Morning Briefs and Outtakes on Strict Interpretion of Laws, Budgets, Building Codes and Other News
Its 8:15 AM and Medical Marijuana is all over the radio air waves.
Just finish listening to KFI's Newsman Eric Leonard, debrief Talk Show Host Bill Handel on the latest, regarding the Los Angeles City Council struggles to find closure, in regards to its self-created, Medical Marijuana controversy.
Last night, a prominent city activist call me to state that a massive turnout was expected to descend on City Hall this morning, in support of Potheads, errrr, assorted Medical Marijuana users and sellers. (image of drug cartel members near the horseshoe an interesting thought).
But while the latest saga in this "tired expose of governmental laziness" plays out with pronouncements, chants, threats, mixed in with puffs of herbal medicine. The two men pictured above will go about their daily business in executing their law enforcement duties. That fact should send shivers into the political establishment and their special interest cronies.
I for one, find it refreshing that both city and county government in Los Angeles, have a duo in District Attorney Steve Cooley and City Attorney Carmen Trutanich, who can forge ahead in cooperation, to for once, strictly interpret the law.
Many will agree, that our current City Council's ability to obey establish, enforcement of, and creation of law, is something that is center around the wishes of the Special Interests. A permit for your large memorial? Not if you are AEG. Trash fees for hiring new police officers? No comprende. DWP fees for infrastructure upkeep? Sorry but those went to offset the negative balance of the general fund. Enforcement of immigration laws to protect our general population? We call that Special Order 40. "Government by loop holes", sadly that best describes our current Mayor and City Council.
Simply, while I can find areas of understanding on both sides of the Medical Marijuana issue, it would be good to watch for once, the City Council get slap with an judicial ruling (along the lines of the recent billboard rulings), that whack some legal reality into the highly paid numbskulls who sit around the horseshoe.
For those who are bound to "puff and paste" your comments regarding my opening missive, consider this from the LA Weekly's story "LA Medical Pot Shops Peddle To LAUSD Pupils".
The first sign that kids were being affected by the medical-pot explosion — and even directly targeted — arose at Grant High School in Van Nuys. It was the end of summer 2006 and time, apparently, to get back to the San Fernando Valley’s version of the three R’s: reading, writing and rolling joints.
On August 10 of that year, Van Nuys police found that a nearby marijuana dispensary, Pacific Support Services, had left fliers on cars in the Grant High School student parking lot. The fliers were emblazoned with the iconic, three-leaf marijuana bud, and underneath was a friendly message:
“It is still legal to own, grow and smoke marijuana as long as you do it properly. Qualification is simple and our experienced physicians are more than happy to help you,” it informed students, who probably had no idea California law gives seriously ill patients the right to smoke pot if they merely obtain a doctor’s verbal recommendation.
The flier language was directly aimed at those who might be tempted to spend their burgers-and-fries money: “$15 off with this flier. ... If you do not qualify for a recommendation your visit is free.”
2006, and our City Council struggles with simple task of following the law? Its time for some puffs of legal sanity to be blown in the face of those sitting around the "horseshoe of ineptness" on Spring Street.
** City Council delays vote on Pot Shops to until next week at the earliest.
** Continuing on the topic of ineptness, the current bunch in Sacramento has $21,000,000,000 to cut or replace in its 2010/2011 budget. With Governor "Kennedy Republican" leaving office in 2010 (** and not planning to run for any other) , here is hoping that no one responsible for this mess, attempts to bring their political baggage southward, in pursuit of greener political pastures.
** Ron Kaye has an great read on the latest "brain cramp of policy" from the City Council that attempts to legalize "Clown Houses" (a KFI's John and Ken term). Must be some third-world inspire take on density growth, but now Chato has a home in the garage.
** Did any of you in the "progressive community" locally, get this robocall? Via Andrew Breitbart's
Hello. This is ACORN. We’re calling to let you know that ACORN has continued to fight hard against foreclosures, for affordable healthcare, and now, to beat back the extremist attacks against our members, an organization you have seen on the news this week. Los Angeles ACORN successfully turned away the two right-wing activists who secretly videotaped a handful of ACORN employees and stopped their attempts to discredit the good will of ACORN here in Los Angeles. Thank you for your continued support. Always remember that the people united will never be defeated. Should you have any questions or would like to find out how you can be more involved, please call the L.A. office at 213 747 4211 extension 215. Thank you and have a good evening.
