Ask And You Shall Receive*

On Friday I posted asking if Hahn was going to pull a Villaraigosa. Turns out he did, just three days later.
The irony of the whole story is Antonio being offended by Hahn doing it. This is a little like the pot calling the kettle black:
"Once again, Jim Hahn is jumping on the caboose as the train leaves the station," said Villaraigosa campaign manager Ace Smith. "While he is unable to do the hard work it takes to craft policy, he is always able to hold a press conference to take credit for it."
At some point someone needs to listen to Bernard Parks - Stop politicizing the police. This is getting beyond ludicrous.
***Hot off the presses of the Antonio spam machine (I guess they didn't delete me):
Dear William,
You may have seen the recent debate about Mayor Hahn's plan to raise the city sales tax to hire more police officers. Last Friday, six members of the City Council, including me, voted against placing Mayor Hahn's proposed sales tax increase on the March 8th ballot.
We all agree that we must do everything we can to make our city safer. But Mayor Hahn's plan was the wrong way to do it. We don't have to raise the city sales tax to hire more cops. And we don't have to wait another month -- or more -- to take action.
You see, Mayor Hahn presented the people of Los Angeles with a false choice. The Mayor would have you believe that unless we increase the city sales tax, we can't hire more police officers. And he thinks that we have to wait until after the March 8th election to do anything.
Neither of those two facts are true. And that's why the City Council refused to support Mayor Hahn's plan.
Fortunately, there is a better solution.
In my Plan for a Safer LA, I have laid out an approach to hire 300 more police officers -- immediately -- by using state and federal funds that have already been approved for Los Angeles, as well as cutting waste and fraud in local government. That will provide some needed help right away.
Then, to keep us safer over the long run, we need to do more. My plan calls for hiring 1,300 more police officers in Los Angeles, and 5,000 additional deputies and officers countywide.
Investing in a larger police force is absolutely necessary to building a safer Los Angeles for years to come. But city residents shouldn't bear this burden alone.
That's why I believe that any plan must also be a county-wide plan, not simply at the city level. Crime does not respect city borders, and we need to coordinate and cooperate with our neighbors if we truly wish to improve our communities.
If you support my plan, I ask you to sign my petition urging Mayor Hahn to act now and hire more police officers. And I encourage you to forward this email to everyone you know, asking them to join with us.
During the 2001 campaign, Mayor Hahn promised to hire 1000 new police officers. Unfortunately, he's fallen more than 800 cops short of that promise.
Now, four long years later, in the eleventh hour of his term, Mayor Hahn has decided that it's time to do something. Unfortunately, his plan was the wrong one. And the City Council wisely rejected it.
We can make Los Angeles safer -- it just takes leadership. It's the kind of leadership I intend to return to City Hall. If you agree that it's time for a change, I hope you'll sign my petition and then invite everyone you know to join my campaign today!
Antonio R. Villaraigosa
How timely...Note the absence of someone's name from "his " plan
How dare the Mayor take credit for the Smith-Villaraigosa plan. And why do they still keep calling it the "Smith plan?"
This is too funny.
I guess it is the Hahn-Villaraigosa-Smith plan now. Poor Greig Smith, getting outdid not by one but by two shamless politicians. Classic Jim Hahn stealing credit for others hard work and the same old Villaraigosa hijaking someone elses idead and taking it as his own. Imagine if he was Council President, it would of been just the Villaraigosa plan. He did it as speaker all the time. Mayor Hahn -Always making council do the hard work and then stealing the credit. When are we going to get a Mayor who can actually lead the charge and make Council a partner instead of adversary?
March 8th will be the first step. ABV
What a liar. You look on the city council file index and Antonio voted YES to put the sales tax initiative on the May 2005 ballot. I guarantee you that if it was someone else instead of Hahn who pushed it, they would have all voted YES. Antonio has proven to be a liar and his Boyle Heights constituents are so pissed off at him they are thinking of marching in protest for him ignorning them. Get ready for something good to happen.
It would serve this city right if Bratton took a job in Washington. They've treated him like shit and continue to ignore his needing more officers. Antonio loses $20 million in fine as a transportation committee person and now Gameboy Padilla and the rest lose $4 million. How sad this is what's representing us.
Everybody talks about integrity and truth being important, yet the host of this blog don't even have the decency to inform everyone that the sales tax idea started with a Parks motion and Villaraigosa supported it in Nov. 2004.
It's too easy and cheap just to repeat Villaraigosa's campaign spin. It wouldn't be that bad if you guys would at least inform everyone about the true origins of this motion.
Here is the link for anyone with half a brain and willing to at least seek the truth.
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