Wasting Tax Payer Dollars
One of the traits a strong campaign team has is the ability to look at past campaigns and distill out those ideas that worked and those that didn't. The good ideas tend to get recycled over and over until they have outlived their usefulness. The bad ideas should be buried and left for dead.
One would think that people would learn from some very stupid errors that thoroughly piss off the general voting public and add those to the list to be buried. But alas, this is LA, the land of movies, and we wouldn't be living up to our reputation if we didn't continue to remake a bad idea over and over again. This weeks blunder is the use of public funds for campaign purposes. Why don't we look at the current candidates in their run for Mayor:
Richard Alarcon: Alarcon has a built in advantage of being the only candidate serving at the state level. Besides having a built in team of staff surrounding him, he can call a press conference at anytime on any state issue and have the stage all to himself. Up until now it has been difficult to get an accurate picture of state offices and their use of personal budgets, but thanks to prop 59, that should all be changing soon.
Bernard Parks: Parks again shares the advantage of having a built in staff surrounding him paid for with tax funds, but his latest blunder appears to be one straight out of Greig Smith's playbook. He's using city funds to thank donors to his campaign (Thanks to tipster for pointing out this article). Is a stamp really that expensive?
Jim Hahn: I could probably write an entire novel about the misuses of tax payer dollars that this mayor has wasted away, but his newest screw-up just occurred last week. As Patrick McGreevy pointed out in today's LA Times, he's now toting city staff with him to campaign events. Brilliant maneuver Jim. Have we not learn how stupid this is? PS. I really enjoy paying for the gas in your city vehicles while you drive all over town putting your mug in front of every camera trying to take credit for everyone else's work over the last four years. Brilliant strategy.
Bob Hertzberg: "Hugs"berg doesn't have the built in advantages of a taxpayer funded staff, but he has stolen some inside talent with many connections to City Hall. I'm sure they know how to circumvent those sticky situations when needed.
Walter Moore: I only include him to prevent the onslaught of 15 comments asking why I left him out. He doesn't have any money to waste, so I guess that keeps him clear for now.
Antonio Villaraigosa: Here's the fun one. Antonio has a built in city staff and a reputation for living in the "grey" area of campaign finance laws. While he certainly is no Mayor poopy, he certainly has a knack for saying whatever he needs to say to anybody with a camera who will listen. Just look at his most recent example of plastering his face all over TV for the failed Measure A. Maybe if he donated his money to the campaign directly and let them spend it on what was needed instead of grandstanding and creating his own committee plastering his name and image all over the city, we wouldn't have to listen to Baca and Bratton running all over the city screaming for a new initiative on the March ballot. Wait.....maybe....there's a brilliant strategy. Maybe he wanted this effort to tank so he could plaster himself all over TV again in March with funds he's not allowed to use on his Mayor's race a secind time in one election cycle. BRILLIANT! Why beat a dead horse once when you can do it twice.
While only some of these blunders and problems are new (Alarcon), You have to give Parks and Antonio credit for giving already proven bad ideas one last run for their money. I leave Hahn out of this because his strategy has been startling. He's spent four years creating his disaster. As for "Hugs"berg and Moore, we don't know enough about them yet, but I'm sure the watchful eyes will spot something over the next few months.
One would think that people would learn from some very stupid errors that thoroughly piss off the general voting public and add those to the list to be buried. But alas, this is LA, the land of movies, and we wouldn't be living up to our reputation if we didn't continue to remake a bad idea over and over again. This weeks blunder is the use of public funds for campaign purposes. Why don't we look at the current candidates in their run for Mayor:
Richard Alarcon: Alarcon has a built in advantage of being the only candidate serving at the state level. Besides having a built in team of staff surrounding him, he can call a press conference at anytime on any state issue and have the stage all to himself. Up until now it has been difficult to get an accurate picture of state offices and their use of personal budgets, but thanks to prop 59, that should all be changing soon.
Bernard Parks: Parks again shares the advantage of having a built in staff surrounding him paid for with tax funds, but his latest blunder appears to be one straight out of Greig Smith's playbook. He's using city funds to thank donors to his campaign (Thanks to tipster for pointing out this article). Is a stamp really that expensive?
