Former City Attorney Rocky Delgadillo finds Employment
Former City Attorney Rocky Delgadillo has found gainful employment after eight eventful years as Los Angeles City Attorney.
The Los Angeles Business Journal reports that Delgadillo will be joining Goodwin Proctor LLP as counsel.
But don't count on Delgadillo to sit still at his new gig.
Delgadillo has amass a $936,000 war chest to pursue once again, a run for California Attorney General, with Billionaire Eli Broad supporting.
Yet, Delgadillo has to earn a pay check from his new employer as noted below
At Goodwin Procter, Delgadillo will be focusing on building a book of business as a member of the 400-attorney firm’s litigation department.
“I’m looking forward to solving big problems in the litigation arena and public-private partnerships,” said Delgadillo, who will split his time between the firm’s Century City and downtown L.A. offices.
One wonders if Rocky gets a free vehicle as part of his compensation package ??
Your thoughts..................
We all loved to hate and make fun of Rocky, but the fact that he stayed mostly out of sight is looking pretty darn good these days after what that buffoon Trutanich has done in barely a month. That's one guy I WISH would take a vacation to Iceland, just not on our dime. Every day he's here he causes us tons of money and embarrassment. So far, his latest just this week are the new billboard ban that's a make-work project for billboard lawyers, and declaring all pot shops illegal and every shop owner a criminal: countless lawsuits and time wasted so far trying to determine which hardship exemptions are legal and which aren't. They're ALL illegal now.
On top of LAPD and downtown business interests, political witch-hunts, throwing out all ordinances on the books so he can rewrite them, meaning the last 6-12 months of City Attorney office and numerous dept. staff times have been wasted; intimidating and discouraging volunteer commission members, and reneging on solemn promises to endorsers and supporters from Chick and Greuel to grassroots.
Rocky, we miss ya, Rocktard that you were. BUT you don't have to bring your "talents" to the State level now -- stay where you are.
Maybe Zuma can use all that alleged information he has on Rocky and "persuade" him to back, and donate to, Zuma's campaign for CD2.
Even though Rocky doesn't live in CD2, he is a PROVEN and well known liar.
Fuck you Rocky Delgadildo! And your lying, thieving wife!
One big indicator of Rocky's bad judgment that probably will show up again to prove the point is his decision to run again for any public office after he left the City with his legacy of fouled up manuevers, new adddtions to civil service staffing as white elephants, including his old press secretary, the personal history of mismanagement in personal matters, aided by his wife, to attain status of creating fraudulent accident reports and the original examples that showed up in his bio even before being election, a sort of omen of what was to come from Rocky.
Eli Broad can't find another stooge with a better track record to buy off besides Rocky? Well, times are tough all around.
in cd-14
4:16PM you are so predictable. Always the same sorry assed criticism which we've seen on other blogs too. What do you do, just cut and paste it? Nobody buys what you're selling, just like they didn't buy Jack Weiss.
You see the problem for you and Jack Weiss and Rocky, is that in 6 weeks Trutanich has done more that Weiss and Delgadillo did in 8 years.
Just beating the crap out of that ridiculous lawsuit where the city was sued by a woman who's shit for brains husband used their baby daughter as a human shield while shooting it out with the cops, was a saving of about $30M for the city.
Then there was the black LAPD helicopter pilot who claimed racial discrimination when he wasn't promoted and sued the city for $3.5M. Another $3.5M saved.
I call that defending the city.
Now there's the way your heros Rocky and Jack defended the city. They both supported paying Tennie Pierce $5.5M for eating a spoonful of dog food.
Rocky and Jack both signed off on the ridiculous settlement with the billboard companies that resulted in 800 more digital billboards for no benefit to the city, but millions and millions of dollars for their friends and campaign supporters.
You call Trutanich a buffoon? I call him a real attorney who knows how to win cases. Rock and Jack haven't seen the inside of a courtroom in decades.
Jack has not found a job, and Rocky's been hired not for his legal skills, but rather because he will bring his corporate sponsors to the party.
