Where to for the Super Bowl Councilman Huizar??
Welcome all in the political blogger sphere to our Second Annual "Couuncilman Jose Huizar Super Bowl Watch".
Three years ago, rumors had the "COUNCILMAN LAST SEEN PANDERING TO THE SPECIAL INTEREST AS JOSE HUIZAR", fling off to Florida to spend Super Bowl Weekend as a guest of the "Fifteen Group" Real Estate Company. This firm own by the Fink Family is seeking to convert the Wyvenwoood Apartment Complex into a multi-story condo development.
Thus with the big game just days away, lets add to the hype and give some odds on what Special Interest will buy, errrr, be bless with the Councilman's persona on Sunday.
1. Elephant Hill Property Owner: Odds 5-2
Has 8 Million Dollars to lavish on a great Super Bowl after judge ruled against the "COUNCILMAN LAST SEEN LOSING LAWSUITS AS JOSE HUIZAR".
2. Southwest Society of the Southwest Museum: Odds 10-1
This group of vendidos and vendidas our ready to party after today's PLUM on the Griffith Park Historical Designation. But one should look for press release from former Mayor Sam Award Winner Eliot Sekular.
3. Wyvernwood Tenant Supporter Elena Popp: Odds 5000-1
Can football help to "break the bread" between these two protagonists in the Wyvernwood Controversy?
4. Henry Casas House: Odds 30-1
Huizar and Casas can do a Super Bowl PSA on how not to treat a woman when in an agitated state.
5. El Mercado Stupor Bowl Party: Odds 7-2
Thanks to the efforts of the "COUNCILMAN LAST SEEN SUPPORTING LIQURE LICENSE AS JOSE HUIZAR", the Mercado can thank the Councilman while hordes of drunken revilers piss on the community.
6. Fifteen Group: Odds 20-1
One can always go back for sloopy seconds right Councilman?
7. Legacy LA "Super Day Bash" ***(with fifty secret, special guest): Odds $1000-1
Maybe you can also get your own non-profit for a $1,000 dollar donation.
..........and lastly, the "First Annual CD-14 Townhall Super Bowl Bash": Odds "Not likely"**
** Who would want to attend a Super Bowl Party where your comments and questions have to be written, listen to a three-hour filibuster on what a great football fan the councilman is , and then get kicked out by "GSP bouncers for attempting to cheer??
Your comments and thoughts greatly appreciated.
Three years ago, rumors had the "COUNCILMAN LAST SEEN PANDERING TO THE SPECIAL INTEREST AS JOSE HUIZAR", fling off to Florida to spend Super Bowl Weekend as a guest of the "Fifteen Group" Real Estate Company. This firm own by the Fink Family is seeking to convert the Wyvenwoood Apartment Complex into a multi-story condo development.
Thus with the big game just days away, lets add to the hype and give some odds on what Special Interest will buy, errrr, be bless with the Councilman's persona on Sunday.
1. Elephant Hill Property Owner: Odds 5-2
Has 8 Million Dollars to lavish on a great Super Bowl after judge ruled against the "COUNCILMAN LAST SEEN LOSING LAWSUITS AS JOSE HUIZAR".
2. Southwest Society of the Southwest Museum: Odds 10-1
This group of vendidos and vendidas our ready to party after today's PLUM on the Griffith Park Historical Designation. But one should look for press release from former Mayor Sam Award Winner Eliot Sekular.
3. Wyvernwood Tenant Supporter Elena Popp: Odds 5000-1
Can football help to "break the bread" between these two protagonists in the Wyvernwood Controversy?
4. Henry Casas House: Odds 30-1
Huizar and Casas can do a Super Bowl PSA on how not to treat a woman when in an agitated state.
5. El Mercado Stupor Bowl Party: Odds 7-2
Thanks to the efforts of the "COUNCILMAN LAST SEEN SUPPORTING LIQURE LICENSE AS JOSE HUIZAR", the Mercado can thank the Councilman while hordes of drunken revilers piss on the community.
6. Fifteen Group: Odds 20-1
One can always go back for sloopy seconds right Councilman?
7. Legacy LA "Super Day Bash" ***(with fifty secret, special guest): Odds $1000-1
Maybe you can also get your own non-profit for a $1,000 dollar donation.
..........and lastly, the "First Annual CD-14 Townhall Super Bowl Bash": Odds "Not likely"**
** Who would want to attend a Super Bowl Party where your comments and questions have to be written, listen to a three-hour filibuster on what a great football fan the councilman is , and then get kicked out by "GSP bouncers for attempting to cheer??
Your comments and thoughts greatly appreciated.
Too funny - or would be if there wasn't actually some truth to it.
Hope you emailed this to Huizar. If not, please do -post-haste.
And would you tell him a response has been requested? Thanks!
The funniest thing about this post was the side comment on Elliot Sekuler. He's an ass-kissing, unethical, cynical, social-climbing, everything-that's-wrong-with-politics type. Does he even know in what disrespect he's held? Does the Southwest Society? Or the rest of his ilk?
Good stuff What is ref to GSP
Go Walter
Red Spot: Youre speling and grammer are as innacurate ass youre posting. Grate job!
Huizar is in denial and his constituents criticize him endlessly. He doesn't even attnd community meetings anymore. What happened to Henry Casas and the domestic violence filed against him? Did he get to keep his city car while on paid leave? There was a survey going around who had lost the most city council staffers and last count Huizar was up to 16. Is that true?
Casas would make seventeen.
GSP = General Sevices Police.
Elena Popp knows them well from Huizar's Boyle Heights "Chat-A-Thon".
Laughing my arse off. :-)
There was a survey going around who had lost the most city council staffers and last count Huizar was up to 16. Is that true?
Close to 21.
Red Snot returns.
But, don't bother trying to make sense of his posts, they're "just" for him and other -- equally illiterate? -- insniders.
"Those than can, do . . ."
insniders, good one -- insider wanna be rejects who become outsniders, more like it. sums up all the bloggers past and present on this blog. Red Snot being the best of the bunch.
good stuff
no one cares what you think red spot. are you five years old? sounds like school yard crying.
..or should we say no one cares what jose aguilar says...
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