Morning Briefs and Outtakes for "Huevos with Huizzy" in El Sereno
Beautiful morning to all as the exclusive, connected few in El Sereno make their way to "Huevos with Huizzy", a community engagement tour by CD 14 Councilman Jose Huizar (general public not allowed).
And for those who's allegiance to Councilman Jose Huizar earned the honor of getting a free breakfast on the taxpayers, we provide you with some sample questions to ask the councilman if you dare to risk excommunication (with help from LAPD and General Services Police) from future "Huizar Chat Fests".
1. Councilman Huizar, did your $75,000 reward help in finding the murderer of someone close to a family member ??
2. What is to become of Elephant Hill and $8 million of taxpayers money that you lost in the lawsuit by the property owner ??
3. Why is Ascot Hills Park not completed ??
4. Who are the new staffers ??
5. What day do we celebrate "Fourth of July" on in 2010 ??
6. Why is the gereral public not allowed to attend "Huevos with Huizzy" without invitation when the taxpayers are footing the bill ??
7. Is "The Voice" your favorite community newspaper ??
8. Is Barrio Action your favorite "connected non-profit" in El Sereno ??
9. Do you support LA 32's Neighborhood Council President Hugo Garcia using Wilson High School students to fill seats at PLUM meetings ??
10. Where is Don Jones living and did he help with the invitation list ??
And we have this e-mail that highlights Councilman Huizar's latest action as a member of the PLUM Committee of the City Council.
"Please send this motion [regarding street parking] out to everyone on your list. If this passes we are all in big trouble. Its not bad enough that we have no street parking in this city and it is very bad in Council District 5, now they want to let developers build without parking and let them give the money to the City in lieu of spaces.
If this passes we are deep trouble. We need to advise all the City Council people to vote against this."
If this passes we are deep trouble. We need to advise all the City Council people to vote against this."
Huizar Motion_09-1784_mot_7-17-09.pdf (77KB)
Other News:
** "Pensiongate 09" is back in the news as the Fire and Police Pension Board approved a policy that calls for quarterly reporting on all campaign contributions made by businesses using pension funds.
** "AnsaldoBreda" Italian maker of railcars is put on hold by MTA.
** From the "Downtown Garment and Citizen", meet "Local Hero" former Mayor Villaraigosa Legal Counsel Thomas Saenz ??
** Which politician has fallen below 50% in his approval rating ?? Hint, he mourns the lost of "TOTUS".
** Pay to drive solo in the car pool lane ?? And you thought that your gas taxes paid for this.
** Former Councilman Nick Pacheco campaign guru Robert Urteaga is facing a recall in the City of Montebello where he currently holds the same title of his ex boss. Rumor on the street is that he did not pay his "debts" to the "Chacon Machine".
** And from the "Law Offices of Nick Pacheco", we present "Gangster Makeover".
Your thoughts..............................
Nick Pacheco...funny you should mention him. The same day as the Times runs an article about Nick representing a gangbanger in a suit against the El Monte Police Department. With Nick bragging about how he is going to have his client grow a thick mustache to cover his gang moniker which had been tattooed on his upper lip. Charming.,0,431133.story
A couple of interesting things from Twitter:
AnVil stalking people on Twitter?
@TravisGarland dear mr. mayor of los angeles, you seem like a swell enough guy but 1 why are you on twitter? 2 why are you following me?
A little hypocrisy?
Matt_Szabo LA Times reports CA Legislature voting on budget bills it hasn't read. We've seen this before.
Justice is suppose to be blind. Too bad that officer couldn't turn a blind eye instead of falling victim to that adrenaline rush. With a Federal Civil Rights Abuse case pending, this civil case is a slam dunk. The camera doesn't lie and now it will cost El Monte.
The officer in question, the one with the website selling "Mexican Mafia and gang attire" will be raked through the coals come court time.
"Officer, would you treat this person as a criminal or client?"
Any criminal attorney will always looks for ways to dress up their clients before court. Some just need more work than others. That's what's "charming" about our justice system.
