Kevin James to hosts CD 2 candidates 9/9 & 9/10

KRLA Radio Show host Kevin James will be hosting 9 of the 10 candidates for the Los Angeles City Council seat in District 2 that is up for grabs on September 22nd.
9 of the 10 candidates for CD 2 have confirmed that they will be on the air with Kevin James on Wednesday night, September 9th and Thursday night, September 10th on station KRLA 870 AM. The guests will speak with Kevin from 9:00 pm to 10:30 pm on both evenings. The candidates scheduled to appear on Wednesday night include; Pete Sanchez, Tamar Galatzan, Joe Essavi, Frank Sheftel and Mary Benson. On Thursday night the candidates will be Michael McCue, David Saltsburg (a.k.a. Zuma Dogg), Paul Krekorian and Augusto Bisani.
The one candidate that has refused to attend is the former Paramount Pictures Executive Chris Essel. James has mentioned this fact on his show , by saying about Essel, "The level of arrogance truly amazes me."
There may be good reason for Essels refusal to cooperate, as James has made it clear on previous shows that he thinks Essel is a terrible candidate. I am pretty sure that James' dim view of Chris was brought to her attention, and she may feel this forum is a no-win situation. However, Kevin James has been a good friend to the Mayor Sam blog and I believe he will be a fair interviewer and host for all the candidates.
As a Mayor Sam contributor, I strongly encourage Chris Essel to attend the show. Although I am not a supporter of hers, I believe in fairness and she should seize this opportunity to counter some of the harsh criticisms of her from multiple directions, bloggers, hosts, and other candidates. To duck the issue makes her look insincere and somewhat haughty. These are negative attributes that won't help her campaign.
It also makes her look weak to wither in the face of criticism from Mr. James. I think most of the other candidates wouldn't take that kind of criticism sitting down, but this seems to be Essels style as she refused to fight back at other times when criticized at other candidate forums.
I will be listening tomorrow night and taking notes and I hope that many CD 2 voters will also.
On Thursday night, I am especially looking forward to hearing the explanations of a certain budget-destroying Socialist who will attempt to excuse his way out of his financially reckless and dangerous behavior while in control of the State budget in Sacramento. But hey...that's just me.
Others will have many good reasons to listen , also.
You don't even have to leave home or worry about parking.
You can even listen on the internet at the KRLA website.
CD 2 voters should listen to the forum and make their best choice in September.
Sorry Michael! Didn't realize we were writing about the same subject at the same time.
I'm no fan of Kevin James or the facist right wing extremist nonsense he peddles on his show, but I have to say he's been pretty fair with the CD 2 candidates.
I don't know what Essel or her handlers are thinking, but there's no way she's getting out of this faux pas. If she stays out she's aloof and unfriendly, if she goes in she's a waffler and a sheep who bows to any sign of pressure.
two questions
Why is Phil posting the same thing Higby is?
Why is dumb Phil calling Kevin James a friend of Mayor Sam when he regularly trashes the blog and Higby?
Why did Higby delete my post about Matt Dowd and his offensiveness?
"Why is dumb Phil calling Kevin James a friend of Mayor Sam when he regularly trashes the blog and Higby?"
Kevin DOES NOT regularly trash this blog. ONE TIME, he disagreed with Higby and expressed that dissatisfaction over the air. But ONCE is not REGULARLY. You are the same person who seems to like to take one time stuff and call it "always, every and regularly."
You should say there are earthquakes all the time in L.A. and fires burning constantly. (That's your style!)
Why is all we hear aobut on htis stupid blog is CD 2 Zooma Mutt??
Rose Garden campaigning will not do.CD2 voters are not going to be fooled by Shallman`s lies. Essel is afraid she will be exposed that she is not ready for prime time ,and that she is a front for the downtown brokers,developers and unions, especially IBEW .
So, genius, when you saw there wre two posts the same, why didn't you take this one down?
I'm sure Hibgy took down your post about Matt Dowd's offensiveness because you accused him of insidious comments he never made, as though it were fact.
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