Los Angeles Politics Hotsheet for Thursday
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The Los Angeles City Council passed a partial boycott of City business with organizations based in Arizona to protest a controversial immigration law in the Grand Canyon State. While the City is not going to give up lucrative contracts with Arizona based airlines and other businesses, some are concerned about the effect this may have on innocent bystanders in this debate. One example could be Arizona based Swift Transportation who has an $8 million contract as part of the City's "Clean Trucks" program.
Excellent piece by Joseph Mailander in today's LA Weekly chronicling the utter dysfunction that is today's Department of Water and Power. The story starts off with a bizarre tale of how the utility left an unattended and unexplained work truck on a City street for a day; bizarre indeed that the truck's front grill was adorned with a Teenage Mutant Ninja turtle doll.
Speaking of bizarre some local legislators want to change the name of the 405 from the San Diego Freeway to the Kevin Murray Freeway. Murray of course is the former State Senator who was found by a police officer with a prostitute in his state provided Corvette parked outside the John Anson Ford Theatre.
Why does Wendy Greuel hate Disney? The City Controller is questioning a program where the City provides bus transportation for senior citizen centers and school children to take field trips to places like the Getty, Holllywood Bowl and Disneyland.
Where in the world is Antonio Villaraigosa? In Washington, D.C. begging Congress for money for the Subway to the Sea.
Labels: 405 Freeway, Arizona Immigration Law, dwp, joseph mailander, kevin murray, mayor antonio villaraigosa, Subway to the Sea, wendy greuel
The Big News of the Day, and perhaps the Month, is that a FEDERAL ELECTIONS COMMISSION has received a complaint about PHIL JENNERJAHN for falsely stating that another candidate, James Andion, "enthusiastically endorses Phil Jennerjahn" on the URL which Phil bought.
It's underhanded that Phil bought someone else's URL. But it's not illegal.
However, it is a MAJOR violation of election law to make a patently false claim such as this.
Phil, don't bother to erase that stupid lie of yours; it has already been captured and saved. To lie again, and say that you didn't do this, will only further get you into legal trouble.
Say goodbye to your campaign Mr. National Prominence.
Oh, and as for Mr. Andion, unlike you, he DID graduate from law school and he is fluent in multiple languages. You are a dropout who can't do anything to a successful conclusion, whether it's your education, projects like the recall, picking a political winner, or completing a campaign and not coming in last.
You're a loser's loser. This time, you really shot yourself in the foot.
When Phil Jennerjahn wrote this on the James Andion URL, it was a violation of federal law. DON'T BOTHER CHANGING IT NOW, PHIL. IT HAS BEEN COPIED AND SENT TO THE FEDERAL ELECTIONS COMMISSION. Good luck in trying to explain this. Your campaign is over.
Maybe it's time to ask mommy to buy you a ticket back to Wisconsin. Jennerjahn Machine will have a mid-level position for a jackass who isn't smart enough to succeed, and who is willing to cheat and LIE to make up for his personal deficits.
THIS is the end of your "career" in politics, which you never gotin the first place.
"Andion2010.com is proud to announce its full support and enthusiastic endorsement of
PHIL JENNERJAHN for Congress!!
Phil Jennerjahn is the best choice to take on Karen Bass in the November election.
Vote Jennerjahn on June 8th!!"
Paul Koretz is a schmuck.
I knew that Phil is stupid, and willing to lie, but I didn't realize that he was willing to do something that borders on the criminal.
What were you thinking Phil? Did you think that you could just SAY that an opponent endorses you, and not be caught doing it?
James Andion is an attorney, and apparently an angry one, thanks to you. This may also rise to the level of libel or slander, on a civil basis.
And to think dopey Walter Moore teamed with this guy and contributes to his blog!
The difference between Jack Weiss and Phil Jennerjahn is that Weiss could afford the fine for election violations, and Jennerjahn can't.
How many years working as a birthday party clown at Six Flags will it take for Phil to pay the coming fine?
Shit, I wish there was jail on the horizon for this.
it's still there. what an asshole phil is to think he could get away with this.
7:41 - Paul Koretz is a hate-baiting asshole, not a "schmuck."
He does the same thing every time he disagrees with someone - he uses hate.
Of course he's against Arizona's attempt to clean up the mess illegals cause there (and here). That's because not only is he a bleeding heart liberal, but he represents the affluent 5th District where almost every household has illegal alien housekeepers, child minders, landscapers and pool guys. So he compares Arizona's government to the Nazis.
A few months ago, Koretz did the same thing on the joke that Medical Marijuana is. At the time only City Attorney Trutanich and District Attorney Cooley were taking a hard line, and basically identifying California's badly written law for the problem.
Of course Koretz wrote the stupid law. The criticism was hurting Koretz, and he was also coming under fire from the residents in the 5th District who don't want Pot Shops on every street corner. So what did Koretz do? He compared Trutanich and Cooley to George Bush saying Trutanich and Cooley want to on carry on the war.
Koretz comment and images of several medical marijuana "patients" can be seen on this YouTube video.
Although Koretz got criticized for the Nazi analogy by the Simon Weisenthal Center, all he cares about is that he got his sound bite.
