Alger for CD12?

The tipster claims to have been told this by a Democratic operative at a local political event. He cites the fact that Alger has yet to disband his campaign committee from his failed State Assembly bid as well as recent attacks on this blog and others by Alger's foes as reasons that the convention wisdom is Alger's in the CD 12 race.
The Sister City reached Alger by telephone and he told us that his position since the June election has been that he was taking the new couple of months to consider his future options and that he would make an announcement, probably in August, as to what he plans to do.
So, stay tuned!
Run, Jim, run!
Council Dist 14 SUCKS!
GREATER (YEA RIGHT) El SERENO CHAMBER SUCKS! Alger is going to lose 2 races in a row? Pathetic
Speculation, speculation. The only people who seem to feel he is actually running are the staffers of CD 12. The Alger for CD 12 rumor is being floated by people who want him to run and are trying hard to convince him to do it but the truth is I would be very surprised if he did, at least now.
Disbanding his Assembly campaign committee would have zero to do with running for CD 12 and have more to do with being in debt from his previous run.
I have $100.00 that Alger waits for Smith to officially announce and then endorses him. Alger has told many people that he isn't running.
Mayor Sam, your timing for this story is a little off. Alger just posted the following on the home Depot thread yesterday:
"I have said on here no less than 20 times my disagreement with Greig Smith was over 2 issues period. Others have continuously tried to make that much larger than it ever was."
Doesn't sound like he is running to me.
While I think Alger should run, I just don't think he will. (Unless Walter and folks like him are willing to put money to "support" then maybe but you guys never put your money where your mouth is)
Personally I believe he is a better fit for City Council then he was for the Assembly but if he doesn't have fundamental differences with Smith what would he run on?
Sure there is the NC angle but they have never supported anyone because they enjoy complaining to much. They left Alarcon in the wind, and Alger as well so where is his base? Disgruntled people in Chatsworth? Not enough of them with money, or should I say with money they are willing to part with.
My guess is that this is the wishful thinking of a few people so they have an excuse to bash Jim some more in here and other places.
Alger is way to busy buying real estate out of state to run for Cd 12. In 4 years you can bet on it but now? I doubt it.
Oh holy hell... an Alger thread... where the HELL did I put Mitch's phone number???
CD 12 bloggers are gonna be busy today!
I agree with the general sentiment, he won't run no matter how much I wish he would.
Since his Assembly campaign Alger has taken a much lighter tone with Greig Smith and has even stated that he wouldn't criticize him publicly at all if Smith's staff would pull their head out of their ass and communicate with him. (OK, he didn't put it like that but I figured I'd be more direct)
This entire thing started because Jim had a license plate that read CD12. He says it is hysterical because the plate isn't even his but rather was a gift. MiniMitch Englander then became obsessed with Alger and his aspirations, which were always stated to be State Assembly in 2006 but MiniMitch wasn't convinced and has spent much of his time attempting to undermine Alger in one venue or another, including several council offices. This led to the public clashes with Alger that probably wouldn't have happened if they would have just listened to him in the first place.
Of course all of this has led to speculation that Alger would run for City Council but he has consistently said he wouldn't. (Of course MAV wasn't running for Mayor either) But the irony here is that most of the speculation has stemmed from the CD 12 office itself. Alger has said consistently said that his beef wasn't with Smith but mostly some of his staff, and their constant attacks on him.
So, all in all although I would support him I don't live in CD 12 and more importantly I don't think he'll do it.
But it sure would be fun huh?
Unfortunately, Alger didn't have the courage to file an official complaint regarding the illegal hit piece mailed out during the AD38 race.
If Alger can't/won't smoke out his foes on this -- when he has a legitimate complaint -- it's because he's damaged goods, and can't risk discovery in a civil or criminal suit.
He'll be smeared whenever and wherever he runs, and it will stick.
It's the truth.
Hasn't Mitch moved out into CD 12 so that he can be "ready" to run to succeed Greig when Greig is termed out? Mitch ain't gonna let no one get in his way on this....
Well, at least we don't have to hear from Nick, Eliseo and Rick, III about how rotten Antonio and Jose are in this thread.
Outside of that, I'd like to know which of the bloggers is Alger's boyfriend...
Alger is my hero. How can he be running for city council when his ambitions are so much higher?
His run for assembly was just a training jog for his run for mayor, which will launch him into the governor's mansion.
Then it's Jim Alger for vice president and then we're all saved because he's the smartest, most skilled, experienced, level headed and HANDSOME guy among all of us clods!
