Government By Bake Sale? Hardly!
By Walter Moore, Candidate for Mayor of Los Angeles,
The war against Prop 13 continues, as evidenced by an article entitled "Government By Bake Sale" in today's L.A. Times. The author argues that, as a result of Prop 13, local government is starved for essential funds. Conspicuous by its absence from the article are any actual figures from City Hall's budget -- which is $6.7 BILLION DOLLARS PER YEAR -- much less any mention of how career politicians squander our hard-earned tax dollars. Here is my under-two-minute reply, in video format, which is available at
The war against Prop 13 continues, as evidenced by an article entitled "Government By Bake Sale" in today's L.A. Times. The author argues that, as a result of Prop 13, local government is starved for essential funds. Conspicuous by its absence from the article are any actual figures from City Hall's budget -- which is $6.7 BILLION DOLLARS PER YEAR -- much less any mention of how career politicians squander our hard-earned tax dollars. Here is my under-two-minute reply, in video format, which is available at
Walter - we would like to see your resume. This kind of video only shows who you really are - an over-the-hill, arrogant, self absorbed, loose-jowled, closeted gay man. (not that we have a problem with with being gay - it's the closeted part that we have a little problem with.) You seem to enjoy the sound of your own voice an awful lot, but your dog can't even stay awake during your little speech. Post your resume so that we can all see where you've been for the last 40 years of your career. Moore, you lost the last election for good reason. Why on earth are you doing this again? You'll never win, and you'll just, ONCE AGAIN, take those few votes that make a difference away from someone like Bob Hertzberg, who really was a good candidate and you helped defeat him. Not to mention the fact that all during your previous campaign you bashed Hahn, and the second you lost, you then publicly supported him. Did you think he was going to hire you?
Walter appears to be a simple desktop candidate. What has Walter ever done to help the community?
I have never seen him out at public meetings, nor have I seen him do anything more than be a keyboard warrior and make videos of himself.
Walter is not gay. Interesting that so called tolerant liberals use that as a criticism. Then you go into his resume. Do you assume that if Walter had been sucking off the government and various government supported non-profits for thirty years - as Antonio has done (he's never had a real job) - he would be qualified? For Christ sake's the man's an Ivy Leaguer and has become very rich as an attorney. On the other hand, Villaraigosa went to a bogus law schoo and still failed the bar exam nearly a half dozen times.
Anyway, all of that aside, like Zuma Dogg, you clowns do nothing but criticize their personal lives.
I guess that's because you have yet figured out how to make a cogent argument against their ideas.
I'll just take it as you agree with their ideas.
Sam, thank you for speaking on my behalf, but please don't fall for this staffer's lame attempt at the same old trick, i.e., "changing the subject."
The subject is the ongoing attack on Prop 13. Villaraigosa and the Clowincil want the public to believe that the city is strapped for funds, and that we need to repeal Prop 13 and raise taxes to provide essential services.
In fact, however, tax revenues are at an all-time high, there are more than enough funds to accomplish all legitimate goals, and Villaraigosa and company are squandering our money on idiotic programs.
The staffer who drew the weekend shift cannot defend the status quo with facts or numbers. So what does he do? He tries to change the subject. That's all they can do: call an oppoent "racist," or "gay" or "arrogant," because they cannot defend their position on the merits.
I couldn't find the editorial online , but I found one that is called...
Give bigger government a chance....
Prop 13 is an important issue and It would be greatly appreciated if you could direct us to these articles if they are online.
The person who wrote that article I read sounds like a total dweeb. Proposition 13 has some great things about it. The protections to homeowners from arbitrary tax increases, the way in order for the city to pass a new tax it must be voted on by the citizens ... these items in prop 13 are very important items..
The item that has to go is sending the bulk of the money directly to the state in sacramento, we know damn well when it comes time to back fill the city they short change the city every year.
It is interesting that one of the reasons for sending the bulk of our taxes to the state was because the people felt that the local politicians were misspening the money... Yet now we know it is all politicians.
