Morning Briefs and Outtakes for July 2, 2009
And as a public service, please as you arrive late and leave early from your third and fourth floor confines, remember to show consideration for your fellow city employees who show their "green" commitment by riding to work, even if it was for only an photo op.
On the subject of "green commitment" LA Weekly's Patrick Range McDonald "goes yard" on the major eco/leftie democratic groups who principles of conserving our natural wonders have been co-oped by unions and left-wing, anti-business special interest groups.
So far, 2009 has not been a banner year for the environmental movement in Los Angeles. As the area’s mainstream enviros buddy up with self-described green politicians and deep-pocketed land speculators and unions in Los Angeles and Sacramento, who have seemingly joined the “sustainability” cause, an odd thing is happening: Environmentalists who should be at the top of their game are turning into servants for more powerful, better politically connected masters, and suffering a string of defeats to boot.
No surprise considering that some Sierra Club members want to build an "Discovery Center" on sensative habitat in Whittier Narrows and their LA County political director is the Director of Human Resources at DWP.
Eastsider LA blogger Jesus Sanchez has a "one on one" with CD 14 political newcomer Emanuel Pleitez , which they discuss his campaign for Congress and his political future.
Q. Have you decided that you want to run for public office again? If so, what would you be interested in?
A. I have not decided to run for public office again, but if I were a betting man, I'd bet that I will run again. Instead of the question being: what would you be interested in, the better question would be what would I be best prepared or qualified for? If I would run again, I wouldn't know right now what that office would be.
Emanuel, Think CD 14 in 2011.
As "Team 1600" departs City Hall, the LA Weekly's Paul Teetor chronicles Rocky's last days and Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa's outreach to new City Attorney Carmen Trutanich, with a predictable discarding of some "used up political capital".
While Trutanich got a classic Rocky welcome, the Weekly learned that Mayor Antonio Villaragosa, who showered his help on the losing candidate for city attorney, Jack Weiss, has gone out of his way to make Trutanich feel welcome. The reconciliation started with a surprise phone call the day after the election.
“The mayor called and said ‘I gotta admit I rode the wrong pony,’” Trutanich recalls. “I said ‘Everybody gets a mulligan.’”
The phone call soon turned from an exchange of mixed metaphors into something of a political love fest.
Jack Weiss now joins the "corral of ponies" that includes Martin Ludlow, Hillary Clinton, Prop B, Miguel Contreras, Gil Cedillo and countless of others.
The "battle royale" between the "Weekly of Record" Editor Jill Stewart and the "Old Gray Hag On Spring Street" crayola scribing columnist James Rainey, continues with Stewart latest salvo directed at Rainey.
It’s hard to imagine that Rainey wrote this attack without being bothered by a 2007 piece we at the Weekly published about him and his frequent use of blind sources while writing stories about his bosses at the L.A. Times. I assigned and edited that piece, by Luke Y. Thompson, whose report on Rainey used my approach: tough but factual, and filled with excellent sourcing.
Regarding the "Old Gray Hag On Spring Street", the supposed "paper of record" just discover that there was an controversy over the future of the Southwest Museum.
The likes of LA Conservancy's Linda Dishman and the rest of the preservation community might want to be aware that American Apparel is eyeing the historic Sears Tower on Soto and Olympic as a possible relocation site for their downtown operations.
One cannot fathom the thought of seeing the historic Sears logo replaces with an "Legalize LA" logo, plus not to mention the increase traffic from ICE investigators.
A government audit of one such company, Los Angeles-based American Apparel, showed that 1,600 of its roughly 10,000 employees may not be authorized to work and the employment status of 200 others could not be verified, according to Peter Schey, an attorney for the company. The fine, which could exceed $100,000, will become final in 30 days unless American Apparel requests a court hearing. If the company continues to employ people who have no work authorization, it could face criminal action.
.....and lastly, is Councilman Jose Huizar Deputy Chief of Staff Henry Casas still on public payroll, and why ??
Your thoughts.........
Who is footing the cost of the Michael Jackson put to rest someplace project with the security
Crowd control and other cost that this brings.
Yeah, who is paying for the Michael Jackson circus that is set to be at Staples? Finally the path to getting rid of all the illegals in this city. Obama stuck to his word and is going after employers. Vernon fired 200 two weeks ago and now its American Apparel who gives hundreds of thousands in campaign donations to Antonio, Huizar, Reyes and the rest of the Latino idiots on council.
Huizar has more "chiefs" and deputy chiefs of staff than he has functioning field deputies.
What's one more. He made Casas CoS after he managed his last CM campaign, which would better be called "going along for the ride" - since there was no competition.
