This is the city: Los Angeles, California. I work here. I'm an ex-mayor. Los Angeles is a magnet for people from all over the world. Some of them run for public office. Inevitably some of them stray from the golden rule and rule for those that have the gold. That's when I go to work. My name is Yorty. I'm a dead pol.
Wow, gotta love the 70's hair. That's some good stuff right there. To me the one only good thing about the conservative revolution of the 1980's is that men have started to get much better hair. You can definately say that about Antonio.
It doesn't even look like him. AV is so gorgeous. I can't even see his face.
P.S. And I liked 70's and 80's hair too. I like men with long hair. That doesn't even look like AV though.
AV gorgeous???? This woman needs glasses. Goes to show how badly men can age.
Why did Laura Chick hire an outside consulting firm to do the Parks & Rec. audit and how much did it cost us tax payers. In today's LA Times. Isn't her office suppose to do the audits?
This attorney needs to go to law school again with this type of stupid answer re lobbyists..
Thomas Saenz, counsel to Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, says that the city's policy is rooted in the U.S. Constitution. "Every individual has a First Amendment right, and they don't give that up by virtue of (serving) on a citizen's commission."
But requiring lobbyists - be it the freelance or the in-house kind - to identify themselves as such is no violation of anyone's free-speech rights. They can speak all they want, but we the public deserve to know who's trying to influence our leaders, and how, so that we can bring that information to the voting both.
Did the Mayors give up on the "what's up in CD ___" thread? I was waiting to hear from folks around the city, not just Mayor Sam's pet CD's.
Is it that you are scared that other CD's may show up CD 14? Afraid that not all CD's are as fucked up as CD 14?
Guess what, CD 14 is fucked up with its cast of players that only see CD 14 and not the City of Los Angeles..
Someone has a bad case of CD14 envy -- maybe even obsession with it... there are now more posts crying about a "focus" on CD14 than there are CD14 people posting, anymore.
6:51 is right.
Guess what, CD 14 is fucked up with its cast of players that only see CD 14 and not the City of Los Angeles..
That's true of some but not all. But the district also takes its revenge as being a farm for citywide politics, and those people who can see the larger picture benefit.
Everyone in LA knows the name Nick Pacheco, but it's already hard for them to remember the name of the candidate who ran against Rosendahl. If there's a district in LA where having a hard time seeing beyond the nose is epidemic, it's on the westside.
Did youi guys notice his pockets? That's where he kept his reds to make sure the girls were cooperative - tha's of course if a little weed didn't work.
Now we know why he had a 1.8 GPA - there aren't any books near him.
The bruinalumni website explains in detail, with footnotes, the background behind that protest.
"..Villaraigosa also admitted that as an affirmative action admit to UCLA, “some people have said I got in through the back door, but I left through the front.” What Villaraigosa failed to mention is that he left campus in 1975 to take a job and didn’t meander back to any graduation doors, front or back, until many years later."[3]
After reading todays Times on the UFW I think some politicians seriously errored in naming streets, schools and foundations after Cesar Chavez. Remember that saying, absolute power corrupts absolutely! Just look at our current mayor as proof.
I don't have CD 14 envy. it's just sad that many of you don't believe there is anything else to talk about other than CD 14.
8:43 forgot to mention AV's now defunct, and probably not accredited law school, People's College of Law. Not that he has ever practiced law. AV is a good a con man as the guy who conned the archdiocese and other non-profits in L.A.
So what's up in CD 1?
There will never be any voter apathy again! I guess I was one of the 150,000 angelenos who pulled up the websites with all of AV's MECHA, LULAC AND MALDEF affiliations. Next time we will do a better job of informing the sleeping public about his background!
The FACTS are that he never passed the bar after four attempts and People's Law School IS NOT accreditied. I think it is defunct now. He had a 1.4 gpa and was a gang member. Wonder if he still has his BORN TO RAISE HELL tatoo! Got two girls pregnant, arrrested for assault. Has a felony record. Did 50,000 worth of damage to the UCLA faculty offices because they wouldn't give CHICANO STUDIES an accreditation. ON AND ON!!!!
He is anti=American and must be stopped. He has no moral fiber and is a liar.
It won't cost much to do a mailing next time and send every registered voter copies of the website.
We have to expose him nationwide before he gets a chance to do any more damage.
Anyone who idolizes Che Guevara and Batista and Zapata is our enemy.
Wake up Angelenos!
People's College of Law does have a website, but the State Bar of California lists it under "unaccredited law schools in California". It is not on the ABA's list of Approved Law Schools either.
