This is the city: Los Angeles, California. I work here. I'm an ex-mayor. Los Angeles is a magnet for people from all over the world. Some of them run for public office. Inevitably some of them stray from the golden rule and rule for those that have the gold. That's when I go to work. My name is Yorty. I'm a dead pol.
Those SQUATTERS had no case...which is the sickening thing about this circus. This farce is all about these godammed Mexicans who want everything for nothing! Mr. Horowitz was a victim TWICE...First from Eminent Domain and secondly, from the fucking illegals and their "friends".
You have a point and express it in such a charming manner. Is that really necessary to get your point across?
Ralph Horowitz is a victim of his own greed and penury. He is a world class asshole and nothing can change that.
It is impossible to feel sorry for him, so don't even go there.
Feel sorry for the victimized farmers who were fed a bill of goods by the thugs who leased the property to them and never had a right to it and then told them to pay the lawyers so they could waste more money on a dead bang loser.
As Forrest Gump says "Stupid is a stupid does"...
I'm glad you didn't use the normal "SOLD a bill of goods" phrasing, since they didn't actually purchase anything, except maybe a few bags of mulch.
Well, let's not forget the point of this lawsuit, which was less about the farmers and more about the taxpayers.
The gravamen of the complaint, as I understand it, was that the City Council sold the land for far less than it was worth, and that the transaction should therefore be rescinded. Plaintiffs presented an appraiser who opined that the land was worth far more than $5 million. Defendants called an appraiser of their own, who testified that, due to the risk of toxic contamination and the surrounding warehouses, the price was reasonable.
To me, the best way to avoid this kind of situation is for the City to subject all land deals to COMPETITIVE BIDDING. High bid wins. That way, we don't have the spectacle of City Councilmen pushing through motions to rent out our land at 20 cents per square foot, as per a prior posting of mine.
P.S. The judge accepted the defendants' appaiser's testimony, and therefore upheld the transaction.
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I disagree.
As much of a butthead as Horowitz is , he had his property taken from him through eminent domain. To see him get it back was a great victory for anyone who has had to sell their property through eminent domain.
Why should he have to pay more for it than he sold it for.
As far as I am concerned Horowitz scored one for all property owners.
The people to blame are the city who didn't build that incinerator.
Council Dist 14 SUCKS!
Did you know that piece of property
between a sidewalk and the street,
the Parkway is Public;
Does this mean anyone can farm
in front of your house ? and will
they be bringing their own water ?
...and where's that 7.3 acres the Government was going to give
them to farm ?
In the South, it's traditional for people to sprinkle collard and mustard seeds along roadsides so that poor people can harvest them and have something to eat. Maybe Los Angeles should start requiring that parkways be planted in such a manner.
The majority of the city supported Horwitz. I don't blame the famers but the organizers who were a bunch of greedy Westsiders who exploited and took advantage of them. REad Danile Hernandez's story a couple of months ago in LA Weekly. He states that some of the original farmers were evicted by these organizers because they refused to do what they wanted i.e. go and scream at city council meetings, pay dues etc. The organizers message was rude, demanding and arrogant. I want to know what are they going to do with all the money they collected at concerts, fundraisers etc.? I'm glad its over and never want to see them dragged at council waiting hours to speak.
Have a cup of green tea
It does wonders
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