"You guys never put your money where your mouth is"?! Excuse me, what do you call taking an eight-month leave-of-absence without pay from a six-figure job as a lawyer to run for office to improve one's City?
Where was Alger and the rest of the NC's who stopped the last DWP pay hike this week? We got another hike without anyone speaking out against it. DWP has more damn money then any other department and those clowns city council members allowed them to do this.
Nathalie Reyes endorses Jim Alger.
hey, 7:49 am -- you ask where was Alger? Where were YOU?!
Again crybaby Villaraigosa. As if his losers are the most courteous. Jimmy Blackman has to be without a doubt the rudest most arrogant idiot he travels with. Why wasn't Antonio sitting in his seat during council today? Why has he been excused from Friday's April 1st city council meeting for personal business? Hasn't he missed more than enough days in the 2 yrs he's been in office? Antonio can get all the endorsements he wants. This is exactly how it played out in 2001. It's all in timing and thankfully the media is beginning to print the truth about his zero record and his baggage.
I DEMAND AN APOLOGY from the Villaraigosa campaign for allowing lapdog MEAT to keep insulting the mayor by calling him to a convicted mobster, Gotti. Waaaaaa, they're being mean during a big city election, Waaaaaaa! (Can't take the heat? Move to Alaska.)
I DEMAND AN APOLOGY from ADV and his staff for pretending to be representing the 14th district for two years when ALL they've been doing is running a 24-month, city-funded pre-mayoral campaign. Waaaaaaa!
ADV doesn't have the balls to be mayor, he can't even take the heat of the election without crying abuse. What happens when he's mayor and Arnold of "W" mistreat the city -- he'll be in a fetal position in the corner of his office sucking his thumb. GEEZ, what a whhhhhhhimp!
A Tony political operative is sent by Parke Skelton to disrupt a Hahn press conference, and you ask for an apology? How stupid can you get?
But let's see who else wants an apology, this time from Tony:
-That girl from Sacred Heart that Tony got pregnant, she wants an apology for ruining her life and setting her family on the run to Fresno - you know one day that kid, must be about 33 now, will come looking for you.
-Maria Elena Durazo for not marrying her and passing her off to Miguel Contreras.
-June from the Venice Room, she still has that scar you gave her.
-Father John Morretta of Resurrection Parish, for flat out lying to him, maybe you can go to him for confession, you are, after all, a reformed Catholic!
-The Mothers of East L.A. for lying about them and destroying their scholarship program, have you given any schoalrships away?
-The residents of the 14th District not for lying to them but for your insistance that they released you from your promise.
-Your daughter Priscilla, for leaving that bruise that prompted a child abuse case to be filed against you.
-That guy from La Fonda, I'm sure he still has a scar from when you stabbed him.
-Your wife for, well, just being you.
-Martha Reyna for, well, just being you.
-Your son, Tonito, for all the times that you abandoned him at those South Pasadena baseball fields, how many times did he have to walk over to Jesus Quinonez' house waiting for you to pick him up while you were out there being a man!
-Bob Hertzberg, for either making a pass at him or setting him up with one of your sluts, and you wonder why Cynthia doesn't want him to endorse you.
-El Sereno residents for reviving the dead Long Beach Fwy extension and supporting the connector road.
-Parke Skelton and Steve Barkan, for not being honest with them and telling them about all those skeletons in your closet, you know more are coming - timing, timing, timing.
This list goes on and on.....
Attention Deficit Villaraigosa has been MIA at city council meetings. Didnt' someone fill out a public information form to find out exactly how many days he's been out of council since last year? Yes, Hahn and Antonio agree on many of the same issues. THE BIG DIFFERENCE IS HAHN HAS DONE SOMETHING ABOUT THEM, public safety, after school programs, traffic, neighborhood councils, afforable housing. Someone ask Antonio what he's done about neighborhood councils besides not going to the ones in his district. Please add the investigation into the 80 neighborhood watches with taking money from 2 of his districts neighborhood councils.
Wasn't Art Snyder the discredited, nearly indicted ex- CM, and Villaraigosa mentor that told him how to best "handle" CD14 in the first place (the "way" that's been so successful?) "Just dump all the council dollars into Eagle Rock and Mount Washington," said Snyder. "They're the only one's that vote anyway. Screw the other 80 percent of the district!"
Oh, Parke I'm off script again why are we holding this press conference again? Antonio you stupid ass you are supposed to say "Mayor Jim Hahn is getting desperate and has to attack me."
