LOS ANGELES MEDIA ALERT: Is There More Profit To Be Made Building Affordable "Non-Profit" Housing Than There Is In the Private "For-Profit" Market?
Is LA City’s affordable housing policy ONE BIG F-ING RACKET?
How you can make much bigger profits building non-profit affordable housing than the luxury for-profit stuff and how this drives up cost per unit and we therefore get way less units, then Jan Perry has to pretend like more has to be done, when all that has to be done is stop running a cahoots racket that allows a few well connected developers in the know to run a shell game scam on the City and the public.
I can hear “The Broadfather” crying to Robin and the Mayor, now: “Boo hoo hoo, Antonio and Robin. I have this great idea for a fantastic project that will save the City, but I can’t do it without subsidies and hotel tax breaks, even though we initially said it would all be privately funded at no cost to the City.” I can imagine Wendy Greuel saying, “Yeah, it will be great! You can walk across the street with your kids on a Saturday morning from Mocha or Disney Hall. Just ignore all the aggressive panhandlers, though. As long as you don’t look them in they eye, and just ignore them, they may leave you alone.” Zuma adding, “Yeah Antonio, you should build Grand Avenue Project first, then start taking the actual measures to address the problem of the skid row nation expanding throughout LA City streets.
Grand Ave: No Money Down
Grand Ave Project: Citizen's Alert
Why Grand Ave affordable housing must not be cut
Shady non-profit public fund abuse?
ZD Legislative Review of Grand Ave Project
Downtown LA Masterplan: LA Live & Grand Ave (They decided FOR you)
Up next: De Leon's AB 31 ($400 million non-profit money for parks and recreation.) This is the issue that introduced ZD to the term "sunset clause" and triggered this entire "shady" non-profit alert:
ZD needs to be re-written by editors.
ZD needs to be re-written by editors.
For da second Saturday in uh row, jellyfish stung hundreds o' beachgoers in New Smyrna Beach an' sent lifeguards scrambling fo' mo' whitey vinegar, uh common salve.
"Every guard had ta ax fo' uh vinegar restock," said Beach Patrol Capt. Tony Sopotnick. A 16-year-old ho wuz taken ta Bert Fish Medical Center afta she jet into anaphylactic shock from uh sting; otherwise, nahh one else wuz seriously injured by da jellyfish, only irritated.
The blooms - which iz confined ta da New Smyrna Beach area - wuz likely blown in by southeasterly winds, Sopotnick said. Lifeguards in Daytona Beach an' Flagler reported only uh few stings.
But, what iz dey?
"None iz washing up on shore," he said, "which iz making it difficult ta positively identify dem."
Beach Patrol officer Elmer Foit guessed da jellyfish might belong ta uh group known as sea wasps, one o' da most venomous jellyfish in da world. The pimp-tight news iz dat da sea wasps found here iz likely native ta da Atlantic Ocean an' not as dangerous as they relatives in Australia where uh single jellyfish has enough venom ta kill 60 peeps in three minutes.
Sopotnick said da Beach Patrol would contact researchers dis here week ta definitively identify da jellyfish.
People who do git stung should not rub fresh water on da wound cuz it will reactivate da toxic poisons, Foit said.
Instead, ya can take Benadryl or rub cortisone cream on da infected area ta soothe da irritation. Or, as patrol officers iz resorting ta - git bathed in whitey vinegar.
"It'suh little bit like uh bee sting," Foit said. "And, fo' da most part, they're harmless. But dey iz painful an' will jet an itch."
They also jet red welts on da skin. He did say dat da majority o' swimmers in da ocean did not git stung Saturday.
"We might gots had 5,000 bathers " he said, "Only 300 ta 400 wuz stung."
Swimmers Sunday should peep fo' purple flags flying from lifeguard stands, which indicate jellyfish iz still invading. Last weekend, dey floated away as fast as dey came, leaving da area by Sunday.
"It'sunusual ta gots hundreds o' stings in New Smyrna an' very few on da Daytona side," Sopotnick said. "We will gots ta see what tomorrow brings."
