Morning Briefs on the "Emotional" Los Angeles Political Machine for Wednesday
** Noontime Update: Ron Kaye does a public service in cut and slicing footage from yesterday's City Clowncil Central Committee's "Exercise in Fascism". Link here to view Kaye's script of Tuesday's proceedings---Scott Johnson.
Like many in post election CD 14, El Sereno's Michael Carreon has grown frustrated at the lack of constituent services within Councilman Jose Huizar's fiefdom. Carreon, who is well-documented as being a former prominent critic of Councilman Huizar in the El Sereno Community before getting some "gold card access" and "certificate love" ( as pictured above), is back to his former self. Put off, like many in post election CD 14, Carreon has been a regular attendee at City Hall, speaking during Public Comment about issues and concerns in CD 14. Yesterday, Carreon once again took to the podium during Public Comment and his frustration at the lack of an attentive (and respectful) council got the best of him. With a "Hiel Hitler" and a one arm salute, Carreon nearly spark a physical backlash from behind the horseshoe.
From behind the horseshoe, former CD 15 City Council Candidate Warren Furutani "potato head twin" CD 5 City Councilman Paul Koretz, exhibited the same "fighting DNA" of his former Assembly brethren Furutani (pictured below). Koretz, who's father survived Nazi Germany, became agitated at Carreon's remark and commented that he wanted to "clock" Carreon (now we know how to get the council's attention during public comment). We also should note that former Assemblyman Koretz was the author of legislation that called for the impeachment of former President George W. Bush and Vice-President Dick Cheney. Thus, we ponder if he ever showed the same emotion when the former president was called a Nazi on numerous occasions by his fellow progressives?
The other "raging potato head twin" Assemblyman Warren Furutani in the face of Assembly man Tom Wagner after Assemblyman Wagner's "Soprano Comment". When losing the debate, feign racial indignation.
But most laughable comments in yesterday's "Carreon vs. Koretz Confrontation" originated from CD 2/7 Indicted City Clowncilman Central Committee Member Richard "Zorro Marxist" AlarCON. As the likes of Koretz and CD 11 Clowncilman Bill Rosendahl feigned indignation and made Carreon's comments all about themselves, the "Zorro Marxist" arose to stand up for the right of Clowncilman Koretz to express his "raging emotions".But the irony here is that the likes of Clowncilman Rosendahl's recent attempt to curtail public comment, Clowncilman Koretz and AlarCON votes to disenfranchise African-American and Korean-American Communities during the recent race-based redistricting process, mixed with Clowncilman Jose Huizar's disdain for Public Records laws, are more rooted in fascism than the act of constituent frustration from Michael Carreon.
But most laughable comments in yesterday's "Carreon vs. Koretz Confrontation" originated from CD 2/7 Indicted City Clowncilman Central Committee Member Richard "Zorro Marxist" AlarCON. As the likes of Koretz and CD 11 Clowncilman Bill Rosendahl feigned indignation and made Carreon's comments all about themselves, the "Zorro Marxist" arose to stand up for the right of Clowncilman Koretz to express his "raging emotions".But the irony here is that the likes of Clowncilman Rosendahl's recent attempt to curtail public comment, Clowncilman Koretz and AlarCON votes to disenfranchise African-American and Korean-American Communities during the recent race-based redistricting process, mixed with Clowncilman Jose Huizar's disdain for Public Records laws, are more rooted in fascism than the act of constituent frustration from Michael Carreon.
Your thoughts ..............
Scott Johnson in CD 14
Labels: City Council Public Comment, Michael Carreon, paul koretz
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