Los Angeles Politics Hotsheet for Tuesday
The Colfax Bridge project in Studio City is dragging on much to the chagrin of locals in the South Valley. Yet what's afoot that could even further delay completion of the replacement bridge? Dangerous enemy of free movement Lisa Sarkin, Land Use Chair of the Studio City Neighborhood Council, is pushing for halt to construction on Saturdays.
Paul Krekorian announces for re-election.
Stephen Box makes his candidacy for CD4 official. Yet while the folks at Griffith Park Wayist like the bicycle activist's platform they think he needs a make-over. That's so Hollywood. Let Box be Box - billy goat beard and all!
Best Red Spot-ism in a while: Frank Sheftel pulls "rolling papers" for CD4. (sorry Frank, had to.)
Speaking of Griffith Park Wayist Bill Haller joins the blog as a contributor. While I can't think ofa thing I agree with Haller on he'll be a welcome addition to GPW and provide a different flavor than former contributor "Mulholland Terrace."
If Latinos in the US need a national leader there is no clear consensus on who that should be. 64% say "don't know" and 10% say no need. Despite her wisdom, only 7% picked Supreme Court Associate Sonia Sotomayor and a paltry 3% gave a thumbs up to Mayor Villaraigosa despite Mike Trujillo's recent campaign on blogs and Facebook to cast Antonio as the best thing to ever happen to education in LA.
Paul Krekorian announces for re-election.
Stephen Box makes his candidacy for CD4 official. Yet while the folks at Griffith Park Wayist like the bicycle activist's platform they think he needs a make-over. That's so Hollywood. Let Box be Box - billy goat beard and all!
Best Red Spot-ism in a while: Frank Sheftel pulls "rolling papers" for CD4. (sorry Frank, had to.)
Speaking of Griffith Park Wayist Bill Haller joins the blog as a contributor. While I can't think ofa thing I agree with Haller on he'll be a welcome addition to GPW and provide a different flavor than former contributor "Mulholland Terrace."
If Latinos in the US need a national leader there is no clear consensus on who that should be. 64% say "don't know" and 10% say no need. Despite her wisdom, only 7% picked Supreme Court Associate Sonia Sotomayor and a paltry 3% gave a thumbs up to Mayor Villaraigosa despite Mike Trujillo's recent campaign on blogs and Facebook to cast Antonio as the best thing to ever happen to education in LA.
Labels: Bill Haller, frank sheftel, griffith park wayist, lisa sarkin, mayor antonio villaraigosa, michael trujillo, paul krekorian, stephen box, studio city
Mayor Sam,
Have you anything to say about the complete waste of LAPD detective hours spent on this 70 year old case?
what the fuck is your problem?
Mike Gatto here.
I won.
You lost.
Plus you had to apologize.
Grand slam.
Check mate LOSERS!
Dodgers sign Derek Jeter to 2 year, $36 million contract.
Will be announced today.
Where's my comment?
I raised the question about the slow pace of the Colfax Bridge construction a few months back and even wrote about it. Krekorian's office told me that Public Works was uncooperative.
Much larger bridges have been constructed in less time and under extreme conditions at that. It's a matter of dedicating resources. If the city was not willing to commit the labor and materials to complete the project in less than a year, the project should not have been started.
As far as not performing construction on Saturdays? Perhaps Sarkin should reimburese the owner of the restaurant on Ventura and Colfax for lost business. In this economy, we cannot afford to have a business fold.
What a conniver that Red Spot is!
Higby has been off the blog for 10 days, and Red Spot bottlecaps him on his first day back.
"Noone" cares.
243, I think the owner of the restaurant and his employees care.
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