Morning Briefs on the Los Angeles Poitical Machine for Tuesday
We bring you a pre-Easter Political Gathering of two noted City Hall antagonists with upward ambitions featuring an "Tepid White Rhodes Scholar" and his potential "Dear Charrro, Princeton Graduate" 2017 Mayoral Challenger.
From CD 14 City Councilman Jose Huizar's Facebook Page.
From the Facebook Page of Mayor Eric Garcetti (can you find the difference between the two like photos?).
Great post Spring Break to all as we return to the bloggin keyboard after a work-related break.
Just in time for Good Friday last week, two past political antagonists came together briefly (apparently without cutting the bread) to tour places of interest within the fiefdom of re-elected CD 14 City Councilman Jose Huizar.
The self-noting Princeton Graduate, hosted Mayor Eric Garcetti in his fourteenth stop on a city-wide tour which included taking in the view from the top of the Ascot Hills Passive Park.
We note with a chuckle (or two, three and four plus) the subtle difference between the "authentic" photo via the Mayor Garcetti Facebook Page and the "altered" version via the Councilman Huizar's Facebook Page, which obviously "Photo shopped" a balding feature on the now, termed-out Councilman.
Councilman Huizar honors the "Disempowering Loyalty" of the LA-32 Neighborhood Council
Councilman Huizar among the mostly loyal LA-32 NC Board Members.
Councilman Huizar made time to reward his mostly loyal underlings that now comprise the LA-32 Neighborhood Council. With the enabling of "Disempowerment LA" General Manager Grayce Liu (and staff), the once independent body has now become a rubber stamp appendix for the re-elected Councilman's political needs.
Councilman Huizar and Cedillo No Shows at Highland Park NC Special Meeting on Spike in Gang Violence.
Highland Park Community Members question LAPD Officers, along with CD 1 and CD 14 Staff about escalating Gang Violence. (Photo by Nathan Solis of Eastsider LA).
Both CD 1 City Councilman Gil Cedillo and CD 14 City Councilman Jose Huizar send staff members to a Special Meeting of the Historic Highland Park Neighborhood Council which focused on the spike of gang-related violent crime within the community. A crowded room of concern community members had assorted questions for the assembled LAPD and council staff in attendance.
Your thoughts ..............
Scott Johnson in CD 14
Labels: CD 1 City Councilman Gil Cedillo, CD 14 City Councilman Jose Huizar, Gang Violence, Historic Highland park Neighborhood Council, LA 32 Neighborhood Council, mayor eric garcetti
This is another great piece, Scott.
But sadly, the good folks of your district continue to make the same mistakes most Angelenos make, with sadly worse consequences than most of us face.
1. They ultimately didn't organize to get themselves better leaders in the recent and prior elections.
2. The people who did run against the incumbents would probably not have been much better, or simply came from other tired political machines.
3. The people in these poorer communities are victims to third-world style politics with speakers on the back of flatbed trucks blaring out inane chants.
4. They unfortunately don't see Huizar's philandering, his car accident or his election-year-only repairs as the too little, too late efforts that they really were.
And unfortunately, in his and Cedillo's Districts, the consequences of re-electing these criminal hacks is that the status quo remains, and their chiefs of staffs will usually succeed them, and their playbook is the same as Huizar's and Cedillo's.
It's sad and tragic.
It’s a Liar’s Club. Several members have been made aware of the following but have failed in their responsibility to expose it. Given their past statements and disregard for their legal duties they purposely kept their mouths shut in order to be in the picture.
If the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment would have done its job, it would have ensured that this meeting did not take place. 3 of the Board Members are not eligible to be on the board because of absences and questionable criminal background checks.
But what do you expect from a board made up of non-residents and law breakers. The seeds of self-destruction were laid out to bring about Huizar’s re-election and now we see the results.
An unheard period of over one year in exhaustive measures and the appropriating of the beloved Kite Festival to celebrate the buying of this year’s election. One million dollars to buy 11,000 votes to re-elected the most unethical councilperson to ever represent our community and then illegally approving over $12,000.00 for a Kite Festival, using up a third of the Neighborhood Council’s Budget to turn a once innocent and beautiful spring celebration into a self serving propaganda event.
Tell a lie often enough and people will begin to believe it that is what Hitler said.
Guess what? Our taxpayer’s money is being used to sell us this Bunch of Bull.
We need to wake up.
Imagine how all of Huizar’s sponsors and supporters also get re-elected within the same percentage range in the last election.
Wish the Fed’s would get involved, where there is smoke there is fire.
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