Soledad Garcia Responds to Jim Alger on Measure B and the MOU
In response to enquiries re Jim Alger and NC/LADWP MOU Oversight Committee, Jim is a well intentioned former member of Northridge W. NC and the initiator of the MOU Taskforce five years ago.
But, he is not authorized to speak or write for me or the Oversight Committee; he is not a member of the OSC Board or a Board Member of a NC. He has written to DWP as an individual. Procedures for communication between the MOU Oversight Committee were not followed by the DWP Public Relations Administrator.
Relative to the MOU 6.2. It is our opinion that it does not apply in this case because Measure B is not an LADWP issue. Measure B came from City Council and should Measure B pass, the Charter amendments that the Council has had prepared, relieves DWP from the responsibility of accepting, rejecting or modifying Solar plans, business decisions and management decisions. The Ordinance is contained in Measure B. The only Workforce will be the DWP IBEW #18.
DWP General Manager did not know about the Solar Initiative until about six months ago. The DWP Commission President and Board were not informed until three months ago. The President of the Board of Commissioners, Nick Patsaouras resigned in October 08 upon being informed that DWP had been bypassed.
Under normal conditions, energy and water plans are within the purview of DWP. The Department plans for significant issues; they go through the DWP Committee, Board process and provide notification to the public and NCs. Neighborhood Councils are provided the opportunity to give input before a decision leaves the Commission and on to City Council Committees and Council of the Whole. Measure B did not go through this process.
Whereas it is true that it should be an LADWP issue, the fact is that Working Californians (IBEW DWP Union) brought the plan to the Mayor and to members of the Council. President of the Council Garcetti, Chair of Energy and Environment /Energy Committee Perry and Councilmember Greuel moved the solar motion on October 15, 2008. Three weeks later, at the November 7th Van Nuys Council meeting, the Council moved that the Solar Measure be placed on the March 3, 2009, ballot. The Working Californians have Public Relations Consultants handling the outreach and promotion of the Measure. This is not being done by DWP. LADWP CANNOT ADVOCATE FOROR AGAINST MEASURE B.
Recall that had it not been for the LA Times keeping abreast of the City Council solar plan actions, none of us would have known of their intentions to control thethe process and ownership of the Plan. Measure B does not belong to DWP, but to the City Council.
This is my message. Neighborhood Councils have their procedures which are followed accordingly. Measure B is no exception. The Brown Act must be followed to agendize and vote. It is recommended that Forums on Measure B have both sides. For information on Measure B, visit
But, he is not authorized to speak or write for me or the Oversight Committee; he is not a member of the OSC Board or a Board Member of a NC. He has written to DWP as an individual. Procedures for communication between the MOU Oversight Committee were not followed by the DWP Public Relations Administrator.
Relative to the MOU 6.2. It is our opinion that it does not apply in this case because Measure B is not an LADWP issue. Measure B came from City Council and should Measure B pass, the Charter amendments that the Council has had prepared, relieves DWP from the responsibility of accepting, rejecting or modifying Solar plans, business decisions and management decisions. The Ordinance is contained in Measure B. The only Workforce will be the DWP IBEW #18.
DWP General Manager did not know about the Solar Initiative until about six months ago. The DWP Commission President and Board were not informed until three months ago. The President of the Board of Commissioners, Nick Patsaouras resigned in October 08 upon being informed that DWP had been bypassed.
Under normal conditions, energy and water plans are within the purview of DWP. The Department plans for significant issues; they go through the DWP Committee, Board process and provide notification to the public and NCs. Neighborhood Councils are provided the opportunity to give input before a decision leaves the Commission and on to City Council Committees and Council of the Whole. Measure B did not go through this process.
Whereas it is true that it should be an LADWP issue, the fact is that Working Californians (IBEW DWP Union) brought the plan to the Mayor and to members of the Council. President of the Council Garcetti, Chair of Energy and Environment /Energy Committee Perry and Councilmember Greuel moved the solar motion on October 15, 2008. Three weeks later, at the November 7th Van Nuys Council meeting, the Council moved that the Solar Measure be placed on the March 3, 2009, ballot. The Working Californians have Public Relations Consultants handling the outreach and promotion of the Measure. This is not being done by DWP. LADWP CANNOT ADVOCATE FOROR AGAINST MEASURE B.
Recall that had it not been for the LA Times keeping abreast of the City Council solar plan actions, none of us would have known of their intentions to control thethe process and ownership of the Plan. Measure B does not belong to DWP, but to the City Council.
This is my message. Neighborhood Councils have their procedures which are followed accordingly. Measure B is no exception. The Brown Act must be followed to agendize and vote. It is recommended that Forums on Measure B have both sides. For information on Measure B, visit
Labels: jim alger, measure b, soledad garcia
Whwat crooks!!! Outright unethical pieces of crap. Anything for money
....Updated at 1:10 p.m.: Zoo director John Lewis walked out of council chambers with people shaking his hand, hugging him and offering congratulations.