SO I agree with you on the homeowner protections etc and not making them pay more than what they are , and I agree that government is so wasteful of the public source of revenue , but I do think we need to keep what we need here instead of it all being sent to the state. OR we can zone for hundreds of car lot's and incentivize their move from cerritos. Then again would the politicos spend the money the way they should even if we were to keep more money?
Your 6:20pm post is right on!
Especially the last paragraph.
This is exactly what we are going through with Home Depot and their attorneys, Latham & Watkins.
Red Herrings, and manufactured labeling of the community.
For once, we agree!
Godzilla -- May I call you "Godzilla?" - as per the video, the essay was on the cover of the Sunday opinion section.
Since you asked, I looked up the on-line version, which has a different title. Here's the url:,1,306123.story
I REALLY like your idea of not sending the money to Sacramento in the first place. Any time you send money away -- to Sacramento or Washington -- to have it sent back, you're essentially transporting water in a leaky bucket.
Rather than letting Sacramento redistribute property tax revenues, perhaps the politicians there should have to settle for our income tax revenues. However, I don't have an informed opinion on the state budget; I haven't examined it the way I've examined the local government.
Joe --
It's annoying, isn't it? The good thing is, when someone tries to change the subject, you know you're winning. Otherwise, they'd have something at least halfway intelligent to say.
Hey, Wally.....It's YOU who is changing the subject, dude. Show us your resume. A TRUTHFUL resume. That's what REAL politicians do - produce a comprehensive CV. Where ya been for the last 40 years, Wally? Did that pesky shark with the tie eat your business?
7:12 is right. Walter is changing the subject from who or what he is to issues that, while we may agree with him on some things, it doesn't mean we want Walter to be the Mayor. There are many people I agree with all over the country that I don't want running this government. I could find a bum on the street that agrees about Prop 13 and I don't want that guy to be the mayor either. If Walter really cares about this city he will get the heck out of the race and stop stealing votes for his own vanity that should go to a credible candidate. By the way, what happened with his move to France? Walter Moore is a pompous ass who thinks the voters are so stupid that they won't notice he has NO RESUME and they won't notice that he looks piss poor for 48.
7:27 you're right -- the last thing we need is a real person representing us real people. We need a life-long government parasite who spends his days chasing photo ops and higher office. Genius.
Um Walter doesn't care about the "people." He's a jackass Minuteman supporter whining about liberals in the most liberal city in the country. He thinks the people are stupid. They ruined his LA except that it's ruined forever and Walter is a lone nut clapping for himself with one hand in an empty room. Not once does he consider that the people have the government they want and he is the outlaw looser. What is he going to do with the money he raises to run a failed campaign? Promote more anti-Mexican sentiments on Mayor Sam no doubt. All he's good for, except for rants with his RED NOSE and his RED CHEEKS (yeah the Beach look) about how Los Angeles LIBERALS really want LESS IMIGRATION when Los Angeles is all IMIGRATION. And if he can get you to STAY ON THAT SUBJECT long enough to hatemongoer your neighbor you can forget that he won't fucking tell you where he works, how much money he makes, where he worked before that, if he's living off his rich wife, if she's his wife AT ALL, when they got married, and...well you are just a "losser immigrant" or a looser "liberal supporter of looser immigrants." Walter Moore doesn't owe you a thing.
Except he does. And good luck to him when he runs for mayor again. Because everyone is going to ask these questions. And Mayor Sam has become a lot worse of a blog since he became the mouthpiece of Walter the Tuna Moore.
Oh please. You guys still have yet to make an argument. Keep up the red herrings and ad hominens. In the meantime, Walter will become Mayor.
Ummmmm, do your homework, jerk. L.A. is not the most liberal of big cities, in fact, it's definitely the most conservative of the top three.
To the rambling moron on this thread asking about Walter's CV, check his online bio (even a LAUSD grad should be able to find it).
