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Saturday, May 09, 2009

LA Times Steve Lopez goes solo with Nuch in "Pedro"

Consider the respective headlines....

"With Trutanich, San Pedro docks are home to a contender" vs. "Times Steve Lopez goes solo with Nuch in Pedro" and thus a bloggin story of an underdog candidate for City Attorney hits "critical mass".

Dueling headlines aside, we link you to LA Times Steve Lopez's story on his day with Nuch in the "Pedro".

One excerpt,

By rights, Trutanich should have been out of the race by now and back to his law practice. Yeah, he was tapped to run by L.A. Dist. Atty. Steve Cooley, but City Councilman Jack Weiss practically had his name on the city attorney's door already. Generally, in L.A., we don't elect, we anoint.

.......but because a good many of us want democracy return to the voters, not special interests, Lopez and the editors within the "OLD GRAY HAG ON SPRING STREET", are forced to change their ways to survive against the brewing backlash directed towards powers "that were", which includes a much older "Lady on Spring Street".

Your thoughts................

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Anonymous Anonymous said:

Lopez certainly seems impressed with Trutnanich's core - the people of San Pedro where 'Nuch' grew up. It's hard to imagine Jack Weiss taking Lopez around CD5 and finding anyone with a kind word to say about Jackhole Weiss.

With the Times so solidly behind Trutanich, and the Weiss campaign now resorting to fundraising in dark rooms in Hancock Park with a convicted felon as the host, it's no wonder that the Weiss campaign is losing support faster than a snowball in hell.

There used to be a bunch of Weiss bloggers who would have been all over this piece with some prepared talking point rubbish, but there now seems to be just one anonymous Weiss blogger on the payroll.

There really is the scent of defeat in the air around Jack Weiss. His worst nightmare seems to have been realized and nobody's rushing to help him.

It's interesting to note that Jack Weiss's blog hasn't been updated since April 24; every penny that Weiss squeezed out of his big developer friends and his" democrites" seems to be spent on the attack ads that don't even mention Weiss.

Lope says he doesn't know who's going to win, and it sure is a close race. But with the wind behind Trutanich's sails, I reckon that next Sunday's piece in the Times about Lopez's lunch with Weiss at Art's Deli will conclude with a more definitive line.

Perhaps it will go something like this; Jack walked into Art's Deli and nobody noticed. Jack stuffed a twenty into the hand of a Bruin Democrat who immediately started licking Jack's boots and complimenting Jack for saving him from being raped because of DNA rape kits, and also mentioned that there are now more cops somewhere in Los Angeles thanks to Jack.

Jack palmed another dead president to the BD, who texted somebody, and within moments a large rat appeared outside the Deli.

Jack excused himself and went to the restroom, while another BD walked in, took out a piece of paper, looked at it and said "Boy the NRA sure is a problem for law abiding citizens, I hope nobody defends them or the rapists and sea lion killers that keep on buying billboards."

Just then Weiss emerged from the restroom carrying a dead fish wrapped in paper, handed it to me saying, "You do this favor for me, and one day a time may come when you can ask me to do a favor for you." Weiss then left playing with his Blackberry and trying to ignore the banner holding BD with his hand out.

Yep, next Sunday's Lopez piece on Weiss will set the record straight.

May 10, 2009 2:04 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

My thoughts are that defeding the very types (in some cases the exact) people he would be prosecuting as city attorney is the wrong preparation for the job especially when he wont reveal who they are and what conflicts of interest they raise. As Lopez said,:

"As for cases that went to court, he said, they're easy enough to find in public records. Actually, they're not. Unless you know the name of the defendant or plaintiff, it's hard to track down 30 years' worth of clients. And I have to agree with Weiss that we should know in advance if any of those clients might end up creating conflicts of interest for Trutanich if he becomes city attorney.

At the very least, Trutanich should come clean, and then he should remind voters that our legal system is founded on the principle that anyone accused of a criminal or civil offense has the right to an attorney. "

They have the right to an attorney...dosent mean the worst defendents who hurt the public should be defended by the city's attorney...

seems wrong

find out the truth at www.true2009.com

May 10, 2009 2:58 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Another "excerpt"? You haven't done THAT in a while!

