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Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Blogging Brito

LA Voice ran the post last week alerting us to the blog presence of the one and only Fred Brito.

He's been posting comments here lately to, and he isn't getting much love (based on his 40 visitors stat counter), so feel free to vent in his forums as well! But if you think we delete on occasion, he warns straight up that he will moderate all comments, so play nicely!

Since a few commenters have asked that I use a different pic, how about this mug shot instead?


Anonymous Anonymous said:

Mayor F

Stop wasting thread on this guy.

There has to be more newsworthy events.

October 05, 2005 9:47 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Agreed, ditto! His 15 seconds are over, and he'll be back "inside" for a 15-year stretch any day now.

October 05, 2005 10:01 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Man doesn't know much about blogging if he's still sparring with (no one) on the thread a week after it was posted. No one there to read - and considering his psycho problem of speaking of himself in the 3rd person, he may be playing both parts. No wonder he was able to play a shrink for awhile, he's probably worn out the sofas for a couple of them.

Total whack job.

October 05, 2005 10:08 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Anyone who wants to see what this loser is really up to, just GOOGLE "Flickr" and "Federiqkoe" (his favorite fake twisted name of late). You can learn all sorts of things in prison, but people in Glassell say he went in that way.

October 05, 2005 10:12 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Yeah. Mayor F. or at least get a different picture of him. This one's spooky.

"Time for the PRIVATE counseling sessions with Father Ferd, kiddies. You bring your little friends, I'll bring the magazines and the Jesus Juice."

October 05, 2005 10:46 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Alcalde F
This is a nasty pic, the entire thread is awful, awful topic.

October 05, 2005 12:01 PM  

Blogger Joseph Mailander said:

I like Fred. Because of the job people who make their livings sniffing dirty laundry have done on him, he doesn't even get to have many normal conversations with people. That's hard when you're in recovery from some kind of experience; you need to talk to people who understand.

But that's the way the dirty laundry sniffers are with everyone. All they want to do is make a mockery of an easy target. The easier and more helpless the better.

Sometimes the dirty laundry sniffers even imagine themselves to be liberals. That's the biggest joke of all. They forget all about the "comfort the afflicted" side of the equation.

October 05, 2005 1:26 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

i'm a dirty laundry sniffer?

didn't know that

i did go to lausd schools

any relation to one another?

October 05, 2005 1:42 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Don't buy it Mailander... Fred is a pothole in the road of life. He's not reforming, and he plays the victim better than anyone else.

He has a high school education (if that) stealing money (salary) from charities and jobs from the qualified. But, he claims "society" has trashed him, NOT because he's guilty of five felonies, but because they're "judgemental."

If you don't "judge" someone who's committed five felonies and stolen undeserved salaries from a half-dozen do-gooder organizations as dangerous, then you ARE "mental" - not just a bleeding heart liberal.

So, he sez', because everyone is so MEAN to him, it's his "right" to be able to con his way into $100K jobs reserved for people with advanced degrees and years of experience.

What about the rights of the people who buy the con, trust his "references" (Fred, himself on another cell phone), and expect that the name he puts on the application is actually HIS. Each of the valuable, charitable organizations he's conned has not only wasted a salary on him for weeks or months (and training and materials) - $10,000 minimum each time, but they've also turned away REAL qualified candidates.

No one seems to pity the out-of-work guy who should have received each of these jobs, or the charity that will probably lose donations over having hired a convict. What about those "victims" -- all they did was trust. Shame on them.

This scumbag is taking advantage of the fact that in non-profits people are less skeptical than in the corporate environment. They assume the guy who wants in wants to do good, also. But, he's picked the easy mark, the weakest of the pack and targeted them, knowing they "trust."

Lots of cons get back into society doing honest work and much lower wages, and work their way up and regain trust. This freeloader never will, as long as he sees an easy way out -- conning companies into hiring him to do jobs he CAN'T do (even though he lays claim to other people's accomplishments for the short time he's there). Don't buy the "I raise $$$" crap from him, he's been in training and on probation as an employee every time. Just burning salary.

October 05, 2005 3:29 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Let's pre-empt Ferd's rebuttal:

ANONYMOUS DON'T MEAN WRONG. . . (just as posing as an "charming" competent professional don't change the fact you're a ill-tempered, lying, underachiever).

October 05, 2005 4:26 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Whoa, looks like one of this guys old cellmates found him again, or else someone passed over when he was hired fraudulently is pissed.

October 05, 2005 4:45 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

I'm Sorry! I promise I'll never do it again.

-- Fredd Burrito

October 05, 2005 4:56 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

I'm sorry, again. I changed my mind (and it's your fault). I will do it again. Freddd is never sure.

-- Fredddd Burro (my newest name)

October 05, 2005 11:25 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

All of you idiots have made me laugh. This is so much fun to see grown adults act like children. I have a few nephews that act a hell of a lot smarter than you all.

Oh what the hell... pass me another beer... this is fun reading this crap.

Never fear... Fred Brito is not going anywhere. He is right smack in Glassell Park and enjoying every bit of it.

So write on ass wipes.... it is you that look like fools for giving me so much favorable PR.

Now pass the chips damn it!

~Fred Brito (The real Fred Brito)

October 13, 2005 9:32 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Drown your sorrows, F. Burrito.

Your 15 minutes of fame is UP!

October 14, 2005 8:47 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Seems like Freddy boy has managed to get a motion picture comedy of his story made. Good Lord, whats next.

I found his website. Amazing shit!

February 27, 2008 12:08 PM  

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