Paper Posts Addressess of Homes with McCain Yard Signs
If you live in Seattle and happen to have a McCain-Palin yard sign, watch out. The Obamabots have targeted you for who knows what.
The Seattle "newspaper" The Stranger published an article listing homes in the Seattle area that displayed their support for the Republican campaign via yard signs. They've included photos as well. We're not really sure the purpose of this but given other Obama efforts to muffle dissent it presents a disturbing picture.
One internet poster says that in Seattle if your car has Republican bumper stickers, it will get keyed. That's Democratic tolerance for you!
However since the story was picked up by Internet linker Matt Drudge, As of now, The Stranger is redirecting the URL to the story back to Drudge's site. How incredibly odd. (Within the last few minutes as I write this, Drudge has removed the story from his site).
The Seattle "newspaper" The Stranger published an article listing homes in the Seattle area that displayed their support for the Republican campaign via yard signs. They've included photos as well. We're not really sure the purpose of this but given other Obama efforts to muffle dissent it presents a disturbing picture.
One internet poster says that in Seattle if your car has Republican bumper stickers, it will get keyed. That's Democratic tolerance for you!
However since the story was picked up by Internet linker Matt Drudge, As of now, The Stranger is redirecting the URL to the story back to Drudge's site. How incredibly odd. (Within the last few minutes as I write this, Drudge has removed the story from his site).
Labels: Barack Obama, john mccain, matt drudge, sarah palin
Higby, look up the story that came out today about Obama's aunt who lives in a Boston housing project, even though she was ordered by a judge to leave the country four years ago.
Please investigate and report on this.
There's no point to that. She's just some old lady who is here illegally. Maybe Obama should have helped her but do you keep track of all your relatives.
You should be more concerned with Obama's tax plan and the ever shrinking threshold of what Obama considers "rich."
If you make $120,000 a year, you're going to see higher taxes. In LA, that's not a lot of money especially for two income families.
Higby posting a story about intolerance by Obamabots is laughable, when Higby has posted many stories with the name "Obama Bin Biden" or the "Hitler" like supporters of Obama.
The FatBoy has proven to be a jack-ass with zero credibilty, Higby even posted the known bull-shit story about a lobster receipt signed by Michelle Obama, we all recognized Higby as a liar and a fool.
Higby... the people are speaking in volumes with their early voting and they say f**k the republican "Trickle Down" theory of economics. I know Higby wants tax breaks for Wall Street millionaires and tax breaks for their corporations but the americans have seen the failed policies of the last 8 years and now say goodbye and good riddance to the republican FAILED policies.
Don't worry Higby there is no BigMac tax plan. hahaha
'They've included photos as well. We're not really sure the purpose of this but given other Obama efforts to muffle dissent it presents a disturbing picture.'
'Muffle dissent?' Have you gone mad? McCain, as predicted ran a lame, gimmicky campaign against a political rock star (a real one, not that douchebag Palin).
Sorry, but Johnny Mack sold out and now he gets what he deserves. Control of this country is just days away from being wrestled away from the religious right fascists that took over during Gingrich's 'Contract with America.'
It's about God(s) damn time. That was the one thing holding an otherwise great Congress back.
It's time to coexist, children.
Here's the part of your post that I don't understand:
"That's Democratic tolerance for you!"
It's one thing to write this story about crazy people in Seattle, but to have us believe that they were Democrats or that their actions represent all Democrats is so illogical that it damages your credibility.
Your comment is no more true that if you said that the actions of that McCain volunteer, who defaced herself and blamed it on Obama supporters, is proof that all Republicans are mentally unstable.
This is sad Michael - What is this now, the 4th anti-Obama story where the sourcing has evaporated?
Your source is a right-wing blogger, the so-called "paper" is a lefty blog and and the "story" has been dropped by Drudge.
By the way, the number is and always was $250,000.00. Period. Tax CUTS kick in at 200, but there is NO increase under 250. Biden mis-spoke and said 150 when he meant to say 250 - kind of like McCain saying "my fellow prisoners."
Notice there is no story about the woman depriving kids of candy on Halloween if their parents were Obama supporters.
There is some "Republican Values" at work for you.
"Liar. Fool, Fatboy"? We have to give Michael lg credit for tolerating this idiot Maxima, aka don quixote, hiroshi,drinking with tony, santiago, etc. ad nauseum. His gyrations and silly wiggle-dance reminds me of the mouthy idiot in a thousand movie spoofs who is only seconds away from a stupendous pratfall.
He's obviously another jerk who's adopted the Obama mantle as a vehicle for his own immature rants. There's no credit given for out of focus snippets, donnie boy.
It will be refreshing after Tues. to have him regress to his main agenda, that being the overpopulation of CA by his "gente" by any means necessary. Oh and the undying praise for the illustrious mayor, another of his heroes.
Now Jim that's where you're wrong:
Do you need to reimburse Obama for that last post? :)
Jim -
It was published by a left leaning news source and Drudge dropped the link because the clowns linked back to him and took down their story. Cowards.
If the show was on the other foot you'd be bitching left and right.
It's clear that in this election, more so than ever, a portion of Democrats have sought to squelch criticism of Obama ranging from the harassment and "Investigations" of Joe the Plumber by Obama supporting public officials (story came out today that one government official was ordered by superiors to investigate Joe) to the Obama leaning Sheriffs who formed a "Truth Squad" in certain states.
Oh and if Obama says it's $250K then he says it's $200K and then Biden is out there saying it's $150K and now Richardson is floating a $120K number, how can we possibly trust their figures? For any small business owner especially in Southern California, $250K is not rich and is not a lot of money.
So keep spinning, it's fun to watch!
Ahhh, I stand corrected my friend.
Care to retract your several stories? :)
The number is 250. Period.
