The Last Word on David "Zuma Dogg" Saltsburg
I remember the first time I met David "Zuma Dogg" Saltsburg. He was coming out of the City Clerk's Office on Ramirez Street as I was entering to pick up some signature petitions in order to run for Mayor. I had read the City Clerks Office website listing of candidates who had declared for the election, and had done a little research on all possible opponents in order to be prepared for any eventual debates. I didn't know much about David before meeting him. Previous to my running for Mayor, I had not attended any City Council meetings, I didn't watch Channel 35 or any other public access channels, and I had missed the LA Weekly issues where Zuma Dogg had been mentioned. Even though I was active politically and voted in every election, I had never heard of David "Zuma Dogg" Saltsburg. So naturally, I wondered, "Zuma Dogg" ??...Who is this guy?".
Recognizing his trademark stocking cap and sunglasses from online articles, I stopped him and introduced myself and we talked for a few minutes. "Awww man..!" he said, looking at my lapel button, "you already got professional buttons and everything?Awww man...!!". He seemed a bit distressed that other candidates were moving forward and spending money, (even though none of us had officially met the technical requirements to be on the ballot). We had a little talk about the Mayor and the petition signature requirements for us both to run for Mayor. He mentioned a few things about his activism over the last three years. After a few minutes we said goodbye and went on our separate ways.
Little did I know that this was going to begin what I would call somewhat of an unusual friendship for me. Unusual in the fact that Zuma Dogg and I are politically and ideologically not on the same page, but we seem to get along just fine. My initial impression of him was not very positive. I thought that David was a bit of an odd fellow, somewhat of a hippy, and a definite wannabe rapper. I didn't think very much of him as a Mayoral opponent and I didn't think he would even get 500 votes in the election. I was clearly wrong about his level of voter support in the long run, but I remember it being my clear and honest opinion at the time. However, David changed my opinion about him during the campaign, and that was something that I did not expect.
I remember looking for information about David on the internet, as I wanted to be prepared to defeat all my opponents in the debates and in the election. There was plenty of information out there to find. Davids community activism was all over the internet. Photos, videos... all there to see... including this video, which is one of the most bizarre, but also one of the most hilarious things I have ever seen. I love the fact that Bernard Parks, a former Police Chief, a former Mayoral candidate, and a sitting City Council Member -- had to spend a minute of his day complaining about Zuma Dogg and his antics, only to have Eric Garcetti overrule him and have Zuma pull a prank on the whole Council exactly as Parks had warned. Too funny.
Fans and supporters of Zuma Dogg will tell you that he is a tireless community advocate, a fighter who supports the little guy against powerful political forces. On the other side of the aisle, critics of Zuma Dogg will tell you that he is a 44 year old man who refuses to get a job and financially support himself. They both have a point.
My personal opinion of Zuma Dogg? I think David is interesting and funny -- a very animated and colorful guy. I respect the fact that Zuma Dogg is passionate enough about City politics to attend every City Council meeting for three years, giving him a much better attendance record than any of the current City Council Members, who get paid about 178K per year to do their jobs. I think Zuma Dogg serves a purpose in City politics, as he is often the source to whom insiders leak sensitive information about City misadventures. Do I think he has a career in politics ahead of him? No. Any political opponent he faced in the future could raise the issue that David has not been responsible enough in his personal life to warrant any consideration for a political office that included high-level responsibilities. I'm not being mean about this, I just think it is a fact. But hey... what do I know? On March 3rd 2009, over nine thousand people voted for Zuma Dogg to be Mayor of Los Angeles. He got fourth place in the election, even though he publicly admits on his blog to being homeless and sleeping on the streets.
There have been many critics of Zuma Dogg in this forum that have been rather mean-spirited in their comments towards him and his lifestyle, and David has reacted negatively towards reading those comments. I don't think David has thick enough skin to deal with the abuse you face in life as an elected official. I think David has a calling somewhere else in life. I could see him as a radio show host. I could also see him as a side character on a TV show. Maybe even a rap music performer. He's really not that bad. I actually kind of liked his music video.
March 3rd was the final word on Phil Jennerjahn who came in DEAD LAST.
I'm sure Zuma dogg will not consider YOU a friend Phil if you think you are writing the "Last Word" on him.
I wish it was the last word, but it won't be. The fact you think you are qualified to write it is a sign that you don't have a clue about anything you're talking about.
1:31 is right. March 3rd was more of the last word on Phil, who still can't tell anyone what his PAID profession is. Ain't nobody gonna vote for someone who can't tell the people what he does for a living. Even zuma dogg can be described as a gadfly. Genderjane is just a flea, while zuma HAS fleas
Why anyone is wasting time and space on either one of these certifed losers is beyond me.
If we just ignore them both, will they leave mad?
Who cares, as long as they both just leave and go bore people on their own blogs.
It is true that Zuma does not have a job and as a consequence he is homeless.