....When asked why a council that last month was willing to close down the exhibit, at least temporarily, voted so overwhelmingly today to continue it, he said, “I think it was several things,” citing the zoo fundraising arm’s financial offer. And, he said, “just the staff coming out in force and clearing up animal-care issues was part of it. Also, showing the council that the community was for it.”
Measure B guys: if you're going to post allegations of criminal wrongdoing against people working on the No on B campaign you will need to include some kind of proof. Otherwise it won't go up.
to the person is making allegations of criminal conduct against a member of the No on B Campaign.
You say I won't post your comments because this person is an "anti-Alger" person and that I hate Alger.
First off - what is an "anti-Alger" person.
Who said I hate Alger?
It's funny a few weeks ago a bunch of folks were accusing me of being an Alger lover when I posted up his complaints against NWNC. And they even confronted me personally at a community event to challenge me for supporting a "known troublemaker."
Get a freaking life wacko!
"it is our opinion that it does not apply in this case because Measure B"
Whose opinion? The DWP MOU Oversight Committee never voted on the issue either way. Who the heck is "our?"
You may like Alger, but you love hating prop b more and have done a good job of throwing jim under the bus.
You are the most anti-Alger person I've ever read on this blog higby. You post under other names, to suggest that others are with you when they're not.
3:58 -
A Clarified joint statement from Soledad and myself will be forthcoming. We both agree that NC's should live up to the MOU regardless of our personal opinions toward the issue. Soledad and I are on the same page, and same side - contrary to what Cindy's all-to-eager attempt to take a long email out of context in an attempt to imply a divide that doesn't exist.
what the fuck did someone put tabasco sauce in alger's underwear?
for christ sake jim give it a rest.
we all know you're the king of the MOU.
but people who you presume are aligned with you are laughing their asses off at your recent antics.
how's that council campaign coming?
Who is David Freeman? A representative of the Chinese government or a union rep for DWP employees? He sure sounds like both rolled into one. Three profound reasons to vote no on Measure B are China has the exclusive contract to supply the solar panels at the highest cost. It was a one-bid contract with the DWP being the sole bidder, and City Council members didn't bother to read the measure before voting to put it on the March ballot. Measure B is as much of a taxpayer/consumer rip-off as Measure R and the phony phone tax were.
West Hills
Jim you are correct and right. Soledad was wrong to issue that statement that made you look bad when we know you are always right. Your arguments are well founded and we here on Mayor Sam do like to hear them. It is the perfect antidote to what Higby, Mailander, Saltsburg, Ron Kaye, Walter Moore and the other nonsense peddlers have to say.
Jim please keep posting and consider setting your own blog. Your wisdom is needed.
Cindy who?
7:13, This is as a classic case of lack of investigation before opening mouth and inserting foot. I know for a fact that Cindy didn't write it and it was not Cindy's email. If was a "draft only" that was in the process of being and reviewed by several people clarity and readability and was not going to to be sent out until that was completed. Someone jumped the gun and submitted it in it's raw state.
However, Measure B is still a bad deal no matter how anyone spins it the "witch hunt" that appears to be starting is not going to change that!
Jim Alger said..."A Clarified joint statement from Soledad and myself will be forthcoming."
Jim, didn't you read the memo, you are not authorized to speak on behalf of Soledad. Then what do you do? Speak on behalf of Soledad!
I know 7:27 pm must be a mockery. And a darn good one.
Jim is a good man and a leader for our City. He says he is not running for office but I wish he would.
You people who criticize him are bitter old crooks angry Jim has exposed you.
We are lucky to have Jim. Noone fights as hard as he does for working people.
Ask Jim these questions:
1) Who is he working for?
2) Is he employed or receiving compensation from anyone directly or indirectly supporting Measure B
3) Jim is correct. He is not running for CD12. What Council District IS he running for?
4) Ask Jim why he is now a fan of the DWP when he used to tell us they were the enemy.
I am asking you, please ask him those questions.
Jim answered all those questions already, he isn't working for anybody.
It is no secret Cindy Cleghorn hates Jim Alger, which is why she forwarded the draft email to Higby. It wasn't intended to be released, but to try and hurt Jim it was posted here.
You anti B people are pulling every gestapo trick in the book. That makes you no better than the city you bitch about.
10:30 pm How many threads are you going to ask the same dumb questions? He answered them all the last 10 times you asked.
This is why I love this blog. Where else would we get both sides debating and posting their facts so WE can decide ourselves. From what I've read, heard in meetings etc. Measure B is the same type of scam city council were sneaky about with their term limit ballot. No community input but they had $$$$$ and lied on the mailers. Here we go again!!!
Keep posting to keep us informed and stop the "personal attacks" except if its the politicans.
I did not get the email from Cindy Cleghorn.
Now you need to get your facts straight friend!
"You anti B people are pulling every gestapo trick."
Yeah, that's a rational analogy.
I bet Jim Alger didn't post it.
And I bet he didn't post 10:22 either.
I never said you did, but it was her that sent (and signed) the original email. The one you posted had her signature on it until you removed her email address and replaced it so please quit playing games.
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