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Tuesday, November 03, 2015

Mayor Sam LA-32 NC Exclusive Continues: Vice-President Vallecillo's Lack of Diligence regarding Board Member Absences

As we continue our Mayor Sam Exclusive regarding the Ethical and Legal Dysfunction of the Empower LA General Manager Grayce Liu-restructured, LA-32 Neighborhood Council, we disclose documentation on USC Law School Graduate/Practicing Attorney Kaprisha Vallecillo's "Absence in Diligence" in responding to Stakeholder's concerns about Board Members Attendance ........., while conferring with Empower LA's Legal Counsel about her pending "Three General Board Meetings Leave of Absence".  
From Kaprisha Vallecillo's Law Firm Bio: Kaprisha currently serves on a local chapter of the Los Angeles Neighborhood Council as the Council’s Vice President, Business and Economics Committee Director (to promote USC Biotech Corridor Agenda?), and Elections and Voter Engagement Committee Director (not for LA-32).
** Blogger's Note: As we continue our Mayor Sam Exclusive on the current Ethical and Legal Dysfunction of the Empower LA General Manager-supported restructured LA-32 Neighborhood Council, we have obtain a Email from a Stakeholder, directed to Vice-President Kaprisha Vallecillo which stated concerns about the irregular enforcement of LA-32 NC By-Laws, pertaining to Board Member Attendance (or lack of). 

For the record, the LA-32 NC By-Laws state the following; Section 7: Absences - Any Director who misses two (2) consecutive regularly scheduled General Meetings or, optionally, three (3) total Board meetings during any twelve (12) month period will be automatically removed from the Board. Each Director’s absence shall be recorded in the LA-32 NC meeting minutes or other manner of LA-32 NC record keeping, and that, upon missing the required number of Board meetings for removal, the LA-32 NC Presiding Officer shall notify the Board Director and provide notice to that Director that their seat has been declared vacant. 

As noted in the First Post of our Mayor Sam Exclusive on the current Ethical and Legal Dysfunction of the LA-32 NC, Vice-President Vallecillo is seen on video stating that because of work obligations, she will miss the next three, regular-monthly General Board Meetings. Further, Executive Board Members, while discussing who would be remove (Genny Guerrero, Sasha Perez, Augie Rodriguez and Victor Ayala), Vice-President Vallecillo is asked by President Marleen Fonseca (formerly Caudillo) whether she had made contact with the Deputy City Attorney assigned to Empower LA, regarding her pending "Leave of Absence".

Its apparent from the video that the LA-32 NC Executive Committee was engaging in "Selective Enforcement" of its By-Laws (ie. removing those that they desired expunged from the board). Its not a secret that President Fonseca (formerly Caudillo) and her board allies have sought out "Gray Areas within the By-Laws (with help of enabling Empower LA Staff)" to keep out those Blacklisted, while appointing those acceptable to the controlling cliche (and Empower LA).

Thus, considering that Vice-President Vallecillo did not respond to the email concerns of the Stakeholder, is it fair to cite the practicing Attorney (of great achievement) as being a cause and enabler, in regards to the current dysfunctional Legal and Ethical State of the LA-32 NC? Sadly, the video and email documentation (posted below), do not merit a cross examination----Scott Johnson.   

From: Hugo Pacheco
To: Kaprisha Vallecillo ; Kaprisha Vallecillo
Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2015 3:51 PM
Subject: LA-32 NC By-Law Compliance

Time being of the essence, as a representative of my area on the LA-32 Neighborhood Council would you please be aware that the Neighborhood Council has not and is not in compliance with its By-Laws.  Tonight’s meeting and last month’s meetings have a least two Board Members that the President should have notified that they are automatically removed from the Board due to excessive absences.  In addition, contrary to popular belief the presiding officer has no power to excuse any absences.
I am asking that this issue be brought up at the beginning of the meeting to ensure that the Board is in compliance.  Notice for the special meeting does not allow me enough time to make new arrangements for previously scheduled appointments; therefore I am asking that you present this matter up as my representative.
Thank you.
Section 7: Absences - Any Director who misses two (2) consecutive regularly scheduled General Meetings or, optionally, three (3) total Board meetings during any twelve (12) month period will be automatically removed from the Board. Each Director’s absence shall be recorded in the LA-32 NC meeting minutes or other manner of LA-32 NC record keeping, and that, upon missing the required number of Board meetings for removal, the LA-32 NC Presiding Officer shall notify the Board Director and provide notice to that Director that their seat has been declared vacant. 

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