Mayor Sam's Hotsheet for Sunday
Retired DWP employee Leon Furgatch is the latest to join the chorus of voices against the controversial Measure B on Tuesday's ballot. Writing in a Daily News Op-Ed piece, Furgatch says that B "violates every tenet of good utility management and municipal fiscal responsibility," and that the scheme "affects an existing DWP green power program, including a project already in the works to do the same rooftop job called for by Prop. B."
Need a reason to vote for anyone but Jack Weiss for City Attorney? Here are least four. It appears the message is getting out. Our tipsters are telling us that Jack is at about 31% in the polls and may not even make the runoff.
Joe B. has been doing great work posting up the excerpts from last Sunday's Great Debate. Check them out before you vote!
If you want to pick up some of those famous Walter Moore lawn signs before they're all gone this is your last chance. Moore will have them available at his campaign office Sunday afternoon, first come, first served!
Another blogger takes City Controller candidate Wendy Greuel to task for her controversial television commercials. This time its not calling her out for criticizing programs she voted for but a grammar blog that critiques Greuel's mis-use of nouns.
Providence Holy Cross Medical Center in Granada Hills needs to expand to continue to provide services to the community but the controversial project has been caught in the crossfire of local NIMBYS and unions upset that the hospital's nurses voted not to join. So Councilman Richard Alarcon and other Council Members are holding up the project's EIR, effectively stalling it. Hospital officials are fighting back, telling patients that the delay in services is due to Alarcon's blocking of the project. Even Alarcon's own family members heard the pitch during a recent emergency room visit.
Need a reason to vote for anyone but Jack Weiss for City Attorney? Here are least four. It appears the message is getting out. Our tipsters are telling us that Jack is at about 31% in the polls and may not even make the runoff.
Joe B. has been doing great work posting up the excerpts from last Sunday's Great Debate. Check them out before you vote!
If you want to pick up some of those famous Walter Moore lawn signs before they're all gone this is your last chance. Moore will have them available at his campaign office Sunday afternoon, first come, first served!
Another blogger takes City Controller candidate Wendy Greuel to task for her controversial television commercials. This time its not calling her out for criticizing programs she voted for but a grammar blog that critiques Greuel's mis-use of nouns.
Providence Holy Cross Medical Center in Granada Hills needs to expand to continue to provide services to the community but the controversial project has been caught in the crossfire of local NIMBYS and unions upset that the hospital's nurses voted not to join. So Councilman Richard Alarcon and other Council Members are holding up the project's EIR, effectively stalling it. Hospital officials are fighting back, telling patients that the delay in services is due to Alarcon's blocking of the project. Even Alarcon's own family members heard the pitch during a recent emergency room visit.
Labels: ed reyes, jack weiss, jesse rosas, measure b, providence holy cross medical center, Richard Alarcon, walter moore, wendy greuel
Quoting yourself, MS2, as a source for phony polls is really convincing Higby. Clear where you're being fed your propaganda to try to create a false impression -- signs of desperation. Don't be SO obvious.
I have never seen so many Neighborhood Councils against an issue. This is a great way to throw it back in those idiot city council members who say they don't have any power anymore and no one listens to them. Yes, they do and they are out and about in their communities letting people know what a sham Measure B is.
LA Times - Daily News - Daily Breeze all oppose Measure B
Community Groups
Los Angeles County Republican Party
Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce
Southwest Regional Council of Carpenters
Southern California District Council of Laborers
United Chambers of Commerce
Progressive Democratic Club - Greater Harbor Area
Valley Vote
Valley Alliance of Neighborhood Councils
Los Angeles Neighborhood Council Coalition
Valley Industry & Commerce Association
Association of Builders and Contractors
Granada Hills Chamber of Commerce
Apartment Association of Greater Los Angeles
Neighborhood Councils
Bel Air Beverly Crest Neighborhood Council
Boyle Heights Neighborhood Council
Central San Pedro Neighborhood Council
Chatsworth Neighborhood Council
Coastal San Pedro Neighborhood Council
East Hollywood Neighborhood Council
Empowerment Congress West Area NDC
Encino Neighborhood Council
Foothill Trails District Neighborhood Council
Glassell Park Neighborhood Council
Granada Hills North Neighborhood Council
Granada Hills South Neighborhood Council
Greater Griffith Park Neighborhood Council
Greater Valley Glen Community Council
Greater Wilshire Neighborhood Council
Harbor Gateway North Neighborhood Council
Harbor Gateway South Neighborhood Council
Historic Highland Park Neighborhood Council
Hollywood Studio District Neighborhood Council
Hollywood United Neighborhood Council
Lincoln Heights Neighborhood Council
MidTown NoHo Neighborhood Council
Neighborhood Council Valley Village
Northridge West Neighborhood Council
Northwest San Pedro Neighborhood Council
Panorama City Neighborhood Council
Reseda Neighborhood Council
Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council
South Robertson Neighborhood Council
Studio City Neighborhood Council
Sun Valley Neighborhood Council
Sunland-Tujunga Neighborhood Council
Tarzana Neighborhood Council
Watts Neighborhood Council
West Hills Neighborhood Council
West Los Angeles Neighborhood Council
Westside Neighborhood Council
Winnetka Neighborhood Council
Woodland Hills Warner Center Neighborhood Council
Here is the question of the day: "Where is Walter Moore's Victory party being held Tuesday night?