Well, if you reverse the situtation Antonio is sure acting like his poll show him 20 points behind Jim Hahn!
I'm not being a racist I'm just putting a face on the type of Violence Gang Members that benefit when people like Antonio and the ACLU filed law suits to stop gang injunction against the City of Los Angeles who are trying to protect the public.
I say f_ck the gang-banger civil rights what about the real victims of gang violences the community!
Parke and Ace no matter how hard you try Antonio Villariagosa is Bleeding Progessive Liberal. In the primary at the Democratic Central Endorement Debate Antonio said " I'm proud to be a Progessive Liberal" now Antonio please do not Flip-Flop on this statement!
Tony, Tony, Tony, why do you pay Parke, Ace, Steve and any other bozo with their hand out, all that money. Don't you know how to handle that private school question yet. The answer is, and always should be:
"I will not sacrifice my children for my political principles."
Hillary and Bill used it and it is so much better than, "I'm Catholic and want my children to have the same education I had." You got kicked out of Cathoic school for using drugs! Everyone knows that.
Where should I send my bill?
Another person Tony should apologize to:
The 15th murder victim in your district this year. Are you going to show up at the crime scene Tony, it is after all, right smack in the middle of your base - right on El Sereno Avenue.
Another person Tony should apologize to:
The 15th murder victim in your district this year. Are you going to show up at the crime scene Tony, it is after all, right smack in the middle of your base - right on El Sereno Avenue.
Antonio stopped going to homicides scenes last year when he needed to spend time out of his district campaigning. Having an Antonio supporter go to Hahn campaign headquarters with a sign to try and disrupt the press conference is an act of desperation.I smell fear coming out of his team. Could it be that the voters citywide are beginning to see who the real Antonio is? How in the hell can you support the gangbangers and not understand families being in fear of going to their local park? Valley people take notice. All those Pacoima, Van Nuys gangs will have a free for all with Antonio.
MEAT here's another apology that Tony owes. To the Latino community in general. Tony's people, under Parke's direction, are out there telling Latinos that the reason they should vote for Tony is that he will be the first Latino mayor. Well exactly what has Tony done for Latinos? Here's a list:
-After being handed the Assembly Speakership from the 1st Latino speaker, Tony sabotages a potential 3rd Latino speaker in a row - Cardenas - and hands the speakership to Hertzberg.
-As speaker of the Assembly and despite a record number of Latinos in the Assembly, Tony doesn't even appoint one to Chair a committee.
-After baiting Latino activists with the line, "the 45th Assembly District should not go to a white man", he hands it over to Goldberg.
-Looking to attract millionaire funders, Tony appoints Ron Unz - the person who killed bilingual education - a prized seat on a State Blue Ribbon commission. Unz uses this platform to take his campaign to kill bilingual education to Arizona and has Nativo Lopez recalled from the Santa Ana School district board.
-Tony goes against MALDEF in their lawsuit to get a Latino congressional seat in the San Fernando Valley and his testimony is used by Berman and Waxman to defeat Latino empowerment.
See a pattern here? Almost in every instance when Latinos could have benefitted Tony chose Jews over Latinos. Even before he became a "reformed Catholic" Tony's feature article in the L.A. Times Magazine by Matea Gold in 2001 he is quoted as saying he prefers the Jewish religion over Catholicism. I know Parke and Ullysees will cry anti-semitism here, well how about anti-Latinoism? The facts speak for themselves.
MEAT/Ullysees, you want rebuttal on personal issues - why don't you rebut the Venice Room incident or the La Fonda incident or the Capitol Garage incident or the Tony/Bob roomate incident....
But for starters you said:
"Please Jim apololgize to the following:
Your wife - for cheating on her with your former chief of staff while City Attorney.
Your son - for cheating on his lesbian mom while you were City Attorney."
Last I checked, Jim Hahn did do the honorable thing and dissolved a dysfuntional marriage by legally seperating. I'm sure he and his ex-wife have apologized to their son - as any honorable parent would. What about Tony, holding on to that sham of a marriage just for his political gain. Have you seen Corina smile lately. I believe the case she filed for divorce the day after Tony's 1994 Assembly victory is still open. Let's hear it for Parke, the marriage counselor.
BECAUSE... Antonio Villaraigosa is a pathological liar who can't be trusted to do what he says he'll do. Someone prove me wrong.