Zuma Dogg Predicts "Sub Prime Lending" May Cause Housing Bubble Burst, Triggering Start of A Recession.
Help donate, so we can send Zuma Dogg to the Eli Broad College of Business and Graduate School of Management at Michigan State University. The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits. Zuma Dogg fighting for "truth, justice and the American way." NYUCK NYUCK.
Zuma Dogg picks up a hitchhiking migrant worker, hits him with a tire iron, plants false ID on him, and wrecks the car to make his death appear acccidental. When the coroner's report indicates murder, Rocky Delgadillo finds five similar "accidents" and suspects insurance fraud. After following several blind leads, he traces the insurance payoffs to a single address- a Santa Monica store, the unofficial post office for migrant workers, and all evidence points to the guilt of ex-con Zuma Dogg, but Delgadillo exposes and chases the culprit before he can kill for the sixth time.
Sorry I mentioned that your neuro-lingusitic "patterns" are preventing you from commenting anonymously.
There have been many comments made over the insufferability of Mr. Dogg's previously hip-hop infused tone in postings. Those who said the message is lost in translation.
During my recent consultation with him, he admitted that now he knows what people meant after reading your comments.
Except he mentioned that "your" attempt to encrypt your identity requires a much further degree of translation, and now I see what he means.
Maybe a certain mutt from an adjacent beach to a certain dogg can understand it, but anyone else can.
ZD expressed frustration that he is interested in reading these opposing viewpoints, but feels it is just too scrutinous of a filter.
It's almost as much of a screening process as a Green Dot Charter application.
Maxine Waters gave a 2.1/2-hour press conference in front of MLK today, to about 50 supporters, lambasting the supes for the "injustice" of finally closing down Killer King, left with no choice after feds pulled operating funds.
Until now, Bill Boyarsky points out in his recent post, the supes have been utterly ineffective, cow-towing to Burke as the rep for that area (of a dubious nature, we know, a rep who can't find decent housing anywhere in "her" district.)
Boyarsky adds that this has been a shameful example of how the old-school black leadership has milked a disaster for the community and a financial disaster for the city, in order to create a phony platform for their self-righteous anger and to keep themselves in office.
Meanwhile, area clinics and hospitals will be overrun, although the Times reports that it hasn't happened so far, one day into the closures.
Boyarsky correctly adds that a lot of the ER usage and health problems of the hospital's users could be corrected with basic health ed and healthier lifestyles. Another LAT article today points out that if blacks and others in a lower socio- economic strata cut out the fats, sugars in their diets, and didn't eat so much of them, they would eliminate the key factors that cause them to be so unhealthy: obesisty, high blood sugar and blood pressure, and cholesterol.
Ever been to one of those chicken and waffle places in the hood, and just weighted the take-out portion? Or watched them frying up food and sweets in East L A with all that grease and lard? And poor whites (like zuma) are no better, eating all that take-out junk food. And these are the people who don't exercise, "because they're busy." I.e, sluggish from unhealthy food.
If only Maxine Waters, the Reverend Jesse Jackson, fatso hairdo Al Sharpton, and our local opportunist Yvonne Burke, would devote their energies to teaching the community how to live more healthfully, instead of leading counterproductive and anger-inciting rants on "racial injustice."
The Times should follow up the Burke revelations with an investigation into what kinds of stuff Yvonne and Maxine Waters eat, and their overall lifestyle habits. I'll bet they're not consistent with the rest of "their" community. They sure are pretty skinny and fit-looking for two old black ladies. Do you think they eat a lot of fried waffles and chicken, or conversely, want to share their rations of salmon fresh fruit and perrier with the puebs, so they won't have to go to the ER so often, because they're fat and unhealthy?
Maybe next time they lead a march, they should start with these ideas.
Hello, hello, media?
Anyone on the ALERT out there?
zuma's mentor milton erickson said...
Sorry I mentioned dat yo' neuro-lingusitic "patterns" iz preventing ya from commenting anonymously.
