Councilman Dennis Zine Encounters Gangbangers!
Wednesday night on The Kevin James Show, (KRLA 870 am), Councilman Dennis Zine talked about the Zine's Motion, Jamiel's Law and his recent encounter with gangbangers.
According to the Councilman, he and a walking friend were on their daily 5:00 a.m. walk through a Park, when he heard gunshots. The Councilman said that 2 gangbangers were having target practice at about 5:30 a.m on Tuesday morning of this week.
The Councilman didn't go into details about what happened to the gangbangers, but he was able to protect himself and his walking buddy. Good thing he had his gun on his morning walk. Can't walk in the parks, can't walk down the streets. Why would gangbangers think it's ok to have target practice in a Neighborhood Park? Who's protecting the innocent people?
Councilman Zine told me and my brother at Ron Kaye's event this week, "I signed the Jamiel's Law Petition". "He started gathering signatures at his July 4th event", said one of his staff members. He also told Kevin James, "I signed the Jamiel's Law Petition". We do thank Councilman Zine, for signing the Jamiel's Law Petition and for gathering signatures to get Jamiel's Law on the March 3, 2009 ballot!
The main point Councilman Zine made regarding his motion was, "Councilman Weiss, continues to hold the motion in the Public Safety Committee". Shouldn't that be against the law?
Jack Weiss is an arrogant, aloof scumbag.
He doesn't deserve to be on City Council, so let's be sure he's not elected City Attorney.
I know that there's an Assistant City Attorney named Naush who is running. No one would be worse than Weiss.
Vote NO on WEISS!!!
After hearing Zine on Kevin's show I expected to see the story on Page 1 of the la Raza Times. Maybe I missed it but I don't think la Times covered it. According to Tony V everything is just fine in Los Angeles. And Bratton...what a loser. And is Ben from yesterday's story still strutting around town?
Dennis Zine for Mayor.
If there had been some certain other council persons there taking a stroll instead of Zine, some views on crime suppression might have been changed.
And, omigosh, what if they were IAG's ("Illegal Alien Gangbangers")? Would the Zine motion be dug out of Weiss' do-nothing committee for some actions? or should I call it "the do-nothing Weiss' committee"?
Weiss is quite a slug, the worthless lump of metal or the amoebic, snail-like slime-maker, either description fits.
If it had been some certain other council persons taking that stroll by the park, there might have been some changed views on crime suppression.
And, Omigosh! What if it turned out to be "IAG's" (Illegal Alien Gangbangers)? Then some action might have happened to dig Zine's motion out of Weiss' do-nothing committee- or, the "do-nothing Weiss' " committee- and get some changes done to Sp. Order 40.
Jack Weiss is just a slug, the worthless piece of metal or the amoeba-like slime-making type, either one fits.
Good for Zine for signing the petition!
May I respectfully suggest he hold a press conference to urge others to do likewise?
Better yet, how about a press conference to urge City Council to adopt Jamiel's Law, so we won't have to gather 74,000 signatures?
Go for it, Council Member Zine! You've made a start. Don't be afraid to LEAD!
If word came out that Zine blasted two gang members I would scream "Zine for President!!
What happened to the bangers??? Didn't Zine have them arrested???
BTW, Villar is Weiss's campaign mgr! I hope the same thing happens to Weiss, as happened to Hillary...Villar is the kiss of death!
Weiss is acting like a criminal by keeping this in his committee. He's holding it hostage.
Zine is an uncouth, crude buffoon and an attention whore -- zuma dogg's spiritual brother on the Council.
What with his S&M leather getup at Gay Pride fest in WeHo, riding around on his Harley taking advantage of his being a reserve cop to try to look cool, and getting his 15-minutes of fame on his ill-conceived Paparazzi Law to protect his dream girl Britney Spears, maybe in a desperate attempt to get her to notice him (one unrequited dream he shares with Higby), he's a complete idiot.
Like Walter Moore, whose candidacy for Mayor died like a pebble thrown into Lake Michigan, he's trying now to attach his sail to anything that might keep him from fading into obscurity when his Council term ends.
But the next minute, he's talking up the Dream Act to give illegal students in-state tuition to UC colleges, whereas most Americans see them as foreign nationals jumping ahead of citizens from neighboring states. Or he'll stand up and declare that most illegals came here legally, but their visas expired so they deserve a break.