End of story!
after reading yesterday's LA Times article about Diva-raigosa and his entourage and $140 bottles of wine, it certainly underscores that he has accomplished nothing meaningful.Maybe he failed the bar exam 5 times, but he's found the way to live it up at taxpayer expense. And his billion dollar housing bond to go on the ballot to subsidize police, fire and nurses and other "essential" workers that make more money than most of us.....this is why LA has the largest economic polarization of any city in the nation.
You guys are a bunch of morons. Mehrabian owns property off San Fernando road that the city wants to expand the recreation space at the new park being built at the old Taylor Yards. 3 or 4 soccer fields, baseball field, softball field and basketball courts, in a badly needed densely populated urban area. Some of these plans run up right next to Mehrabian's car dealership - the #1 Kia delaership in the country. The city has to give him a sweet deal to get that property. And Mehrabian is no stupid businessman. If he has to move, he's going to get the best price. This isn't Meruelo we are talking about - he's holding out for his 5 million dollar profit for land adjacent to Mehrabian's that would have been Glassel Park High School.
Does anyone seriously think this bond will fly?????????
I think just about everyone in this city has wised up about the Mexican midget in the mayor's office. We will veto EVERYTHING pertaining to illegals on judgement the ballot box.
After the voters were 'trashed' on the 'tax FEE', there will be a revolt. Senor Alcalde thinks he's pretty clever by call it a "FEE" instead of a tax. Taxes have to get a 2/3 vote by the voting public. We weren't fooled in the slightest, and Senor Villagrossa will pay for it!!!!!
Just one more nail in the coffin of Villagrossa!!! We will not forget or forgive!
Archie Bunker said...
How does this incompetant bastard still have a job in the City? It is beyong saying.
Folks he won't have one for long, he's up for re-election 2007. Vote this asshole out!
Even though I'm a little disappointed in my Chocolate Princess for her attack on Bratton, she usually stays on his side.
July 24, 2006 4:32 PM
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't Parks the person responsible for closing the 4th Floor Blog a year or few years ago???
Nathalie #1
6:27 am, An official complaint was filed with the FPPC regarding the Alger hit piece but my guess is you already knew that.
A few weeks ago when the candidates for president of the Los
Angeles Neighborhood Councils Congress were be questioned by the
delegates, each was asked if they had any plans for run for
political office. Alger's answer was clear. He said that he had
no plans for run for political office for the next 2-3 years. Some
of the delegates were concerned that if elected to the LANCC
presidency, he would soon be distracted by his political campaign.
ADV said da same shit. Lookie him now.
Oops...Is that Huggie fundraiser sort of like a floating craps game...Maybe, it's in the same vain as some Sacramento electeds have done...Since by the end of the session, many lobbyists are up to their eyeballs with fundraisers...A number of the members call it a no-show fundraiser, where instead of having to show up to another wine, cheese and crackers stand-up...They send each "attendee" a nice basket of wine, and all the fixings, so they can have their own event whenever and wherever they want to...
I guess this was really, just a goof 'cause knowing "Huggie Hertzberg" there's no way he'd miss the opportunity to pass around his famous "abrasos"!
In light of the NBC story about Councilmembers paying attention when the voters speak...this is one time, when he'll have to listen...!
what are the chances of two councilpeople with the exact same name *and* two vice mayors with the exact same name all showing up at the same meeting?
That's the proof we needed, folks. This blog must be David Gershwin's, as no self-respected 4th floorer would even know about this National League of Cities event unless they were inside the 7th CD offices. Busted.
Of course it's him! The facts were there the whole time. How could anyone expect City Hall staffers to know about a city-related organization like the League of Cities? You'd have to either be able to think outside of the "fourth floor box" or simply trying to promote your boss. Everyone knows that real city hall staffers aren't concerned with issues outside their boss' district, but stupid inter-office politics and petty gossip. Congratulations, THE INVESTIGATOR! What insight.
Well that's sure nice of Big Blue and their government startegist Big Howie to make this gesture...Are these same tickets available to the general public for a buck? If not, is the difference in price considered a gift? Can city vehicles be parked in red zones...or has Big Jim also arranged reduced rate reserved parking too?
Who are the Top 10 hottest City employees?