10:32 a.m.,
That "Bruin Alumni" site is completely whack. As if from the mouth of God, Andy Jones snuggles up to the president's policies. He is also too comfortable being upset about a lack of manners, or respect for law and order.
When a group of people have been denied legitmate representation, when manners, and the law have been used as instruments to deny them the ability to act in their best interests - then you get MECHA, the Black Panthers, and a lot of other groups. They have been denied a legitmate voice for so long, that the only time they get what they want is when they break a bunch of stuff and fight like animals for it.
Look at the political situation prior to the 1960's and 1970's - it was a nightmare world for a lot of people. The radical movements of that era seem to me to have been less about de jure, legal, "rights". At their root, it seems to be about the right to hold property, make wealth, control your own destiny, and freely exercise your rights as a citizen. The rhetoric is communist and socialist, but it has more to do (in practice) with allowing people the right to participate freely in the market, to have a social safety net, and to have legitimate political representation.
If the system is not serving your needs, you can try and change it or go around it. I think that the MECHA et al crowd is/was trying to go around it.
Ubray, what does practicing blind faith get you. Morons like Bush, Arnold and Tony the Liar. The only reason Tony was even involved with MEChA was because of the easy Chicana chicks that hungout with them. Then he matured and found out that Jewish girls were easier. Follow that zipper and you'll find Tony.
Willie H. said:
"Half of the folks in MECHA did not even know what the group stood for or why it was founded."
Assuming people are willing to stipulate to that, I can't help but think that what chaps hides now about most of our high-profile polticians who came up through the MeCHA farm teams is that - once they DID find out those things - (hell, even if it was last week), almost NONE of them have been willing to disavow MeCHA's racist, separatist, supremacist origins.
What's up with that? You can't keep pleading ignorance AFTER you know the full story. If you don't take a stand against, then its fair to assume you support (once you know, of course).
" Oh Drat, Lovie, I just found out my country club has a rule on that books that they won't allow Jews and Blacks to join... Gosh, if I had ONLY known that before they elected me to the board of directors and I paid two years worth of dues up front... OH WELL!"
Considering the group's slogan, "Por La Raza todo. Fuera de La Raza nada" it's probably good for us gringos that AV supposedly speaks such "pocho" Spanish (maybe he didn't know what that means, either).
Anyway, that's just one more promise not to keep -- no worries!
Now we know why Tony is so pro-gay. Put a hat on him and he can star in Bareback Mountain. Did Tony Orlando know his moustache and hair were missing on this date.
"I will work closely with Mexico in shaping my policies". Quote from Villar on his 'coronation' day.
Bustamante, Villar, Nunez, etc. are all RADICAL MECHISTAS. They have renounced NOTHING. They know exactly what they are doing. The problem is..the voters MUST learn everything about these commie revolutionary reconquistas.
One of the posters suggested a mailing to all registered voters before the next election. I support the idea wholeheartedly.
This city already looks like Tijuana....when is enough enough?
Send 'em all back to Mexico, PRONTO!!!
The Mayor of Costa Mesa is on the right track and soon the entire nation will be on track. Villar won't have a job next time around! The voters will be a lot wiser.
Vayos condios, amigos!!!!
Council's Holiday Hustle Harms the LATC...Relatively few people noticed just a few weeks ago when the Los Angeles City Council gave a 20-year management contract for the Los Angeles Theatre Center (LATC) to the Latino Theatre Company and the Latino Museum of History, Art & Culture. Unfortunately, it seems the move was, by design, a low-profile action three days before Christmas, one allowing the council to slip something by the public...To what extent did state Assembly Speaker Fabian Nuñez, a supporter of the Latino groups, control the local decision? Was the council unduly swayed by the fact that Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa himself has ties to the Latino Theatre Company? (Among other moves, Villaraigosa recently named Moctesuma Esparza, the chair of the board of the company, to the city's Employees' Retirement System Board of Commissioners.)
Speaking of the City Employee's Retiremet Board someone needs to audit that department and find out how the commissioners are getting their relatives and friends contracts to invest our money with potential loss. Audit that Chick. This is your money too and a lot of crap is happening there.
Montezuma Esparza is Tony's longtime weed smoking buddy. He was the reason East L.A. didn't have HBO for almost ten years because Esparza didn't pay his bill when he owned that cable company on Eastern Avenue. Montezuma isn't even his real name. He should have studied history a little more intently because Moctezuma - the Aztec King - was killed by his own people when he turned the empire over to Cortez.
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