Next year is the 30th anniversary of Proposition 13! Howard Jarvis was a true American hero. He went to the mat for taxpayers against the most formidable of opponents and won.
May he rest in peace.
His online bio does not disclose the LAW FIRM HE WORKS FOR NOW, Does it Walter?
And LA is the most conservative city of what? The three most liberal cities in the country? And who are those "conservatives?" Religious Latinos who think Walter Moore is a racist, if they think about him at all. And of course there is his other conceit, that the Mayor has staffers "planted" on MS to offset the so-called "damage" being done here by white breath red-nosed Walter Moore. In his dreams. Antonio doesn't think about Wacko at all. Walter needs to wake up to that fact. At least the poor loosers he cons into giving him money to run for Mayor need to accept it. Everyone Walter spends his days criticizing here (and he SPENDS ALL HIS DAYS) knows that Walter is a JOKE. A joke with no resume.
I think he drinks. At least he looks like a drunk in his stupid videos.
The people don't want Walter Moore. If they even know who this looser is. But he will run. Take money from a few like-minded old white guys who have as much hate and anger in their hearts as he does. And as much free time on their hands. They won't notice that Walter Moore's claim to fame is that he blogs on Mayor Sam. And he will loose. Because LA doesn't want Walter Moore and the few voters who know him think that he's repuslive. If he cared about Los Angeles he would just shut up and go away. The people don't need the town joke in a election. We need credible candidates to fix this city. Charlie the Tuna stay home.
Calm down 10:52. No one takes Walter Moore seriously and he will never be the mayor of Los Angeles. Walter must know this, too. Maybe he runs so that he looks like less of a looser to who ever hands out the trust fund money. Gives the poor jerk something to talk about. Leave him be. In my opinion Walter is just your typical bloated LA rantful harmless kook.
LOL! 10:52 and 11:09 are pretending to be two different people... Hey looser, you need a life AND an education.
Let's stay on topic here, folks....Walter needs to pony up a resume. He IS a loser, whether it's spelled properly or not. He's probably unemployable because he has a leeeetle problemo with alcohol. Obvious from his creepy videos, but more obvious if you get within 10 feet of him - he reeks.
YEAH RIGHT 11:29 aka 11:09 aka 10:52 - you just got busted! Now go lick your wounds.
11:18 is pretending to be someone when it is probably Walter or a Walter clone telling the critics they are stupid and need to go to school. Way to go Wacko. That's the way you get votes. Tell anyone who thinks you are a fake that they are dumb. Know what? There aren't enough angry old white racists in LA to agree with you and yes we are dumb, uneducated Latino voters, we MOW LAWNS FOR A LIVING to give our children a better life and proud of it and there are SO MANY OF US you elitiest sack of shit that you will never get elected to anything. Accept it. You will never be mayor. You won't even be the most visible looser. Lick your ass butthole.
Busted for what? Sounds like Walter's hitting the "beach". He gets really mean when he's challenged here.
Poor Walter. He lives on Mayor Sam and then tells his ctitics to "get a life." I feel sorry for this shithead. Not sorry enough to vote for him, and certainly not sorry enough to watch anyone give him their hard earned money, but he sure lives a fantasy life thinking Mayor Sam is the place the LA voters want their leaders to live.
Oh yes he seems to think voters are charmed when he calls us stupid.
That was me in the last post. Not the others, but the last. So I am "BUSTED." For making two in a row.
Speaking of the Villaraigosa Brain Trust, I heard him uttering his pre-rehearsed sound bytes this morning on Eyewitness Newsmakers. My personal favorite was "No one is above the law -- not the police, not priests," blah blah blah. Then one minute later he's talking about "undocumented" worker.
Yeah, no one's above the law, except the 12 million illegal aliens here. You see, whenever he wants to do something illegal, he just uses a different term for it.
Hiking taxes without voter approval is illegal, and no one is above the law, therefore, tax hikes are labeled as fee hikes. Illegal aliens break the law, and no one is above the law, therefore, they're actually just "undocumented workers."