Not so for Janice "the Joker" Hahn who sounded so much like a ditzy blonde that the prospect of getting beaten by Gavin Newsom must be really getting to her. He's 20 points ahead, and the San Pedro dimwit Hahn can't get anyone to help her out with a fundraiser.
Although Lt. Governor generally does nothing, with Jerry Brown likely to be the next Governor, and poor old Jerry sounding more like a retirement home candidate than a leader, there's a real possibility that Jerry won't last the 4 years and the Lt. Governor then takes over. Imagine that - Janice Hahn as Governor! Not just 'No' but 'Hell No!'
Immigrants are supposed to be documented in order to come to the USA. If we don't like Arizona's law, then we need to require our Federal government to step up and man our borders like they are supposed to do in order to prevent illegals from entering our country to begin with. Why should Arizona be stuck with protecting our borders on their own. It's their right to protect themselves since they are getting no help from the Feds and certainly not for L.A. I support Arizona's position and we should mind our own business which the City Council is a dismal failure at.
This is why they are the City Clowncil. Because they behave like clowns, minding everyone else's business (Arizona, Iraq, gay marriage, Armenian Genocide) while failing at the one thing they SHOULD be doing--making sure our city doesn't go bankrupt! Fucking incompetent assholes.
"Andion2010.com is proud to announce its full support and enthusiastic endorsement of PHIL JENNERJAHN for Congress!!"
I see nothing wrong or illegal about this statement. He doesn't say the candidate endorses Phil, it says the website does. Maybe you feel it is deceitful, but not any kind of violation, ma'am. Say hello to the ducks for me.
I'm going to complain about this to the Westside Republicans.
We'll see if THEY care about Phil's version of honesty.
3:08 aka Phil Jennerjahn,
YOU may not think there's anything wrong with it, but it is DELIBERATELY MISLEADING.
Since Phil admitted that he bought the URL after seeing it on Andion's candidate statement, he is INTENTIONALLY making MISLEADING statements.
Do you know who DOES think there's an ethics problem with this? The Federal Elections Commission.
You can be sure that the subject will be brought up when candidate events roll around.
This albatross will be hanging around Phil's neck for years and years. But if that's okay with you, and you want someone in Congress with THAT type of ethical issue, then go vote for Phil; he need's to come away with at least one or two votes, not including his own.
I sent the following complaint to the Westside Republicans, and suggest that anyone else offended by Phil's unethical and misleading behavior do the same. Their email address is westsiderepublicans@gmail.com
Here is what I wrote to them
To: WestsideRepublicans@gmail.com
Subject: Phil Jennerjahn's ethical problem
Message: Dear Westside Republicans:
I want to bring to your attention a highly unethical, although perhaps not illegal, maneuver by Phil Jennerjahn. It is my understanding that he is a member of your organization, and perhaps seeking your endorsement for his Congressional campaign.
Foolishly, when Mr. Jennerjahn saw the domain "Andion2010.com" listed on the candidate statement of fellow Republican candidate James Andion, he went online and saw that it was available for purchase. It wasn't illegal for him to purchase it, so he did.
The problem is, that he has a highly misleading statement on it "Andion2010.com is proud to announce its full support and enthusiastic endorsement of PHIL JENNERJAHN for Congress!!"
This is a highly offensive action, if not an illegal one. Accordingly, I would ask that you refuse to endorse Mr. Jennerjahn as it is an indicator of how he would behave if he were to win local office, as unlikely as that is. More foolishly than Mr. Jennerjahn doing this is his bragging about this on his blog.
I would hope that the Westside Republicans doesn't want to endorse someone with such questionable ethics as its candidate OR allow him to remain a member.
This blog used to be all about Jim "Do It Center" Alger. Then it was Zuma Dogg. I see the next flavor is Phil Jennerjahn.
Phil has a HILARIOUS video on his blog instructing people on signing the petition.
And if Phil doesn't know how many volunteers he has, assuming he has any, how does he know they need instruction?
Butt-ugly, patchoulie wearing, and tattooed Deejay Coochee is on it. Only a fan of female body hair would put someone that butt-ugly in a video. Who knew that Phil is a fan of female body hair???
It's always those conservatives who have the hidden fetishes! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Fuck you Phil!
Why should Angelenos support the LACK of LEADERSHIP Los Angeles Council and the LADWP Mayor Villaraigosa's decision to increase DWP rates, including trash fees, parking meter fees, traffic citation fees, etc, and continue to provide less services to their constituents’. This does not include LA County, State and Federal increases.
The SOLUTION is simple just BOYCOTT the DWP rate increase and all other increases by making all purchases outside Los Angeles city. Specifically, big ticket items, like cars, etc.
This blog used to be all about Jim "Do It Center" Alger. Then it was Zuma Dogg. I see the next flavor is Phil Jennerjahn.
I tend to believe it's coming from the Mayor's office, for obvious reasons.
Dege Coutee is super hairy? Is this why Phil dates her? Does she remind him of the dairy cows back in Wisconsin that he used to hook up with? Go to www.PhilJennerjahnDatesCows.com for the inside scoop.
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