There gots been many comments made over da insufferability o' Mr. Dogg'spreviously hip-hop infused tone in postings. Those who said da message iz lost in translation.
During muh ma fuckin recent consultation wiff him, he admitted dat now he knows what peeps meant afta reading yo' comments.
Except he mentioned dat "your" attempt ta encrypt yo' identity requires uh much further degree o' translation, an' now I see what he means.
Maybe uh certain mutt from an adjacent beach ta uh certain dogg can dig' it, but anyone else can.
ZD expressed frustration dat he iz interested in reading deez opposing viewpoints, but feels it iz just too scrutinous o' uh filter.
It's almost as much o' uh screening process as uh Green Dot Charter application.
August 12, 2007 5:41 PM
what 'chew trippin foo'???????
To "log cabin republicans, Homer and Jethro" - Confucius is not amused.
Anonymous said...
The Times should follow up da Burke revelations wiff an investigation into what kinds o' sheeit Yvonne an' Maxine Waters eat, an' they overall lifestyle habits. I'll bet they're not consistent wiff da rest o' "their" community. They sure iz fine ass skinny an' fit-looking fo' two old negroid ladies. Do ya th'o't dey eat uh lot o' fried waffles an' chickn n` corn bread, or conversely, wants ta share they rations o' salmon fresh fruit an' perrier wiff da puebs, so dey won't gots ta jet ta da ER so often, cuz they're fat an' unhealthy?
Maybe next tyme dey lead uh march, dey should start wiff deez ideas.
...Don't make me come ovah there bitch.
Shouldn't dat be "ovah der?"
I'm not gonna compliment your "smart" slams anymore if you don't go back to one of those other characters. I JUST CAN'T READ IT MAN!
Hey wuff wuff willie, wise guy aka (don culo)said...
To "log cabin republicans, Homer and Jethro" - Confucius is not amused.
Are you tired of tellings everybody how the cholos are victims of the facist, racist gavacho goverment? Go back to Wally's blog and tell your tales of growing up a poor little cholito.
Don't you love how the blacks ignore their constituents having the only hospital for miles close down then have the nerve to hold a press conf. and blame everyone but themselves. That bitch Maxine Waters, Yvonne Burke, Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Bitter Bernie, Perry, Wesson, and all the black politicans should be ashamed of themselves. They organize for stupid stuff, support all the illegals and cry out about racism when it suits them, but when their black community is left without healthcare they pretend it is someone else's fault.
....And a Little Blog Shall Lead Us: The Los Angeles Daily News blew open the story July 3 when it revealed that Salinas was Villaraigosa's special friend. But months before, anyone who used a little piece of technology called the Internet had an inkling that Villaraigosa and his wife Corina might have lost that lovin' feeling. On Jan. 29, the blog lukeford.net first dangled the tidbit that Villaraigosa wasn't wearing his wedding ring, which produced the now laughable L.A. Times article in which Villaraigosa got a green light on claiming that weight loss from exercise prompted the band removal. On Jan. 30, the words "Mirthala" and "Salinas" first appeared on mayorsam.blogspot.com, and the blog continued to offer references to extracurricular activities for months. Of course, almost everyone in City Hall and everyone who covers local politics reads mayorsam every day. Still, the mainstream media was months behind the blogosphere.
Zuma, the moron, is back deleting posts that demonstrate his naivete and lack of education and experience. Why not? The truth often times hurts more than a couple of KA's sucking up so they can see their thoughts in print.
Of course "Non-Profit/Affordable" housing makes money for people; why else would anyone invest capital and effort in developing housing for sluggards and loblollys like you, Zuma? You know, people who will not take jobs to support themselves and want to live on the public dole, sucking on the public teat.
We have "Public/Affordable" housing only because the ultra libs like your nemises Garcetti and his merry band of "rob the rich and give to the poor" and their ilk, all over America use it to get elected. The folks who benefit think they are wonderful and continue them in office.
But folks who have real jobs, real work, well, we just pay our taxes and support the whole give away scheme, because there are now more of them than us.
