Election Shame

Turn out was abysmal. As its been mentioned, more people voted for Taylor Hicks on American Idol than in our primary.
But we may also consider the lack of turn out, true voting with one's feet. Voters have become so turned off to negative campaigning, special interests, corrupt politicians and the inability of government to address society's problems that they have opted out of the process.
The resultant shrinking number of voters lets special interest groups have even greater influence over whom they elect. Once elected, these politicians can direct the people's largesse towards these special interests, their relatives, friends, associates, etc. And all quite (most of the time) legally.
Political parties, whose job it is to advance the idelogy of its members, cease to do so, instead their mission is to protect the jobs of their own incumbents. Indeed, they make deals that do not benefit their party but benefit party politicians. Such as the re-districting agreement between Democrats and Republicans in California. One that assigned the Republican party to permanent minority status, but made seats for the Republican incumbents (and their hand picked successors including their wives, husbands and children) virtually guaranteed.
Its a sad state of affairs, and until more people stand up and say they've had enough, it will continue. Its truly sad when at the same time in countries all over the world, people are literally dying for the right that we take for granted.
While people are disgusted with many of today's politics, I think the blame for minimal voter turnout is because the media didn't focus enough on what issues are at stake.
Oddly enough, though, my phone has never run so much from recorded calls by politicos I'd never heard of before.
It's especially sad when you consider that California is such a bellwether.
Both political parties are quite resistant to feeling accountable to their constituencies. Absurdly, that even extends to the voting booth.
Both parties could really mobilize turnout in elections if print and broadcast media were willing to do more stories about election fraud and dirty tricks. But Republicans like low turnouts, and Democrats don't want to mobilize the progressive adherents of their party, so there's nobody pushing for more media coverage. The state's shameful voting logjam will continue ad nauseum.
Hey Mailander, Krekorian beat the shit out of Quintero, you predicted wrong again.
Can't blame the media for everything and they dodged the bullet on this one. Voter apathy is due to the lack luster candidates and idiot issues. And as far as prop. 82 we all knew that one was going down.
Usually my phone rings from neighbors and friends inquiring about candidate and asking for explanations regarding the props. It didn't ring on this election. I think everyone was so tired about the immigration issue but more interested in it's outcome and how it will effect them and their families.
Bravo to Steve Lopez for exposing the County Board of Supervisors for the idiots they are.
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el santo is back!!!
Steve Lopez should stay where he belongs and quit crossing over into being a social worker every once in a while in skid row.
He has the option of only coming here when he wants to and leaving whenever . The Case managers and social workers who make 28,000 dollars a year and below don't have that option.
Good Article on the county board of supervisors , but stay away from the weak of skid row Steve Lopez
The only problem I have here is we are attempting to rationalize non-participation.
There is no excuse for non-participation. Candidates don't put themselves, their families and their lives on display for public scrutiny because they have big egos, or want a lot of money. They do it because they want to make a difference.
The voters who fail to get involved by either donating a few bucks to a candidate or even voting cause these once good intentioned people to turn to the special interests to get elected because they can say "we pay and we vote."
Didn't Antonio get elected with the lowest turn out ever for a mayoral race? You gotta give the people something more then empty promises. It will be interesting to see if Padilla's choice to fill his seat gets the boys network in council to back them. Cindy won't have a chance in hell if that happens even with Antonio.
2:07 PM:
Sorry, but that isn't happening. Look to see some major moves, she'll get in with very little resistance. THEY'RE lining up their ducks across the board.
- The Dopeman
P/S Felipe won't have 5 on this one--trust me.
Low turnout is a great help for the pofessional political "consultants" and "strategists". You can win by "motivating your base" to get turnout up for your own side--ie stirring up fear and loathing towards the opponent, which is pretty easy.
Left and Right we are trapped in a system of voting for the lesser evil. When was the last time YOU voted with great enthusiasm FOR a candidate and his program, instead of a need to "stop the bastards" on the other side?
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