Jim Hahn: I could probably write an entire novel about the misuses of tax payer dollars that this mayor has wasted away, but his newest screw-up just occurred last week. As Patrick McGreevy pointed out in today's LA Times, he's now toting city staff with him to campaign events. Brilliant maneuver Jim. Have we not learn how stupid this is? PS. I really enjoy paying for the gas in your city vehicles while you drive all over town putting your mug in front of every camera trying to take credit for everyone else's work over the last four years. Brilliant strategy.
Bob Hertzberg: "Hugs"berg doesn't have the built in advantages of a taxpayer funded staff, but he has stolen some inside talent with many connections to City Hall. I'm sure they know how to circumvent those sticky situations when needed.
Walter Moore: I only include him to prevent the onslaught of 15 comments asking why I left him out. He doesn't have any money to waste, so I guess that keeps him clear for now.
Antonio Villaraigosa: Here's the fun one. Antonio has a built in city staff and a reputation for living in the "grey" area of campaign finance laws. While he certainly is no Mayor poopy, he certainly has a knack for saying whatever he needs to say to anybody with a camera who will listen. Just look at his most recent example of plastering his face all over TV for the failed Measure A. Maybe if he donated his money to the campaign directly and let them spend it on what was needed instead of grandstanding and creating his own committee plastering his name and image all over the city, we wouldn't have to listen to Baca and Bratton running all over the city screaming for a new initiative on the March ballot. Wait.....maybe....there's a brilliant strategy. Maybe he wanted this effort to tank so he could plaster himself all over TV again in March with funds he's not allowed to use on his Mayor's race a secind time in one election cycle. BRILLIANT! Why beat a dead horse once when you can do it twice.
While only some of these blunders and problems are new (Alarcon), You have to give Parks and Antonio credit for giving already proven bad ideas one last run for their money. I leave Hahn out of this because his strategy has been startling. He's spent four years creating his disaster. As for "Hugs"berg and Moore, we don't know enough about them yet, but I'm sure the watchful eyes will spot something over the next few months.
Thanks Mayor Sam for another great controversial article. I'm sure you will get major hits.
First of all I can hardly wait for the baggage on these guys to come out in the media. Alaracon wanting to legalize the vendors awhile back. Parks with his involvment in Rampart that should be coming out soon. Antonio with his being out of LA so much, supporting gangbangers, taking money from neighborhood councils, etc. etc.
Amazing how Parks is NOW trying to take credit for putting a city tax hike to get more officers. He put out a press release today saying the same thing Mayor Hahn came out in the press saying on Saturday's papers. What a slime ball!
Hey did anyone notice that Antonio's Education and Neighborhood Committee meeting was cancelled last Tuesday. Bet it was because he needed to get to Boston. That meeting has been cancelled 4 times since August.
Waste of our taxdollars
I'm sure everyone would like to take a look at the new www.recallvillaraigosa.com website.
This is going to get really good.
Mayor Sam and Chief Parker, I am truly impressed. You have city council members actually reading your site.
Since Parks is reading let me just say he doesn't have a chance in hell trying to get rid of 3-12 for officers. The majority of all cities across the country have implemented it. And contrary to what Parks wants everyone to believe 1. we don't have fewer officers on the streets and 2. officers actually work more hours.
Bitter Bernie better get a clue and know after reading last week's LA Weekly that he's just a very sore loser. Move on and 'GET OVER IT"
Just setting the record straight, we don't have as many officers on the streets as other big cities. EVERYONE is clear on that! And don't take my word for it, simply look at the ratio of officers to residents.
Please don't let this blog degenerate into a string of one-liners and smart-ass quips void of fact!
You are correct stating that we don't have as many police officers as the other big cities. However, Parks would like everyone believe that since 3-12 officers are working less. We lost over 1,000 officers when Parks was Chief. Since Bratton more officers from other depts. want to come to LAPD. Not as many veterans are retiring as fast as they were wtih Parks, and officers have their pride and honor back wearing their badge.
Antonio's campaign website to show the taxpayers of Los Angeles where he spends his money. NOT in the community like he could have. $40,000 to a Neighbor to Neighbor not even in CD 14. Does anyone know where this organization is????
If you are doing opposition research for someone then you should be fired.
Neighbor to neighbor is a community voter outreach organization -- much in the same way the league of women voters or the NAACP are.
They work to increase the education of our local voters and to get them out to the polls -- and yes they do in fact work in CD 14.