Just like his appearance behind the huge Z sign, he's a desperate attention-grabbing buffoon.
I'm in full support of keeping illegal gangbangers off the streets -- but if you deport them, they just come right back. Those like Espinoza should never have been let out of prison on a plea bargain -- but that was done by DA Steve Cooley's office, who's in charge of felonies, which includes illegal gangbangers like Espinoza caught with guns, drugs, etc. However, as his challengers Steve Ipsen and Robles, and many, many Asst. DA's too afraid of him to speak out say, he doesn't want to be bothered catching these felons and turning them over to ICE -- it's easier to plea bargain them out of jail.
He has hundreds of investigators who SHOULD be doing the work of ID'ing illegal gangbangers and, with Baca's Sheriff's office -- they're in charge of the prisons -- compiling computer lists so no one can just lie and say "I'm born in the USA" like Espinoza did, and walk.
Why don't you people and Zine go after his conservative friends, like the talk-big, do-nothing DA Cooley?
And what's to stop Sheriff Baca's officers from running checks on the inmates in their jails, and turning illegals over to ICE? Or holding spot checks for illegal licenses in East L A and anywhere in their jurisdiction? Maybe, the fact that Baca is an elected official and is pandering to the Latino vote -- of which he's a member?
Why don't you people expand your attacks, to where it's appropriate and might do some good?
Now, with all your attacks on Bratton and the Mayor, no way will anyone but buffoon Zine have anything to do with Walter Moore or anything he's associated with.
There is only one viable candidate who can beat Jack Weiss for City Attorney. His name Carmen "Nuch" Trutanich.
Nuch is a former Deputy District Attorney and now a succesful business litigator in the Harbor area of Los Angeles. He comes from a very well known and respected family in the area and has had a successful career as a lawyer.
Nuch is endorsed by Steve Cooley, Lee Baca and Dennis Zine. Reportedly, there are many other members of the LA City Council ready to endorse him at a later date, but feel they need to keep relations with Jack for the time being.
Many other public officals are already backing him as well; here's the website, if you are interested:
I know him personally and he is a stand up guy. He will have the funds to give Jack a fight, but can use all the help he can get, especially now.
Weiss is doing what Antonio the gang banger mayor wants him to do. Not push it through.
Doesn't surprise me though there's been a report from back in 2003 from the CAO on how to streamline the event waivers and save the city money.Guess what??? Its been sitting in Parks Budget Finance committee all this time and not one idiot has asked that it be sent to the full floor. This is how they do business in city hall. I'm sure if a lot of people rallied to demand the motion be sent to the full floor it should be done. Where the hell is David Z on this???
Let's see 1 in 4 students are dropping out and this lame ass wants more money. What a fool!!!
Mayor works with charter-school advocates to get measure on ballot.
Here's what happens to illegal criminals in South Carolina. Some states and cities don't have a problem enforcing the laws of the land.
"COLUMBIA — One of two illegal immigrants charged with smuggling a teenage girl into South Carolina and forcing her into prostitution was sentenced Friday to more than 14 years in prison.
Jesus Perez-Laguna also was ordered to pay $52,500 in restitution during a federal court hearing in Columbia, the U.S. Justice Department said. U.S. District Judge Joseph F. Anderson Jr. also ordered that he be deported after his release and never be allowed to re-enter the United States."
I'm going off topic. It's a Saturday in July. What the hell.
Before you head to the beach this morning, or, God forbid, the Neighborhood Council confab at LA City College, take a few minutes and go to and listen to the Olney interview of the mayor (it's also on Mayor Sam), then watch the video of his speech last Monday in front of City Hall.
Who sounds like the stronger leader? If Antonio promises to "roll up his sleeves" once more, I think I'll shoot myself.
Interesting that some blog commentators praised Olney for being tough. In reality, he let the mayor get away with murder. Maybe he didn't see the obvious follow-up questions he failed to ask, or maybe he was just being merciful. Either way, the guy who runs this city should be forced to explain himself before he's given a second term.
This interview does, however, make clear why our mayor is scouring the country for campaign contributions to keep challengers out of the race. You can only promise to "roll up your sleeves" and tackle the job for so long, before somebody asks what exactly you've accomplished for the people who put you in office. The mayor wants to avoid that debate. You should demand it.
