The Latest in the Battle of Stuart and Lloyd

You may remember that the skids were greased for Stuart to take the 40th AD seat from the termed out Levine. That is until blind ambition led Levine to sell out Waldman to get support from Congressman Howard Berman and a client for his political consultant dad Larry Levine from Berman protege Bob Blumenfeld, also a candidate for the 40th AD Democratic nomination.
CalPeek says it was simply "hardball politics" that led Levine to dump Waldman despite recognition that Stuart was widely considered a good Chief of Staff. The newsletter speculates that Waldman's backstabbing was the result not only of Lloyd's blind ambition but the fact that Waldman opted not to hire the Assemblyman's father but instead longtime Bob Hertzberg advisor John Shallman as his campaign consultant.
In a field where loyalty is often valued CalPeek says insiders take the view that many Democratic insiders who supported both candidates will bolt from Levine's camp.
And finally the newsletter reports that when both Levine and Waldman were present at an event for the Valley Industry and Commerce Association, Levine spotted Waldman and bolted for the door.
Labels: lloyd levine, nanny state, stuart waldman
That was fun seeing Lloyd turn the other way at VICA when old fat Stuart walked in.
I am sure karma's going to get daddy's boy.
Oh, Lloyd. Too bad you forgot to switch out the incandescent light bulb in your head.
Perhaps you can still try out for "Beat the Geek".
Lloyd wants to be on "are you smarter than fifth grader"
Waldman will mop up the floor with "No-Stick" Blumenfeld. As much as he tries to distance himself, Teflon Bob still has an umbilical cord tie to Larry Levine.
Guilt by association.
3:34 = Political Newb Idiot
Berman owns that district. Blumenfeld is a shoo-in. Waldman backstabs everyone and he got what he deserved. Blumenfeld is gonna come in with a ton of money, Stuart's gonna lose his inheritance, Lloyd is gonna pound Fran. End of discussion.
lol....and that's how the political machine works, folks!
3:47 = Arrogant Dickhead
Here's more:
Lloyd Levine = Unethical Pol
Larry Levine = Unethical Hack
Bob Berman = Unethical Pol
Teflon Bob = Unethical Wannabe
Nice try, but Fabian is endorsing Lloyd. Game over.
so is mayor v, sorry stuart game really over...
Oh wow, that'd be kind of goofed up for Parke Skelton, wouldn't it?
sorry, but nobody in the valley knows who in the hell this "Fabian" guy is. Lloyd's best chances for a future political career come from the unlikely passage of term limits. Short of that, he is toast, Stuart is toast, Pavley and Blumenfield will win.
Everybody in the Valley knows who I am and yes, I do pick state senators and assemblymen.
Well, me and Frankie Valli do.
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