Also to the person that posted that AV was out of state 69 times - you are wrong. You can't prove when he's out of state -- an excused absence to attend a funeral for someone in his district is not going out of state. Going to the family's house of someone that was a victim of a homicide doesn't mean he went out of state. He is the only councilmember to attend these tragedies of any elected officials.
As for the recall website, i find it interesting that its home server is in Scottsdale AZ - not even in CD 14. This website is not in CD 14, the home of this whooped up recall, but in Scottsdale AZ. A state mind you that just passed a son of prop 187 law that kicks folks out of needed services like, ummm education. I find it always interesting that when the community that has the most VISA violation overstays are Canadians and that we give per capita more $$ to them in direct services than mexicans, everytime its a debate on immigration the face of that debate always has the same skin color as Antonio. So go ahead Arizona come play in CD 14, come here and see what happens. I find it sad that Arizona folks can come and put up homeless folks/activists to do the work of rich donors or other mayoral candidates. Which isn't fact of course, but could be a possibility.
The interests of Scottsdale AZ aren't the interest of Los Angeles.
Keep all the lies and misinformation coming -- i like telling the truth.
Misc. thoughts
Welcome Councilman Parks - I always thoght you were a good cop. Don't let the bitter bureaucrats on here get you down.
So what if the Recall Tony Villar web server (what the hell is a web server by the way?) is in Arizona. Cripes - you can download British girlie pics via the Cayman Islands so Jesus Christ - the internet can be anywhere!
And if we have a problem with Canadians - lets deport them too. We don't need a bunch of Seagrams drinking, back bacon eating yahoos wandering around and taking jobs in the entertainment industry from hard working Americans!
I kinda agree with you Mayor Sam -- but because i am a facts sort of person i wanted folks on your blog to know the details along with background information so they can come to an intelligent conclusion.
Chief Parker what are you saying? Bitter Bernie doesn't need luck, he needs a brain transplant. C'mon what in the world can he offer as a Mayor? We'll lose more of the little resources of police officers we have. Do you really think he will be able to work with Chief Bratton, the police protective league, etc. etc. He'll go after everyone who did him wrong. Too bad he can't let go of the past. You can tell in council how vindictive he is attacking anyone there to representing LAPD.
Kind of like Huggysberg, Bernie understands how business works and would not drive it out of the city. Bernie is also not giving into the madness that is inclusionary zoning and crap like that.
Unlike the other candidates (and yes to all you Walteristas out there, I am ignoring Moore right now), Parks won't continue to lead the city into the Soviet republic it is fast becoming.
Thanks for the laugh. In today's LA Times it states that Measure A got a whopping 64% of taxpayers to vote yes. South LA where they need police officers the most voted NO. Bernie has been complaining for months about the crime in that area. Maxine Waters who thinks it's more important to protest a Wal-Mart instead of doing something about the black on black violence in her community told her people to vote NO. Shocking!!!!
All of a sudden they're FINDING THE MONEY. A motion was passed by Greuel to consolidate 144 toll-free numbers into one, freeing up about $540,000 a year to go toward a recently created fund for hiring more police.
Now you know damn well there's more money like this WAITING to be found. LOOK FOR IT WE NEED THE COPS
Of course there is - its easy. I made one phone call for our business and saved $50,000 a year on telephone service. How about eliminating the Department of Cultural Affairs? That could kick in some more dough.
Wow! That should cover at least 4 more cops. Now we only need to do that about 400 more times.
YEAH!!!!I agree. Get rid of Cultural Affairs. Those idiots wanted their budget INCREASED
YEAH!!!!I agree. Get rid of Cultural Affairs. Those idiots wanted their budget INCREASED
The positive in all this talk is that EVERYONE agrees we need more police officers. I have never heard so much positive support for LAPD in decades.
Now it's just a matter of our leaders figuring out where to get the money that some of us disagree.
Alaracon came out in Daily News saying he has a plan to hire 1,000 police officers without raising taxes.
Hey Mayor Sam or Chief Parker do an article on the sleaziness of the following in LA Times.
Sale of L.A. Marathon Raises Questions About City Subsidy. With a Chicago firm's purchase of rights to the race, officials ask why Los Angeles should spend $370,000 a year to police the annual event
Sold for $15 MILLION
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