Open Thread for Election Day 2008
It's here! Finally! Here's your chance to bloviate away dum dums! Last minute electioneering, punditry, predictions, analysis, on the scene, reports, etc. are all welcome here. For today only, we're turning off the requirement to sign in to post comments (comments will still be moderated however so be good) for your convenience (especially if you're posting via your phone, etc.).
Labels: 2008 Presidential Election, open threads
Sorry folks I timestamped this wrong last night and it didn't show up in the right place. So if you've had any observations this AM feel free to blog away dum dums.
Yes, please prohibit talk of the election starting midnight tomorrow.
Some of the subjects have been utterly foolish with you guys one-upping each other with sometimes really inane counterpunches.
No surprise what any of you would write next. Higby posts this, so we already know what Joe or RS will respond with. If not specifically, then generally.
Maybe you can also ban those damn links to YouTube videos, since it isn't original thought. Please, some original thought!
i don't worry, noone cares to make videos about anthony villar
Thank god that in 10 hours, Sarah Palin will vanish back to Alaska
Soon you fundie assholes will get yours. All you lame ass Jesus loving jerks! Barack will rock you!
Leave it to a Repub to continue with the name-calling. Shame on you, Michael.
Now to all of you who still question where Senator Obama was born, it really doesn't matter one little bit.
McCain was born in Panama to parents who were citizens of the U.S.A.
Senator Obama's Mother was a U.S. Citizen and she could have given birth to Barack anywhere on the planet and that still would have made him a citizen of the United States of America.
Repubs, get your facts straight, please.
Then please, go away. How about Panama?
We never questioned where Obama was born.
I question what planet he's on, but as far as I know he was born in Hawaii.
And as far as Hillary knows too.
Call if for a Republican?
Higby you have no last minute "smoking gun" YouTube video of Obama voting with a terrorist like Bill Ayers or Muslim named Hussein?
Higby has proven himself to be the Sean Hannity and Bill O'Riley of the Los Angeles politics, he will post any bullshit story to slime anybody who he doesn't like.
I wonder if Higby and Red Spot still have any illusions that any third-floor spinsters really give a shit what the blogging burros of Los Angeles have to say?
Zuma has out-classed and exposed the lack of political knowlege that Higby and Red Spot really have, Zuma's blog has more inside stories and actual news than this blog could ever fantasize about. He is one single person who out hustles all of the bloggers who has ever commented on this blog.
According to an LA Times/Bloomberg poll of those who voted early in Florida, McCain leads Obama 49-45% even though more Democrats voted than Republicans
11:36 inebriated again.
No one ever said that the postings here had to be the original thoughts of the poster.
Some of what is presented on YouTube is someone's orignal thought.
And a lot of it is valuable information that can enhance any conversation, or start one.
If this blog were limited to just the original thoughts of the posters, we'd pretty much just have a lot of people insulting each other.
Everyone in my neighborhood voted for Obama. I live in Sherman Oaks.
Virginia elections officials have identified the person responsible for a phony election flier that told Republicans to vote on Tuesday and Democrats to vote a day later.
State Board of Elections Secretary Nancy Rodrigues said the flier bearing the Virginia seal and the elections board logo was a joke that got out of control.
No charges will be filed.
One righty blog said "We have already heard that Republican Election Board members have been tossed out of polling stations in Philadelphia."
Good. The more Republicans they kick out the better. Fundies and haters are not allowed to vote. Go back to Jesusstan.
black panthers intimidating voters in philadelphia. whaddya know.
Beyond my belief that we need change in the White House, I'm supporting Obama based largely on the temperament issue.
Candidates make all sorts of promises that they can't keep. Each promise is carefully crafted to win the election. Sarah Palin was selected on her ability to help win the election, not because she would make a good president.
I like the mature way that Obama handled all the hate and attacks that were thrown at him. It reminds a lot about how Jackie Robinson was carefully selected to break baseball's color barrier because Branch Rickey felt that he, above others, could best handle the attacks that would come.
