Taxpayers Win A Big One! And Remember To Vote
No time for details today -- too many briefs due.
The good news for taxpayers: the Court of Appeals has invalided the City's illegal tax on cell phones in part, and may throw out the whole thing. Here's the story:
Also, don't forget to vote today. Your vote may not only count, it may constitute 10% of the total ballots cast!
Oh, also, the Mayor is now supposedly concerned about our carbon footprint. Here's a small step he could make: quit flying all over the world!
Gotta dash. Justice beckons.
The good news for taxpayers: the Court of Appeals has invalided the City's illegal tax on cell phones in part, and may throw out the whole thing. Here's the story:
Also, don't forget to vote today. Your vote may not only count, it may constitute 10% of the total ballots cast!
Oh, also, the Mayor is now supposedly concerned about our carbon footprint. Here's a small step he could make: quit flying all over the world!
Gotta dash. Justice beckons.
Sheesh, when will politicians leave well enough alone. Lot's of people find their cell phone bill high enough without adding more taxes to the mix.
A good place to find cell phone deals is
I hope this helps
Phil G
The City of Lost Angels in their infinite wisdom decided that the 10% cell phone was not good enough- so they changed the tax to be based upon airtime. The new tax scheme brought in around $100 million more in tax revenue. Surprisingly, it was the cell phone companies that took the City of L.A. to court claiming that the tax increase violated Prop 215- "the right to vote on taxes" act. The Court agreed that this new tax scheme should have been voted on by the people. The new tax is out.
The cell phone tax issue and the airport hotels "living wage" issue are prime examples of an arrogant city government that has no respect for the rule of law. In both cases, the city has been smacked down by a court. An overturning of Prop R will make that a trifecta!
Special note the city budget committee: It is time to cut $800 million from the city budget. You cannot rely upon additional windfalls in property tax revenues to backfill the budget.
Whoever you are, I want you on my team if I win. You clearly "get it."
Let's see: Walter wants to eliminate transit fares and he applauds when local government loses revenue, mouthing the time-worn cliches about government waste without regard to what it actually means in the real world to cut $800 million. He's sounding more and more like an idiot libertarian every day, and he'll probably say he's proud of that.
Warning to whomever he invites to join his team: he's a lousy coach with no players. Not exactly a recipe for victory.
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