This is the city: Los Angeles, California. I work here. I'm an ex-mayor. Los Angeles is a magnet for people from all over the world. Some of them run for public office. Inevitably some of them stray from the golden rule and rule for those that have the gold. That's when I go to work. My name is Yorty. I'm a dead pol.
You know Michael this really shows your immaturity. You read other blogs and when something political is posted they get thousands of hits on one thread. Unfortunately, here you post this crap like a high schooler and get the raunchy posts and bs. You are throwing your crediability out the window when you waste a thread on this immature stuff.
Before viewing this, I thought it was just another sordid attempt at smearing Hillary, but it's pretty funny. Not much different than what SNL does. But it's clearly a joke, not a doctored video.
It's more entertaining than a lot of the material put out on televsion by the actual political candidates.
If you didn't like such things on this blog, you can skip looking at them, or don't read the blog anymore. It doesn't have to relate to credibility as long as it doesn't come with "Latest News: Hillary Clinton Meeting with Obama on VP Running Mate Consideration."
It's just a joke and, unlike a lot of humor connected with elections, it doesn't hurt anyone as current trend of mocking humor does. The actors aren't made up to be caricatures or with hideously made-up images, and instead, are an improvement on reality.
A reasonable person would not be fooled into believe any part of this video is true.
And don't worry about maintaining Higby's credibility- no one else does.
NOW, IF you had said it was simply in bad taste, that's a whole other story, but it's still mild in that respect compared to so many other items that have been put up on this blog.
Reader's Opinion.
6:13 - this is comedy and quite frankly I am CERTAIN that all the writers, producers and performers at MadTV that worked on this piece are voting for Obama.
You need to get your liberal panties out of a bunch and stop being such a hypocrite since whenever Joe posts up some cute pro-Obama or anti-Palin joke you pee your pants laughing.
Dumb ass.
In the same way that the lenders' quest for more and more profits caused this global problem, Higby's quest for a more and more hits is what's generating this crap. Thankfully, it's not working.
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