10:22 A.M. Go buy the gun and write the goodbye note.
Antonio is coming back to roll up his sleeves and get elected; he's a past master at that endeavor.
But, alas, you won't be there to cast your vote for him, because you will have shot yourself many, many times over.
I suggest that if you insist on shooting yourself that you use a very fine, short needle and a vitamin mixture to help your health, rather than the easy way out of a medium caliber weapon, such as a Glock 9MM or a service 38.
Shit, I didn't say he wasn't going to win. For what he's paying you guys, he better. But please, give him another line. And tell him lay off of the late-night glass of wine, no matter the vintage, and to get some freaking sleep. He sounded like he was going to pass out during the Olney interview.
they are going to investigate this corrupted midget mayor, so poster
you may not have to shoot your self
because that midget is going to do it too himself once this investigation starts!
Sorry, but Zine looks like a complete dufus standing there with that sign, his big bald head is so huge and kind of neanderthal looking. And when he and LaBonge open their mouths, it's blue-collar all the way -- definitely not ready for prime time players. Joined by whiny, swings-like-a-pendulum to agree with whoever he's talking to Bill, they sure give white guys a bad name.
They're almost as bad representatives of their kind as the Mexicans -- Alarcon the Communist, Special Ed TJ in the Hills Reyes, and Tony Soprano Cardenas. And for black people, we have Perry and Parks with their unintentionally funny black-speak, where they add syllables to words to "to sound smart" or misunderstand common metaphors and get all insulted, and get easily bruised about their "dignity" when they're the ones who were wrong. (That goes for the Mexicans, too.)
BUT looking back on the Council years, remember it used to be lesbo socialist Jackie Goldberg with Alarcon, in the late 80's and 90's, coming up with brilliant ideas like giving every illegal taco stand vendor a $5,000 loan to make them "legal businessowners." And we wonder how we got to where we are today? Hard as it is to believe, Alarcon seems upset that i'ts NOT as easy as it used to be to sneak stuff past the taxpayers, like that AB212 Fuentes he and Cardenas and Padilla backed. The good ole' days under Alatorre, Hernandez etc. used to be even worse.
So, just who is going to investigate the The Mayor? The FBI, CIA, The 80 Fake Neighborhood Watches Police?
All you CD 14 Antonio Haters are so blinded by your hate, it almost borders on maniacal.
Can he do no right?
On his worst day, Antonio Villaraigosa is a better Mayor than Jimmy Hahn ever was on his best day (Which some say was the day he didn't renew Chief Parks' term for a second five years) Some say that "best day" was that day that cost him the support of the entire portion of the population that elected him.
I have no idea what they would be investigating this Mayor for. His Commissioners are prohibited from raising money for him and those that skirt the prohibition find themselves not reappointed. The absence of corruption, or even a hint of it by his administration has been clear to all.
Zanhiser has moved from a sleepy little rag to a big rag, and he can hardly fill his column with even a strong hint of corruption.
Hell, even Mayor Hahn's own sister, still full of rage at the Villaraigosa admistration about her Jimmy Boy's political demise, could only find some untrue B.S. about Gina Marie Lindsey to try to smear him with. That effort backfired in her face, and she ended up praising the lady (after she had trashed her from one end of the airport to the other).
No, my CD 14 bitter friend, there is no "investigation" and there is no "corruption" going one in this administration. If you knew about any, we all know you'd be posting it for all of us and the world to see.
So, why don't you just shut up and drink your beer, while the adults continue to run this city and grow it, providing jobs to your friends and relatives so they can fund your unemployement checks.
12:29All you CD 14 Antonio Haters are so blinded by your hate, it almost borders on maniacal.
YOU'RE KIDDING RIGHT? If you think its only CD14 people who don't support Antonio you need to get a hold of those poll numbers Ace Smith is hiding from everyone. Antonio's approval rating is way down. He gets cordial welcomes now wherever he goes. People aren't cheering like they did when he first got in office. Its citywide how disappointed people are because the only thing this Mayor has done is raise TAXES and continue to RAISE taxes. He hasn't had a creative idea in that little brain of his.
Zine standing there with that sign looks, from a distance, like he's one of those old guys begging for "work for food." Well, better than standing there behind his giant Z sign, or they'd assume he escaped from Skid Row and the loony bin.
5:14 AM--
First campaign or something?
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