See this reported in the Los Angeles Times? Were waiting...........
** The Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association is out with its report card on the actions of 120 lawmakers in Sacramento and their voting record on taxes. Thus, in the spirit of openness, we post the grades of some local state lawmakers.
Bob Blumenfield/D-Van Nuys/F
Felipe Fuentes/D-Arleta/F
Paul Krekorian/D-Burbank/F
Mike Feue/rD-West Hollywood/F
Anthony Portantino/D-Pasadena/F
Steve Knight/R-Palmdale/A
Cameron Smyth/R-Santa Clarita/A
Audra Strickland/R-Westlake Village/A
Felipe Fuentes/D-Arleta/F
Paul Krekorian/D-Burbank/F
Mike Feue/rD-West Hollywood/F
Anthony Portantino/D-Pasadena/F
Steve Knight/R-Palmdale/A
Cameron Smyth/R-Santa Clarita/A
Audra Strickland/R-Westlake Village/A
Is someone on this list running for a new office?
** BREAKING NEWS!! Link here to see "Boss D'Arcy's" IBEW hit piece on Paul Krekorian....and they whacked him good.
Local 18 Water and Power Defense League (IBEW) Los Angeles, CA 90004 (Independent Expenditure) Oppose Paul Krekorian City Council Member - District 02 Krekorian for City Council 2009 - General (1321819) [Election: 12/08/09] 11/17/09 11/16/09 Printing, production, postage, and research MAIL-10 $14,525.00
Your thoughts........................
Labels: ACORN, andrew breitbart, California state budget, cd2 special election runoff, City Attorney carmen trutanich, District Attorney Steve Cooley, medical marijuana, paul krekorian, Ron Kaye
Kinda hard for me to understand the teabaggers who think everything who cry for deregulation out of one side of their mouths and more regulation (of things they don't like) out of the other.
Two big fat phony frauds, ha-ha-ha, went too far and got caught in their own trap.
Exposing themselves as a pair of fat-headed wingnuts who have a total contempt of democracy. Cooley: the Council is "so irrelevant it's not even funny," neither are you two fat-faced retards. Cooley thinks he's "the lawmaker," as well as judge, jury and Sheriff. He's gotten away with literal murder and destruction of lives way too long. Now he 'interprets" the law to mean sick people have to go grow their own pot in the fields, that if any money changes hands even to rent space or buy fertilizer it's illegal. Idiot.
His puppet Trutanich got so bitch-slapped by council he doesn't even count, after with the string-pulling of his puppetmaster Cooley they and their mutual campaign mgr Shallman ied to the public on purpose to get elected in order to immediately throw all the suckers under the bus. So Cooley had to go on tv last night looking even stupider all alone, claiming that the Russian mafia will take over if ANY sales are allowed. And of course he also means Armenian and mostly, the Mexican mafia like Red Spoof here.
The ONLY one who wants to push the business back into the hands of the Mexican drug Cartels is Cooley and his Stooley Trutanooch.
You two are the suckers now.
NOTE: Even that even phonier fat idiot Zine turned on his Nooch and Cooley on this issue on Monday!
Zine of course, as always, wanted to make a NEW MOTION NAMED AFTER HIMSELF, like the "Zine's motion" to "fix" Bratton's and Beck's SO40 or "Zine's Britney Spears Law." Giving celebrities a private hotline to LAPD security detail if followed by paps, among other things that are stupid or redundant. The ugly old celebrity suck-up.
BUT did you see how he shoved the Nooch into Beck's face at the end of the confirmation hearing, after the Nooch was NOT invited into the photo op with Council and Police Commissioners? That smarmy-slimy pair may try to now distance themselves from some of Trutnooch's less popular positions since they're totally without any ethics.
Two big fat phony frauds, ha-ha-ha, went too far and got caught in their own trap.
Exposing themselves as a pair of fat-headed wingnuts who have a total contempt of democracy. Cooley: the Council is "so irrelevant it's not even funny," neither are you two fat-faced retards. Cooley thinks he's "the lawmaker," as well as judge, jury and Sheriff. He's gotten away with literal murder and destruction of lives way too long. Now he 'interprets" the law to mean sick people have to go grow their own pot in the fields, that if any money changes hands even to rent space or buy fertilizer it's illegal. Idiot.
