This is the city: Los Angeles, California. I work here. I'm an ex-mayor. Los Angeles is a magnet for people from all over the world. Some of them run for public office. Inevitably some of them stray from the golden rule and rule for those that have the gold. That's when I go to work. My name is Yorty. I'm a dead pol.
When we read quotes from Hillary about rape, those of us who maintain our sanity, must believe we live in a parallel universe.
After Juanita Broaddrick reluctantly came forward and told the agonizing story of how Hillary's husband viciously bit her like a rabid dog and raped her, one would think that this fighter for women's rights would have a comment. But there has been no public comment about Juanita. Not a word.
The rape happened in 1978 while her husband was the attorney general and was running for his first term as governor.
Was Hillary surprised that the rape was revealed during the impeachment inquiry? Did it come as a shock to her? Well, that it finally came out was indeed a shock. She thought that it could stay hidden. After all, the couple has hidden things their entire public life. When revealed, of course it is the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy that is out to get her husband.
From a source in Arkansas, I previously posted on FreeRepublic and subsequently repeated the story on talk radio, including Sean Hannity's show, that Hillary has known of the Broaddrick rape since 1978. It was that rape as well as another during his first term as governor that scared Hillary to death. Had American known in 1992, she would be baking cookies back in Arkansas, but probably not for her current husband.
My source was present when Hillary came bursting into the room screaming. Also in the room was Clinton henchman and later head of FEMA, Raymond "Buddy" Young. My quote, I believe is close, since I am remembering from some time ago, but it went something like this --- "You'll never believe what the bleep, bleep, bleep did now. He tried to rape some bitch!"
Of course Hillary knew. She knew about the affairs. She knew about the sexual assaults. She knew about the cocaine (that will be in a future episode). Yet this great defender of women allowed, more accurately orchestrated, the attacks on those women who could testify and do political damage.
Hillary really does believe rape is horrific. I have no doubt of that. When it comes to the consequences for rape, however, if it is done by her husband, there should be no consequences. Can't you see? It is for the greater good.
Tuesday, Sept. 6, 2005 11:48 p.m. EDT
Hillary Clinton: Bush Ruined Bill's FEMA
2008 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said Tuesday that the Federal Emergency Management Agency was better organized to deal with disasters like Hurricane Katrina while her husband was president - an approach, she said, that was "rejected" by President Bush.
"FEMA was the lead agency during the Clinton administration; it was in charge," Mrs. Clinton boasted during a conference call with reporters. "James D. Witt, the director, understood how to deal with emergencies."
Though Sen. Clinton touted former FEMA director Witt's experience, she made no mention of Raymond 'Buddy' Young, whom her husband appointed to the post of Southwest Regional FEMA Director in 1993.
Mr. Young, a former Arkansas state trooper, won the promotion after heading up efforts to discredit other state troopers whose allegations fueled the Troopergate scandal.
This comes from someone I know and whom I trust. No, I am not making this up. You know Hillary. It is not necessary to invent anything.
It is an honor to be a Marine stationed in the White House as a guard. Isn't it? Well, if you are in the White House when Hillary Clinton is there, perhaps not.
This true story comes from a woman who is very proud of her Marine nephew. I am sure you have heard the stories from Gary Aldrich about how ranking officers were used to serve food in the White House. This particular young Marine, proud to serve his country, was on duty near Ms. Clinton, the first evil lady at the time. It seems that her coffee cup was nearly empty and she had the audacity to tell the guard to go get her more coffee. His proper response with both dignity and respect was, "Ma'am, I'm not allowed to leave my post, ma'am." But Hillary wouldn't quit. She ordered him again and he gave the same response. So what did the first evil lady do? SHE THREW THE REMAINING COFFEE FROM HER CUP IN HIS FACE!!!
Juanita Broaddrick, whose name was Dickey at the time, was raped by Bill Clinton in a Little Rock hotel room while attending a nurse's convention sponsored by the American College of Nursing Home Administrators. She was a volunteer on the Attorney General's campaign as he was running for his first term as Governor.
He convinced Juanita to meet in her room because there were too many reporters in the coffee shop at the Camelot Inn where she was staying for the convention. She thought it was a little unusual, but she thought it would be okay because this was the Attorney General. She was a volunteer on his campaign. She later has stated that she was naive in thinking they were going to talk about his campaign.
Within five minutes of entering the room he was all over her. Juanita's marriage was breaking up at the time and she was involved with the man who would become her husband to this day. She had no interest in an affair with Clinton.
After the biting and brutal rape, which she resisted, Clinton left her lip swollen and bleeding and said, "You better put some ice on that." He also very cooly put on his sunglasses as he left the room.
.....Right after the rape, she told her roomate at the convention, Norma Kelsey, what had happened. They quickly left and stopped for ice for the injured lip on the way home to Van Buren. She was shaken, injured, frightened, and did not think anyone would believe her. Who would believe an accusation against the Attorney General of Arkansas? She also told several other friends.
