This is the city: Los Angeles, California. I work here. I'm an ex-mayor. Los Angeles is a magnet for people from all over the world. Some of them run for public office. Inevitably some of them stray from the golden rule and rule for those that have the gold. That's when I go to work. My name is Yorty. I'm a dead pol.
Gotta love Antonio - the only Mayor in the country reacting to the new Bin Laden tape increasing security at LAX--at least thats what he said on TV
LAX Has no clue what he is talking about.
Good article in LAT about affirmative action for the whites at LAUSD magnet schools. Where are Wardell Connerly and his angry white men friends? I thought affirmative action was a bane to society? Oh, I forgot. As long as it benefits the whites it's OK! Here you have a QUOTA with 30% SET-ASIDES for WHITE students when only 9% of LAUSD student are white. This isn't instituted to address past discrimination or provide opportunity to a group that historically was denied it, this merely to encourage them to stay in the system. They didn’t have to leave the system in the first place.
And even with that affirmative action in place many white families don't avail themselves of the opportunity. They don't want to have their kids with mainly Latinos and blacks despite the fact that the magnet programs are good! You would think that in a alleged "colorblind society" that wouldn't matter. But even the pro-209 fanatics know the whole "colorblind society" crap was just a red herring.
Less than 24% of the under 18 population in LA is white. Setting aside 30% of magnet school slots for whites is like reserving the best of the LAUSD instruction for a favored minority. If anti-affirmative action folks had any integrity, they’d fight this with the same ferocity as they did university affirmative action programs, and they would have fought this long ago.
The last poster is right on point.
Indira Ghandi got hit with her own poison. She increased her political power by fostering the Sikh nationalist movement and the Tamil Nadu seperatists. Eventually, those relationships came back, and got her in the end.
The Tamil's invented many of the techniques currently used by terrorists worldwide. They have many "firsts" in terrorism - like the first use of a female suicide bomber.
Man, you are so damn boring. Nobody really cares about Gandi. Why try to make everyone think you are so knowlegeable. Give it a rest. You don't have to comment on everything we already know how stupid you are.
A CITYWIDE ORDINANCE (Council File No. 03-1450 and 03-1459-S1) on private properties is being considered preserving all Los Angeles City Trees or bushes over 4 ½', requiring permits to remove or replace your private trees/bushes, and/or pay a fee into a "Tree Fund" equal to the mature growth of that native plant if you remove, relocate, or damage the vegetation in any way. Saving mature trees is an important thing, but this is local government stomping on your private property rights. Also, if you do not comply with the Ordinance, you may be subject to a 10 year Moratorium restricting you from building on your property. City Residents never had input on this legislation.
I will only fight it on the fact that there was no public input.
Even if the other reasons you gave are valid, this one is the biggest and most important.
For the record, my kid (a white minority at LAUSD) is bused into a black/Hispanic school south of my neighborhood.
I'm also pro affirmitive action.
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