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Sunday, May 04, 2008

Sunday Morning Musings........

The "Five Kings and Queens of Los Angeles County".
The battle to replace "Queen Burke of Brentwood" takes up column inches on all things Bernard Parks, in the Sunday "OLD GREY HAG ON SPRING STREET". The two candidates assumed the position on their respective soapboxs, one made with union labor, and the other bought by business, to discuss the issues germaine to the District Two race.
"Ironman" goes for $201,000,000., beating Will Smith and Jesus. Nikki Finke has the details.

Our former "BLOGGIN MENTOR OF MAYOR SAM" has the commentary on the tragedy that was yesterday's Kentucky Derby.

Continuing on all things animals, Ron Kaye shares his little sanctuary of nature and somewhere out there is someone who truly is sick, evil, and demented. That person is the one who callously shot and killed three Elephant Seals just north of Hearst Castle.

Many of you will surely take a detour away from politics and watch "MVP" Kobe Bryant and the Lakers "go roundball" on the Utah Jazz at 12:30. But can we have a dialog on those perishing car flags??

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Anonymous Anonymous said:

Just watched Conan Nolan's "News Conference" on Channel 4...His guest was Rick Caruso and they were having an informal chat at the Glendale Americana....

Sounds to me like Rick Caruso is GOING TO RUN FOR MAYOR! Great news! He made a special point of saying that we don't need career politicians who only worry about getting re-elected; that they might need to go out and get a real job someday! He said " people who have been great leaders, like Schwarzenegger and Bloomberg, have not had to worry about getting a job because they know they can go back to the private sector and earn a living".

When asked about running for mayor, he said his family is his priority right now, but if the right opportunity comes along, and the timing is right...it might be something he might do.

I'll bet Tony V. is shivering in his boots right now! And he must be praying that Hillary is elected! Either way, I think we will have a Mayor Caruso next year! Hurray!

May 04, 2008 11:06 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Houston Rockets?!?

Come on you F*in moron!

May 04, 2008 11:07 AM  

Blogger Red Spot in CD 14 said:

This "moron" is still dazed from the "De La Joka" fight.

May 04, 2008 11:21 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Why would some jack ass come over here and post the entire Mayor Sam post over again.

NO TO CARUSO. We don't need billionaire developers. How is they could be better than career politicians??

I heard on the radio this morning that there has been record-breaking fundraising for Mark Ridley-Thomas on behalf of the unions since Bernie is so pro-business. Go Mark!

May 04, 2008 2:05 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

I can't stand Bernie, his personality and opposition to LAPD and Bratton always looked jealous (but Bratton's seeming like an arrogant prick these days, too, so they deserve each other) -- BUT I never thought I'd agree with Maxine Waters on anything, but she's right that at least he's not being bought by the unions.

Ridley-Thomas supports the LAX-area living wage, which is wrong, not the rightful business of the lefties on Council like Rosendahl and Hahn to dictate those wages for illegals, trying to pander to the illegal "votes." Parks is right, that it's wrong: Joel Kotkin's article today focuses on how dumb it is that L A isn't focusing on attracting business, instead of losing it with onerous regs and taxes. (However, he seems to support the Mayor's position, that raids on sweatshops, because they employ so many workers in L A., are bad for business. -- Screw that, what about attracting legal businesses which employ Americans?)

I'm only interested in which of the County Supes will blow less of our money, so if that's Parks, I'll hold my nose and say go, Bernie.

What else is to recommend R-T? What's he done that would show he isn't a tax and spend, union- pandering, liberal? (Kotkin quotes the Mayor saying that if he'd known how bad our budget crisis would be back in August, he would have vetoed the union raises. HOW DUMB CAN THESE PEOPLE BE, THERE'S BEEN A REAL ESTATE DOWNTURN FOR A YEAR?

Who's advising them? NOBODY is the answer: we're he only city with NO person/ office in charge of attracting business and analyzing and forecasting trends. So it's been left upto the liberal idiots and Mexican and black panderers to dominate City Council spending.)

May 04, 2008 6:38 PM  

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