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Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Councilmember Smith's RENEW LA Plan

Councilmen Greig Smith's RENEW LA plan received an endorsement of support yesterday from VICA.

From the release:

SHERMAN OAKS, CA – Recognizing the potential of an environmentally enhanced and unchartered business segment that could put Los Angeles at the cutting edge of the global economy in terms of waste utilization, the Valley Industry and Commerce Association (VICA) Board of Directors unanimously voted to support City Councilmember Greig Smith’s RENEW LA plan. The plan would establish and support regional conversion technology efforts for handling waste materials within the local communities in which they are generated instead of sending them to landfills in the City or in more distant locations.

Sufficient landfill space within the City of Los Angeles is becoming increasingly scarce; at present, there are only two landfills in operation: Sunshine Canyon and Bradley. Both of these have finite capacities and Bradley is closing in 2007.

"I'm extremely pleased that VICA supports my RENEW LA plan to create a new ‘green collar’ industry in Los Angeles using conversion technologies to convert trash into clean, renewable energy, alternative fuels and other useful products, while ending our dependency on landfills," said Councilman Smith. "I look forward to partnering with VICA and the entire business community to ensure that the goals of RENEW LA become reality."


Anonymous Anonymous said:

This is huge for Greig! VICA is the prominent advocacy group in the Valley (if not the entire City- step aside CCA...). Way to go!

October 05, 2005 8:19 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

More basic than the endorsement is that it's a good idea. Communities need to manage their own waste.

October 05, 2005 9:07 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Absolutely. I look forward to the day when we can process our trash into energy and not fund the dirty side of the trash business. Here here for Greig and VICA! I know other business groups will follow suit soon.

October 05, 2005 9:28 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

But who's going to pay for this?!?

October 05, 2005 1:50 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Have you looked at the plan? As I understand it, the RENEW LA plan will be both an income and jobs generator for the city. Why do you think Julie Butcher is on board?

October 05, 2005 1:55 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Gotta give it to Grieg--what a legacy he will leave when he is termed out. Not just a bunch of sound bites and press clips, but something of value that will endure. A total win-win for the City and the environment!

October 06, 2005 5:48 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Oh sure. What a legacy. Where is the action? Which side is he really on? Will the contract get signed?

Hoo boy, I'm not a betting man but this is a bet I'd consider getting in on.

October 06, 2005 10:00 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Has anyone actually READ Greig's plan???? It is a piece of crap! it will put one his trash plants in many neighborhoods (with all the Diesel truck traffic!), cost untold millions of dollars, and will take money away from cops, fire, housing, and other needed City services. I wish somebody would read this crap.

October 07, 2005 5:49 PM  

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