Obama never stooped to the level of putting outrageous labels on either McCain or Palin.
On the other hand, McCain's temper is well known. You could see it simmering during the debates.
His rash and irratic behavior caused me concern.
He certainly wasn't the maverick that all of us remembered. Decisions to pick Palin after talking to her for 3 hours, suspending his campaign to work on the economic crisis and then taking 20 hours to get back to Washington, declaring the bailout package to be delivered only to have his fellow Republicans defeat it the next day, never taking charge of his own campaign strategy, and placing high-powered lobbyists in the highest positions of his campaign, are all the kind of things that make me agree with the reasons that the Times endorsed Obama.
It didn't come down to whose promises I liked most, but rather to which one has the best personal qualities to lead the country and the free world through tough times.
Shit Higby you turn comments on and all your old friends come back.
Extra Extra!!
White voters disenfranchised and no one cares.
11:36 could you be any more transparent?
This blog has improved 1000% since the demise of the two that shall go unnamed.
The Obama rally last night in Manassas, Virginia attracted 90,000 people. I saw the McCain rally in Henderson, NV on CNN and it looked like a couple of hundred. Politely, the cameras kept a tight shot on McCain and Lieberman so you couldn't see the size of the "crowd" except at the opening of the coverage.
True. Just because you CAN be anonymous doesn't mean you have to be. This is giving us good metrics vs. last week requiring folks have to sign in vs. actual pageviews/visitors. It gives us a good idea how many phony posters there are.
Lets make sure Obamabots drive pageviews like they do at 538 and DailyKos. Mayor Sam needs 438 posts that say we love Obama, he is the one.
In case you don't feel like browsing to DailyKos, here are some Obamabot comments for your convenience:
Made me cry. Like Obama, I feel worse this morning than I did last night, but it's off for one final round of phonebanking...
and Fired Up...Ready to go is FAR MORE inspirational than "Joe the Plumber", especially when his name is Sam, and he doesn't have a plumbers license.
John McCain has decided that he can't beat our ideas so he decided to just make up some ideas and run against those!
Why anyone who loves this country,
would vote for any republican in this election is beyond belief...
We Must never forget the crimes and atrocities committed by the Bush administration!
You can't both love your country and vote for Palin to be a 72 yr old heartbeat away from the presidency.
Every time Obama speaks I'm reminded why this was my first time donating to a campaign or putting a real push on friends and relatives to vote.
Electing a Republican is like hiring a carpenter who thinks hammers are evil.
I saw the Manassas video last night and have been sending it to everyone I know. It's pure Obama magic (what a way to end the campaign, huh?) and I almost feel sorry for the Repugs that they're stuck with Mr. Cranky Pants and Winkie.
Hopeful, but constantly checking all my favorite blogs (despite the fact that the first polls don't close for hours yet)..
His wife tells me she's voting for Obama because the "damn Republicans all want to be Lord of the Manor and have all the rest of us working the fields for them". She says she'll never vote for another Republican as long as she lives. :-D
There once was a man named mccain, who had the whole white house to gain, but he was quite a hobbyist of boning his lobbyist, so much for his 08 campaign. SC
i have never been this fired up about an election. i keep getting chills down the back of my neck.
Now, as practice for the coming fairness doctrine laws Obama will bring not only to talkradio but to blogs, as balance to all the proBama stuff I copied from Daily Goofball, here is some very sage advice for conservatives from a reader at McCain Democrat Tammy Bruce's site"
"I cast my vote this morning in blue-CA. Guess who I voted for? ;)
Keeping my fingers crossed for a McCain win. I agree that if he does, it will be a squeaker.
However, if he loses (big if; big if; big if - sorry that's my mantra for the day!), I refuse to engage in Obama Derangement Syndrome and I hope most fellow conservatives will join me in avoiding that. Two wrongs don't make a right, as our parents used to tell us in the good old days.
We stay vigilant and continue the fight and feel safe in knowing that in four years we can vote the rascals out. That's all we can do. That's what makes our country the greatest, especially during election time. Let's put on a good face for the rest of the world.