So folks, that's the sort of city attorney Mr. Anonymous likes.
Now then, let's wait for the equally predictable response where Mr. Anonymous tells us that Walter Moore and Denis Zine and David Berger are bad bad bad. And that right wing talk radio is bad bad bad, and that Doug McIntyre has changed his mind about Nooch, and that Nooch went to a law school that has closed, and that Jack Weiss was swift boated, and all the other crap this shill comes up with. Really boring and predictable. Just like Rocky and Jack.
Anonymous 4:16PM must have gone to the same law school as Rocky, and probably played on the same non-existent pro-football team.
There is a word for people like 4:16PM, but if I used it, then this post would be 'removed by moderator,' but you get the idea.
The only people who are embarrassed by Carmen Trutanich are the phony career politicians who have caused the mess that the new City Attorney now has to deal with.
Cleaning up after Rocky's mismanagement of the office that left a bunch of highly paid political advisors sucking on the tit of the taxpayer with tenure. This is what 4:16PM misses.
Abusing a city car by letting an unlicensed uninsured wife with outstanding bench warrants drive it, and then lying when she damaged the car and making the city pay for it. That's who 4:16PM misses.
Using city workers to be child minders and personal errand runners, is what 4:16PM admires.
Settling a law suit with a bunch of billboard companies who were, coincidentally, campaign contributors to Rocky, the Mayor and Jack Weiss, when the lawsuit was pending appeal, and would have gone AGAINST the billboard companies is what 4:16PM thinks is something to be missed.
Locking off the Executive offices on the 8th floor, so that nobody who works at the City Attorney's Office can even see the splendidly and extravagantly decorated suite that Rocky created at taxpayer expense to satisfy his sick ego, is 4:16PM's idea of open and transparent leadership.
Nobody but a bunch of corrupt misguided democrats and big business city insiders misses Rocky the Liar.
Most democrats, like me, don't much like the fact that a republican won the election, but we sure as hell do not want Rocky and his moral cesspool of sycophants to have their hands on any form of power.
Our party needs to reform itself to only select the best candidates to represent us. Rocky will make a terrible AG if his record as a CA is anything to go by.
His choices of Rich Lewellyn, Ann D'Amato, Tamar Galatzan and others who have no legal skills (and some no qualifications) stands in contrast to Trutanich's team, all of who bring legal experience to the office.
I am glad that MS allows people like 4:16PM to comment, it just shows us what a bunch of morons still manage to retain credibility in a party that, at least on a local level, has forgotten that the voters will remove morally bankrupt politicians who hijack our party and sell us out to big money.
Screw you 4:16PM, and all three of you who still think we're going to ever let you screw us over again.
I didn't realize that MS allowed you to say "Fuck you Rocky Delgadillo." Is it also permissible to say "Fuck you Jack Weiss?" Just think it's highly probable that 4:16pm is Jack Weiss or his mother.
7:30, a litter bitter that nobody likes Nuch anymore, are we? Too bad for you his phony act didn't last past the campaign, after the Johns couldn't spin a sow's ear into a silk bad anymore. Instead, he's a walking, talking, PR, financial and legal disaster, who makes even Rocky look brilliant and classy by comparison. And that's not so easy to do.
I believe MS allows anyone to say Fuck You to anyone. That's why I wondered when someone wrote they "would" call the poster at 4:16 a name, but they knew the comment 'would be removed by the moderator if you know what I mean'... No, I didn't know what they meant. I think they're free to call any name they want. In my mind, there is no difference from saying Fuck You or calling someone a liar. What's the diff?
I never did like Rocky and I am a Dem. I never did like Trutanich and I never will, although that has nothing to do with him not being a Dem.
How could anyone tell from Day One how Rocky would be?? He was endorsed by Riordan!! What the hell else do you need to know?
Riordan's endorsement is the kiss of death. The San Fernando Valley hates his guts. I don't know anyone who likes him here. Everyone should stay away from him when they're running. Although for some of us, those with brains and instinct, it tells us who not to vote for.