I REALLY hope this town comes up with $150,000, because with the coaching he'll get from people like the staffer filling up this thread with his multiple personality disorder comments, it will be hilarious. More importantly, we'll be able to start repairing the damage done to the city. But it'll still be hilarious.
Funny how you showed up Walter, just as we were saying it was you, you appeared!! And with your usual delusional, which is that MAV has staffers here to dilute your "power." You have no power. The people think you are a crackpot like Ross Perot only nuttier. And you reek. But thanks for proving that you will show up at the drop of a comment. That is what everyone wants in a mayor. A nut blogger with fifteen "supporters" named "anonymous."
This blog must really be killing them. Mayor Sam has been making with the new posts like mad. He threw up at least five in the last two hours. Gotta wonder if he's emailing Walter right now saying "Shut up." There go Mayor Sam's visions of having a mayor that likes him again. Up in smoke like Walter in that dumb video, smoking a cigar and giving the mayor free legal advice. Knowing Walter's employment history, why would the mayor even want it for free?
Government by Baked Brain? Moore is Bitter.
Walter's wisest words: "I don't have an informed opinion..."
Universally applicable.
Walter, you are right on the money here. The fact that no one can compose a logical, fact based rebuttal to your position on prop 13 that incorporates all relevant facts goes to prove that #1 you are correct and #2 that they are willing to accept a political position based on...well I'm not sure what.
Even more telling is that you stated their position for them...that the state is losing out on money because of prop 13. But like you say, that argument is a non starter if viewed in light of the progressively increasing state/local budgets over the past 30 years or so. To the point where thoses entities are collecting record high sums in taxes as government income. To view the prop 13 issue in a vaccumn is to ignore relevant facts which can cast an entirely different light on the situation.
The notion that government entities are bringing in more tax income than ever destroys the argument that prop 13 is causing government entities to fail to bring in enough income.
Anyway, well stated Walter.
Walter is right, of course, about Villaraigosa changing the terms about illegal aliens. The mayor uses the oldest, most transparent, trick in the book: since he can't win the debate on facts, he redefines the terms.
We're not buying it Villaraigosa; you're supposed to represent ALL Angelenos, not just those from your own ethnic group. This is why you will never have national appeal.
And who, exactly, does Wally represent? Lawyers? Rich kids from Princeton? Closeted gay men? Alcoholics? Blowhards? Liars? Phonies? Losers? Show us your resume, Wally. Show it now.
"Moore graduated with honors from the Georgetown University Law Center in 1984, and was an Editor of the Georgetown Law Journal. Moore moved to Los Angeles that same year, and started practicing law as a business trial lawyer, which is his occupation today. Moore has represented individuals, partnerships and corporations in state and federal courts in a wide variety of industries including advertising, aviation, computers, construction, energy, entertainment, real estate and telecommunications. "
Thats his resume post Princeton
What law firm does he work for? what are the names of some of his clients? his law firm flopped so who does he work for now? and why,if he's a successful attorney does he have to sell real estate?
Get a life you weirdo.
Hey, 9:21 you schmuck. That's not a resume. That's Wally's stupid way of NOT telling the TRUTH!!! Guess he thinks we don't get it. Guess what. We do. We get it big time. You're clueless.
A resume, Wally....we really want to see a REAL resume.
When you don't have an opinon and aren't educated enough to dialogue the issue you personally attack. I agree with Walter on this one and I'm Latino. Many Latinos all over the city are tired of the illegals and our midget mayor's stance in support of them. Antonio flip flopped on Newsmakers. He stands in church and states" I don't care if you don't have papers." Then goes on national TV and says "No one is above the law." His handlers need to get him prop cards to read so he doesn't make an ass out of himself. Walter, unlike the little boys posting here, has done a lot by bringing important issues to the forefront on this blog for discussion. Because the little boys posting don't know how to discuss like mature adults they attack. They are the ones whining and complaining and don't do shit for their community. I'm against illegal immigration especially in this city and does that make me a racist? Hell no. It makes me one of hundred of thousands who want ICE to begin their sweeps here in LA.