Different piggy bank, same payment for non-work.
Oh yes! Henry Casas is still on payroll because SLEEZY HUIZY knows if he takes him off payroll, Henry Casas will spill his beans about SLEEZY HUIZY's secrets...
Mrs. Huizar will definitely fly south after she find out what her idiot husband and Henry Casas have been doing all along...
SLEEZY HUIZY supports DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, LIQUOR LICENSES in poor communities/Boyle Heights, and infidelity. BTW Henry Casas is an alcoholic and DV Munger.
Should hardworking taxpayers of Los Angeles allow SLEEZY HUIZAR to pay
Henry Casas?
Should hardworking taxpayers of Los Angeles pay SLEEZY HUIZY $179,000 per year?
What about the extra-martial affair Henry Casas is having with Huizar's Staffer? Not the Lay Down Sally Tara Devine... Nor the Wart Hog Jessica Wethington McFAT. Guess who folks?
SLEEZY HUIZY is a loser... He cannot hire qualified staff! He Cannot keep a solid staff together.
SLEEZY HUIZY is not an innovator!
Jose Huizar is Antonio Villaraigosa's fart.
That would be one wet, smelling fart.
The only smelling fart is your stench redspot.
Antonio must be embarrassed to be outed by Nuch, what did he expect? I'll bet he's never even realized that it was Weiss seeming to too closely support his building new housing "for the incoming population the size of Chicago," with its density and traffic, that hurt him most. Plus not speaking out on the illegal immigrant issue came off as saving face for Antonio and hurt him most with the Walter Moore/ talk radio crowd. Other than that he did the most on public safety to push for increase in growing cops to 10,000 and working with LAFD to reform their frathouse ways.
I can't stand the Democrats with all their taxes and higher fees for fewer and fewer services because they won't deal with the illegals but Weiss was frankly less wacko than the rest of them, most pro- business and for a tax base with solid mass transit, world-class design for his projects, etc. If you listen to the architects and read sites like CurbedLA you get a lot fuller picture than what the NIMYBs put out there about him. His problem seems to be he never communicated what he was doing enough, the real nitty-gritty work he put in on detail to enhance a coherent work- play-shop-mass transit-connected vision, and his lousy campaign sure didn't. Century City, the new big project in Westwood, are all actually pretty terrific, especially compared to what was there before and what could have been, except to the same NIMBY groups.
Did Antonio just tell us that now it will be another 10 years before we get the 10,000 cops they've been promising? Of course it's Parks, Smith and Rosendahl who shot down increasing the force because they were asleep at the switch on the Budget Committee like most everyone else. Except Karen Sisson who told them 18 months ago they'd end up here, but no one listened.
I can't believe the city wants to furlough and layoff folks and yet Huizar still Casas on the whos is he having affair with?
rThe real CD14 alcoholics:
1) Ana "Cuba Libre" Cubas as she has so coined herself
2) Francine "Penis Promotion" and "DUI" Godoy
Nuch will be looking into City cars expenses. I wonder who gets their car fixed more than anyone in City Hall?
Why is CD14 the ONLY council district to have two COS cars? Ana Cubas/Francine Godoy BOTH have issued Chief of Staff cars. Is that fair? Why does CD14 get special treatment? Who is strong arming the depatment, Huizar? What is this costing nthe city?
Downtown news is looking for a story... better hurry up and turn one in.
I wonder who gets to keep the COS car, looks like a cat fight is sure to happen.
Henry doesnt drink nor is he married, he does however enjoy a good fight (w/ men). Maybe you should call him out next time you see him. But you won't
blog away.....
Sounds like you (or a couple of you) know a heck of a lot about this Casas guy and his history. The guy has been accused? of battery???
I wouldn't mind knowing more. I think a lot of this went down before my time on MS.
If you want to put together an article explaining the history and what the current situation is (and why it is wrong/corrupt/etc), we could fact-check it and post it here credited to you.
e-me at with your ideas if interested.
Henry Casas pleaded to a domestic violence lesser charge. He was arrested New Year's Eve. If he's still getting paid that's BULLSHIT!!!! Does he still have his city car? Huizar has lost over 17 employees since he's come into office. His staffers don't do shit. His female staffers dress with their tits hanging all over the place cause they don't have brains. When Huizar does show up no one knows who he is that's why he has to put his photo on every single flyer and banner. No other council person I know of does that.
Any inkling on why Casas is still on the payroll? Red Spot, how 'bout you?