And this is the end of America as we have known it. We have become a welfare state and the people payhing th ebills are declining while the Zuma Dogs of this world are increasing. As less and less of us pay for it, and more and more rely upon it, some other model will replace our America.
Usually it is a dictatorship, but the Muslims want it to be a Taliban-type government, based on Sharia and run by the clerics.
I am glad I have lived in an era where things were different and I own't have to live to see the end of our civilization.
"Zuma, the moron..."
ZD's tearin' it up! He's da BOMB!
"Moron" is too complimentary.
Dump the Dogg
Is it bad blog etiquitte for a moderator and contributor on someone else's blog to use such blog as a platform to attack a fellow contributor on same blog in the manner in which it is being done on this blog?
Attacking on issues is one thing. But to mention things like, "I may not know much about tshirt sales at venice beach, but...(presents opposition to my content, which is fine). However, the argument, as written, was based on an "over-generalization" of my point, so the comments were irrelevant, anyway.
Fellow blogger writes, "First off--not every home loan a bank holds is sub-prime." [Excuse me fellow blogger and 3am poster, where did I ever say every home loan is sub-prime?" And that's what you are basing/starting the debate over?
It doesn't matter the percentage of sub-primes a bank holds, if .000001% is all it takes to cause the problem. Since my article was about the effects of subprime lending, not the percentage that banks are holding...well...seems like you wasted your time, again.
And when you throw in the comments in the newspaper mention a fellow blogger", followed by, "there is almost always a gift or guile behind passionate blogging."
Sorry again, defeated one. Where's your research on that one. You hear that all passionate bloggers, someone has the facts that there is "almost always" a gift or guile behind your passion.
Where's my almost always gifts you lying-loser?
And how coincidental that after a bunch of the thinnest, most personally attacking, quotes about kicking me off the blog pop up in the 3am hour, all of the sudden a 3am regualr thread started to appear too, until I commented on the conicidence.
SO I WOULD LIKE TO APPOLOGIZE TO ALL THE MAYOR SAM READERS FOR HAVING TO ENDURE ALL THE TASTELESS, NON-SUBSTANTIVE, LIES, LIEBEL, WHINING, TIME WASTING COMMENTS, FROM WHAT I BELIEVE, IS A FELLOW BLOGGER. And when you look at the specific comments from this anonymous commentor/contributor, it's extra sad, because it's all about how I am ruining the blog, and no one reads it anymore, throw the other guy off the blog. How tragic and sad. I wish the blogger would have simply kept posting the high-level insightful articles that have inspired me. Somewhere along the line, I think all the hoopla around a perceived goofball, so quickly was just more than some folks, with much more experience and knowledge can take. Which is sad. Because not only does the blogger lose out on doing what they would like to be doing, they are denying us of the knowledge, as well.
When I put shows on public access, I disagreed with a lot of the philosophies, tastes and overall style of other shows. But I couldn't control that. I just did my half hour every week and people tuned in for that. You don't say I'm not gonna produce a show for CBS because I don't like "Nash Bridges".
Start life again. Forget about me. Start remembering about you!
Mayor Villaraigosa and his Sancha Mirthala Salinas spotted at the San Fernando Valley's Fashion Square Mall. It was all caught on a camera phone by a TMZ.com staffmember.
To view it, go to:
ZD is a mindless, uneducated, undisciplined moron.
He writes, sings, dances and acts out his fantasies before a public that is a hostage to political correctness. [HOSTAGE?]
If he lived in just about any other society, he would have been tossed in jail and/or executed long ago. [EXECUTED?]
Our punishment for wanting to transact business with government is to have to tolerate the imbecile whenever we wish to attend a public meeting. [WHENEVER/I'M AT ALL MEETINGS, ALL THE TIME?]
But here on Mayor Sam, Higby has tortured us too far. [He's forcing your eyes open and making you read my threads like in Clockwood Orange?]
It is time for the moron to be exorcised. [can the moron think of another word besides moron to describe me? He's supposed to be so smart.]