If he had a job he could not do the work he is doing. He could not have the time to investigate the City Council, the Mayor and all the shady deals that go on in this City. He would not have the time to listen to people and attend the City Council meetings. He would not have the liberty to speak the truth. Only those that have been true activists can understand the sacrifice one has to do in time and effort. It is so much easier to just be sheep people watching American Idol, movies, the latest Hollywood gossip or send emails to put people down. We may not agree with Zuma’s lifestyle but we must remember the work he is doing is benefiting us.
Ditto 6:31
This is past history of the most embarrassing kind.
Is anyone interested? Does anyone care???
Move on already.
I adore Zuma Dogg and I think what he does is invaluable to us.
I'm damn sick of reading about fleas and he's skanky, shrieking at Garcetti, and all of the same old crap we read about him non-stop.
Boring. Not Zuma, the posts against him. You'll never change the minds of those who like him so give it up already.
Here's why Phil J came in last:
he admits in this thread he never watched Ch 35 or attended any council meetings. and it shows so badly with his comment on the Bernie Parks clip.
see Phil, hads you actually done some research and watched some council footage, you'd know that it was in fact Matt Dowd who Bernie Parks was complaining about. Matt Dowd was in Van Nuys with Zuma, having comment preceding Zuma, and that was the comment which elicited the Bitter complaint and the shoot down from Garcetti.
Then Zuma came on with the Gene Simmons.
so you come on this blog and make these posts like its some authority and yet the information is inaccurate.
I don't like you, I never have, and I'll be honest about that here too. and you confirmed my reasons when you admitted to not knowing who Zuma Dogg was, yet ur running for Mayor of Los Angeles?
too funny.
you are what I'd call an 'empty suit'.
you got the flashy suit, the pins and buttons and big life size cut out posters, but underneath all that...zilch bro, nada, zip and zero.
furthermore, by saying he has no career future in politics on this blog, is exactly the motivation a guy like that needs to make the next step.
and you Phil, got absolutely thrashed by a guy you say has no career prospects in politics.
so tell us all when you're hanging up your suit, because thats a real indictment that fact.
PS stand by for the next phase of "fighting City Hall - Zuma Dogg".
the plans are on the table and our constituents are waiting.
PPS funniest line I ever read on Mayor Sam, but also saddest indictment (thats what makes it so funny) : JENNERJAHN "I remember looking for information about David on the internet, as I wanted to be prepared to defeat all my opponents in the debates and in the election."
as they say online - mwha ha ha ha ha ha
mwha ha ha ha ha
laighing my f#cking ass off over here
boy do you know how to crack me up.
when's your next post?
Matt Dowd, don't like me? I couldn't care less.
So..the comment Parks made about someones ridiculous self promotion and selling their CD's was about YOU? Well...good for you.
But I don't see how that makes your political commentary worth a damn.
Yes, I did lose the election badly... but all the way until November of 2008 I was busy working on the McCain campaign and hadn't filed papers or done anything for running for Mayor. I spent more months of my life working on the McCain campaign than I did on my own campaign. It just worked out that way.
By the time I made it on the ballot in L.A., there were only 90 days left until the election.
Zuma Dogg had a four year head start of citywide publicity by being on TV on Channel 35, being on public access TV, being interviewed on talk radio repeatedly...being mentioned in articles in the LA Weekly.... those things add up.
With a four year head start... anybody can do well in an election. He did better than I did in the election. Good for him. I'm not upset about it. But with a four year head start he still only pulled 3% of the vote.
I was only in the election for about 90 days and I got an endorsement from a major political party and got a few thousand people to vote for me. March 3rd was only the beginning for me.....
With a four year head start... anybody can do well in an election. He did better than I did in the election. Good for him. I'm not upset about it. But with a four year head start he still only pulled 3% of the vote.
Alright Phil, time to shut the fuck up! If I had a three year head start, not four, EXCUSE ME for paying the dues and putting in time. Now shut the fuck up and keep my name outta your mouth.
ALl you did was try and console with me how you were gonna beat me by so much with all your money and political party backing. SHUT OFF PHIL, NOW YOU PISSED ME OFF. Lose my phone number, loser.
I don't need a critical word uttered against my efforts and achievements FROM YOU!
And Matt, WAY TO GO, your most slaying post ever. (Fish in a barrel.)
It's safe to say Zuma and Matt had the last word on Phil.
I would imagine that human nautre will compel Mr. Jennerjahn to respond to Zuma's comment now. Most likely trying to defend the reasons behind the comments, whatever they may be.
And then even more predictable will be Mr. Dogg responding to Phil will some of what I have heard him refer to as the Zuma Dogg blog treatment.
How do ya think that's gonna be workin' for ya, Phil? And if it spills onto the main blogs, like his, then it won't be much fun during the next election you run for when people do a Google search for your name.
But human nature is human nature so go ahead Phil.
Phil is right about one thing -- ZD is very thin skinned. Too much so to be an elected official or be in any position of responsibility.
Being criticized is part of public life. If you respond like a drunk in a bar, or a middle school kid on the playground, you aren't the right person for the job. other thing I forgot to mention.