Hottest female council staffer: Young-Gi Kim
Hottest male council staffer: Glen Dake
Hottest council staffer of indeterminate sex: Lisa Gritzner (I guess she's gone now)
Hottest male councilmember: Eric Garcetti/Bernard Parks
Hottest female councilmember: Cindy Miscikowski (call me kinky)
Hottest female GM: Dee Allen
Hottest male GM: Alvin Blain
Hottest mayoral female staffer: Nathalie Rayes
Hottest mayoral male staffer: Mario Marin
Hottest female City Attorney: Valerie Barreiro
Hottest male City Attorney: Gideon Kracov
Hottest City Controller staff (male): Marcus Allen
Hottest City Controller staff (female): Miriam Jaffe
Hottest Council Photographer: Toss-up
Marcos Aguilar=Traitor
'Race schools'
By Michelle Malkin
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Top White House adviser Karl Rove traveled to Los Angeles to pay homage to the anti-immigration-enforcement lobbying group for Latinos: the National Council of La Raza.
"La Raza" is Spanish for "The Race."
It's bad enough the White House lent its prestige to The Race's annual conference. But did you know the Bush administration has forked over millions of federal tax dollars directly to The Race?
According to GOP Rep. Charlie Norwood of Georgia, The Race snapped up $15.2 million in federal grants last year alone and more than $30 million since 1996. Undisclosed amounts went to get-out-the-vote efforts supporting La Raza political positions. The U.S. Department of Education funneled nearly $8 million in taxpayer grants to the group for a nationwide charter schools initiative.
Can you name the organized crime lord who runs C D 14
What is this recycled stuff from 2004? C'mon Antonio won, get over it and quit bringing up inane stuff like how he dissed his homeroom teacher in high school. Grow up!
Three members of Alger's neighborhood council resigned because they lacked confidence in Alger's ability to lead. One of the members, a senior citizen who has volunteered in the community for decades, call Alger "pushy" and said he was "only in it for himself."
Her comments were published in a local paper and she is not from CD12. I think she has his number and that number is "ZERO".
You can't use an assembly campaign fund for LA City elections.
Maximum city donations= $500.
State Assembly=$6,700.
Of course Alger had primarily no donations, so to speak, other than loans so pointing out that he would need to create a new committee for a council race is un-needed.
Ok I'm tired of the mental psycho who keeps posting old news and crap and is obsessed with Antonio and the Hahn campaign. I'm afraid the wrong people will be pointed to for posting and TRUST ME its not us. We moved on and got over it. If you knew anything about LA Politics you would be posting recent stuff about Antonio that he hasn't done since being elected and all the backfire he's getting on the LAUSD issue and illegal immigration. He's lost support from some big time money people, the valley and westside people really pissed for making LA a santuary for ilegals. Now do your homework and quit posting the old bullshit.
5:00PM Anon: Her name was Beverly Adler and she volunteers in the CD12 office so, enough of that "she wasn't from CD12" shit.
I will give the CD 12 Staffers credit for one thing they have toned it down. The best they could come up with is a few losers who didn't like losing and resigned just 2 months after being elected to the board, one of them an ardent Smith supporter and worker in his office, the other who toughted his relationship with Smith in the papers.
Sounds like Smith supported a bunch of quitters and lost against Alger, again. 3 quit, out of 13... so 10 stayed and supported, (and re-elected) Alger as Council President... sounds like he enjoys the overwhelming support of his board to me no matter how desperately you guys spin it.
Mayor Sam and Walter Moore:
If you guys don't exercise a little judgment and dump all these old posts no one is going to read this stuff.
You will lose the sane people.
We're asking you, please, trim off the old shit so we can have a discussion here with adults.
I agree. The mental poster who is obsessed with Antonio bs is getting old. WE all heard and read over a year ago. Get a life, move on and stop posting here.
As usual Mr. Alger and his team engage in spin to hide unethical behavior.
Three members of the Northridge West Neighborhood Council resigned because of the management and leadership of the council. They complained about many issues but are most concerned with Alger's clear unethical behavior.
On May 9th one of the trio was appointed president of the Council by the majority of the board present at the meeting. Mr. Alger was voted out as President.
Mr. Alger claims a stakeholder complained that the meeting was not properly posted per the Brown Act. His wife who is also on the board admitted that she posted the agenda late. This seems to smell.
Faced with that self serving testimony a second leadership vote was taken per the Brown Act. At this meeting Alger had a majority and regained the leadership of the council.
The real problem with this is that Mrs. Alger may have knowing committed a misdemeanor. She clearly knew before the May meeting that she posted the Agenda late (If you believe she actually did post it late). Yet she said nothing to the rest of the board who took action a several issues that concern the public. She knowing deprived the public of their rights per the Brown Act and may be guilty of a Misdemeanor. Please see section 54959 of the Brown Act.
