Its Time for Election Day in Ciudad de Los Angeles!!
As voters in even-numbered City Council Districts, odd-numbered LAUSD School Board Districts and odd-numbered LACCD Enclaves, make their way to Polling Places (in predicted minute, fleeting numbers), we bring you this Mayor Sam Flashback on Election Day Strategy, via former Failure Mayor, now Hollywood Hills CD 4 Resident Antonio Villar.
Mayor: So then I put them on the bus, and sent them to the polls and told the poll workers to look the other way or they would be fired... Paris: Oh mayor, you're so strategic.
** Some year later, the former Political Mijo of the now Gloria Molina-supporting Antonio Villar, has taken ownership of his once Politico Papi's Election Day Strategy as buses and vans make their way to Polling Places, PRI District-wide.
The CD 14 Tonto Huevon Party/Voting/Party Bus.
Your CD 14 Tonto Huevon Party/Voting/Party Bus Hostesses?
** Just in time for Election Day in CD 14, we introduce you to the "Machismo, No Ma'am Molina Tontonistas PAC for Huizar". Please note that this group of "Political Male Escorts" can easily be bought to stand by you during Election Time ........, if the price is right.
The "Machismo, No Ma'am Molina Tontonistas", like their Al Bundy-led counterparts, have issues with Women in Power.
** From left to right in the photo above, the "Machismo, No Ma'am Molina Tontonistas" are;
Art "Pay Me for Door Walkers" Pulido: Art has "Gloria-issues" that are dulled with campaign payments that benefit self ......, and self only.
Richard "I am like my Daddy" Polanco Jr.: Little Richie, like Papi Richard, also have decades-old Gloria Issues, but Lil Richie, like Papi would switch sides for the the Right Price. ** BTW, who has spent more time in incarceration between Lil Richie and Pulido?
Mike from Hillside Village: Just think how this photo will help with another run for Public Office.
Uli "DONE Dum Cyber Troll" Sanchez: Judging from Uli's past, there are definitely "No Ma'ams" that have attracted the affections of the former Cal Tech IT Grad.
George "The Designated Driver" Esparza: The one night his Boss decides to drive, ended up costing the taxpayers $185,000.
George "The Paid Mouthpiece for the Fifteen Group" Magallanes: George and former Huizar Staffer Paul Vizcaino, can't wait to profit off the pending, Extreme Makeover of the Wyvernwood Apartment Complex.
Jessica McLean Wethington: The CLARTS Funded Executive Director of Bringing Back Broadway.
"Guy in Red": ????????????
** Former Mayor Sam Blogger Phil Jennerjahn, now happily married and living back in Wisconsin, had some quality time with the self-noting Princeton Graduate on Facebook last evening. Apparently, the embattled Incumbent is still battling denial issues about his drinking and driving past.
Awww!!! Someone feelings were hurt via the truth.
Your thoughts ..............
Scott Johnson in CD 14
Labels: 2015 City Council elections, CD 14 City Councilman Jose Huizar
Did Huevon learn some of these tactics from his hometown in Mexico. Was he a P.R.I. student.
Did Godoy call him papi or chiquito?
Is this a complex that has clouded his small brain also.
He will do what ever it takes to win.
lie ,cheat, steal and screw anyone to jeep his job.
he can't afford his pay cut cause he had to pay Francine Godoy.
WHERE those medical records he faught
to keep sealed because he gave her a STD
or was that his baby.?
Your safer playing with the boys in your office at least they keep quite and can't get pregnant.
Some of these boys were transfered to high paying g position in other city departments.
What incentive did Huevon give these people to ride his bus to go vote. ?
Free meals or what?
He outdid his papi valar who gave free services, bread etc if you took you voting
Ballot stub to get anything.
This page, and the comments are full of not so veiled racism.
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