Riordan sucks.
9:05 "a litter bitter" is that English?
Jack, you really must use the spell checker - it's the F2 key on your mummy's computer.
Do you really think you're funny when you say things about Weiss posting here (as if) or anything about his mom? What's wrong with his wife? Why do you have to say anything about his mom? You are juvenile, stupid, petty and more than likely posting from your own mother's computer, which means you're projecting. (Psych 101)
The idea that Jack Weiss would be posting on any blog is ludicrous. The idea that he would come here is even more outrageous.
No, I'm not a Jack Weiss fan either. No way. I just find the Weiss bashing to be boring. It's been 5 months since he lost. Get over it already! Jesus.
You are so boring that you need to get away from your mummy's computer and go out and have a drink or something. I hear there's a fun place on 1st and something where the city employees go pub crawling. Scary thought, but it's better than you trying to sharpen your comedic skills here which, by the way, isn't working for you.
9:33 is Bitter Berger once again, oh dear. His "mummy" would be worried about him if she saw how he's been behaving. So much anger and class envy and pedantry, so lack of real class for all his airs, like his Nooch. Well, to use their own metaphor, the Nooch and his Pooch need a new script. How about a hot toddy to relax your overheated brain a bit, Rumpole?
What's the matter, been ransacking Rocky's files and drawers and can't find anything to prevent him running for office again with? Damn, it's so disappointing when one's hateful vendettas come to naught -- all those sleepless nights gnashing one's teeth for nothing.
And as for the sycophant insulting where Rocky went to law school, I wouldn't go there if I were you, it only contrasts to your guy's here today, gone tomorrow night school, if you know what I mean. Which shows in his legal "scholarship."
10:08/10:22 Why do you think Berger would be here? The idea that Berger would be posting on any blog is ludicrous. The idea that he would come here is even more outrageous.
Are you so convinced that there's nobody else out there who happens to think that the original post trashing Trutanich is totally insane? Odd, you have no answer to the slew of points made against Rocky, instead you try to defend Jack Weiss and attack Berger.
You people are the ones that have lost the plot. The magic of the yellow dog democrat really has gone, hasn't it?
All you bitter demagogues have nothing, zip, zero, nada. All because your precious hero was thrown out of office and landed hard on his ass. No, you need to get over it.
As for insulting Rocky's law school, perhaps you should educate us a little. What, precisely what, was Rocky's crowning legal achievement in his entire career? And don't say anti-gang injunctions, that was Jim Hahn's idea, Rocky just copied it.
How about the $450k Rocky spent on buying washing machines and uniforms for some loser middle school? And the 8 lawyers he forced to work at schools as social workers and parking attendants? Sheer legal genius in your opinion.
The fact is that Rocky hadn't practiced law for years when he became City Attorney; his bar license was "inactive" and had been while he was a deputy mayor because he couldn't find a way to get the City to pick up the tab for his bar fees, and he would never spend a penny that he couldn't stick to the taxpayer.
You people are so boring and predictable. You get so irrational when you get hit with the facts. Facts that show your people are full of crap.
I'm sure that Trutanich and his people are looking for the evidence against Delgadillo and his flunkies. I heard that the paper shredder was working overtime in the last few days of Rocky's administration. Wait until Rocky and Llewellyn find out that the high speed copier they ordered was also working overtime...
Bye bye losers.
David Berger posts here often, has throughout the campaign and continues. Often as Rumpole, with his photo as Berger. Lately he's been going anon but uses the same "arguments" here, repetitively. He's obsessed with an unhealthy hatred of Weiss and vows an eternal vendetta, as he continues to state on talk radio shows.