The Chacon Machine!!!Since when does getting 800 out to vote in the city of Commerce constitute a "machine"?
Urteaga didn't kao tao to the Calderon's, that is a machine - family owned - but still a machine.
That officer worked as a part time Park Ranger in the Park Closure program with Rec and Parks before they realized what a nut he was and convinced him to move on. That's when El Monte picked him up.
We like the Voice. Its better then the big time newspaper because they report the facts and truth about Sleazy Huizy. Tax money is being spent on 2 of Huizar's gang programs that aren't even in the city. Youth Alive out of Oakland and Alma Family Services in the County yet no one is saying shit about this corruption.
Why doesn't Huizar say what gang programs these are?
1. ALLOCATE $39,696 from the Council District 14 portion of the Street Furniture Revenue
Fund No. 43D/50 to the below named organizations/programs, in the below indicated amounts and the below indicated purposes; and, AUTHORIZE the Board of Public Works, Bureau of Accounting to make any paymentsnt
Gang Alternatives Program Roving truck bulky item pick up in CD 14 13,800
Gang Alternatives Program Removal and cleaning of trash receptacles
Boyle Heights 12,949
Jack Weiss was the only one who voted against letting developers build without parking spaces, saying the argument that it would actually reduce street traffic by discouraging cars is silly, since many people would still have cars. Reyes was upset with his opposition, as reported in the Daily News. But who's on PLUM now in his place? Koretz? No one seems to take him very seriously yet. And he's a lot more likely to be of the Mike Woo school of planning, which supports the Huizar and Reyes proposals on building housing without parking.
I think there are places where it can be offered, like in those tiny apts. they were building downtown that are just pied a terres and not first homes. As long as the savings in not having to build parking is passed on to renters or buyers. and they still have the option of a unit with parking space if they have a car. Without the option there will just be more cars on the street.
Today the Council is celebrating Columbian Independence Day, and Cardenas says the guy from their consulate who spoke in Spanish is thanking the council for thier leadership, which is rare. Good thing the Columbians think so.
Yeah, it would take foreigners to thank those losers. They have become the laughing stock of the nation with the Jackson mess. You have to feel sorry for Huizar. He shows his lack of class the way he irgnores his constituents but likes the ones who kiss his ass. The fact he's having these kiss ass group of people to tell him how great he is shows his insecurity and unwillingness to work with the people who question his accountability. The men who are his lapdogs have no balls and should be embarrassed to call themselves men. Huizar proved he doesn't like LAPD when he stood in council two years later and asked about May 1st. ASSHOLE!!!
There are probably lots of reasons to think Huizar is incompetent and arrogant, but blaming the AEG mess on him is just nonsense. That one goes to idiots Zine and Trutanich, who want to grandstand on the issue and act like they're the city's fiscal watchdogs to pre-empt Wendy.
She'd already planned to evaluate what happened before Trutanich and Zine started thumping their chests and convicting AEG in the court of public opinion before they had any evidence or reason. utterly irresponsible for a city attorney, especially, on many levels. Legal experts don't think they can go back and make demands retroactively -- AEG would sue and likely win, costing a lot more.
Plus all the bad PR for the city HAS made L A look like idiots around the world and is scaring off companies from doing business here. If they make a deal with the mayor or other official or act according to previous procedure, then get sued retroactively, that's got a chilling effect and is just crazy. Same thing he did to the CRA.
There's no doubt many of them are, and Perry AND Zine were Acting Mayor and he her Pro Tem, start with them if you want to point fingers. But doing it publicly is NOT to the city's benefit.
NOT what they would have wanted if they were thinking of the city and not their own plans for Trutanich to run for Mayor LOL in 2013. The guy hasn't even done a damn thing except attack people.
Red spot please post the latest signature gathering update from Jenerhjan and also Salztberg. Thank You.
City Council just passed this.
ITEM NO. (13) - 09-0600-S46
Motion (Parks - Huizar) relative to delaying the effective date of imposing a moratorium on all Special Event declarations
Huizy and Michael Carreon kissed at made up at the "Huevos" this morning.
