Is Walter Moore Running Mates with Jack Weiss and Yes on B?
Not necessarily. But if you're a Republican voter who doesn't know any better and received the "slate mailer" above you might get that impression.
Slate mailers are generally a nasty part of politics. While the mailers seek to give the impression that a political party or organization are supporting a set of certain and candidates and/or ballot measures.
Though some slate mailers are sent out by official party organizations, most are organized for profit by political consultants. Each candidate and organization supporting or opposing a measure pays for placement on the slate.
In some cases where the consultant has not been able to sell a spot for a certain race in the election on his slate mailer, he may list other candidates or causes he is supporting for free.
Though the mailers contain small disclaimers indicating that most of the placements are paid and that a placement by one candidate or cause does not imply endorsement of other candidates and causes on the slate mailers, it still can be confusing for voters.
In this case according to the Los Angeles Ethics Commission website both Walter Moore affiliated Controller candidate Suzy Evans and City Attorney candidate Jack Weiss paid to be on the mailer. City records do not confirm if Moore nor the Yes on B campaign paid to be on the mailer or not.
Caveat emptor.
Labels: jack weiss, measure b, slate mailers, suzy evans, walter moore
I neither paid for, nor consented to be included on, that mailer.
Moore for Mayor!
More Villaraigosa for Mayor!
Move to France already Blowtard.
Wacko you botard how the hell did you let this happen? Your girl Suzy paid for it! Are you cavorting out with the Yes on B crowd?
Silly Rabbit! Politics are for grown-ups!
Villaraigosa wins!
of course wacko didn't pay for that!
he spent all his money on hats!
You can tell the desperation in failing campaigns when candidates hide behind "Anonymous" and tell those beating them to "Move to France."
You are going down.
Wow Steve Cooley is sure shilling for Nuch on conservative talk radio, bashing Weiss in a very partisan way. Bratton has never said anything nasty about other challengers except they're unknowns to him and he'd be nervous working with someone who needs on-the-job experience and lacks the breadth that Jack does.
But all in a dignified way, while the tone of Nuch's entire campaign has been childish and nasty -- far worse than Walter's chicken ad.
He, Zine and Cooley come off as very crude, buffoonish, loud and nasty, and just as bad, Cooley has done his best to create bad blood with someone he will have to work very closely with. Saying he will ONLY work closely with the City Attorney and Chief if they're HIS patsies is a very bad attitude.
Amerian is totally too inexperienced and unqualified, the idea of him forcing a runoff is absurd. He seems more decent than Nuch but his lies about his own record and Weiss's have been exposed by many career prosecutors.
The Republican Party of LA has sent out a notice to confirm it is NOT supporting Walter Moore nor Measure B.
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