Bradley Steps on His Hoo-Haw!
You saw the first version of this video earlier where it looks like our friend Bradley may have allegedly got caught in a lie.
Here's the same exchange from a different angle and with a little gotcha at the end (see the documentation at the end of the video).
Here's the same exchange from a different angle and with a little gotcha at the end (see the documentation at the end of the video).
We need a good celebrity name for our favorite diva of Glassell Park.
I propose Bradley XP (as in "the expeditor") or Bradley Spears.
Are you insinuating that Bradley had a copy of the notice with the ZA number with him at that meeting? Or were you just showing that he had one in his possession, like in a file somewhere in his office. Did he carry his files around? Was the woman in the video holding that same document, and if so, why was she asking him for the number. This is confusing.
I appears that Bradley voted on 4/17/2007 in the matter on the victory outreach sign as a member of the Glassell Park Neighborhood council. It also appears that long before that time he had been involved professional work for the project as in the "radius map". He is listed as the contact on the map and his company EBE appears on the map. The "map" has a ZA 2007 824 stamp on it from the City of Los Angeles. This "zoning administrator" number is assigned to cases, in this case it is for a Conditional Use Permit for the Victory Outreach sign. If this is all true many think this would be a conflict of interest chairing a meeting of the GPNC and also voting on such a matter as a member of the board of the Glassell Park Neighborhood Council.
What Bradley did was wrong. I went to the DONE home page to see if he has yet taken the conflict of interest training that is required of all board by the State. He and the other new board members have a year to take it, so there's no crime yet. But what was interesting was that no one from Glassell Park NC has taken the trainng at all. That means that none of the pre-Bradley board members, the ones providing Mayor Sam with all info on Bradley just didn't find it important to obey the state law in 2006.
If you're talking about the 3-part ethics training, you're right, most NC members last year didn't bother to take it - some whole councils skipped it, and there was no punishment if you failed to do it.
DONE also screwed that up, giving the 1500 or so NC board members citywide just a few weeks notice at the very end of the year - during the holiday season - and a small window to take the last two parts of the training and test. Then they only offered it at 3 locations citywide, one night at each place, with limited seating of 100 or so each place.
You could also take in online, but you'd need a newer computer to run the software necessary, and many of the questions were not specific to neighborhood councils, including a lot of wasted space and time on how to handle campaign donations (for an NC board?), and other things only city councilmembers or department heads would need to know.
It was Sarno-esque in it's lack of effectiveness, announced within weeks of when some were ending their terms, and had no plans of running again.
Why bother to go? So, hundreds didn't.
Now we're into the same screw-ups again. Half the new year is gone, and there hasn't been another peep from DONE about taking the training for those that missed it, or are new board members.
Do not put Bradley in the same league as some of the other "new" members of the GPNC. Bradley has been involved in the NC system since the beginning and in fact served 2 years on the GPNC, I think from about 2002-04, but in any case he knows the rules and the Brown Act. He may be newly elected to this GPNC board but that should not have erased his memory of the rules and regulations.
Bradley is, at best, a very poor chair.
Not only does he outright lie about the Brown Act and "talking to the City Attorney," but he has no clue about Robert's Rules of Order.
All any NC member has to do is look up the CA Attorney General analysis of the Brown Act. It's not that difficult a read.
He runs his meetings more like a cub scout master on arts and crafts day.
Bradley Steps on His Hoo-Haw!
Is that headline some kind of RACIST crack. Is he able to step on "it" because he's black?
Because of the stereotypes.
(I have it on very good authority that Bradley is Republican Mayor Sam, so take care).
why? can't you step on yours?
I can, since 6th grade. Sorry dude, the rest of us can.
Real sorry.
This was BRADLEY's response when challenged on running for the Glassell Park Neighborhood Council from the wrong area. The bylaws clearly state that area reps must reside in the area they represent.
It worked...DONE annointed him king and the rest is history. Oh and it did not hurt to toss in the "race card" Smooth Move Bradley!!!! Oh yes, the report from Human Relations from 4 years ago does not exist, another pile of DOO-DOO from the king of CRAP.
From: "BRADLEY" ~bradley@ebeassociates.comf~p j,i ) d l ! SUPPORT SVCS.
To: "'Rose Ibanez"' [] DONE
Date: 1 1/24/2006 12:50 PM
Subject: RE: GLASSELL PARK NC CHALLENGES l~ubN ~ 2V7 A q. 4- 0
CC: []
Edel (my Partner) and I live at 31 50 West Avenue 32/31 25 Axxxxta Street
(Area I ) and xxxx West Mxxxxa Drive (Area 4). We do not "reside" in Area
4 for a long enough period of time enough or have an inherent presence there
to be considered as our residence. However, we are very present in Area 1
to have a vested right, power, and remain behind in all aspects where our
mail is still being sent. My Community Work is focused in Area 1 and I and
my Family spend 18 hours of my time in Area 1 when they visit monthly. .
Human Relations already did a report 4 years ago with certain GPNC
individuals and it was concluded that Racism, Discrimination, and Jealousy
was a large factor in individual behavior and relations amongst certain
Board Members. Unfortunately, you can't change the hearts and minds of
hateful racists mongers! Sad but true. B
At least Victory Outreach only wants a sign. Divine Savior church in Cypress Park has 4 blarring bullhorns on top of the church blasting all day. They have an amplied sound system. It blasts a tape recording of their off key organ music, chimes and bells 6 times a day every day. LAPD says its legal and Ed Reyes refuses to change the noise law. The priest refuses to lower the volume. I would be happy with a quiet sign.
Susan Rocha
Update! Father Renee sent me a letter saying he lowered the volume of the bells. Is he kidding? What decibel reader is he looking at? Either he was dreaming at the time or he doesn't know how to work that ding, dong thing that I call his community clock.
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