Does that mean no more angry tirades from MC about paper posters on telephone poles in El Sereno on CH. 35, or is this just a temporary truce.
(Geeez, what a LOVE fest).
The picture's of Jose bicycling is very funny, if you click on it and blow it up, you can see what looks like a street banner with Cesar Chavez's face to the upper left, looking down at a grinning Huizar, doing a silly promotional photo opp, to show that even with his quarter-million $alary and being chauffered around in expensive land yachts we pay for, he's still just "one of us!"
You can almost see a tear developing in Chavez's eye, as he's thinking:
"Is this what I 'si se peuded' for?"
Thats because Huizy has to make sure he passes a Special Event motion for his friends (Francine's friends) at All Access. This will come back to bite you on the ass huizy
If Huizar thinks people like Michael Carreon who goes to council and blasts him because he has nothing better to do is considered a "community Leader" no wonder why Huizar constituents think he's an idiot. You think the Mayor is getting the backlash with people boooing him at events just wait til Huizar gets his taste of it.
Frank Aguirre, we know that you are the one typing up this mean spirited stuff. Please stop it.
wow. i thought i finally had something on huizy other than this generalities that former staffers lie about here. i called steven's steak house. the asst. gen manager is a "he." goes to show the bullshit that people write on here. no wonder they got fired.
Oh please. Just stop yourself.
You can't stop, can you? Not even if it were a matter of life and death.
It's ME - Franke Torres aka little Frank.
Building apartments or condo's without parking is absolutely insane!!!
No one will buy a condo without parking. And, only low income people will rent without a parking space so those apartments will turn into Section 8 housing. That is probly the goal anyways.
Maybe just maybe it wasn't the asst mgr. And just the waitress. Of maybe just maybe (like most places) they have more than one. But what seems REAL is that this news struck a cord! There must be SOME truth to it to have huizar all up in arms. I hear he is calling around trying to shut people up on this one. Hey mayorsam, has he called you yet? I' ll I know that it was SOMEBODY at steven's steak house. Titles don't matter. Stop making excuses
keep asking him to prove it. go with him there around 6pm. see if he will go with you. he wont, in fact he wont gon there again just watch. he wont want to be around there. he will just visit her at home
Enough of this 'Huizar and some other chick at some restaurant' thing.
If you have actual proof, call the Mayor Sam hotline or send MS the details on email. Meanwhile stop harping on what is either hearsay or just stuff you are making up. You've said enough. We get it.
I used to feel sorry for Nick Pacheco after he lost his seat, but no more. He has sunk to lowest of the low representing SCUM like that gangbanger. He is a walking felony who belongs in jail. He is so proud of his gang that he etched into his upper lip. What a God damn piece of shit that guy is. He is a domestic terrorist, and the rest of his gang should be thrown in jail along with him. Pacheco can represent whoever he wants to but representing this guy is a crime. Doesn't Pacheco have any shame. He is so proud that he is going to fool the jury making that guy out to look like an upstanding citizen. All that will happen is that the residents of El Monte will probably have to close a pool next summer so that they can pay some money to this piece of crap. That is not fair.
No it is not fair - but who is at fault here?
The police office who committed the crime. The perp. who was the lucky guy on the receiving end. Or the lawyer who represents the victim.
Perhaps the real person at fault here is the Personnel Department in El Monte who hired this rogue cop.
Career criminal or not, justice is blind and this guy got kicked in the head while in a prone position and now the city of El Monte must pay.
Who is Frank Aguirre? And why are you asking him to stop? Isnt there freedom of speech?
Rumor has it that there is a collection going on in El Sereno to buy THE VOICE a grammar checker. Maybe then the "paper" would not resemble a junior high school rag.
To July 27, 2009 10:40 AM
WHY do you continue to pick up the voice to read it!
You must be the junior high school rag reader it targets!
10:40 = Rick Coca (press deputy for huizar) aka spinster
they all cant be top notice papers like the daily news.....what a joke.
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