What has Walter done for this community? Or for any community?
12:58 what has Antonio done for anyone? He's done plenty for himself on OUR time.
What is your interest in opposing Walter with such force and anger? If he's so insignificant, why are you here making baseless charges and throwing a tantrum (especially after you got caught talking to yourself)?
Actually I've only posted at 9:21 and 12:58.
Sorry to burst your bubble...none of my comments in this post have said anything mean, nor have I besmirched anyone in this comment. But thanks for playing.
"In 1994, Villaraigosa was elected to the California State
Assembly; four years later, his colleagues elected him the first Assembly Speaker from
Los Angeles in 25 years. While Speaker, Villaraigosa oversaw passage of landmark state
legislation including the modernization of public schools, the toughest assault weapons
ban in the country, the largest urban neighborhoods parks initiative in America, and the
“Healthy Families” program that provides healthcare for over a half a million California
He's written legislation and overseen countless pieces of legislation. Has Walter?
I don't understand. Why is Walter Moore required/compelled to have done some preconditioned act? I don't understand where this obligation is required for someone to form an opinion on public policy.
He can form all the political opinions he wants and he can post them ad nauseum. If he runs for mayor, this time he better expect some HARD inquiries into who he works for, who his clients are and what he's been doing for the greater part of his worthless adult life. Calling people "weirdo" and "immature" and "stupid" won't save Walter if he runs for mayor. It's a big mistake but if he should run he should know as an "adult" that he claims to be that his life, like Antonio's, will be LAID BARE. But this time it is coming out BEFORE THE ELECTION. Still running Wacko?
Someone needs to put his aluminum foil hat back on and go stalk a real celebrity.
Dude, no offense, but you've got issues!
Did I mention, "wow?"
As long as you decided to show up DUDE, asking you to state your history plainly and clearly NO SPIN is not stalking. It's being a concerned citizen LOL and if you can't figure that out, well.. the point has been made. If you should be taken seriously as a candidate RED NOSE, your life will be laid bare. If not then relax, and that is also a big possibility as most of this city sees you as a wackadoo. Just for the record Charlie the Tuna, WHERE IS YOUR LAW FIRM AND WHO ARE YOUR CLIENTS. Or do you think City Ethics won't ask you the same? Surely by now you know you aren't exactly The People's Choice? Or did you have too much "beach" again today?
10:08 I pray that someone is paying you to refresh Mayor Sam all day, because if not, you are truly frightening and in need of some major psychological help.
My bet is that you have a direct interest, i.e., your own employment, in seeing that Walter doesn't get into the debates with AV.
There you go Walter. Calling names again when all you were asked to do was disclose that illusive law firm and your clients. Why is it that you think the rules don't apply to you? Why is anyone who asks you to say where you work in need of "psychological help"?
Because you can't say and we already know that. We already know everything about you and next time you try to spoil an election for someone like Herzberg we will tell the voters EXACTLY who you are, how you spend your day, what your "work" history is. You are so arrogant from writing for Mayor Sam that you don't realize you can only get away with calling your critics crazy here. Out there in the real world you are considered a small joke. Your in person personna is that of an angry old queen in a dirty suit with smelly breath. You think that is going to get you elected to mayor of Los Angeles? How about telling us IF YOU ARE MARRIED, what is her name and what does she do for a living, too.
Or not. Save it for Ethics. La Observed. And the LA Times. You have a whole year Charlie the Tuna. Keep praying.
Wally spends his life criticizing the Mayor. By his own stupid definition, Wally is STALKING Antonio!
Government by half-baked "too much to beach" looser? Hardly!
This is getting interesting. Walter, I suggest you give us your full work history/resume and remove all speculation. Don't let these idiots get the best of you.
Oh dear God.
Psycho called in reinforcements: Looser is back! Tighter should be here any minute to call Walter a racist because he and Looser can't debate their way out of paper bags.