Death, where is thy sting? [Man, you must really feel ZD is responsible for all your problems in life. You are wishing me dead?
Really, does someone deserve to be put to death/executed over the things I have blogged and commented on?
You say, "We have to tolerate the imbecile whenever we wish to attend a public meeting." Really, ZD is at all public meetings, all the time? Wow!
How funny you are defending democracy and arguing that I am a spoiler to the process, and your are asking for the "death sting" and saying people were executed for what I am saying.
O.K. I've learned a lot. Thanks!
dude. what the hell is zuma talking about?
I think Zuma is calling out one of his fellow bloggers.
So do we call this Zuma Dogg's Sister City now?
Not even a Hot Sheet today?
Oh dear.
Whoops - someone has touched a nerve.
Well, I for one agree with most of what the fellow blogger has to say, especially about the hostage part, as I have been hostage to having to endure his antics in several public meetings.
It is painful to watch the faces of the elected officials and the audience while ZD acts the fool with his fake Eminem persona trying to get some attention.
He is truly an attention whore, and those of us trapped in the room waiting for our turn are literally forced to endure his nonsense, complete with the Y'alls and other crap that no one believes.
Imagine that behavior in Iran, in Turkey, in any other country and guess how long it would continue.
Our political correctness will end our Republic.
Yeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh BOOOOOOOOOOYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!
Yo dizzle, this shiznit is fo the shiznizzle on the rizzle. Don't let a spizzle fizzle your bizzle. Tell a nizzle, "Yo suck my pizzle til it drizzles."
Au revoirizzle
don't be so transparant. there just aren't that many people who happen to have checked into this comment section this morining who happen to be bumping into ZD at city hall meetings, who pretty much articulate in a similar style.
and if you are saying, "whoops, touched a nerve", I hope you mean the other guy's. he's the one going bonkers at 3am and in newspapers and this blog over me.
and i am the one who compiled all those comments and posted them here...so yeah...i was pretty nerve touched.
point is...any crybaby pussy can say stuff on the comment section under anonymous. (you can say the name zuma is anonymous, but everyone has my email, phone number, and everyone knows who it is and how to contact me, and who said it.
And the person is trying to make it appear that there is this huge outcry of people who can't fit into council chambers because i am there. yeah, the problem with the corruption in this city that is tanking it, is because sometimes i show up to the council meetings for public comment. and to those who say i rant and ramble off topic...that's what the city attorney and president are there for, and if i even teeter (compared to anyone else) they will jump in, even if it is a violation of my civil rights, which they have done plenty.
So point is...there is someone who has been posting back and forth to himself how ZD is the foil of all democracy, and he can't suffer through the comments mayor sam is forcing him to read, and he can't go to city hall, because WHENEVER he is there, so am i and he can't suffer through it. well pal...i don't like what some of the other people have to say who show up, either....but unlike you, i don't sit up at 3 in the morning complaining about it...i show up and wait for my turn. you talk about democracy, then complain when you can't suffer through other people's process. What a bitter, defeated, jealous, agendize, blogger-ettique breaking, do-nothing that person is.
Zuma, when virtually every comment on every thread you post is about what an idiot you are, and people refuse to try to engage you, because if they do, it's a waste of time in many ways maybe the "fellow blogger" is trying to save what's left of this blog. As in person at City Hall, you conjure up only revulsion and disgust at your persona, and that someone this absurd and uneducated and literally a babbling idiot, should also be the most egomaniacal self-promoter ever seen at City Hall or ANY seat of government, I'll bet you.
You started your own blog, Zuma Times, but since no one reads that, you have to keep returning here to ruin what apparently used to be a real political blog. Now, people only check in to see if there is a hint of something normal under the crapola, or to talk to each other about a topic you're not involved in, like Home Depot.
How can you blame "fellow blogger" for noticing that "your" thread has again turned into a chorus of "get rid of the idiot," while you post on the same downtown topic again and again and get no interest.