Isn't being a narcissist a prerequisite for running for the Clowncil? LaBonge's face is on everything. In fact, he regularly 'steals' from hard working City employees and departments by forcing them to put his name on official docs and events as if he initiated them. To put it bluntly, he takes credit for a lot of work he or his office didn't do. I'm guessing this is common in other districts, although I haven't heard much of this going on in CD2.
sh*t,Tony Villar is the Citys MWN - Most Wanted Narcisist. His face is on every damn thing
The LA Times had TWO reporters at the Board of Referred Powers meeting on Tuesday to cover the Autry expansion issue.
This links to the Culture Blog where Mayor Sam folks can post your comments about George Mihlsten of Latham & Watkins getting out manuveured by the savvy SW Museum Coalition folks.
Some of Huizar's Staff claim they have university degrees, but in actuality they really don't.
My Rabbi said, "Question everything Herman, question everything."
The Jewish people will definitely not support the little Wheeeeezzzzeeel for City Council or any other political seat in the future... And even if Antonio begs us too.
Huizar doesn't meet our standards... The Jewish are fully aware and knowledgeable of the real leaders in CD 14 and especially Boyle Heights!
it shouldn't surprise anyone that council staffer morons are still on the payroll. Case in point Jan Perry's field staffer totalled a car and is still employed. Rosendahl's Nyguen got arrested for assault and breaking and entering and he's still employed. He was so drunk he went into someone's home. Let's not forget Janice Hahn's staffer who was arrested for DUI in a company car and still employed. But the bigggest shocker was Rocky Delgadillo not renewing car insurance and all the stuff he and wife did and he never got punished.
In this episode of "Al Diablo Con Jose Catorcedon" we will answer the viewers questions... Tan, Tan, Tan...
Is Casas still on payroll eventhough nobody has seen him in months? Yes, per Mrs. Ramos at the City Clerk, Mr. Casas is still on payroll (public records).
2:39 -- You are right it is disgusting to see the city facing such financial distress and Jose Catorcedon paying HUSH MONEY.
12:41 -- I guess there is still some Sleazy Huizzy lovers out there, Mr. Rick Coca, Mrs. Wendy Carillo and Mrs. Francine Huizar, just stop everybody knows its you guys.
2:47 -- Why is CD14 the ONLY council district to have two COS cars? Thats an easy one, The guy in charge lives in CD 14. And yes Downtown News is looking for a story, just ask Anna Scott from the paper, but i think the story should go to LA Times first so it can trickle down. No Offence Anna, i will call you later.
Petra, the thing its pobrably to early for anything to come out yet, if you know what i mean, Right Captain...
3:30 -- Henry Casas did not plea to a lesser charge. The real story is CA didnt have enough evidence, but Weazzy used this as an excused to get him out. As i mentioned before yes he is still on payroll (well as of June 1 he was). And no he no longer has a City Car.
3:30 -- You are right about Weezy loosing 17 employees, but that is only in the last 8 months. He has lost well over 60 since his time in in the Council, thats not Counting the 40 plus that left in the 4 plus years he was in the school board. So if you add it all up its over 100 since his time in office.
Captain, see you tomorrow, dont worry i got the rum this time. I owe you anyways.
Please stay tune for the next episode of "Al Diablo Con Jose Catorcedon", Tan, Tan, Tan.....
Hey i was at the NALEO conference and spoke to Manny. And Huizar should start heading for the hills because he is running.
It dosent matter what Antonio says, he is not keeping Manny out of this one. Everyone i talk to in El Sereno, will be voting for Manny again,
Everything is coming out when Huizie tries for another round.
BTW--Casas was seen at the CA. Democratic Convention April 2009 and he confirmed he is still working for Huizar.
It's true, there is a lot of hush hush information that needs to be hush hush.
But not at the cost of the taxpayers...
Recall, ditto.
Henry Casas is actually very unattractive.
Pleitez will run against Huizar in 2011. Hacopian will be pushing him to run against Huizar.
The word is that he has had a big falling out with Parke and AV.
This should be a doozy.
You only have a "falling out" with a hired gun like Parque if you fail to pay your bill.
There's nothing personal, principaled, or partisan about any of this. Like they say in "The Godfather"
"It's jes business"
"What about the extra-martial affair Henry Casas is having with Huizar's Staffer? Not the Lay Down Sally Tara Devine... Nor the Wart Hog Jessica Wethington McFAT. Guess who folks?"
...Home wrecker CELINA MANCIA
Henry Casas is still on payroll. He is blackmailing Huizar.
Casas has a restraining order against him for harassing, and stocking his Ex.
I just met Francine Godoy and she has major attitude. I am appalled Huizar has chosen her to represent him. I hope our taxpayer dollars are not supporting her salary.
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