his life on the line for you. He doesnt need to get a life. He has a full one.
Anthony Portantino, State Assemblymember for portions of the areas near the Southwest Museum has sent a strong letter supporting the maintenance of the Southwest Museum as the museum location to exhibit the Southwest's great collection.
Where is the Mayor? Where is Huizar? Where is DeLeon? Where is the LA Times Museum Critic? The silence you hear is bought and paid with little checks from widow Autry's checkbook.
Also, the Los Angeles Conservancy supports the community proposal to expand the SW Museum site as a reasonable alternative to just expanding the Autry in Griffith Park to allow Autry to swallow up the SW Museum. They found it consistent with historic preservation rules.
Shady Mayor Needs to start another city non-profit. By now, hopefully you are aware of the concerns the people have over these non-accountable, non-transparent, non-profits.
ZD has expressed concerns over non-profit shadiness in Charters and Affordable non-profit housing and now the Dept. of Aging (elderly).
So first the mayor announces he is starting an education non-profit for his LAUSD cluster, and now this! And ZD is working on a big CRA (profitable) affordable housing story I'm sure is right up Antonio's alley.
Item 1: Identified needs and services that are partially or not supported by the City and/or that cannot be addressed through existing City resources or by existing organizations According to a recent UCLA study, older adults continue to be the highest risk group for food insecurity in our State. The Department of Aging also identified hunger as major problem through its own Needs Assessment surveys and focus group research conducted by the Department for the purpose of developing the 2005-2009 Area Plan document.
Summarv: In its transmittal dated August 3,2005, the CAO repors that Aging authority to establish a new 501 (c) 3 tax-exempt foundation (Foundation) that could work collaboratively with Aging to secure funds to benefit existing City senior and caregiver services and to initiate new programs. Aging proposes to use budgeted grant or private funds totaling up to $700 to cover the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) application filing fee and other costs that may be required to process the request. Aging would work with the City Attorney to prepare and finalize the IRS filing documents should approval of this request be granted.
Why gives a City Department the authority to run a non-profit entity? It seems to me, its just another way to move money around without having a trace.
A guy with a ski hat, unshaven, and glasses so dark you can't see his eyes, calls others "shady".
You cannot make this stuff up...
Guess you didnt like "Batman" "Spiderman" or the "Lone Ranger" either.
"Others are shady!"
"Others are shady!"
"Others are shady!"
9:18am...hell yeah!
You may not like what Zuma says or does in Chambers or with regard to politics.
Why would you give a shit if some veterans got a kick out of his TV show videos? I find a lot of ZD's other work to be quite funny, and sure I recognize it may not be some folks' cup of tea. For example I've never understood what the hell is so funny about Monty Python. But if you like it, great! Comedian Bob Zany is another one. Not funny. But more power to him!
I just don't understand the level of hate from SOME of you towards Zuma. Maybe you think he's a clown. Maybe you don't agree with his methods. Maybe you don't agree with his views. Maybe you can criticize his thought process (and I can hear a slam on that from the haters right now). Fair enough. But what is he doing that your level of hate raises to that which one would reserve for a criminal or a child molestor or whatever.
Evidently you haters are someone whose personal situation whatever that may be, is somehow in reality or at minimum in your mind impacted by Zuma's activities.
Otherwise I can't figure out your mental issues.
By the way a number of you will say that our readership has gone down because of Zuma. Not true. I can not say one way or another that its gone up because of Zuma but the last several months we have reached a level way above where we have ever been in the three yers of the blog. So the claim that its down is total bullshit.
Why so angry, Sam? Methinks you doth protest too much. Gives you away.
Good job Michael. I agree. Zuma is nothing but an asset. He is one of the better things to happen to this blog. I am the opposite of a hater. I think Zuma is so intelligent that it freaks people out in city hall. The ones he calls out on the carpet. Anyone who hates him that bad is either jealous or scared.
Rock on Zuma Dogg. Thank you Mayor Sam for having him as a contributor.
Have you all tried the Hawaiian Chicken at the City Hall Farmer's Market? It really is good. It's kind of salty, but in a good way, and it smells nice, not bad, which I kind of prefer at City Hall. But of course it's not nearly as intelligent.
That old Southwest Museum Building is crumbly and falling down, and no one ever bothered to get out there which is why it fell into financial arrears in the first place. I liked it, though. Too bad they can't do like the Getty and keep it for lectures and stuff when they move the art to the new building. But how many billionaire-endowed museums are there besides the Getty? Then there's the kids' museum which is a boondoggle left over from Pacheco.
Is Antonio Watch really the Urtuega who used to manage Pacheco?
As someone from Northeast, 11:55 pm is misinformed about the condition of the Southwest Museum building. The Autry has put out all kinds of gross exaggerations about the condition of the building. Charles Lummis saw to it that the building was constructed of steel rebar and poured concrete. The structures are sound.
There are issues that do require attention but none are as dire as the Autry Management team would have the public believe. The Tower and the Main Building were constructed as two separate pieces and the Northridge earthquake damaged the fastners that hold the Tower and the Main Building together. A grant from FEMA, first made in 1994, is finally now being spent to undertake this protection of the building.
Additionally, the plaster that lies over the top of the sturdy poured concrete structure of the building has deterioated after years of deferred maintenance. This is no surprise as over the decades, the plaster exterior of the Southwest Museum building has been replaced or repaired on other occasions.
Autry Management however has a whole FILM on its website dedicated to the message that there is more plaster that needs replacement than first estimated. The FILM makes it seem dire and that the whole building is "crumbling." This is a BIG LIE. The underlying structure is sound. The exterior plaster needs rehabilitation.
There is a roof leak in the Caracol Tower. This leak and a minor water leak where the Tower and the Main Building meet are also being repaired with monies from the State of California.
Autry Management has claim IT is doing all these things. Well, yes, Autry is managing the repairs. What they don't tell you is the great majority of the work on the building is being done with money from other foundations or the government. The Autry has not spent much, if any, from its own monies to make capital improvements to the Southwest Museum.
If you believe the Autry spin, you will think they are doing great things. But what Autry is really trying to do is steal the Southwest Museum's collection and build up its own prestige at the expense of the City's first museum -- contrary to promises it made at the time of the merger with the Southwest Museum to save and preserve the Southwest. It's just like an old West stagecoach robbery except Gene Autry ain't gonna ride to the rescue singing a melodious song.
As for the location, the former Southwest Museum Board nor the Autry Board ever properly marketed the Southwest Museum location. The Southwest Museum Board never hired a marketing director in the museum's 90 years or had a written marketing plan. The Autry apparently did not want to market the Southwest so it would have an pretense to close the museum and steal the collection away. As the only Museum in Los Angeles with its own dedicated rail station, the Southwest Museum can and must be restored for future generations and not sucked dry and tossed aside as under the current Autry plan.
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