May 10, 2009 4:46 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

STOP CAMPAIGNING FOR TRUTANICH ON STOP CAMPAIGNING FOR TRUTANICH ON THIS BLOG. This lends many of us to believe he's desperate and in trouble. No one wants a city attorney who doesn't support the rank and file like him. In his debates he's been slamming LAPD.Like Cooley he's an alcoholic. He's lying airing a commercial with Bratton "pretending" as if he was endorsed by him. No one wants a guy who supports gun lovers like the NRA

May 10, 2009 8:05 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Let's be fair and post the tough questions Trutanich WON'T answer

Lopez....Speaking of good attorneys, I had to ask Trutanich about Weiss' primary line of attack in the campaign. He says Trutanich is an NRA-apologist and a hack whose list of clients includes gunslingers, polluters and seal killers. And since Trutanich won't provide a full list of the clients he and his law partner have represented, who knows what other skeletons he's hiding.

May 10, 2009 8:44 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Hey there Anonymous Weisshole supporter, good to see you back. Been up all night feeding the baby again? Don't you have any other strategy for this campaign?

Your 'points' are really boring and have been responded to so many times that it's hardly worth the bother.

Trutanich has defended criminals, that's a Constitutional right (6th Amendment), but there's nothing in the Constitution about having a convicted felon hosting a fundraiser for Weiss - that's a decision Weiss made.

We need to see Weiss's criminal buddy's guest list so we can figure out how many conflicts of interest will be caused because of Weiss playing patsy with convicts.

Now, go feed your baby.

May 10, 2009 9:27 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

It appears that Weiss is going to be "was a candidate and lost"! I hope. Anyone is better than the man who sleeps furing PLUM committee meetings and is absent from voting at City Council meeting and when he is present, he's not in his chairs, but can be seen wandering around the area instead of listneing to consituents. To bad for the city that his recall didn't wasn't completed. Emough of him already!!!

May 10, 2009 9:31 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Looks like every comment here except the first is either Jack Weiss or Ace.

How sad.

May 10, 2009 9:36 AM  

Anonymous Greg Fuentes said:

Several days ago, on this blog, Weisss supporters were asked to name one significant accomplishment Weiss had primarily engineered during his seven-plus years as a Councilmember.

To date, no Weiss supporter has responded.

May 10, 2009 4:00 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Re: the prev comment here AND on previous thread trying to bait the "Weissians:" I'm sure they have better things to do than waste their time engaging such trolls. That "question" has been answered by them many times in numerous places, take it or leave it, you people have shown yourselves to be so nasty and immature from the start I'd imagine they'd find it time better spent to wash their cars or groom the dog or cat. Or buy a cat or dog or car to groom. Or watch a game and grill a dog. Anything else.

May 10, 2009 6:23 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Anon 6:23 - "That "question" has been answered by them many times in numerous places..."I'll answer that question:

1) He has saved Los Angeles from being attacked by heavily armed gang members because they now have to go to Culver City to buy ammo.

2) He managed to worsen the developing crisis surrounding the backlog of unprocessed rape kits at LAPD, so that when the time was right, he could maneuver himself into looking like he did something. What he did was spend some of his CD's money. What he didn't do was invite any other councilmember to join in. Had Weiss done so, there really could have been an impact on this problem, but it suited Weiss's election plans to look like a hero, instead of the heel his is.

3) He almost got himself recalled by being the arrogant poor little rich boy that he is.

4) He scored more Ethics violations than any other council member.

5) He took part in an illegal fundraiser on April 27, knowing the event was illegal. Then he promised to return $20k taken at the fundraiser, but his campaign finance report shows no returned contributions.

6) He attended a fundraiser in Hancock Park on May 2, hosted by a convicted felon.

7) He holds the record for missing more votes at City Hall than any other council member.

8) He voted for the settlement with the billboard operators that caused all the billboard blight, and also gave the billboard companies an indemnity if they are sued.

How many more achievements would you like me to list?

Why can't you Weissholes realize what a corrupt, deceptive and lousy individual this piece of work is?

Is it so hard for you to admit that Weiss has no place in our City - except maybe the Jail?

May 10, 2009 8:04 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Anon 8:04PM

# 6 is a very serious charge. You better back it up.

May 10, 2009 8:43 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

If Weiss' blogger(s) have to resort to "alcoholic" insults against Trutanich, it can only mean one thing:

Their guy is losing BIG TIME!

Bye, bye, Jack!

May 14, 2009 11:01 PM  

Blogger g said:

Under trutanich this travesty is happening.

Look at this file in the criminal courts building downtown los angeles.


October 22, 2009 4:43 PM  

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