Code of Silence?
What's this? McCain did not even arrive at Saddleback until after Obama was well into his segment with Rev. Warren?
What happened to the "Cone Of Silence" that the Reverend claimed McCain was isolated in?
Why did McCain say he was trying to "listen through the wall" when in fact he was in a Secret Service motorcade where access to Obama's answers was easily accessible?
Brace yourself for a complete lack of interest by the MSM!
Oh this is such a non-issue. First off Warren was joking about the cone of silence. McCain was in the car and then in a green room.
This is just an effort by Democrats to make up for the fact that for the most part Obama did poorly.
By the way both Obama and McCain were given some questions in advance by Warren.
And not even that made a difference for Obama.
Perhaps he'll do better next time.
Non-issue? So the cone of silence is just a joke? Cheating's okay, everyone on the inside chuckle, nudge, nudge, and meanwhile everyone on the outside actually thinks this is a serious event?
I'm surprised at you MS. I thought you were big on integrity.
Obama & McCain were only given the first 3 questions, btw.
"Obama did poorly"? Good grief, McCorpse couldn't have pandered anymore to the religious right if he had stooped down to kiss Rick Warren's purpose driven ass.
McCheater face.
Just ask Carol.
Joe and Debbie,
Nobody above the President has the final say in selecting jurists for the Supreme Court. Unless that someone is George Soros and the mad hatters at the "Daily Kook".
If someone gave each candidate "only" the first three questions, it would be a small step for someone to give McBush more questions.
This is the safest way to help a candidate. Think of all those people who speak to the media off the record and who provide infomation that isn't public. Isn't it reasonable that one of those types knew the questions and tipped off the McBush people?
This is the real world. The stakes are high. Life isn't fair.
Second, you can't judge who won based upon the reaction of those in the audience at the church or by evangelicals. The real audience was all those who viewed it or heard about it through the media. The size of that audience dwarfed whatever number of people were in the chruch. Candidates often forget this and pander to the live faces.
Cheating or not....McCain won hands down! freedom v. socialism.
I have no idea what you are talking about or how it relates to this thread, Mr. Red!
That comment is one of the reasons Team Obama is going the "Robert Scheer route" in propagating the "Cone of Silence" into some "August Surprise".
On the subject of MSM coverage, this is from the Washington Post via the Drudge Report.
Obama's Edge in the Coverage Race
By Deborah Howell
Sunday, August 17, 2008; Page B06
Democrat Barack Obama has had about a 3 to 1 advantage over Republican John McCain in Post Page 1 stories since Obama became his party's presumptive nominee June 4. Obama has generated a lot of news by being the first African American nominee, and he is less well known than McCain -- and therefore there's more to report on. But the disparity is so wide that it doesn't look good.
In overall political stories from June 4 to Friday, Obama dominated by 142 to 96. Obama has been featured in 35 stories on Page 1; McCain has been featured in 13, with three Page 1 references with photos to stories on inside pages. Fifteen stories featured both candidates and were about polls or issues such as terrorism, Social Security and the candidates' agreement on what should be done in Afghanistan.
This dovetails with Obama's dominance in photos, which I pointed out two weeks ago. At that time, it was 122 for Obama and 78 for McCain. Two weeks later, it's 143 to 100, almost the same gap, because editors have run almost the same number of photos -- 21 of Obama and 22 of McCain -- since they realized the disparity. McCain is almost even with Obama in Page 1 photos -- 10 to 9.
This is not just a Post phenomenon. The Project for Excellence in Journalism has been monitoring campaign coverage at an assortment of large and medium-circulation newspapers, broadcast evening and morning news shows, five news Web sites, three major cable news networks, and public radio and other radio outlets. Its latest report, for the week of Aug. 4-10, shows that for the eighth time in nine weeks, Obama received significantly more coverage than McCain.
Rick Warren was just on Fox News and said this is a bunch of bull (his words, not mine).
If you believe this, then you also don't trust the Secret Service, McCain, or Warren himself.
The Obama people are just upset because he (Obama) is taking a beating for his slick answers.
Warren said so himself.
Just watch the video. Warren is backpedaling now, but he sure wasn't
when this clip was made!
Let me understand you correctly.
You're accusing the author of "A Purpose Driven Life" of lying?
Just so you know, I hadn't heard of him before a few months ago, so I'm not a follower of his. I just would like to know if this is what you're saying.
Nope. Just backpedaling. Never heard of him or his book.
I just went back and view the two videos from tonights Hannity and Colmes.
First, Warren is telling it like it happen.
Second, go back and view Obama's answer on the Abortion question. It is obvious that the "Presumptive Teleprompter President" is trying to have it both ways on this question.
Third, Pastor Rick Warren has sold 30+ million copies of his book, second only to the Bible in sales.
Without splitting hairs, it sounds like you're accusing him of being disingenuous.
I'm not a religious person, and I disagree with almost all of his positions, but from what I've seen of Rick Warren this week, he comes across as a someone who is honest.
For what it's worth, his book sold 35mm copies. In the book publishing world, that's the equivalent of Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon.
Obama did fine and McCain parroted the religious party line. It was all BS in service of Rick Warren's ego and anybody who can't understand that has been drinking too much Red State Kool-Aid.
By the way, Higby & Co., all your wishful thinking won't make Cally-fornya a red state any decade soon. Your reality is surreality around here.
And what about what he says in the video posted here?
This is not about an abortion question.Why do you bring that up?
30 million books? So What?
He's still backpedaling.
The whole argument is absolutely silly. There is no proof McCain "cheated" and there is nothing to cheat at - this wasn't a debate, contest or game. It was an interview by some preacher at a giant church.
I judge Obama's poor performance based on his answers and how he responded. Often he struggled for his words. And honestly he got quite a bit of applause so you can't say he didn't have supporters in the audience.
Anyway, if this is the Obama's campaign attempt to swift-boat McCain it's pathetic. Challenge him on the issues.
Again, this whole story is silly.
By the way, I'm not a big fan of these giant churches with lots of members, whether it's evangelical or Catholic.
The Christian Church was intended to be small, independent congregations who are not supposed to amass riches but go out preach the gospel and do good works helping the less fortunate.
I'm just saying....
If you are calling it a cone of silence and you want it to be taken seriously, then follow the rules.
Don't backpedal when the rules were broken, and don't tout it as a credible event when it was obviously
a big inside joke.
nuff said!
Best comment from the video is the CNN anchor stating that his network was just trying to get the facts straight.
Remember this is CNN.
At least it wasn't Fox!
Goodnight Chet!
Again, were there rules? My understanding was this preacher interviewed both candidates at his church; CNN put it on TV.
Good night of bloggin dialog all.
KTLA had it live in addition to the Cable channels.
Red Spot:
Where did you get the number of 30 million as the number of books that Rick Warren has sold? And second to the Bible? Neither are anywhere near the truth.
If only you take a few minutes and use the Internet to do some fact checking.
Ever noticed that Evangelists tend to be fat, ugly guys who couldn't get laid if they weren't makin' their wives believe it was their "conjugal duty?"
HIGBY, plan to go into the ministry, to get laid?
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