I'd noticed that these other threads may or may not generate a lot of comment, but everyone feels merciful relief that it's not some other idiotic zuma blog. WHAT will it take for you to get this? Both in person and on this blog, you're like some giant buzzing smelly fly that won't go away.
Spend your time on some volunteer program that does good for people, or go back to school and get an education in something, whether business or journalism, and start with some 5-th classes on writing.
By the way, fellow blogger is being very easy on you, as he's apparently beside himself with seeing the laughingstock this blog has become. Can you imagine the Editor in Chief at any newspaper, if more than half the Letters to the editor were just, "Get rid of that idiot reporter, what's wrong with you for letting him write?"
now watch how every person scorned in the democratic process by my participation all happen to be logged on to this comment page all at the same time to agree.
meanwhile, have fun losers...nice try running a smoke screen deflection over the non-profit issue as posted here...
You honestly seem to believe that the "democratic process" depends on your endless attacks without substance of "the Midget Mayor" and in this very threat, "bitch Perry," and there have been far, far worse even recently. Attacks without substance whatsoever, disgust and united mutiny from readers on this blog (except literally 2-3 who apparently use you for some purpose, or are illiterates who love to attack people out of spite and jealousy), and ludicrous gloating over "breaking" this and that. The only thing that was ever "broken" here, besides some gossip about Mirthala and other women that came from noting Luke Ford by some anon. commentators, not you, was the "broken" understanding between blogger and reader that previous bloggers on this site had created.
People sometimes seem to be amused by the contrast between your idiocy and arrogant drum-beating, but that 15 minutes passed long ago.
You are, in essence, the homeless bum squatting on a modest but tidy property that has turned it into an eyesore and a slum.
Show some respect to the landlord.
Zuma, are you getting this yet?
Lots of others are chiming in to my original thoughts. We are all sick of your antics and your stupid Y'all's and Hoody -Hoo's.
You have really outworn your welcome; why don't you leave before you are unceremoniously dumped?
I know you have been fired before, so it won't be fun re-living the experience.
Think about it.
Seems Mayor Sam, Antonio Watch and the others -- who's the Higby people keep referring to? -- can't post new threads anymore, or zuma will attack them for being the "one same person" who keeps calling him an idiot. How sad -- guys, don't give in to zuma and his tricks.
If you dont like Zuma
MayorSam, Antonio went on ABC yesterday and claimed that his family was his first priority. Where is a thread on this instead of the asenine Zuma Dogg threads.
How corrupt is this? Antonio needs to fire and get rid of his Dept. of Homeland Security in the Mayor's office because we all know its a joke. He hired his friends who can't get regular jobs. Why does he need another CONSULTAANT??/ THIS IS BULLSHIT AND REPORTERS SHOULD FIND OUT WHO HE'S GOING TO HIRE.
...Modification for the 2006 Justice Assistance Grant, Request for Proposals for Community Law Enforcement and Recovery Program consultant services, one
position authority for the Mayor’s Office
COMMUNICATION FROM THE MAYOR relative to the appointment of Ms. Natalie Cole to the
Community Redevelopment Agency Board of Commissioners
Stupid is as Stupid Does. Neighborhood Councils get $50,000 of our tax dollars and Huizar wants to give the radical Mecha NC El Sereno more money but doesn't say why? C'mon someone post why Jose is giving El Sereno more money.
El Sereno Neighborhood Council / FUNDING
Initiated by
Huizar Mover 2007 / Alaracon
Motion - THEREFORE MOVE that, subject to the approval of the Mayor, $6,300 in the Central Los Angeles Recycling and Transfer Station (CLARTS) Community Amenities Trust Fund No. 47S, Department 14, be transferred to the Neighborhood Empowerment Fund No. 44B, Department 47, Account No. 1047 (LA 32 El Sereno Neighborhood Council), for additional support to the activities of the El Sereno Neighborhood Council.
Zuma, please keep up with the good work.
Others don't like him, please don't read.