You, 11:21, share the same spite and unhealthy taste for vendettas. What you all said about Laura Chick, your former champion, when she exposed Trutanich also showed your true nature. Berger's also been on virtually every blog as David, admits it, jumps in anywhere Weiss is mentioned to repeat the same lame comments. 9:33/ guy who channels David is the one who gratuitously mentioned and attacked Weiss first -- 4:16 never mentioned him. The only thing that's "ludicrous" is someone dragging Jack Weiss into this discussion about Rocky vs. his replacement Trutanich, the guy whose antics affect our city NOW.
OH, I'm sorry, this was supposed to be just a "let's make fun of Rocky" again thread.
How MUCH are we paying how many "investigators" to pursue this obsessed vendetta against Rocky? And you're admitting you had "spies" planted in the office to spy on and try to incriminate him -- how much did THAT cost?
What about those of us who didn't like Rocky or Trutanich?
I don't see how Rocktard ever runs again for anything.
His lies about:
1) His "footboll scholarship" at Harvard;
2) His "All American" nomination;
3) His "Pro Football" career;
4) His wife's accident;
5) And other exagerations and semi-truths have to come out and be used to beat him over the head for dishonesty in any election.
Then add in his mismanagement of the CA's office and his parting shot at all of us LA City Taxpayers just will not play well.
I do not believe that Steve Cooley wants to be AG, but if it came open and Rocky looked like the Democratic candidate, I think Steve would run just to keep Rocky from winning that seat.
I don't think Rocky can beat Kamala Harris, so it is a non- issue.
Who here would hire Rocky as your personal attorney?
Gee looks like Trutanich is no different then Rocky in settling lawsuits. Here's another one from firefighters.
L.A. City Council ends up paying $8.1 million to two firefighters who won lawsuits.
You see the problem for you and Jack Weiss and Rocky, is that in 6 weeks Trutanich has done more that Weiss and Delgadillo did in 8 years.
Yeah, but it was a reallylow bar to hurdle.
Berger is a joke. I hope he is not sending in posts from the his cushy city job, because that could get him in trouble.
And what is he doing at the city attorney's office? He is in charge of the city attorney website - that's it.
And what happens when Jane Usher leaves? Nuch will be surrounded by men and not have any women with any authority. Real nice for a public law office. And is he going to be giving cigars to women attorneys when they do well?
Jane cannot leave fast enough for everyone there; she is a joke.
Totally incompetant and competetive; I think it is called "aggressively stupid".
Berger and Jane Usher ARE both jokes but not to the taxpayer.
For all his bellyaching about Rocky giving tenure to 8 employees (7, since Llewellyn got another job and the Nuch guy here bashing him is stupid and uninformed, just another Republican hack like all his close friends and fans), Trutanich gave Berger and Usher pay-to-play jobs.
They both campaigned for him and were the 2 most dedicated lawyers to do so.
Berger continued to viciously attack Weiss and be a Nuch acolyte after the primary, and Jane pretended to be just a "concerned citizen" and someone from Antonio's team who's "seen the light" without revealing that she was publicly promised the Chief of Staff job back on March 27th for her work. So she could act as one of his spokesman and media people and write pieces like "Jane Usher Slams Gail Goldberg" for Jill Stewart's L A Weekly (surprise).
Usher's involvement so far in the marijuana dispensaries issue and with billboards have already guaranteed us millions in lawsuits, while Berger being in charge of "ethics" is like the Bernie Madoff being put in charge of "ethics."
So we're all paying for Trutanich's political campaign pay-to-play deals. (I guess the deal he made with Zuma Dogg is just too blatant to ever keep, and he no doubt never intended to. If he tries anything else to keep him quiet, let's just make sure it comes out of HIS pocket and not the public's. IF any MS readers feel differently, his supporters can PayPal a hire-Dogg fund.)
"Berger continued to viciously attack Weiss..."
What's your point? Didn't Weiss deserve what he got? Why is everyone so obsessed with Weiss? He's gone and should be forgotten, as should Delgagillo.
They were a disgrace to the city and did nothing but help their special interest supporters while pretending to be public servants.
I think the city will see a big difference between Rocky and our new City Attorney, Carmen T.
Oh, I mean a huge difference.
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