Three of the candidates for Mayor: Antonio Villaraigosa, Walter Moore, and Bruce Darian... all of them ran for Mayor in 2005. That means they were campaigning to be Mayor back in 2004.
David Hernandez had run for various other offices in his Valley neighborhood... including a run for US Congress.
So...yes... all these men who had at least a five year head start on me?
I did get fewer votes than all of them in the election also.
Imagine that.
Zuma Dogg is great! He pokes the fools in City Council who are so arrogant to the rest of us. Gooooo, Zuma!
Thin skinned politicians - the thinnest is Tom LeBong. He takes every little thing personally.
Nice work Phil, you're burning all your bridges before you even have any.
Still stuck on March 3rd???
It's history. Let it go. Move on! Nobody cares. Nobody cared about March 3rd EVEN ON MARCH 3RD!
The empty suit that goes by the title "Mayor of Los Angeles" was reappointed for four more years by a slim majority of the 17.8% of the registered voters in the City of Los Angeles that gave a da*n about the municipal election. End of story.
Four years to the election of next Mayor of Los Angeles. Who wants to be Mayor of Los Angeles? Let's turn it into a reality show.
Phil, if I got trounced by a moron named "David "Zuma Dogg" Saltsburg, I'd disappear into the vast wilderness.
Gadm man, have you no shame?
hate to say it, but Phil is turning into an incredible comedian, ZD ought to watch out....this from his latest comment:
" March 3rd was only the beginning for me....."
that's like saying the Titanic just took a scratch.
OJ will be out of jail soon.
hey Phil, I hear VHS is about to take off.
you and John McCain should invest, he might still have a few kicking around.
grab General Motors stock too. then when they go up, buy a newspaper, and we'll all read it.
Self importance is A BIG PROBLEM with many of us. That is the reason we have to defend ourselves constantly. Self Importance is what makes us fall into the hands of our opponent and loose our common sense. If what you are saying you know is the truth, you do not have to defend it. Some will accept it and some won’t. As long as you know you are not fabricating a lie to deceive others you done your job.
I love Zuma, he's a city institution. He's taken out a lot of trash in this town and I am grateful for all his work.
He's not thin skinned; he's human, he has a heart and a soul! Something severely lacking in this town.
I'm glad to see he's added Adwords to his blog, with his massive traffic I hope that helps keep him in hamburgers at least. Either way, you can't judge a man on his income level.
March 3 is not over.
A guy who slams down three cocktails will still blow legal for a few minutes.
A snapshot of a bus cruising up Grand Ave. appears normal even if taken only moments before the wheels come flying off.
Incumbent mayor barely avoids a run-off against no name opposition?
That was 2 months ago and the B.A.C. is way over limit now.
The folks on the sidewalk are diving with fright as the bus jumps the curb.
One might even question if Villar actually polled over 50%.
Could we have some precinct breakdowns from the registrars office, please? Crunch 'em down
a bit. Statistical analysis. Especially the absentees from some of the eastside districts. Nursing
homes and group homes might be a place to focus.
We need some honest public service applicants, cause there may be some openings. I don't know -- but this entire city council may be recalled, if they don't start acting like adults.
The first step would be fire the kindergarten teacher -- council pres. Mr. E. parasitti.
Like what's up with the glasses, parasitti? First, they seemed just a prop to play the academic/professor role and scare critics away with "can't question the expert" vibe.
But, you will not be wearing them while reading notes and then have them on later during the same meeting.
Maybe you're actually going for the "a lot of people are very frustrated and feel like punching me, but they won't because i'm wearing my glasses" vibe.
And the mayor is a self-aggrandizing P.O.S. And has always been. With really poor political foresight. Spineless. Smarmy.
He loves to be first to tout the favorite before they even leave the paddock. I feel sorry for Hillary.
"Please antonio, stop calling me every day. I promise you can be the first to endorse me, but its only April. Terry McCauliffe said no hand holding until June 1st or it just doesn't look right."
"Oh gee, thanks for declaring your support,Tony. One week before you announce ending your marraige and confess your compulsive infidelity.
All i needed was the tie-in with another serial adulterer! So get your hynie to Rhode Island and deliver me their massive latino electorate! And lose my phone number, now!"
At least Antonio threw in with a real candidate this time. Better than when he was Speaker of the Assembly and annointed Al Checci to be the next governor. I'm still waiting for the explanation on that one.
But the guy sure can give a good graduation speech. And he can scare the competition from even declaring to run against him for Homecoming King. And he makes a pretty decent Homecoming King.
But we need a Mayor. You know.
The time for polite and proper and
nicey-nice is over.
Blunt. Raw. Critical. Caustic.
That approach is mandatory to even begin shaking off the deadwood and parasites in suits and ties embedded deep in the intestines of L.A.'s coffer.
Zuma Dogg may not be the next Mayor of Los Angeles. or maybe he will be.
He probably would soon chafe under the drags and drudges of the job if we gave it to him.
But if the people here wake up before the bus jumps the curb, I predict the next mayor we elect will attain that office with the support of Zuma Dogg.
And that person will do well to include Mr. Dogg among his closest advisors and confidantes.
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