Zuma, quit posting about yourself.
pretty desparate stuff. someone is sure i was posting about myself. sorry, not mine. and all the otherstuff. OK, whatever you said...everyone has had enough...these posts on nonprofits is a big waste. sorry i didnt cover more about the mayor's love life. i'll try and pay more attention to where he is shopping and his family values, while the ciyt is being robbed blind in the non-profit scam..
Don't worry, bro...words gotten back...this was the one they were hoping i didn't stumble upon...it's been building...been working my way up the shady ladder.
Keep posting the propoganda here on the comment section. The media outlets will be picking up the story on the main thread.
Regarding the fellow blogger. Why not be the official ZD opposition, and clarify and scrutinize my positions. You can say, "Zuma might have said..." But I disagree. Or here's why he is wrong. Drop the "I may not have sold incense on the beach, but.." and just say it. But be accurate please. And when the other readers want to vent against ZD they can say, "Hey, Blank...will you tell ZD..." Or maybe you can say, "Maybe ZD should check into (blank) --- like you used to. Go back to being my mentor and keep doing your thing. In the media/public eye, they may know ZD for all the craziness...but common guys...you know i have changed my deliver at city hall...and have cleaned up my blogging here...you just know that, and so does everyone else reading. So you can hammer me.
So yeah, I think it sucks that a lot of the ZD hate on this blog complaining about how the blog is tanked, was from another contributor, who made it much worse with his comments, that spurred my comments.
So sir...if I may say one thing with all due respect. And i have learned this more and more, recently. I may not like the other shows on public access, or some of the things other publio comment speakers say...or whatever...i don't worry about it...they have the right...but i would never not show up because of someone else. that's sheer crybabiness...so common man: You are making the blog worse by not cotributing because of me. Be the official ZD opposition, if you feel i need it, or be the mentor on issues like you have been in the past.
Huizar is paying back for people voting for him in the area. He had to buy out his own district for CD14 in March. This money to the NC is election payback.
I have Zumma dancing in my head, I have dreams of Zumma dancing at the podium in city council chambers.
Higby please don't let Zumma onto this blog anymore. I can't control myself I have to read Zumma's post and then continually arugue with Zumma.
Zumma, Zumma, Zumma quit dancing in my head, Zumma, Zumma, get out of my head.
I will fight Zumma till the bitter end to protect this blog from anymore of Zumma's comments. Zumma is the devil, he is the anti-christ of Los Angeles. Zumma will destroy the great city of Los Angels and our way of life, his comments on this blog will end the American way of life.
We need to place Zumma on the LAPD most wanted list, so he will stop commenting on this blog. Why isn't chief Bratton and Rocky Delgadillo doing something about Zumma's dancing in my head.
Zumma, Zumma quit dancing in my head.
What was I fired from?
You were fired from life, itself.
Your 15 minutes are up.]
Don't go away mad; just go away.
Attention WHORE!!!!
That last comment about sums up anytime zuma rears his horrible head to defend himself from still another of his victims, driven mad by his mental pollution: all logic runs off in fear, and there is an immediate descent into illogical shrieking.
Get zuma out of our heads!
But if that weren't enough, he now has a new post where you are forced to see his horrible head and hear his satanic voice whenever you push a "comment" button. He is literally in your face like at cit hall. Lord, send a Savior to your tormented and weary people!
Well, everyone wants to know, so I am announcing it today, and I have chosen this blog to make it public.
When I leave POTUS on September 1, I will be joining a well known and respected political consulant who is generally regarded as the finest political strategist in all of Los Angeles.
Together we will be offering our advice to each and every elected official of the City of LA, the County of LA, and the LA Unified School District, plus we will offer it to all other appointed or paid high level managers who clearly need our advice to do their job appropriately.
This service, which is clearly invaluable, will be offered free to each and every of the above, whether or not they wish to receive it.
So, look for this great service to begin September 1, 2007.
Don't thank me, please. I am doing this because the need is there and I am the only person to fulfill that need.
Our new firm will be known as "Rove 'n Dogg".
whats up have u ever heard of trukos poking, that was named after me.
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