This is the city: Los Angeles, California. I work here. I'm an ex-mayor. Los Angeles is a magnet for people from all over the world. Some of them run for public office. Inevitably some of them stray from the golden rule and rule for those that have the gold. That's when I go to work. My name is Yorty. I'm a dead pol.
What is really comical is that the LAUSD (and boy genius Roy Romer) is building schools in neighborhoods as enrollment is decling.
As more white professionals with no children gentrify various areas of the city, other people with kids (mostly Latino and blacks) are forced to move out due to high housing prices.
And, your point is?
Ever hear about economics? Supply and demand?
It is the American way, remember?
How many more years are you guys going to keep complaining about people who EARN their money (as opposed to those who receive it for having babies)having the options to spend it the way they wish?
Get off your butts and get a job, educate your young, and earn it yourselves. The immigration explosion is putting an end to the Great American Give Away. At least we can thank them for that.
Get on the train or get run over by it.
downtown Los Angeles Election Watch
this is a new blogsite created to specifically watch the elections of the downtown los angeles neighbrohood council.
I will also be detailing my own personal outreach to the Downtown Los Angeles Community as a whole , targeted outreach , category ( precint walking) etc etc.
Where I will be flyering etc, etc and seeking candidates for each of the categories involved.
Many changes in the by-laws are taking place.
Many including how stakeholders vote.
The fact that DONE has postponed our elections is also something that needs to be discussed.
Calypso Louie needs to do hostile takeover of Cesspool de Pueblo and liberate the oppressed from Marcos Aguilar. He is far more credible than Jennifer Solis.
Faharakhan's version of liberal math is based on much more sounder tenents than Base 20 math that no one uses and far more creative in explaining how one plus one equals 19 or million.
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