Records indicated that a nursing home administrators conference was held at the Camelot Inn on that date and that Clinton had only one publicly announced event that day, an evening appearance in nearby Conway. White House officials and the state attorney general's office said they do not have records of his schedule from then and the Camelot has since closed.
Because Juanita had business with the state, she absolutely had no motive to make up a story. She has not written a book or benefited monetarily. Her friend Norma saw her shortly after the assault with a bloody and swollen lip. No, DemocRAT spinmasters, she didn't trip and fall against the bedpost. Her pantyhose did not rip themselves.
Juanita said Clinton called her at the nursing home several times afterward but she would never take the call.
Shortly after Mr. Rapist survived the impeachment trial, Hillary Clinton was interviewed by Tina Brown for her new venture, TALK MAGAZINE. Brown chose not the ask a question about Broaddrick. After all, the charges were so . . . ugly. The interview was designed to help Hillary.
The following episode comes to us from Gary Aldrich in his book UNLIMITED ACCESS -----
Other warning signs were more ominous. The Clintons, for instance, had been late to their own inauguration. A case of jitters or understandable last minute fussing?
No, not according to extremely reliable sources who have spoken to me and who, for obvious reasons, must remain anonymous. One of the reasons the Clintons were late was because Vice President Gore had just found out that the West Wing office usually reserved for the vice president was instead going to be occupied by the first lady.
Network news cameras, trained on Blair House the morning of the inauguration, recorded a glimpse of the president and first lady screaming at each other. Sources I consider very reliable affirm that Clinton told Hillary that if she didn't back off from her plans to unseat Gore, Gore would go public with his anger and perhaps resign. Hillary shouted at him that as far as she was concerned, they had a deal--a deal that dated back to the campaign, when Lloyd Cutler had convinced her to stand by Clinton despite the allegations that he'd had an affair with Gennifer Flowers. The matter had already been decided, she said, and she had no intentions of backing off; Gore was bluffing.
Was it true that the reason Al intensely disliked Slick Willie was because Slick made a pass at Tipper? She turned him down, incidentally, so the story goes, and when she told Al, he hit the roof!!
True story??
FEMA Chief Waited Until After Storm Hit to Ask for Help...
Brown's memo to Chertoff described Katrina as "this near catastrophic event" but otherwise lacked any urgent language. The memo politely ended, "Thank you for your consideration in helping us to meet our responsibilities
Clinton Accuser's Story Aired
By Howard Kurtz
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, February 25, 1999; Page A15
Juanita Broaddrick told her story to a national television audience last night, saying she did not tell authorities 21 years ago of her contention that Bill Clinton sexually assaulted her because "I just don't think anyone would have believed me."
Full Story go here:
Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton: Wife and witness to a presidential high crime?
By Michael Moriarty
web posted September 5, 2005
We're not talking here about Monica Lewinsky or Paula Jones or any of the other ladies who may have shown up to testify about President William Clinton's sexual abuse of authority. We're not talking about Whitewater. We're not even referring to President Clinton's white lies before a federal grand jury.
We're exposing the treasonous, criminal neglect of a President who refused to ask for Attorney General Janet Reno's resignation after she blatantly perjured herself before the Waco Investigating Committee.
Hillary Clinton: Bush Ruined Bill's FEMA
Tuesday, Sept. 6, 2005 11:48 p.m. EDT Hillary Clinton: Bush Ruined Bill's FEMA
2008 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said Tuesday that the Federal Emergency Management Agency was better organized to deal with disasters like Hurricane Katrina while her husband was president - an approach, she said, that was "rejected" by President Bush.
"FEMA was the lead agency during the Clinton administration; it was in charge," Mrs. Clinton boasted during a conference call with reporters. "James D. Witt, the director, understood how to deal with emergencies."
Then dear Mrs. Clinton, why did you vote for the DHS to include FEMA?
Hey, Hillary. Did you forget that you voted to put FEMA under the same umbrella as Homeland Security?
Only a handful of Democrats voted against that little item. And you weren't one of them.
"FEMA was the lead agency during the Clinton administration; it was in charge,"
--NOT in 1995 when Hurricane Opal came to Panama City, FL., nor in any other hurricane I can remember.
"They came in several days later, long after the heavy lifting was done."
--FEMA never was a first responder. Local government has that duty.
I think this demonstrates Hillary's liberal view that the federal government should be in charge of everything, and that she should be in charge of the federal government.
Hillary, The Sociopath is lying....*again*....
Hillary for President!
Does Huizar still have the same staff?
Congratulations, Mayor Sam! You even have Ken Starr blogging in.
Hilary in 2008!!
Hey first anonymous poster - I like your comment about it being for the "greater good". That is EXACTLY what our council members say right before they fuck us over.
Your Clinton rhetoric sucked, but that greater good comment was good.
Looks like the final legacy of Mayor Sam's blog will be -- aiding and abetting a fraudulent mayoral candidate.
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