This should raise serious concerns among all board members on neighborhood councils everywhere. Neighborhood Councils were design to check the City Council and other elected officials but if we can not trust Neighborhood Council leaders to be open and honest, what good are Neighborhood Councils.
The City Attorney should investigate this situation, the NWNC should investigate this and dump Alger to restore its credibility, and the Neighborhood Council Congress should remove Jim Alger from its ranks.
If you want more details pick up a copy of the North Valley Community News July 22 to Aug 4 edition.
1201 poster they are down to 8 board members now....they dont have a student and have not had one for over a year
They lost the student rep when none ran in the April 23, 2006 election. That doesn't sound like a year to me. They have been trying to appoint one for 3 months but the cry babies keep breaking quorum and finally quit because they couldn't get their way.
I read the NV News article from cover to cover and nowhere were these half baked claims. If these board members had so much of a problem, or had grounds why didn't they file a complaint with DONE? Or the City Attorney? Or even file a grievance with the board? Instead they quit which indicates that they had no case at all.
Considering that everything the NC did was in direct consultation with the City Attorney, and the very guy who quit WAS THE PERSON WHO MOVED TO SET ASIDE THE MEETING I don't see how they would have a leg to stand on.
Let me reiterate that point. Alger never moved to set aside a meeting, nor filed any complaint. Dennis DeYoung who was for that moment President placed the item on the Agenda to set aside the meeting that made him President. HOW STUPID IS THAT??? Then he quits because his own motion passed???
The bigger point which you conveniently glazed over is 3 fold:
1) "members present" is your way of ignoring the fact that only 4 people out of 13 voted for Dennis.
2) That the instant the entire board was present Jim pulled over 2/3rds of the vote
3) and the most important point: A motion to reconsider was also on the agenda, and would have passed based on the vote. In other words your entire argument is a Red Herring because there was no way the vote was going to stand anyway. Anyone with any sense knows you can't sustain a vote of a council with less than 1/3 of the board supporting you. That is why they quit. They couldn't muster up the votes plain and simple.
Now add into the mix that all 3 of these people are shills for Smith, one even works in his office and something is fishy in Denmark.
As for your ridiculous Misdemeanor argument which presumes to know fats you could not know, no-one ever has been prosecuted under the Brown Act and more over you have to prove intent to deny the stakeholders of their right to address the council... the council voided out it's actions and corrected them unlike the City Council which has to be sued before they admit a mistake.
Are you Alger hating idiots done spinning yet? The NC Supports Jim and that just eats you guys up.
The NWNC should do this, The City Attorney should do that and the NC Congress should do this... wow, you have it all figured out huh? All these organizations should take action against Alger because some anonymous blogger says so?
The NWNC board was there and knows what they want, and that is Alger at the helm.
The City Attorney was involved and advised the NC to do specifically what they did (as previously stated Alger was not involved at all in the Agenda of the meeting that set aside the previous meeting)and the entire board, not any one person, voted to set aside the meeting.
The NC Congress doesn't have the authority to remove Jim from their ranks, each NC sends their rep.
The time to file a grievance has passed. Maybe if these bozos would have spent as much time rallying support instead of trying to plan a miserably executed coup, they might have faired better. Alger had said his intention was to resign his Presidency in August anyway... now they left him no choice but to stay. He also publicly stated he would support DeYoung as President "after he serves for a few months and learns about the NC system"... doesn't sound unreasonable. Instead this guy charges in and tries to take over when he hasn't even attended an NC meeting before in his life.
Is it any wonder why Alger played the political game and squashed him like a bug? Get real.
When the going got tough for Alger, he fought harder and rallied support for a motion to reconsider. DeYoung tried to scuttle that with his own motion to set aside the meeting and didn't figure out that setting aside the meeting booted his happy ass out of the Presidency... which vividly demonstrated why he didn't belong there in the first place, he was completely ignorant to how the NC's operate or basic meeting rules.
When these three whiners figured out that their antics backfired in a huge way, they quit like a bunch of cowards.
Alger took on the DWP and won. Took on Smith and won. Took on Wal Mart for christ sake and won. Tweedle Dee, Dumb and Dumerer didn't stand a chance.
Jim Alger is an ethical man who speaks his mind. We NEED a person like him on the City Council.
Jim Alger is an unethical man who lies. We have more than enough officials like him on the City Council.
Alger lost the Dem Primary for the 38th Assembly District, after a year on the campaign trail, to a second rate politician who did not campaign.
He can not seem to build consensus within his own Neighborhood Council. These are the people who know him best.
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