If it's in the cards to lose, let's do it with grace, as we know that McCain and Palin will do. Let's take the moral high ground.
BUT I THINK WE'RE GOING TO DO IT. It'll be a real nailbiter. But as a NY Giants fan, I am quite familiar with it (last Super Bowl I nearly wet myself!) and we'll survive.
Stay away from the inner cities tomorrow unless you're out of your mind (or heavily armed)--I think McCain will win, throwing the peace-loving Obamabots into a paroxysm of ultraviolence.
I waited in line for 2.5 hours to vote in downtown Los Angeles. They let the elderly go to the front of the line. I noticed a lot of gay people in line. They must be voting for the marriage proposition.
I then walked to the market. I only saw two people with "I voted" stickers on them. A ton of USC students were at the Ralphs, with no stickers. It was only 1:00 p.m. I sure hope they're voting later.
Folks, here is the big question. . . after all of this conditioning, what if O'bama loses?
I just saw the report on CNN about the Black Panthers blocking the doors to the polls in Philly.
That's the kind of stuff my relatives who fought in the civil rights movement fought against.
I hope Obama and McCain came out against it!
12:44, do you really think Obama voters are uncool enough to wear stickers?
Michael, I didn't post comments on Blogger anywhere for YEARS because of the stranglehold and difficulty Google has set up for comments! In fact, until I started writing here! It was really annoying to sign in to make a comment each time, and I couldn't remember the password,or some email address or whatever. And Blogger never seems to remember me, either. Retarded.
So anonymous rules.
Barack Obama must strongly condemn what the Black Panthers did and make sure no one is disenfranchised,. Disgraceful.
I don't know if people think those stickers are cool or not but the stickers LA County gives out generally suck, they fall off very easy.
From Patterico...
Voter Intimidation: A Comparison
Republicans complained about voter intimidation in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania this morning. Via Hot Air, it turned out to be two Black Panthers - one with a nightstick - who were guarding the polling site doors and reportedly were intimidating voters.
Meanwhile, Democrats complained about voter intimidation in Sugar Land, Texas. Via the Houston Chronicle, it turned out to be “election monitors from the U.S. Department of Justice” who were there to ensure “a fair and open election.”
1:16 Why should "Barack Obama" denound it as opposed to ALL people denounce it?
FYI for you geographicly challenged McCainites, South Philly is a heavily black population. Blocking those polls wouldn't help Obama.
Also, does anyone even know is this is true? Higby has been pretty loose with facts lateely and I thought the Panthers were from the 70's.
Not fooling me 1:26PM. Everyone knows "election monitors from the U.S. Department of Justice" is code for "Cheney and his Diebold buddies looking for another election to steal"
South Philly used to be all Italian - the best Italian markets & restaurants. Rocky came from there. Maybe it's changed.
Dumbass at 1:28, the Panthers are "back"
Though the old school guys don't recognize the new kids as being
ANYWAY, CNN, Fox and others have been reporting this all day.
South Philly has a number of White enclaves, voted like 90% for Hillary and there was concern about a lot of those Dems voting for McCain and driving down the total vote in the state.
No matter what, Obama will get like 75% of Philly.
The biggest story of all is how Dems are making it all about race in the final stretch after claiming O'bama is the post-racial candidate.
Virginia Court rules that military ballots that did not get back in on time must be preserved pending further hearing on November 10th.
Now, any observations on what's going on locally especially with Prop 8 and for Bernie Parks?
May I share?
A cartoonist I know only through Facebook - have never heard of her before, and have no feelings about her, wrote today about herself:
[I]cast [my] ballot for Obama and immediately burst into tears. I walked out of the polling place sobbing. I've never felt happier about a vote in my life.
And the gloating hasn't even started!
So true Donna. These times are unique unto themselves. The only comparison I can muster is back when we all joined hands and sang "We are the World" with Michael Jackson. Deja Vu, huh?
I think i ahve a crush on higby
FOX NEWS PROJECTS: McCain Wins Kentucky, Obama Takes Vermont
WOW! I'm shocked!
