Shameless Promotion
I'll be on Jim Alger's Washington DC radio show "Common Sense with Jim Alger" sometime after 4pm today. The show is broadcast via radio (not in LA) and over the internet at
I'll be talking about community organizing, and of course, my old friends Home Depot.
I'll be talking about community organizing, and of course, my old friends Home Depot.
Labels: jim alger
......brought to you by the DO IT CENTER!!, if the damned feed would work.
I can hear it. He's playing the Star spangled Banner full version
That's not a radio show that is Alger talking on Yahoo Messenger.
Higby is jealous for sure. It must be awful for Alger to have to deal with Fatso the Blogger all the time. Alger can run intellectual circles around higby any day.
Haha Higby, you dope.
You mean shameless SELF promotion, which is lower than mere shameless promotion. Too bad that no one gives a shit about Joe B. Guess they don't have high standards if they get a dopey west coast commenter from the #13 blog.
Shameless is what your pal Saltsburg is and does; you at least notice it is self-promotion and make self effacing jokes about it, showing a little shame wth the braggadocia.
Saltsburg is SHAMELESS.
Well that was fun.
screw you, joe. you said it's important to have a sense of humor, and obviously you don't!
hahahahha, sucker. take your own stupid theories and apply them to yourself.
nobody listened. and it wasn't even radio.
Well, obviously you didn't listen, because I said nothing about having a sense of humor nor did I discuss theory.
yes you did, ass wipe. you wrote that a few days ago. but go ahead and continue being an asswipe you asswipe. how old are you? 50 something?
Please cite your source, sir.
If I wrote anything mentioning something as controversial as "sense of humor" then this is scandalous!
Joe is 50 something?
Nope, still south of 50 for awhile, but looking forward to it!
"go ahead and continue being an asswipe you asswipe"
The lack of any recognizable maturity level of his blog never ceases to amaze me.
Sticks and stones...
I think all the back and forth on this thread is Joe B. and Jim Alger going off on each other just for kicks.
Because no one else really cares what either of them thinks.
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