His puppet Trutanich got so bitch-slapped by council he doesn't even count, after with the string-pulling of his puppetmaster Cooley they and their mutual campaign mgr Shallman ied to the public on purpose to get elected in order to immediately throw all the suckers under the bus. So Cooley had to go on tv last night looking even stupider all alone, claiming that the Russian mafia will take over if ANY sales are allowed. And of course he also means Armenian and mostly, the Mexican mafia like Red Spoof here.
The ONLY one who wants to push the business back into the hands of the Mexican drug Cartels is Cooley and his Stooley Trutanooch.
You two are the suckers now.
NOTE: Even that even phonier fat idiot Zine turned on his Nooch and Cooley on this issue on Monday!
Zine of course, as always, wanted to make a NEW MOTION NAMED AFTER HIMSELF, like the "Zine's motion" to "fix" Bratton's and Beck's SO40 or "Zine's Britney Spears Law." Giving celebrities a private hotline to LAPD security detail if followed by paps, among other things that are stupid or redundant. The ugly old celebrity suck-up.
BUT did you see how he shoved the Nooch into Beck's face at the end of the confirmation hearing, after the Nooch was NOT invited into the photo op with Council and Police Commissioners? That smarmy-slimy pair may try to now distance themselves from some of Trutnooch's less popular positions since they're totally without any ethics.
Barbara Monahan Burke is one of the older SLAPPER homeowners like Kaye and his group who spoke this morning in Council claiming they voted for Trutanich to oppose all pot shops.
NO Burke, you're one of the clueless old SLAPPERS who don't know shit from shinola - Trutanich vowed to SUPPORT the pro-medical cannabis people in order to get their SUPPORT and MONEY and willing ARMS AND LEGS AND VOICES, calling and walking precincts and blogging and sending mucho dinero$ only to throw them under the bus the second he got elected - just like with Chick.
Jon Regardie in the L A downtown news ("Hurrican Carmen" is just his latest) wonders if Trutanich is "being sassy" or really stupid when he says he can't understand the fuss over his lying to Chick and others then tossing them aside like toilet paper. Guess which.
Those grades... funny how the Dems were all graded F and the A's were given to the Republicans? Tell me that whoever gave out those grades wasn't biased in the least.. give me a break!
Coolaid and Duch - its a new show coming to Fox. its a reality show about two fat idiots who think that you make it in LA by prosecuting everyone in sight.
problem is it'll only last one season.
poor Duch, he'd be doing much better had he recruited the pooch.
Let's Cut to the Chase...don't worry about limiting the number of Pot Shops, just control and limit the users. Proposed users must have a physical exam, blood tests, and priscription written by a City of Los Angeles registered & licensed Doctor. The cost of getting a certificate to purchase is $250 of which $50 is paid to City. The user must wear a wristband when smoking or entering a cooperative. Nobody is allowed to be in a cooperative without a wristband. Sharing or given to a person without a wristband is a $500 fine or 6 months in jail. The prescription shall be in triplicate with a copy to the City, and a copy to the patient.
Whoever insists on usnig the term "teabaggers" should know they are showing their tupidity.
"Teabggers" refers to people who participate in a sexual act favored by members of the homsexual community. I won't describe it here, but use your imagination.
Tea Party members are generally the other side of the political spectrum, although there are ocnservatives who are also teabaggers.
I suggest you use "teapartyers" in the future so as to not insult us teabaggers.
Oh Red Spot, how shocking is it that ALL of the Democrats got F's and ALL of the Republicans got A's.
This must be legit then.
1:35 a.m said: Whoever insists on usnig the term "teabaggers" should know they are showing their tupidity. "Teabggers" refers to people who participate in a sexual act favored by members of the homsexual community. I won't describe it here, but use your imagination.
How do you know if you're a teabagger? If you regularly show up to one of those lamerz Tea Parties with or without tea bags hanging off yer head... then you're a teabagger.
And don't cast aspersions... teabagging isn't an exclusive ghey party game. The hetero tea party people do it too. Ha ha. You don't get out much do you?
November 18, 2009 9:53 PM-I think the code should be amended to the user must where a gold star on their jacket.
Anonymous @ November 22, 2009 9:59 PM wrote:
"November 18, 2009 9:53 PM-I think the code should be amended to the user must where a gold star on their jacket."
Oops, make that "wear" not "where," not that anyone is reading this one anymore.
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