Pearl Harbor Day Podcast

This is the city: Los Angeles, California. I work here. I'm an ex-mayor. Los Angeles is a magnet for people from all over the world. Some of them run for public office. Inevitably some of them stray from the golden rule and rule for those that have the gold. That's when I go to work. My name is Yorty. I'm a dead pol.
Interplanetary... hmmm...
Walter, please don't space out on us now!
Well, now I can comment on things like NASA's attempts to gin up interest and support for its proposed missions to the Moon and Mars. "Water found on Mars! Vodka found on Jupiter!" [Insert Uranus joke here.]
If you keep away from mine, I'll keep away from yours.
Consider the Uranus joke inserted.
Will you still be selling Charlie the Tuna mugs and shirts?
Why do you want to know, 8:43? Do you want to buy one so you can show what kind of good taste you have?
Sorry, 8:43, Starkist wants tuna that tastes good.
Why go national when this city is in a state of havoc? Where are all the leaders who speak out for the people like Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy? Remember them? LA has no one with any intelligence or charisma to go after the politicans like the old days. We're stuck with a bunch of lame igrnorant asses and they have the nerve to call themselves politicans.
9:03 Go file your papers
9:43, politicians are what our current council is; many of them are crooked. The voters of L.A. got what they deserve; they voted the crooks into office.
As for MLK Jr., he never campaigned for political office. RFK did, as he inherited the political mantle of his brother, JFK. All 3 were assassinated; nowadays many people want to play it safe by not speaking up. They don't want to run the risk of getting assassinated themselves.
It takes a certain kind of bravery to speak up for what is right - witness the "Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!" style of Zuma Dogg. Sure, he's a self-promoter, but most political figures and investigative commentators are (for example, our local John & Ken of KFI; nationally, Bill O'Reilly of Fox News).
I meant to address 9:03 with my post.
My post was supposed to address 9:30... I'm still sleepy, can anyone email me a cup of espresso?
Oops, I don't have my email posted!
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