Sarah your displeasure with McCain's policies or actions does not give Obama supporters the right to harass McCain supporters, key their cars, investigate their private lives or anything like that. One has every right to shout from the rooftops your opposition to McCain or support for Obama or anyone else. You don't have the right to shut people down.
Considering what you have gone through and see in OC, you should feel differently. You should oppose squelching dissent regardless of your opinion.
People who don't support the opposite point of view politically are not evil. The people out there who express that type of mentality - whether they are Republican or Democrat - are simply irrational.
Thanks Barf - this is probably one of the only blogs out there that puts up with this type of behavior. But that's what free speech is all about.
Don Q/Maxima/Hiroshi/Drinking with Tony/"Anonymous" etc is having a lot of fun. We might as well let him keep it up.
He displays his intelligence with every post.
Dan Cooper was forced by his board of directors to resign as the company's CEO. If you read MS regularly, you knew a day or two ago that Cooper, the founder and co-owner of Cooper Ammunition in Montana had endorsed Obama. Because of this, his BofD asked him to resign.
A woman in an affulent suburban Detroit put a sign in front of her house last night that read: No handouts for Obama supporters, liars, tricksters or kids of supporters.
When asked by the local TV station about the kids who went away crying, she said, "Oh well, everyone has a choice."
Higby: Notice that I didn't expand this into a condemnation of all Republicans.
As you read on Mayor Sam, Ronald Reagan's former chief of staff said he will vote for Obama. On MSNBC he was referring to the fact that McCain selected Palin after just a single 3-hour meeting when he said, "Even at McDonalds, you're interviewed three times before you're given a job."
There is no guarantee that Obama's tax increases would be limited to incomes over $250K. When you consider the change to the cap on Social Security taxes, you'll find that if you make over $110,000 in California, you could wind up with a total tax burden of 70%. That will stifle job creation, investment, deepen the recession and lead to higher interest rates. We saw this in the late 70s and it was only when Ronald Reagan reduced tax rates that the economy rebounded. Ditto, JFK and Clinton did the same thing and saw positive results for the economy.
Anyone who understands anything about economics knows you don't raise taxes in a bad economy. Therefore Obama should pledge to delay his tax increases indefinitely.
However, unlike Reagan, JFK or Clinton, Obama is not looking to increase government revenues to close the federal budget deficit nor even pay for more spending.
He is doing it to "re-distribute income" as he told Joe the Plumber. (And has stated on several times.)
That's not how I was told this country works. I remember an old janitor who worked at Walt Disney Imagineering when I worked there who always said "You work hard, go to church, save your money, pay the poor rate (give money to charity) and be good." Words to live by, perhaps Obama should study them.
Mister Alger, I've heard Mister Obama state 250. This past week, I heard him say 200.
Biden is all over the map with his figures - first 250, then 200, now 150. He sounds like an auctioneer operating in reverse!
Whatever the figure is, the real problem will be the programs Mister Obama wishes to force through, at the total cost of some $1.1 trillion. That's a negative addition to the current national debt, and if the Fed slashes interest rates to 0%, look for one real exciting downhill roller-coaster ride... 'specially if the car's lost its brakes!
"Whaddya mean, we lost our brakes? Aaaaaaaack!"
Michael -
Am I committing any of the crimes you mentioned here? No.
Am I an Obama supporter? No.
You of all people should be aware of my commitment to free speech. It's awfully unfair of you to make it personal.
Besides, all I said was that McCain ran a weak campaign and deserves to lose and that crimes against McCainiacs are far from coordinated.
Mr. Foster, the numbers have been the same since Iowa. 250/200.
Barack has said so many times now it is hard to believe this is still a discussion that "if you make under $250,000.00 a year you will not see one dime of a tax increase, period." If you haven't heard it perhaps it is because you quit listening?
The 200 number is the point for an actual tax BREAK. Below 150 is a steeper tax BREAK.
What you have here is 2 mis-statements pounced upon by a dying campaign who's entire strategy has been to throw smoke into the air and complain they can't see.
Basically, all that is happening is we will put the tax code back to 2001 (top rat 39%). Through that and the draw-down in Iraq w will fund the new programs. The policy is and will be no new program without a funding stream. The current meltdown will definitely slow down the roll-out but Barack has been quite open about it.
Perhaps if we had spent less time complaining about washed-up terrorists and pigs with lipstick, the issues would be clearer. But as McCain's campaign said "if we talk about the economy we will lose."
What show do you think Jim Alger will appear on?
-Deal or No Deal
-Dancing With the Stars
-Flava of Love
-A Shot at Love with Tila Tequila
-CSI Miami
-Sherry Bebith Jeffe's Calvacade of Stars
-The Simpsons
Jim did Obama condemn this?
Mister Higby, regarding your 12:29 comment, I've two write-in shows:
I believe Mister Alger may appear on either "Family Guy," or if he's brave enough, "The O'Reilly Factor." I don't believe he's brave enough to take on Mister O'Reilly, unless he (Mister Alger) decides he will try to drown out Mister O'Reilly on his own program, as some of the radical left-wing loons do.
I furthermore don't believe Mister Alger is a radical far-left loon, especially when we consider that both he and I support Prop. 11, and the City Council opposes it.
Michael, condemn what?
As for what show I'd be on... well, been on a few already but none that you listed... perhaps th Simpsons would be fun! LOL
Stephen, Nope, not a left wing-nut at all. I got attacked by Democrats in my Assembly race for not being liberal enough. (They don't seem to understand that every Dem pickup is a MODERATE Dem, especially in Red districts.)
Prop 11 is so far past due it is ridiculous. The legislature should in no way be in charge of redistricting. To say otherwise is to support power for powers sake, and that is selling out the people of California.
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