Folks here's the winner of the libtard epic fail of the night:
Daily Kos calling Virginia for Obama and pulling it back.
Soon, we'll have the wingnut epic fail of the night, and if I catch it I will be sure to let you know.
Just practicing for the fairness doctrine.
Higby, would you please walk me through the new blog comment set up? There were a number of posts I wanted to comment on, however, there was no "anonymous" option.
My computer skills amount to how to turn on the computer and how to post anonymously. I don't know what URL or open ID means. This new thing confuses me. Please tell me how I can post a comment and remain anoymous.
Confused and Anonymous
My anonymous friend; As regards your questions concerning how to navigate Higby's Folly here. You probably would do well to establish an identity with Google. The prompts are fairly easy to follow, but take a little time. In the doing you can establish a new e-mail acct. which may come in handy and enable you to keep your default email (your daily driver) more private and less vulnerable to spam. Cast your fate to the wind, my friend. You won't be seriously injured, just bumps and bruises, some vulgarities. OR you can just blame Higby for creating this maze, but I suspect he had help.
I suspect Confused & Anonymous, but support him anyway.
NO, do not pander to Google/Blogger's ridiculous setup so they can use your email and info for their own purposes.
Btw if I just try to comment here, without signing in first, it STILL won't let me in and says all my passwords are wrong. Hate.
Yep, MS, Kos is blowing it so far.
In general, the blogs on both sides have been disappointing. Also, the google map is way behind, as is the MSM maps.
Thank you for the advice Hat full of Barf and Donna, but an out of state family member set up my email account. Like I said, I am completely computer stupid. I don't know what you mean by navigating a google identity, default thing or daily driver (sounds like a type of golf club to me).
I'm sorry for even bringing this to the blog since it seems like everyone else knows how to do this but me.
Perhaps it's best that I just read and not comment. It was fun while it lasted. I guess good things never are forever.
Sincerely (computer illiterate),
That's a good point. You turned off the ability of people to post anonymously, but never explained what the remaining choices are. I truly don't understand what they mean or how to find out what they mean.
6:02 - do not feel like you can not ask how to blog here. Feel free to ask as many questions as you need to.
Higby: try not to kill yourself with danishes regarding tonight's results.
My only regret is that Obama's victory is looking so huge that Palin is done as a GOP leader, which sucks because we would have nailed the shit out of her in any national election she ran in
Democrats like to say they're all about the people and tolerance. But they have become very hateful. I feel very sorry for them.
Ha ha Higby you stupid Repugtard fat ass!
You are right Obama will regulate the internet to get outlaw your hate that you spread here. You will not be able to post any more fat fuck!
Thanks Higby for the green light on asking any question I wish.
Is there any chance you will answer my question (commenting anonymously)?
Thank you-Anonymous
To all the bloggers and commenters residing on this blog:
Drop whatever you are doing and pour yourselves a drink, whether it is alcohol-filled or alcohol-free.
I propose a toast:
To Michael Higby. Without his idea of creating this blog for Los Angeles Politics and politics beyond our city's boundaries, none of us would have met either here or in person.
Mister Higby, your health! May you live a long and full life! "Wisdom is known by her children."
Right now you can either post comments anonymously or you can sign in using a Blogger account or any OpenID account (AOL, Yahoo, etc.) (You can go to Wikipedia to read more about other OpenID providers).
Regardless of whether you comment anonymously or you sign in somehow, you have to fill out what is called a Captcha challenge (copy the funny letters). That prevents spambots from posting comments.
Also, your comment has to be approved by the moderators no matter what.
Last week we experimented with not allowing you to post comments unless you sign in to either blogger or an OpenID provider. We changed it back to allowing anonymous comments for the election to allow people who may have been posting via mobile devices, posting updates, etc. to make it easier.
However we may flip back to not allowing anonymous comments. It seems to improve the quality of the comments we receive.
Computer illiterate anonymous, come back anytime.
Next time we'll discuss phps for SEO. Or something.
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