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Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Mayor Sam's Hotsheet for Tuesday

Councilman Greig Smith has been unable to get City Council support for his plan to increase police overtime to get more officers on the street. So now he's going to the City's Neighborhood Councils for support. Both actions are commendable but wait - Smith is asking for the City to fund $100,000 to study the issue. Forget that! The Clowncil needs to just bite the bullet and provide the funding. As Walter Moore has shown, the City is flush with cash but shallow on responsible fiscal priorities.

Click read more for: The City Council overspending on real estate, developers backing down to the city and more.

We covered this on Wednesday and it happened: the Clowncil has voted to purchase a building it could have bought three years ago for nearly half the price. And we want to know why we have no money for cops? Do they really think we're this stupid?

Don't park your car on Ventura Boulevard between the 405 and Topanga Canyon Boulevard during the hours of 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. The City is beefing up patrols to tow any and all vehicles that ignore the law.

A Warner Center developer who was being held up by the City to build affordable housing - and then stood up to fight the City - has given in, well sort of. Simms Commercial Development agreed to set aside about 10% of it's 438 unit apartment complex for "low income housing." Previously the City had wanted Simms to cough up about 25% of the project.

And finally, be sure to vote for Mayor Sam's Sister City at the Bloggers' Choice Awards. We're nominated in the following categories Best Political Blog, Best Blog of All Time and Most Obnoxious Blogger.


Blogger Walter Moore said:

Coming soon, like, today: the secret tax hikes hidden in Villaraigosa's new budget!

April 24, 2007 6:18 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

NO NO NO NO NO NO ON SMITH'S MOTION. Here's what he's not telling the neighborhood councils. He wants a minimum deployment plan to have 10 Basic Cars in each division. This would be nice IF we had the officers. WE DON'T and Smith's motion if passed will tell the Chief how to deploy his officers. Since we don't have enough officers in order to fill Smith's motion LAPD will have to pull officers from specialized units, i.e. narcotics, metro, swat, etc. Smith's motion is not the answer. The solution is give LAPD overtime like the city gives the Fire Dept. to deploy officers where they're needed.

April 24, 2007 7:21 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

What Smith is leaving out on purpose is LAPD is losing 300 veteran officers because of the DROP program. These vets have 30+ years on the job and have to retire. In two weeks 68 vets retired and that was 2,460,00 years of experience. We all know public safety is important but every patrol officer will tell you if city council gave them overtime they could immediately put more of them out on the street without city council sticking their nose where it doesn't belong.

April 24, 2007 7:39 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Cops who are retireing and want to work, should be allowed to work for LAPD at the school programs, in offices of the police department, anywhere they wont have to defend anyone or anything. Now they work as 'Rent a Cop" for security, the movie industry, etc.

The City would make money. The cops who are in these positions now should be placed in a car, not on a desk. We would have 68 more cops, 34 more teams, seventeen more cars; almost one for each Council District.

April 24, 2007 9:14 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Sounds like a good idea to me! All the special assignments are great, but other neighborhoods don't have any patrols.

Even in the really nice neighborhoods, it's only a matter of time until the criminals figure out that there's no cops around to respond quickly to emergency calls.

April 24, 2007 9:34 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Trust me the veterans retiring most of them don't want to work. The average of the years they've already put in is 35 years. Most of the cops working movie details already retired a long time ago. Why do you think the gang violence is so high this year? The goons have figured it out because our Mayor kept saying it over and over we're one of the most underpoliced cities in the nation. Look how NY politicians put public safety first. They have 40,000 cops and patrol less then 100 miles LAPD has to with a hell of a lot fewer. Its the politicians fault for decades of ignorning public safety.

April 24, 2007 4:27 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Please do something. In a 2001 study by the reason foundation the City of Los Angeles was ranked at the bottom of the barrel in term of efficency for the 44 largest cities in the US. The LAPD was rank 43rd in that study. In a similar study in 2002 of the 10 largest cities in Cal LAPD was ranked last in terms of efficency.

What good are specialized units if there are not enough officers to provide basic services?

Minimum staffing levels should be manditory. When someone is breaking into your house at 2am most of these specialized units personnel are at home sleeping and you will have to wait for the short staffed patrol officer to arrive.

I think I would prefer more guys on the street to arrest the bad guy while he is breaking vs specialize officers coming out the next day to investigate my homicide.

April 24, 2007 7:26 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

There are two sides to every story and Smith is not telling the other side. You obviously have no clue how specialized units work. IF Smith's motion passes (which I doubt) then with the few officers LAPD has they will have to find those officers somewhere. If there was a terrorist attack, a hostage situation, bomb threat those officers wouldn't be available because they would have to be pulled to ride around in a patrol car in a station that may have low crime. I say give LAPD overtime, put more patrols on the street now and let the Chief decide where best they should be NOT CITY COUNCIL. Yeah, they have a great track record of knowing what's best for the city. ASK YOURSELVES why all of a sudden is Smith asking NC's?

April 25, 2007 7:29 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

The reason a lot of the veteran cops don't want to work anymore is that the department won't let them police the neighborhoods the way they used to.
In the 60's & 70's crime was lower in LA because criminals knew that if you messed with LAPD, you were in trouble (without any stupid trials).
Now the politicians like MAV claim to like and support cops, but at the same time they push to have police disciplinary hearings open to the public.
Can you imagine being a cop, having just protected your own life by shooting some scumbag, only to have racists like Al Sharpton & Jesse Jackson threaten a riot at your hearing, unless you're hung out to dry?
And of course, the LAzy Times would be of no help, either, since they all hate cops.
The same idiot politicians and "civil rights leaders" who always criticize every minor police mistake are the same ones saying there's never enough LAPD manpower in their communities.
7:39 was right--the department will lose thousands of years of experience through retirement in the next 2-3 years.
Citizens of LA--be afraid, be very afraid

April 25, 2007 8:07 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:


April 26, 2007 3:19 PM  

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