Where is Saltsburg's Victory Party being held?
Last question:
"How many people can ZD fit in the van?"
"He can fit ALL of his voters in the van."
Anonymous said...
Here is the question of the day: "Where is Walter Moore's Victory party being held Tuesday night?
Look at all of Villar campaign signs posted on public property along the Crenshaw corridor.
Its a blighted mess. They should be cited by City Attorney's Neighborhood Prosecutor program and fined for each illegally posted sign.
I watched people going back and forth bringing them from his nearby campaign office.
Probably staffers. Even if they were not, there was no way his staff could not have known and should have taken care of the problem.
Anon 835 is asking...
"Where is Walter Moore's Victory party being held Tuesday night?"
Why do you care? You're not invited. Walter's distancing himself from you just like Villar. I overheard him at the debate denying he he speaks to you. And there's something about some late-night email rants accusing Althea Shaw and her supporters. Supposedly, Walter's not too happy you made such loony accusations to this family as one of his followers.
3:13 AM - Higby doesn't link to polls on MS2 about Weiss. Learn to read.
Walter Moore's party is being held at Dupars. In 1958.
Walter is going to come as the Fonz and his wife and Mary as Laverne & Shirley.
Michael Higby,
The email to Althea Shaw and her friends from one of the Wackos Weirdos was mean spirited and loony. Why don't you ask Althea Shaw and the ladies if Walter ever apoligized to them for his having subjected them to this scary slander by one of his Wackos Weirdos.
Clarify. What late night emails are Walter Moore sending about Althea Shaw?
Clarify. What late night emails are Walter Moore sending about Althea Shaw?
Read it again. The comment says a Wacko Weirdo sent the email. Not Walter himself.
I agree with the commenter. Walter owes Jamiel and Anita an apology for one of his Weirdos insulting them in a late night weekend rant, in front of Bill O'reilly and Fox 11 journos.
"Jesse seems like a nice guy but probably wins the award as the number one not ready for primetime candidates in this election cycle. "
Yea... cause zuma dog is a good candidate. Where do you come up with this shit?
I have a question Higby, WHY DOESN'T THE HOSPITAL JUST DO THE EIR????
Why should environmental laws not apply to them?
You should ask Althea Shaw if she received any apology from Walter about the nasty email his loon sent her and her friends.
Why do Argentinians (or cretins who pretend that they are posting from Argentina) care how Jack Weiss is portrayed in Wikipedia (English)?.
During the past 24 hours, posters using two Argentinian IP addresses have removed the following text from the Jack Weiss entries in Wikipedia:
Jack Weiss' 2001 campaign for City Council led to the City of Los Angeles City Ethics Commission finding that the Weiss campaign violated provisions of the Los Angeles Municipal Code and the Los Angeles Administrative Code. The Ethics Commission fined the Weiss campaign for these violations. (See CEC Case No. 2004-08.)
. . . .
Weiss chaired the Los Angeles City Council’s Information Technology & General Services Committee. Among the responsibilities of this committee were that of overseeing cable television franchises and providing multichannel video customer service protections to City residents. Despite the City receiving over $20 million annually in cable television franchise fees while Weiss chaired this committee, Weiss and the City failed to renew any of the 14 “expired” City-granted cable television franchises, depriving the City of up-to-date franchises that other California cities had been able to obtain.
In 2005, Weiss and the Information Technology & General Services Committee approved new multichannel video “Subscriber Service Standards.” Whereas the City’s previous multichannel video customer service standards expressly mentioned direct broadcast satellite (DBS) companies--who reportedly have over 50,000 customers in the City, the new standards approved by Weiss no longer expressly covers these DBS companies.
Despite the fact that City residents filed thousands of complaints against cable operators while Weiss chaired the Information Technology & General Services Committee, this committee never assessed monetary penalties allowed by the above “Subscriber Service Standards” or the City’s customer service standards that had been in place when Weiss became chair of that committee.
How disingenuous is it for the No on B people to add NC's that didn't even take a stand. So how can we believe the rest of their drivel?
8.Committee Reports and possible action items: Citywide Issues – Sid Gold: Motion: That the GHNNC oppose Measure B, “Green Energy and Good jobs for Los Angeles Program,” which will be on the March 3, 2009 ballot and that the GHNNC communicate its opposition to Measure B to all appropriate parties.
The above was the motion that was on the Granada Hills North Neighborhood Council agenda but it DID NOT PASS. They did NOT take a stand for or against Measure B. So I think that somebody form NO on B had better take their name off of their hit list.
I have an answer 3:12.
The profitable hospital will NOT do an EIR because it will prove that what the neighbors want is a legitimate and valid complaint -- there is NO parking there and you can't get in and out easily. So the EIR will prove that they need a parking structure.
It should be noted that similar projects have not required an EIR.
This is all about union politics and the NIMBYs have jumped on board.
The community has rallied behind the hospital.
Nice try 12:25. You're speaking of the Granada Hills North NC. They're not on the No on B website but Granada Hills South is.
Even if GHNNC didn't vote that's only one out of the bunch. When so many councils vote against something you must know there is something wrong with it.
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