Councilman Jose Huizar loses another Staff Person??
But then "Celine" may of had a good reason to move on, considering this incident that took place at the Hollenbeck Police Station "National Night Out" event.
** Everyone saw Jose lose it. He was up on stage when he heard Henry Casas was in the audience and starting questioning everyone about why Henry was there. He stormed up to that young girl, put is hands in her face-so close I was just waiting for him to strike her and just starting screaming at her. Everyone just stood there scared. It was ugly, he stormed off, she looked so terrified I thought she was going to cry.
August 06, 2009 12:07 AM
Speculation within CD 14 is that the young lady, "Celine", soon after this incident, went on stress leave. Now it looks like she has resign her position.
Wasn't this event at the same place Huizzy assaulted and verbally abused his young staffer? He looked so proud standing on that stage trying to get credit for something he didn't accomplish. He must've blocked out what he looked like last time he stood on that stage and went on a rampage nearly hitting the girl. The staffer hasn't been around since the incident, did another bite the dust in CD 14 and this one on really bad terms?!
September 21, 2009 11:38 AM
It is this type of behavior and working environment that has cause consternation among many community activists and will surely be a topic in 2011, when Councilman Huizar runs for re-election. Plus, comments such as this don't help Huizar.
bill eats at sizzler said...
I remember the ol' Soviet Union. That's the only thing that compares with the number of defectors from Huizar's staff every year.
September 19, 2009 7:05 PM
......., and defectors usually have good stories to share.
Your thoughts.......................
So how come we haven't heard any these "good stories," Reed Sput?
Other than that extreme YUTZ, Alvin "DOH" Parra who was only hired in the first place as a favor to Villar and who then ran against Huizar, nearly all of his exiting staffers have been silent?
You've been crying "wolf" for a long time about how ex-employees of Huizar were going to rat him out, and it hasn't happened. Maybe there's nothing to tell.
I've dealt with some of Huizar's staffers including some who've now left, and most of them are no loss to the City, at all. Good riddance to bumbling amateurs.
Yeah, it also says a lot about Huizar that he hires boobs to begin with, but that doesn't mean that once he figures out that they can't cut it -- that they're gone.
Pardon the interruption Mr. Spot, but I have to say that Zuma Dogg has a HI-LAR-IOUS post about how all of his woes about hunger, pain and homelessness is due to COURTENEY COX, ADAM SANDLER and CARMEN TRUTANICH.
It's so fucken funny that I have to give the post below.
What's even funnier is that he claims that a lot of a-listers have stolen his ideas for shows and advertising campaigns. I'm not saying it's not true, so shut up zuma before you start yapping. Maybe it IS true. I'm just sayin' that your description of the whole thing is HI-LAR-IOUS.
Here is the link.
It's kind of silly to make a big deal out of a staffer not being able to handle being yelled at. Admittedly it's not behavior you would recommend if it really happened, but politics has always been high tension and if a person has to whine over something like that, she probably shouldn't have the job in the first place. There is a reason that as little kids we are told that sticks and stones can break our bones, but names can never hurt. Because if you are mature, they can't.
I just read that Zuma Dogg post. Hilarious.
Hot dang! The big time at MayorSam! A call out! I don't vote in Weezar's district, but then again I don't vote in any district! What the heck is the point? They're all a bunch of mama's girls!
You want a good story? Listen yesterday at the Sizzler in Eagle Rock on Colorado all these ska dudes from the Weezar Wonderland Music Festival in Eagle Rock showed up for the ground steak burger. Did you go to (sic!) Red Spot? Thanks CD14! Ooh la lah, Zydeco was my scene! Fits Eagle Rock like a glove!
Who started this anyway? Weezar's name is all over the Irvine Foundation sponsored program. I have a feeling he hasn't been a Councilman for 11 years though.
Bill = Maillander
Dear 11:06:
If you think its acceptable to verbally assualt people and find a man who raises his hand to a woman acceptable then I'll pray for your conscience tonight.
Ex Staffers have been pretty silent but come 2011, when it really counts, you think its going to stay that way?! Especially with Huizzy's record for treating people like dirt.
Huizzy has gotten agressive on more than one occassion but his cover ups don't seem to be working like they used to
Huizar time will come! It's 2011!!! Everything will come out in due time. Timing is everything, hezzy
For 2011, there needs to be some work to assemble candidates to become viable challengers; grassroots is not the best way to go to get a win out of an election, as shown in CD-2.
Money is the larger factor than popularity; money creates the popularity, or the illusion of that element, as shown by the last cd-14 election. Challenges of a debate were not entertained by Huizar, and that remains symbolic of his arrogance as a politician who does "johnny-come-lately" moves, most vividly seen in the entire handling of Med. Marijuana Dispensaries, from the creation of the moratorium, minus its needed explicit DEFINITION of "hardship," to the processing of MMD applications in his PLUM committee with Ed Reyes, to the motion to terminate the hardship part of the ordinance.
In any case, popularity is not the main determinant of an election- voting is. With 1/8 of registered voters in cd-2 coming out last month, you can see that a virtual minority of voters can control the outcome.
In the city wide election that put Antonio back in office for another round of dismal "leadership," only 18% of voters in L.A. voted, and Tony got around 9%- less than 10% putting him back at City Hall.
It's not a large percentage of registered voters needed to settle the outcome for any city election.
The real untapped factor is getting any semblance of accurate views to the voters to motivate participation in the process to replace the current and historical pattern of reliance on a flood of campaign propaganda by monied (incumbents) candidates right before election day.
in cd-14
The staffers Sleazy Huizy lost goes to show his lack of judgement. He has no clue how to run field office how the hell can he even think of running a district again. There is a video out there that will soon reappear that will blow Huizar away. Why does Huizar have so many gay guys working for him? Because they are easier to take commands from him then women who question his poor judgements. That's why Celina left. There are plenty of witnesses if she wants to file a lawsuit.
60+ exstaff can only mean one thing! It's NOT the staff that has the problem it's the Huizar!!! 60 exstaff makes for a good base of volunteers to start a campaign with. Huizar is going to have a tough time next go around. With the staff issuses, the community issues, the city issues and lets not forget his women issues. He never saw a chubby, fair skinned Latina he didn't like.
The music festival began 11 years ago by the businessmen and woman of the community; each giving out food as a way of welcoming members of the community into the businesses.
Huzir has lost almost 30 staff members since he was appointed. Many do talk. Who do you think spoke to the Feds?
All lies about Councilman Huizar. You Pacheco people just need to get over it.
I was at the Eagle Rock Music Festival and saw Huizar's new report on accomplishments. Any one see that? It has him on the front cover with the Southwest Museum in the background.
Huizar got the message from constituents that he could no longer enable the Autry's outright theft of the Southwest Museum's collection. That's good as the Southwest could be such a generator of tourism and healthy economic diversity in the Northeast.
Anyone know what Huizar will now do to help reopen the museum that the Autry closed?
i heard he is thinking of running for cedillo's senate seat
It may be Pacheco people. Either way, these are obvious attempts at defaming and attacking Huizar's character. But sounds like familiar tools used by a political person we chased out of the San Fernando valley. He seems to use the sam tools everywhere he goes--back stabs the elected he has worked for. It'll catch up to him.
what character? Youcant attack what's NOT there. Thanks, you really made us all laugh ours collective CD14 asses off! Character.... Haha that's a good one!
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