No.............. - I - called you mean names and I am not Walter you jackass. Tell us who you are and I'll tell you who I am.
I won't hold my breath, mr. late night AV staffer.
Sorry I kept encouraging the nutcases. It was unintentional. I couldn't understand the lame attacks going on. I mistakenly took them seriously for a bit.
I won't feed the trolls any further.
Our own electronic freakshow. Yikes. He's got to be a staffer. Or crazy. Both, probably.
Yup, the psychos posting here are Antonio groupies. They're afraid if someone who knows the issues runs against him they'll embarrass his lack of any accomplishments and bring out the truth. You go Walter. Why aren't these idiots bringing up any issues or opinions instead of attacking? Because they have no substance and mommy didn't teach them how to dialogue with grown adults.
Hey Walter where do you work? Name of the "law firm"? Your yearly income? Are you married? How many years? What is your wife's name? Occupation?
Asking these questions doesn't make one a "psycho." Do you know how arrogant you sound when you say that the voters don't deserve to know WHO YOU ARE. But they do know. You are an out of touch old white man in a multi-cultural city and you wish it was 30 years ago. Smoking in your videos is one more proof. You will never be mayor of Los Angeles because you don't even see Los Angeles the way it is and you should consider how wrong it is to take votes away from someone who does. All you are is a spoiler. You are the one who needs to get a life.
Hey, Wally....
Just want you and your buddies to be very clear:
a. I am not a man
b. I am not a political employee
c. I am not all the people posting here.
d. Show us your resume now.
Where do you work? How much money do you make? Who do you represent now and who have you represented in the past? If you're representing anyone with special interests, that makes you an even less desirable political aspiree that we already know you are.
Do you think you'll get past the ethics process without disclosing all this stuff? Now might be the time to disclose it all among your friends here, of which I am certainly not.
P.S. Why on earth would you believe that AV would care a whit about you to plant a staffer on Mayor Sam? You're beyond ridiculous.
And one other thing:
I don't like Antonio either. So put that in your cigar and smoke it, DUDE.
I'm hoping that Laura Chick will be our next, competent, smart, capable mayor. She has worked hard for it, she is qualified, she has a track record of honesty, accountability and actually doing great things and accomplishing much for our city.
There ya go, Wally.
8:01 --
I think it's probably just one guy, though maybe he has 10 different finger puppets to help him try to create the illusion that he's more than one person. Then again, he could just be all "Three Faces of Eve" / "Sybil" / "Fight Club."
You're absolutely right, though, about their inability to defend their "policies" on the merits. Instead, they usually just accuse anyone who disagrees with being a "racist." Now they're throwing in "gay."
Expect them to sink even further downhill as Villaraigosa spends more and more time in office without ever accomplishing anything other than racking up more photo-ops and frequent flyer miles than anyone in history.
I know: we'll call them "Antonio's Avatars." It's alliterative, which is very important in politics, e.g., "Subway to the Sea," "Mayday Melee."
Walter, you self-absorbed, ignorant loser. That's right. L O S E R. You can choose to believe whatever you wish - this is America, after all. (Remember? Or are you too drunk to remember anything?)
AV has no more regard for you than a pimple on his back side. He wouldn't waste his staffers' time coming here to argue with your inanity.
In fact, I'm done as well. You should go back to whatever rock you crawled out from and leave LA politics the hell alone.
No one likes you. No one believes you. You're a lying sack of shit, and everyone knows it. And you smell like stale beer and old cheap cigars. You might want to consider an occasional shower if you can manage to drag your drunken butt off the couch. can have the last word, DUDE. I'm outta here. You're a waste of time.
Why won't Walter post his resume? It seems easy enough to do. That would get rid of all these idiots. We believe in you Walter, just post the resume and silence these clowns!
Wally are you GAY?
If you are happy Hector Cabrera
would like to meet you.
I hang out at Starbucks in San Fernando Monday thru Friday at 6AM.
Stop by I will give you coffee with lots of CREAM.
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